Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 10k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 32.74 Minimum FPS: 29 Maximum FPS: 37 Minimum Frame Time: 9.125519752502441 Maximum Frame Time: 48.171302795410156 Minimum Render Time: 0.3817176818847656 Maximum Render Time: 2.987030029296875 Minimum Sync Time: 0.062397003173828125 Maximum Sync Time: 0.3095817565917969 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 10k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 32.77 Minimum FPS: 28 Maximum FPS: 37 Minimum Frame Time: 22.861772537231445 Maximum Frame Time: 56.68119812011719 Minimum Render Time: 0.39031219482421875 Maximum Render Time: 3.008331298828125 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06031036376953125 Maximum Sync Time: 0.33286285400390625 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 10k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 32.85 Minimum FPS: 29 Maximum FPS: 38 Minimum Frame Time: 19.83937644958496 Maximum Frame Time: 57.390625 Minimum Render Time: 0.38437461853027344 Maximum Render Time: 1.8059883117675781 Minimum Sync Time: 0.059894561767578125 Maximum Sync Time: 0.23520851135253906 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 50k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 17.17 Minimum FPS: 15 Maximum FPS: 38 Minimum Frame Time: 5.174895763397217 Maximum Frame Time: 81.25244903564453 Minimum Render Time: 0.7015113830566406 Maximum Render Time: 4.6757354736328125 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06781005859375 Maximum Sync Time: 0.3724479675292969 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 50k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 16.78 Minimum FPS: 15 Maximum FPS: 25 Minimum Frame Time: 37.59244918823242 Maximum Frame Time: 94.36400604248047 Minimum Render Time: 2.0692176818847656 Maximum Render Time: 7.139064788818359 Minimum Sync Time: 0.1602630615234375 Maximum Sync Time: 1.2657279968261719 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 50k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 16.78 Minimum FPS: 15 Maximum FPS: 25 Minimum Frame Time: 31.651979446411133 Maximum Frame Time: 83.83573150634766 Minimum Render Time: 2.1233291625976562 Maximum Render Time: 9.847915649414062 Minimum Sync Time: 0.16926956176757812 Maximum Sync Time: 0.7952079772949219 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 100k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 12.11 Minimum FPS: 10 Maximum FPS: 20 Minimum Frame Time: 10.958958625793457 Maximum Frame Time: 100.91020965576172 Minimum Render Time: 0.7157745361328125 Maximum Render Time: 3.4643211364746094 Minimum Sync Time: 0.0675048828125 Maximum Sync Time: 0.2865142822265625 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 100k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 12.03 Minimum FPS: 10 Maximum FPS: 20 Minimum Frame Time: 51.29234313964844 Maximum Frame Time: 116.11796569824219 Minimum Render Time: 0.750091552734375 Maximum Render Time: 11.732917785644531 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06900787353515625 Maximum Sync Time: 0.6403121948242188 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 100k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 12.01 Minimum FPS: 10 Maximum FPS: 19 Minimum Frame Time: 50.40989685058594 Maximum Frame Time: 140.20375061035156 Minimum Render Time: 2.1285476684570312 Maximum Render Time: 7.615684509277344 Minimum Sync Time: 0.17844390869140625 Maximum Sync Time: 0.7222442626953125 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 10k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 34.14 Minimum FPS: 12 Maximum FPS: 40 Minimum Frame Time: 21.709375381469727 Maximum Frame Time: 178.31161499023438 Minimum Render Time: 0.3590126037597656 Maximum Render Time: 102.00422668457031 Minimum Sync Time: 0.063385009765625 Maximum Sync Time: 0.2598419189453125 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 10k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 34.67 Minimum FPS: 31 Maximum FPS: 40 Minimum Frame Time: 7.129687786102295 Maximum Frame Time: 62.288753509521484 Minimum Render Time: 0.3562469482421875 Maximum Render Time: 1.5600509643554688 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06374931335449219 Maximum Sync Time: 0.20531082153320312 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 10k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 34.72 Minimum FPS: 32 Maximum FPS: 40 Minimum Frame Time: 22.427291870117188 Maximum Frame Time: 61.089324951171875 Minimum Render Time: 0.3638038635253906 Maximum Render Time: 1.1140632629394531 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06302070617675781 Maximum Sync Time: 0.2355213165283203 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 50k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 17.39 Minimum FPS: 15 Maximum FPS: 36 Minimum Frame Time: 26.92088508605957 Maximum Frame Time: 81.09911346435547 Minimum Render Time: 0.6052608489990234 Maximum Render Time: 7.633907318115234 Minimum Sync Time: 0.09208297729492188 Maximum Sync Time: 0.5788040161132812 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 50k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 17.07 Minimum FPS: 15 Maximum FPS: 20 Minimum Frame Time: 45.06599044799805 Maximum Frame Time: 75.3168716430664 Minimum Render Time: 1.8554153442382812 Maximum Render Time: 6.332233428955078 Minimum Sync Time: 0.175262451171875 Maximum Sync Time: 0.4737510681152344 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 50k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 17.05 Minimum FPS: 15 Maximum FPS: 20 Minimum Frame Time: 43.46989440917969 Maximum Frame Time: 81.25375366210938 Minimum Render Time: 1.8504180908203125 Maximum Render Time: 9.611198425292969 Minimum Sync Time: 0.1780242919921875 Maximum Sync Time: 1.1892204284667969 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 100k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 15.70 Minimum FPS: 13 Maximum FPS: 20 Minimum Frame Time: 48.57817459106445 Maximum Frame Time: 105.73906707763672 Minimum Render Time: 1.8777084350585938 Maximum Render Time: 8.872291564941406 Minimum Sync Time: 0.1729736328125 Maximum Sync Time: 0.6282272338867188 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 100k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 15.63 Minimum FPS: 13 Maximum FPS: 20 Minimum Frame Time: 49.36724090576172 Maximum Frame Time: 100.9042739868164 Minimum Render Time: 1.8627090454101562 Maximum Render Time: 7.752864837646484 Minimum Sync Time: 0.18109893798828125 Maximum Sync Time: 1.4209365844726562 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 100k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 15.66 Minimum FPS: 13 Maximum FPS: 20 Minimum Frame Time: 45.9638557434082 Maximum Frame Time: 86.83448028564453 Minimum Render Time: 1.89166259765625 Maximum Render Time: 9.312240600585938 Minimum Sync Time: 0.1776580810546875 Maximum Sync Time: 1.3894805908203125 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame.