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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-114697

qmlls fills editor with undismissable false warnings at project startup





      • When a new project is generated with qmlls enabled, the editor is filled with false warnings. The amount of warning text is greater than the amount of actual code, which looks quite bad.
      • "Tools" > "QML/JS" > "Reset Code Model" does not work. Clicking this should cause a full rescan of the code.



      I had checked "Edit" > "Preferences..." > "Qt Quick" > "QML/JS Editing" > "Always use latest qmlls"

      I have many different kits installed, including the Qt 6.6.0 snapshot. However, when I hover my mouse over the Language Server icon on the Editor toolbar (https://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-coding-navigating.html#managing-language-servers ), I see that Qt Creator had selected C:\Qt\6.5.1\Boot2Qt\raspberrypi4-64\toolchain\sysroots\x86_64-w64-mingw32\usr\bin\qmlls.exe instead of C:\Qt\6.6.0\msvc2019_64\bin\qmlls.exe


      Partial Workaround

      When I uncheck "Always use latest qmlls" and create a new project using my Desktop MSVC kit, Qt Creator uses C:\Qt\6.5.1\msvc2019_64\bin\qmlls.exe and the issue doesn't occur.


      Further observations

      • It looks like C:\Qt\6.5.1\Boot2Qt\raspberrypi4-64\toolchain\sysroots\x86_64-w64-mingw32\usr\bin\qmlls.exe is problematic. The workaround above works for my Desktop kit, but the issue comes back when I create a new project for my Boot2Qt kit.
      • It seems like the "Restart Qmlls" menu item actually shuts down qmlls without restarting it, and the current document does not get re-scanned. We need to open another QML file to actually get it restarted (See the "Inspect Language Clients" log)


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              semih.yavuz Semih Yavuz
              skoh-qt Sze Howe Koh
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