Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Components Summary Assignee P Status Resolution Fix Version/s Votes Development
Technical task QTTA-323 QtGP: General

QTTA-319 QtGP 1.2 documentation publishing

Topi Reiniƶ P2: Important Reported Unresolved QtGP 1.2 0
Technical task QTTA-322  

QTTA-319 Blog post

Rami Potinkara P2: Important Reported Unresolved QtGP 1.1 1
Technical task QTTA-321 QtGP: General

QTTA-319 Publishing the deliverables

Rami Potinkara P2: Important Reported Unresolved QtGP 1.1 1
Technical task QTTA-320 QtGP: General

QTTA-319 Release tests

Olli Vuolteenaho P2: Important In Progress Unresolved QtGP 1.2 1
