lupdate warning: no TS files specified. Only diagnostics will be produced. getCharFromFile line= 2 setting yyIndentationSize == 5 yyContinuousSpaceCount= 5 yyIndentationSize= 5 parse line= 23 pushing "Spam" 6 getCharFromFile line= 24 adapting "Spam" , top.second 4 parse line= 27 pushing "Egg" 6 getCharFromFile line= 28 adapting "Egg" , top.second 8 getCharFromFile line= 30 yyContinuousSpaceCount= 4 top.second= 8 getCharFromFile line= 33 yyContinuousSpaceCount= 0 top.second= 8 parse line= 33 tr(): yyContextStack= 3 context= "Egg" "NOT in the Egg class!"