The coordina­tion cus­tom cus­tom­izably cus­tom­izable cus­tom­ized cus­tom­iz­ing cus­tom­is­ably cus­tom­is­able cus­tom­ized cus­tom­iz­ing chem­istry of cop­per com­plexes is a sub­ject of con­tinu­ing import­ance, mainly in rela­tion to the struc­ture and react­iv­ity of the act­ive site in copper-containing metal­lo­pro­teins. The react­iv­ity of cop­per(I) com­plexes towards mol­ec­ular oxy­gen is also rel­ev­ant to the util­iza­tion of atmo­spher­ic oxy­gen in stoi­chiomet­ric or cata­lyt­ic oxid­a­tions of organ­ic sub­strates medi­ated by cop­per com­plexes (Karlin et al., 1999), as well as to under­stand­ing the mech­anism of di­oxy­gen util­iza­tion by cop­per pro­teins (Karlin & Zuber­buhler, 1999; Kopf & Karlin, 2000; Solomonet al., 1996). Recent advances (Kitajima & Moro-oka, 1994; Suzuki et al., 2000) have shown that the struc­ture and react­iv­ity of cop­per(I) com­plexes are sig­ni­fic­antly mod­i­fied by slight per­turb­a­tions in the sup­port­ing lig­ands.

Recently, we repor­ted that the oxy­gena­tion of a meth­an­ol solu­tion of the cop­per(I) com­plex with the bident­ate lig­and dibenzyl-(6-methyl-2-pyridyl­methyl)­amine (BiBzMePMA) at room tem­per­at­ure leads to the bis-methoxo-bridged cop­per(II) com­plex [Cu(BiBzMePMA)]22(OCH3)2, which has been fully char­ac­ter­ized, both mag­net­ic­ally and struc­turally (Rojas et al., 2004). Here, we report the crys­tal struc­ture of the ana­log­ous bis-hydroxo-bridged com­pound, [Cu(BiBzMePMA)]22(OH)2, (I), res­ult­ing from the same syn­thet­ic pro­ced­ure, but in the pres­ence of traces of water in the solvent.

The mol­ec­ular struc­ture of com­plex (I) is defined by two [CuL]2+ units [where L is dibenzyl-(6-methyl-2-pyridyl­methyl)­amine], µ2-bridged by two hydroxyl groups, in such a way as to define a cent­ral N2CuO2CuN2 core. Addi­tionally, there is an aceto­nitrile (CH3C≡N) mol­ecule com­plet­ing penta­coordination of each Cu atom, thus defining a slightly dis­tor­ted square-based pyr­am­id­al coordina­tion for the met­al centres. The bas­al square of the pyr­am­id is defined by two amine N atoms (N1 and N2) and two hydroxyl O atoms [O1 and O1i; sym­metry code: (i) 1 - x, -y, 2 - z Please check added sym­metry code], while the aceto­nitrile atom N3 occu­pies the apic­al pos­i­tion. This N atom devi­ates by 3.7° from the per­pen­dic­u­lar to the basal-plane pos­i­tion.

The Cu—Nacetonitrile dis­tance is 2.476 (5) Å, a rather long value for this kind of bond, which is usu­ally in the range 2.00–2.50 Å. A short­er value of about 2 Å has been described for [Cu2(L2)(CH3CN)2]4+, where L is tetra­kis(1-methyl­imidazol-2-yl­methyl)-2-hy­droxy-1,3-diamino­propane (Gentschev et al., 2000), while a dis­tance of 2.322 (6) Å has been described for [Cu2(µ-oxalato)(dipyridyl­amino)2(CH3CN)2](ClO4)2 (Du et al., 2003). The lin­ear aceto­nitrile mol­ecule defines an angle of 24.8° with the Cu—N3 line [Cu—N3—C22 155.2 (4)°], which can probably be ascribed to pack­ing effects (Murthy et al., 2001).

The two edge-sharing pyr­am­ids have their apic­al aceto­nitrile N atoms lying on oppos­ite sides of the CuO2Cu plane, in a trans arrange­ment, as required by the inver­sion centre at the middle of the Cu···Cu dis­tance. A cis arrange­ment was found in the mac­ro­cyc­lic com­plex [Cu2L(CH3C≡ N)2], where L is 3,7,10,11,14,18,21,22-octa­aza­tricyclo­[,12]-hexacosa- 1(22),2,7,9,11,13,18,20,23,25-deca­ene­ (Brooker et al., 1996).

The Cu···Cu dis­tance is 2.9522 (9) Å, a rather short value for this kind of com­plex (Rojas et al., 2004). Con­sist­ently, the Cu—O—Cu angle is 100.24 (12)°. The atom sequence Cu—O1—Cui—O1i is a rather reg­u­lar par­al­lo­gram, with sides of about 1.92 Å. The Cu—O1 and Cu—O1i dis­tances are 1.923 (3) and 1.920 (3) Å, respect­ively. The hy­droxy H atoms devi­ate from the Cu–O plane by 45.5°, a value which can be affected by pack­ing effects, i.e. inter­action between the hy­droxy H atoms and the O atoms of the per­chlor­ate counter­anion. The dis­tances between atom H1 and the par­tially occu­pied per­chlor­ate atoms O5A and O5B are 1.974 and 2.196 Å, respect­ively. The devi­ation of the hy­droxy H atom from planar­ity has been described as an import­ant factor which determ­ines the mag­net­ic coup­ling exchange of binuc­lear cop­per(II) com­plexes (Ruiz et al., 1997).

Cu(CH3C≡N)4(ClO4) (1 mmol) was reacted with dibenzyl-(6-methyl-2-pyridyl­methyl)­amine (1 mmol) in moist meth­an­ol to give the cop­per(I) com­plex which, on % reac­tion with oxy­gen, afforded the title dinuc­lear bis-hydroxo-bridged cop­per(II) com­plex. X-ray dif­frac­tion quality crys­tals of (I) were obtained by recrys­tal­liza­tion from an acetonitrile–methanol mix­ture (Ratio?).