Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 10k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 30.52 Minimum FPS: 26 Maximum FPS: 34 Minimum Frame Time: 17.56234359741211 Maximum Frame Time: 52.51203155517578 Minimum Render Time: 0.401824951171875 Maximum Render Time: 4.365627288818359 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06698226928710938 Maximum Sync Time: 0.7062473297119141 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 10k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 30.49 Minimum FPS: 26 Maximum FPS: 34 Minimum Frame Time: 19.65557289123535 Maximum Frame Time: 48.41619873046875 Minimum Render Time: 1.1121864318847656 Maximum Render Time: 3.707761764526367 Minimum Sync Time: 0.1630725860595703 Maximum Sync Time: 0.71270751953125 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 10k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 30.42 Minimum FPS: 26 Maximum FPS: 34 Minimum Frame Time: 19.354270935058594 Maximum Frame Time: 55.69869613647461 Minimum Render Time: 0.4290657043457031 Maximum Render Time: 3.630939483642578 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06411361694335938 Maximum Sync Time: 0.7473945617675781 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 50k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 11.57 Minimum FPS: 10 Maximum FPS: 30 Minimum Frame Time: 6.064218044281006 Maximum Frame Time: 116.25952911376953 Minimum Render Time: 0.7047958374023438 Maximum Render Time: 8.355522155761719 Minimum Sync Time: 0.0694732666015625 Maximum Sync Time: 1.2534942626953125 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 50k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 11.19 Minimum FPS: 10 Maximum FPS: 13 Minimum Frame Time: 72.8245849609375 Maximum Frame Time: 131.47547912597656 Minimum Render Time: 1.7522964477539062 Maximum Render Time: 9.830314636230469 Minimum Sync Time: 0.17452239990234375 Maximum Sync Time: 0.8478622436523438 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 50k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 11.21 Minimum FPS: 10 Maximum FPS: 13 Minimum Frame Time: 72.20875549316406 Maximum Frame Time: 112.86323547363281 Minimum Render Time: 2.0961990356445312 Maximum Render Time: 23.805206298828125 Minimum Sync Time: 0.172393798828125 Maximum Sync Time: 0.5754165649414062 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 100k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 12.85 Minimum FPS: 10 Maximum FPS: 18 Minimum Frame Time: 56.387813568115234 Maximum Frame Time: 151.17593383789062 Minimum Render Time: 0.7175521850585938 Maximum Render Time: 7.3538970947265625 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06995391845703125 Maximum Sync Time: 0.4662513732910156 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 100k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 12.92 Minimum FPS: 10 Maximum FPS: 17 Minimum Frame Time: 56.199214935302734 Maximum Frame Time: 110.34859466552734 Minimum Render Time: 1.2704696655273438 Maximum Render Time: 8.25604248046875 Minimum Sync Time: 0.10582733154296875 Maximum Sync Time: 0.5695343017578125 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 100k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 12.91 Minimum FPS: 10 Maximum FPS: 17 Minimum Frame Time: 51.09192657470703 Maximum Frame Time: 107.49104309082031 Minimum Render Time: 2.1251564025878906 Maximum Render Time: 7.1329193115234375 Minimum Sync Time: 0.17900848388671875 Maximum Sync Time: 0.5588035583496094 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 10k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 36.74 Minimum FPS: 13 Maximum FPS: 40 Minimum Frame Time: 21.538854598999023 Maximum Frame Time: 162.60037231445312 Minimum Render Time: 0.3656768798828125 Maximum Render Time: 63.83927917480469 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06739616394042969 Maximum Sync Time: 0.6077594757080078 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 10k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 37.47 Minimum FPS: 35 Maximum FPS: 40 Minimum Frame Time: 19.233123779296875 Maximum Frame Time: 48.551513671875 Minimum Render Time: 1.008544921875 Maximum Render Time: 3.301717758178711 Minimum Sync Time: 0.16786575317382812 Maximum Sync Time: 0.5302600860595703 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 10k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 37.44 Minimum FPS: 35 Maximum FPS: 40 Minimum Frame Time: 22.04088592529297 Maximum Frame Time: 43.439273834228516 Minimum Render Time: 1.02520751953125 Maximum Render Time: 3.3609390258789062 Minimum Sync Time: 0.1687488555908203 Maximum Sync Time: 4.301509857177734 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 50k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 17.77 Minimum FPS: 14 Maximum FPS: 40 Minimum Frame Time: 5.993072986602783 Maximum Frame Time: 100.93750762939453 Minimum Render Time: 0.6386032104492188 Maximum Render Time: 7.945884704589844 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06895828247070312 Maximum Sync Time: 0.5194282531738281 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 50k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 17.29 Minimum FPS: 14 Maximum FPS: 22 Minimum Frame Time: 43.73025894165039 Maximum Frame Time: 93.07562255859375 Minimum Render Time: 1.8356246948242188 Maximum Render Time: 12.339897155761719 Minimum Sync Time: 0.17442703247070312 Maximum Sync Time: 0.5882301330566406 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 50k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 17.32 Minimum FPS: 13 Maximum FPS: 22 Minimum Frame Time: 41.583229064941406 Maximum Frame Time: 82.72047424316406 Minimum Render Time: 1.8677597045898438 Maximum Render Time: 13.869316101074219 Minimum Sync Time: 0.17406082153320312 Maximum Sync Time: 1.170623779296875 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 100k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 15.30 Minimum FPS: 13 Maximum FPS: 19 Minimum Frame Time: 49.70744705200195 Maximum Frame Time: 114.90614318847656 Minimum Render Time: 1.9214057922363281 Maximum Render Time: 7.378692626953125 Minimum Sync Time: 0.1691131591796875 Maximum Sync Time: 0.49187660217285156 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 100k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 15.27 Minimum FPS: 13 Maximum FPS: 19 Minimum Frame Time: 50.58406448364258 Maximum Frame Time: 83.50926971435547 Minimum Render Time: 1.8700027465820312 Maximum Render Time: 9.240989685058594 Minimum Sync Time: 0.17588424682617188 Maximum Sync Time: 0.6564598083496094 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 100k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 15.27 Minimum FPS: 13 Maximum FPS: 19 Minimum Frame Time: 47.600677490234375 Maximum Frame Time: 123.91354370117188 Minimum Render Time: 1.8674468994140625 Maximum Render Time: 16.77740478515625 Minimum Sync Time: 0.177032470703125 Maximum Sync Time: 0.83453369140625 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame.