Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 10k model, MSAA OFF #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 36.09 Minimum FPS: 1 Maximum FPS: 60 Minimum Frame Time: 5.64338493347168 Maximum Frame Time: 55.30619812011719 Minimum Render Time: 0.3616142272949219 Maximum Render Time: 1.4722919464111328 Minimum Sync Time: 0.05328369140625 Maximum Sync Time: 0.3531761169433594 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 10k model, MSAA OFF #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 40.87 Minimum FPS: 36 Maximum FPS: 59 Minimum Frame Time: 13.822396278381348 Maximum Frame Time: 54.019065856933594 Minimum Render Time: 0.37067604064941406 Maximum Render Time: 1.2055740356445312 Minimum Sync Time: 0.05687713623046875 Maximum Sync Time: 0.2545814514160156 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 10k model, MSAA OFF #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 41.05 Minimum FPS: 36 Maximum FPS: 60 Minimum Frame Time: 14.680313110351562 Maximum Frame Time: 45.85494613647461 Minimum Render Time: 0.37026023864746094 Maximum Render Time: 1.7566165924072266 Minimum Sync Time: 0.0543212890625 Maximum Sync Time: 0.23083114624023438 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 50k model, MSAA OFF #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 19.70 Minimum FPS: 15 Maximum FPS: 39 Minimum Frame Time: 26.81692886352539 Maximum Frame Time: 136.21401977539062 Minimum Render Time: 0.6666164398193359 Maximum Render Time: 2.4481277465820312 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06499862670898438 Maximum Sync Time: 0.3015632629394531 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 50k model, MSAA OFF #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 19.45 Minimum FPS: 16 Maximum FPS: 30 Minimum Frame Time: 31.803436279296875 Maximum Frame Time: 71.74989318847656 Minimum Render Time: 0.6957321166992188 Maximum Render Time: 7.075679779052734 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06609725952148438 Maximum Sync Time: 0.3177642822265625 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 50k model, MSAA OFF #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 19.42 Minimum FPS: 16 Maximum FPS: 30 Minimum Frame Time: 20.369895935058594 Maximum Frame Time: 76.31494140625 Minimum Render Time: 0.6413536071777344 Maximum Render Time: 3.0991172790527344 Minimum Sync Time: 0.0647430419921875 Maximum Sync Time: 0.1707305908203125 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 100k model, MSAA OFF #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 17.56 Minimum FPS: 14 Maximum FPS: 22 Minimum Frame Time: 34.93708419799805 Maximum Frame Time: 94.50135040283203 Minimum Render Time: 0.6995315551757812 Maximum Render Time: 3.4751510620117188 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06443023681640625 Maximum Sync Time: 38.313751220703125 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 100k model, MSAA OFF #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 17.52 Minimum FPS: 14 Maximum FPS: 22 Minimum Frame Time: 44.91973876953125 Maximum Frame Time: 127.43682098388672 Minimum Render Time: 0.7003631591796875 Maximum Render Time: 2.5917205810546875 Minimum Sync Time: 0.062343597412109375 Maximum Sync Time: 0.22645950317382812 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 100k model, MSAA OFF #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 17.51 Minimum FPS: 14 Maximum FPS: 22 Minimum Frame Time: 42.09421920776367 Maximum Frame Time: 110.41473388671875 Minimum Render Time: 0.8795318603515625 Maximum Render Time: 27.216819763183594 Minimum Sync Time: 0.07485198974609375 Maximum Sync Time: 0.6947898864746094 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 10k model, MSAA OFF #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 47.10 Minimum FPS: 18 Maximum FPS: 60 Minimum Frame Time: 12.433280944824219 Maximum Frame Time: 58.262603759765625 Minimum Render Time: 0.34974098205566406 Maximum Render Time: 3.4560394287109375 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06213569641113281 Maximum Sync Time: 14.088546752929688 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 10k model, MSAA OFF #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 47.55 Minimum FPS: 37 Maximum FPS: 61 Minimum Frame Time: 14.023073196411133 Maximum Frame Time: 127.70687103271484 Minimum Render Time: 0.3468761444091797 Maximum Render Time: 1.0644283294677734 Minimum Sync Time: 0.058959007263183594 Maximum Sync Time: 0.2594795227050781 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 10k model, MSAA OFF #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 45.46 Minimum FPS: 36 Maximum FPS: 60 Minimum Frame Time: 12.839165687561035 Maximum Frame Time: 74.03312683105469 Minimum Render Time: 0.3466682434082031 Maximum Render Time: 1.2204170227050781 Minimum Sync Time: 0.0627593994140625 Maximum Sync Time: 0.29354286193847656 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 50k model, MSAA OFF #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 26.01 Minimum FPS: 21 Maximum FPS: 40 Minimum Frame Time: 23.912708282470703 Maximum Frame Time: 121.95599365234375 Minimum Render Time: 0.5923442840576172 Maximum Render Time: 5.464893341064453 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06692886352539062 Maximum Sync Time: 0.5810928344726562 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 50k model, MSAA OFF #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 25.80 Minimum FPS: 22 Maximum FPS: 32 Minimum Frame Time: 29.70359230041504 Maximum Frame Time: 62.49057388305664 Minimum Render Time: 1.79827880859375 Maximum Render Time: 8.901876449584961 Minimum Sync Time: 0.16375350952148438 Maximum Sync Time: 2.0101051330566406 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 50k model, MSAA OFF #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 25.71 Minimum FPS: 22 Maximum FPS: 31 Minimum Frame Time: 28.563697814941406 Maximum Frame Time: 58.38119888305664 Minimum Render Time: 1.8079185485839844 Maximum Render Time: 7.790000915527344 Minimum Sync Time: 0.165313720703125 Maximum Sync Time: 1.7353096008300781 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 100k model, MSAA OFF #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 23.29 Minimum FPS: 19 Maximum FPS: 31 Minimum Frame Time: 27.40510368347168 Maximum Frame Time: 83.14692687988281 Minimum Render Time: 1.8503646850585938 Maximum Render Time: 14.653907775878906 Minimum Sync Time: 0.15172195434570312 Maximum Sync Time: 0.6389617919921875 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 100k model, MSAA OFF #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 23.24 Minimum FPS: 19 Maximum FPS: 31 Minimum Frame Time: 28.05791664123535 Maximum Frame Time: 82.61333465576172 Minimum Render Time: 1.855682373046875 Maximum Render Time: 13.721981048583984 Minimum Sync Time: 0.1636962890625 Maximum Sync Time: 0.8324966430664062 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 100k model, MSAA OFF #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 23.29 Minimum FPS: 19 Maximum FPS: 32 Minimum Frame Time: 22.4282283782959 Maximum Frame Time: 53.95703125 Minimum Render Time: 1.8492698669433594 Maximum Render Time: 7.7534332275390625 Minimum Sync Time: 0.15937423706054688 Maximum Sync Time: 0.4517707824707031 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: OFF (None) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame.