Graphics Feature Status Canvas: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled Canvas out-of-process rasterization: Disabled Direct Rendering Display Compositor: Disabled Compositing: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled Multiple Raster Threads: Disabled OpenGL: Disabled Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled Raw Draw: Disabled Video Decode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled Video Encode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled Vulkan: Disabled WebGL: Disabled WebGL2: Disabled WebGPU: Disabled Driver Bug Workarounds clear_uniforms_before_first_program_use decode_encode_srgb_for_generatemipmap disable_accelerated_vp8_decode disable_accelerated_vp9_decode disable_direct_composition disable_dxgi_zero_copy_video disable_vp_scaling disable_vp_super_resolution enable_webgl_timer_query_extensions exit_on_context_lost disabled_extension_GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced disabled_extension_GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent disabled_extension_GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y Problems Detected Gpu compositing has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line. The browser will fall back to software compositing and hardware acceleration will be unavailable. Disabled Features: gpu_compositing GPU process was unable to boot: GPU access is disabled through commandline switch --disable-gpu. Disabled Features: all GPU rasterization should only be enabled on NVIDIA and Intel and AMD RX-R2 GPUs with DX11+ or any GPU using ANGLE's GL backend.: 1047002 Disabled Features: gpu_rasterization Some drivers are unable to reset the D3D device in the GPU process sandbox Applied Workarounds: exit_on_context_lost Clear uniforms before first program use on all platforms: 124764, 349137 Applied Workarounds: clear_uniforms_before_first_program_use Direct composition flashes black initially on Win <10: 588588 Applied Workarounds: disable_direct_composition Zero copy DXGI video hangs on shutdown on Win < 8.1: 621190 Applied Workarounds: disable_dxgi_zero_copy_video Disable KHR_blend_equation_advanced until cc shaders are updated: 661715 Applied Workarounds: disable(GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced), disable(GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent) Decode and Encode before generateMipmap for srgb format textures on Windows: 634519 Applied Workarounds: decode_encode_srgb_for_generatemipmap VPx decoding isn't supported well before Windows 10 creators update.: 616318, 667532 Applied Workarounds: disable_accelerated_vp8_decode, disable_accelerated_vp9_decode Expose WebGL's disjoint_timer_query extensions on platforms with site isolation: 808744, 870491 Applied Workarounds: enable_webgl_timer_query_extensions Don't use video processor scaling on non-Intel, non-NVIDIA GPUs.: 993233 Applied Workarounds: disable_vp_scaling Disable GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y for desktop GL: 964010 Applied Workarounds: disable(GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y) VP8 decoding crashes before Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.: 1094840 Applied Workarounds: disable_accelerated_vp8_decode Don't use video processor super resolution on Intel Gen9 and older GPUs and non-Intel GPUs.: 1318380 Applied Workarounds: disable_vp_super_resolution Version Information Data exported 2023-08-30T16:14:10.597Z Chrome version Brs/ Operating system Windows NT 6.2.9200 Software rendering list URL Driver bug list URL ANGLE commit id unknown hash 2D graphics backend Skia/108 8c5e09f079a3e8eeb97532cf1cbc6e0934ce40f7 Command Line "C:\Users\mspbada2\projects\build-Brs-Desktop_Qt_6_2_9_MSVC2019_64bit-Release\release\Brs.exe" --disable-gpu --browser-subprocess-path="C:\Qt\Qt6.2.9\6.2.9\msvc2019_64\bin\QtWebEngineProcess.exe" --application-name=Brs --enable-threaded-compositing --disable-speech-api --disable-blink-features=EyeDropperAPI --enable-features=NetworkServiceInProcess2,TracingServiceInProcess --disable-features=ConsolidatedMovementXY,InstalledApp,EyeDropper,BackgroundFetch,WebOTP,WebPayments,WebUSB,PictureInPicture --use-gl=disabled --in-process-gpu --gpu-preferences=UAAAAAAAAADoAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgAAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEgAAAAAAAAASAAAAAAAAAAYAAAAAgAAABAAAAAAAAAAGAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOAAAAEAAAAAAAAAABAAAADgAAAAgAAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAAAA= --disable-direct-composition Driver Information Initialization time 0 In-process GPU true Passthrough Command Decoder true Sandboxed false GPU0 VENDOR= 0x0000, DEVICE=0x0000, LUID={-64959368,1190666444} Optimus false AMD switchable false Desktop compositing Aero Glass Direct composition false Supports overlays false YUY2 overlay support NONE NV12 overlay support NONE BGRA8 overlay support NONE RGB10A2 overlay support NONE Diagonal Monitor Size of \\.