import QtQuick 2.10 import QtQuick.Window 2.3 import Qt.labs.platform 1.0 as Platform // To be run with qml, not qmlscene... Window { id: window width: 640 height: 480 visible: true Platform.MenuBar { Platform.Menu { id: fileMenu objectName: "fileMenu" title: qsTr("File") Platform.MenuItem { text: qsTr("New") } Platform.MenuItem { text: qsTr("Open") } Platform.MenuItem { text: qsTr("Save") } } Platform.Menu { title: qsTr("Edit") Platform.MenuItem { text: qsTr("Undo") } Platform.MenuItem { text: qsTr("Redo") } Platform.MenuSeparator {} Platform.MenuItem { text: qsTr("Copy") } Platform.MenuItem { text: qsTr("Paste") } Platform.MenuSeparator {} Platform.MenuItem { text: qsTr("Select All") } Platform.MenuSeparator {} Platform.MenuItem { text: qsTr("Flip Horizontally") } Platform.MenuItem { text: qsTr("Flip Vertically") } } } }