Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 10k model, MSAA OFF #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 33.83 Minimum FPS: 29 Maximum FPS: 44 Minimum Frame Time: 15.020468711853027 Maximum Frame Time: 60.55624771118164 Minimum Render Time: 0.38427162170410156 Maximum Render Time: 4.2545318603515625 Minimum Sync Time: 0.05682182312011719 Maximum Sync Time: 0.5663528442382812 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 10k model, MSAA OFF #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 33.97 Minimum FPS: 28 Maximum FPS: 46 Minimum Frame Time: 16.605937957763672 Maximum Frame Time: 56.08359146118164 Minimum Render Time: 1.075103759765625 Maximum Render Time: 6.082969665527344 Minimum Sync Time: 0.14942550659179688 Maximum Sync Time: 0.5982818603515625 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 10k model, MSAA OFF #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 33.92 Minimum FPS: 29 Maximum FPS: 45 Minimum Frame Time: 19.191980361938477 Maximum Frame Time: 45.843753814697266 Minimum Render Time: 1.07672119140625 Maximum Render Time: 6.739166259765625 Minimum Sync Time: 0.1537494659423828 Maximum Sync Time: 1.2429676055908203 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 50k model, MSAA OFF #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 17.13 Minimum FPS: 14 Maximum FPS: 35 Minimum Frame Time: 24.20932388305664 Maximum Frame Time: 142.86395263671875 Minimum Render Time: 0.7013587951660156 Maximum Render Time: 12.165103912353516 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06557083129882812 Maximum Sync Time: 0.8076057434082031 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 50k model, MSAA OFF #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 16.83 Minimum FPS: 14 Maximum FPS: 21 Minimum Frame Time: 42.085208892822266 Maximum Frame Time: 128.06234741210938 Minimum Render Time: 0.7306365966796875 Maximum Render Time: 7.566200256347656 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06510162353515625 Maximum Sync Time: 0.5763015747070312 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 50k model, MSAA OFF #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 16.79 Minimum FPS: 14 Maximum FPS: 22 Minimum Frame Time: 42.161720275878906 Maximum Frame Time: 119.59677124023438 Minimum Render Time: 2.0500030517578125 Maximum Render Time: 10.207077026367188 Minimum Sync Time: 0.17521286010742188 Maximum Sync Time: 0.7786483764648438 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 100k model, MSAA OFF #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 16.60 Minimum FPS: 13 Maximum FPS: 25 Minimum Frame Time: 10.240468978881836 Maximum Frame Time: 127.2497329711914 Minimum Render Time: 1.0360422134399414 Maximum Render Time: 12.535881042480469 Minimum Sync Time: 0.1691131591796875 Maximum Sync Time: 0.5412483215332031 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 100k model, MSAA OFF #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 16.54 Minimum FPS: 14 Maximum FPS: 24 Minimum Frame Time: 34.59354019165039 Maximum Frame Time: 112.932861328125 Minimum Render Time: 2.0613021850585938 Maximum Render Time: 7.949790954589844 Minimum Sync Time: 0.17421722412109375 Maximum Sync Time: 0.6094779968261719 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 100k model, MSAA OFF #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 16.55 Minimum FPS: 13 Maximum FPS: 25 Minimum Frame Time: 35.9196891784668 Maximum Frame Time: 122.41535949707031 Minimum Render Time: 2.065624237060547 Maximum Render Time: 17.532546997070312 Minimum Sync Time: 0.1760406494140625 Maximum Sync Time: 0.7804679870605469 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 10k model, MSAA OFF #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 40.06 Minimum FPS: 16 Maximum FPS: 53 Minimum Frame Time: 15.65463638305664 Maximum Frame Time: 187.5682830810547 Minimum Render Time: 0.35500144958496094 Maximum Render Time: 125.85922241210938 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06182289123535156 Maximum Sync Time: 0.4992694854736328 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 10k model, MSAA OFF #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 40.02 Minimum FPS: 34 Maximum FPS: 49 Minimum Frame Time: 14.949167251586914 Maximum Frame Time: 94.83599090576172 Minimum Render Time: 0.3680744171142578 Maximum Render Time: 5.684947967529297 Minimum Sync Time: 0.063385009765625 Maximum Sync Time: 1.4071893692016602 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 10k model, MSAA OFF #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 40.31 Minimum FPS: 34 Maximum FPS: 55 Minimum Frame Time: 13.817604064941406 Maximum Frame Time: 54.427085876464844 Minimum Render Time: 1.0155181884765625 Maximum Render Time: 3.214324951171875 Minimum Sync Time: 0.15937423706054688 Maximum Sync Time: 0.44119834899902344 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 50k model, MSAA OFF #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 20.17 Minimum FPS: 18 Maximum FPS: 40 Minimum Frame Time: 6.954322814941406 Maximum Frame Time: 78.19135284423828 Minimum Render Time: 0.640625 Maximum Render Time: 3.2948951721191406 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06463241577148438 Maximum Sync Time: 0.23437881469726562 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 50k model, MSAA OFF #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 19.77 Minimum FPS: 17 Maximum FPS: 23 Minimum Frame Time: 39.34187698364258 Maximum Frame Time: 63.52062225341797 Minimum Render Time: 0.6398429870605469 Maximum Render Time: 2.9448394775390625 Minimum Sync Time: 0.0637969970703125 Maximum Sync Time: 0.2660942077636719 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 50k model, MSAA OFF #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 19.76 Minimum FPS: 18 Maximum FPS: 23 Minimum Frame Time: 38.61166763305664 Maximum Frame Time: 73.07838439941406 Minimum Render Time: 0.6371345520019531 Maximum Render Time: 3.717395782470703 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06557083129882812 Maximum Sync Time: 0.24770736694335938 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 100k model, MSAA OFF #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 21.56 Minimum FPS: 17 Maximum FPS: 27 Minimum Frame Time: 30.46302032470703 Maximum Frame Time: 91.8297348022461 Minimum Render Time: 0.6659889221191406 Maximum Render Time: 9.51150894165039 Minimum Sync Time: 0.07338333129882812 Maximum Sync Time: 14.488018035888672 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 100k model, MSAA OFF #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 21.63 Minimum FPS: 17 Maximum FPS: 26 Minimum Frame Time: 33.59734344482422 Maximum Frame Time: 75.73452758789062 Minimum Render Time: 1.8375015258789062 Maximum Render Time: 9.192031860351562 Minimum Sync Time: 0.15770721435546875 Maximum Sync Time: 0.36978912353515625 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 100k model, MSAA OFF #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 21.58 Minimum FPS: 17 Maximum FPS: 26 Minimum Frame Time: 28.04833221435547 Maximum Frame Time: 92.57218170166016 Minimum Render Time: 1.8458328247070312 Maximum Render Time: 6.6587982177734375 Minimum Sync Time: 0.14546966552734375 Maximum Sync Time: 0.9067726135253906 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame.