Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 10k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 34.87 Minimum FPS: 31 Maximum FPS: 40 Minimum Frame Time: 19.803176879882812 Maximum Frame Time: 44.400726318359375 Minimum Render Time: 0.4070301055908203 Maximum Render Time: 1.3926048278808594 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06317710876464844 Maximum Sync Time: 0.2349987030029297 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 10k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 34.84 Minimum FPS: 31 Maximum FPS: 40 Minimum Frame Time: 12.672812461853027 Maximum Frame Time: 53.35416793823242 Minimum Render Time: 0.3754158020019531 Maximum Render Time: 1.2519264221191406 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06015968322753906 Maximum Sync Time: 0.157135009765625 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 10k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 34.70 Minimum FPS: 29 Maximum FPS: 40 Minimum Frame Time: 16.179061889648438 Maximum Frame Time: 110.47312927246094 Minimum Render Time: 0.38640594482421875 Maximum Render Time: 1.440887451171875 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06140327453613281 Maximum Sync Time: 0.2350006103515625 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 50k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 18.88 Minimum FPS: 15 Maximum FPS: 39 Minimum Frame Time: 5.2406768798828125 Maximum Frame Time: 70.63312530517578 Minimum Render Time: 0.6465644836425781 Maximum Render Time: 2.4059410095214844 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06765365600585938 Maximum Sync Time: 0.19713592529296875 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 50k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 18.46 Minimum FPS: 15 Maximum FPS: 23 Minimum Frame Time: 33.39051818847656 Maximum Frame Time: 95.9854736328125 Minimum Render Time: 0.6917686462402344 Maximum Render Time: 4.059635162353516 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06255340576171875 Maximum Sync Time: 0.27124786376953125 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 50k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 18.46 Minimum FPS: 15 Maximum FPS: 23 Minimum Frame Time: 41.64672088623047 Maximum Frame Time: 96.68468475341797 Minimum Render Time: 0.7280654907226562 Maximum Render Time: 4.218700408935547 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06520843505859375 Maximum Sync Time: 0.24171829223632812 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 100k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 15.73 Minimum FPS: 12 Maximum FPS: 22 Minimum Frame Time: 12.271041870117188 Maximum Frame Time: 121.9398422241211 Minimum Render Time: 0.7203102111816406 Maximum Render Time: 7.354217529296875 Minimum Sync Time: 0.07187652587890625 Maximum Sync Time: 0.7061996459960938 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 100k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 15.76 Minimum FPS: 12 Maximum FPS: 22 Minimum Frame Time: 45.00099182128906 Maximum Frame Time: 85.94197845458984 Minimum Render Time: 1.6471328735351562 Maximum Render Time: 22.091869354248047 Minimum Sync Time: 0.17984771728515625 Maximum Sync Time: 0.667388916015625 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, IBL, 1 Point Light, 100k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 15.75 Minimum FPS: 12 Maximum FPS: 21 Minimum Frame Time: 37.241512298583984 Maximum Frame Time: 90.89004516601562 Minimum Render Time: 2.0743751525878906 Maximum Render Time: 6.932136535644531 Minimum Sync Time: 0.17296600341796875 Maximum Sync Time: 0.6743240356445312 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Point [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: ON Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 10k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 40.44 Minimum FPS: 16 Maximum FPS: 54 Minimum Frame Time: 9.938697814941406 Maximum Frame Time: 157.8511962890625 Minimum Render Time: 0.35224151611328125 Maximum Render Time: 82.8278579711914 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06354141235351562 Maximum Sync Time: 0.2754688262939453 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 10k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 41.35 Minimum FPS: 38 Maximum FPS: 58 Minimum Frame Time: 15.87598991394043 Maximum Frame Time: 51.03734588623047 Minimum Render Time: 0.3496875762939453 Maximum Render Time: 1.1260929107666016 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06385040283203125 Maximum Sync Time: 0.27854156494140625 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 10k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 39.80 Minimum FPS: 38 Maximum FPS: 42 Minimum Frame Time: 17.61312484741211 Maximum Frame Time: 45.80577850341797 Minimum Render Time: 0.3543205261230469 Maximum Render Time: 3.3094253540039062 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06494903564453125 Maximum Sync Time: 0.2703132629394531 Model: Low (~28k): 1 x 21k + 4 x 1.6k / 2 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 21196 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There is one material used by all meshes. -This results in 5 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 50 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 50k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 24.29 Minimum FPS: 20 Maximum FPS: 40 Minimum Frame Time: 21.063541412353516 Maximum Frame Time: 85.97442626953125 Minimum Render Time: 0.6198978424072266 Maximum Render Time: 2.388591766357422 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06921768188476562 Maximum Sync Time: 0.32598876953125 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 50k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 24.05 Minimum FPS: 20 Maximum FPS: 30 Minimum Frame Time: 26.113019943237305 Maximum Frame Time: 76.46067810058594 Minimum Render Time: 0.6242218017578125 Maximum Render Time: 2.812713623046875 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06989669799804688 Maximum Sync Time: 0.22786331176757812 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 50k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 24.04 Minimum FPS: 20 Maximum FPS: 30 Minimum Frame Time: 32.914894104003906 Maximum Frame Time: 58.84390640258789 Minimum Render Time: 0.6224021911621094 Maximum Render Time: 2.0742149353027344 Minimum Sync Time: 0.07015228271484375 Maximum Sync Time: 0.2151031494140625 Model: Medium (~57k): 1 x 51k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 81734 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 100k model, MSAA High #1 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 18.19 Minimum FPS: 15 Maximum FPS: 26 Minimum Frame Time: 41.02760314941406 Maximum Frame Time: 92.31401062011719 Minimum Render Time: 0.6367149353027344 Maximum Render Time: 2.12176513671875 Minimum Sync Time: 0.06999969482421875 Maximum Sync Time: 0.2193756103515625 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 100k model, MSAA High #2 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 18.04 Minimum FPS: 15 Maximum FPS: 23 Minimum Frame Time: 28.67406463623047 Maximum Frame Time: 83.97052001953125 Minimum Render Time: 0.62396240234375 Maximum Render Time: 6.303386688232422 Minimum Sync Time: 0.0696868896484375 Maximum Sync Time: 2.15020751953125 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame. Test Set: Textures 4096x4096, 1 Directional Light, 100k model, MSAA High #3 Screen Size: (1920x948) Average FPS: 18.06 Minimum FPS: 15 Maximum FPS: 24 Minimum Frame Time: 43.01963424682617 Maximum Frame Time: 72.59452819824219 Minimum Render Time: 1.8625526428222656 Maximum Render Time: 9.391769409179688 Minimum Sync Time: 0.17755126953125 Maximum Sync Time: 0.9884376525878906 Model: High (~117k): 1 x 110k + 4 x 1.6k / 10 materials (#10) Instancing: OFF Light Type: Directional [brightness 2.5] (#1) Shadows: OFF IBL lighting: OFF Render Mode: Offscreen Ambient Occlusion: OFF Skybox: OFF Antialiasing: Multisample AA (High) Temporal AA: OFF Textures: ON Texture Size: 4096x4096 Material: Default Material Effects: None Model statistics: -Model consists of 5 separate meshes. One has 154397 triangles and the rest 1600 triangles each. -There are 10 materials used by one mesh and 1 used by the rest. -This results in 14 separate draw calls per model, i.e. 140 draw calls per frame.