\DISPLAY1 15.5" Diagonal Monitor Size of \\.\DISPLAY2 24.9" Driver D3D12 feature level Not supported Driver Vulkan API version Not supported GPU CUDA compute capability major version 0 Pixel shader version Vertex shader version Max. MSAA samples Machine model name Machine model version GL_VENDOR Disabled GL_RENDERER Disabled GL_VERSION Disabled GL_EXTENSIONS Disabled Extensions GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y Disabled WebGL Extensions Window system binding vendor Window system binding version Window system binding extensions Direct rendering version unknown Reset notification strategy 0x0000 GPU process crash count 0 gfx::BufferFormats supported for allocation and texturing R_8: not supported, R_16: not supported, RG_88: not supported, RG_1616: not supported, BGR_565: not supported, RGBA_4444: not supported, RGBX_8888: not supported, RGBA_8888: not supported, BGRX_8888: not supported, BGRA_1010102: not supported, RGBA_1010102: not supported, BGRA_8888: not supported, RGBA_F16: not supported, YVU_420: not supported, YUV_420_BIPLANAR: not supported, P010: not supported Compositor Information Tile Update Mode One-copy Partial Raster Enabled GpuMemoryBuffers Status R_8 Software only R_16 Software only RG_88 Software only RG_1616 Software only BGR_565 Software only RGBA_4444 Software only RGBX_8888 GPU_READ, SCANOUT RGBA_8888 GPU_READ, SCANOUT BGRX_8888 Software only BGRA_1010102 Software only RGBA_1010102 Software only BGRA_8888 Software only RGBA_F16 Software only YVU_420 Software only YUV_420_BIPLANAR GPU_READ, SCANOUT P010 Software only Display(s) Information Info Display[2528732444] bounds=[0,0 1920x1080], workarea=[0,0 1920x1040], scale=1, rotation=0, panel_rotation=0 internal. Color space (sRGB/no-alpha) {primaries:BT709, transfer:SRGB, matrix:RGB, range:FULL} Buffer format (sRGB/no-alpha) BGRX_8888 Color space (sRGB/alpha) {primaries:BT709, transfer:SRGB, matrix:RGB, range:FULL} Buffer format (sRGB/alpha) BGRA_8888 Color space (WCG/no-alpha) {primaries:BT709, transfer:SRGB, matrix:RGB, range:FULL} Buffer format (WCG/no-alpha) BGRX_8888 Color space (WCG/alpha) {primaries:BT709, transfer:SRGB, matrix:RGB, range:FULL} Buffer format (WCG/alpha) BGRA_8888 Color space (HDR/no-alpha) {primaries:BT709, transfer:SRGB, matrix:RGB, range:FULL} Buffer format (HDR/no-alpha) BGRX_8888 Color space (HDR/alpha) {primaries:BT709, transfer:SRGB, matrix:RGB, range:FULL} Buffer format (HDR/alpha) BGRA_8888 Color volume {name:'srgb', r:[0.6400, 0.3300], g:[0.3000, 0.6000], b:[0.1500, 0.3300], w:[0.3127, 0.3290]} SDR white level in nits 203 HDR relative maximum luminance 1 Bits per color component 8 Bits per pixel 24 Refresh Rate in Hz 60 Info Display[2779098405] bounds=[1920,0 2560x1440], workarea=[1920,0 2560x1400], scale=1, rotation=0, panel_rotation=0 external. Color space (sRGB/no-alpha) {primaries:BT709, transfer:SRGB, matrix:RGB, range:FULL} Buffer format (sRGB/no-alpha) BGRX_8888 Color space (sRGB/alpha) {primaries:BT709, transfer:SRGB, matrix:RGB, range:FULL} Buffer format (sRGB/alpha) BGRA_8888 Color space (WCG/no-alpha) {primaries:BT709, transfer:SRGB, matrix:RGB, range:FULL} Buffer format (WCG/no-alpha) BGRX_8888 Color space (WCG/alpha) {primaries:BT709, transfer:SRGB, matrix:RGB, range:FULL} Buffer format (WCG/alpha) BGRA_8888 Color space (HDR/no-alpha) {primaries:BT709, transfer:SRGB, matrix:RGB, range:FULL} Buffer format (HDR/no-alpha) BGRX_8888 Color space (HDR/alpha) {primaries:BT709, transfer:SRGB, matrix:RGB, range:FULL} Buffer format (HDR/alpha) BGRA_8888 Color volume {name:'srgb', r:[0.6400, 0.3300], g:[0.3000, 0.6000], b:[0.1500, 0.3300], w:[0.3127, 0.3290]} SDR white level in nits 203 HDR relative maximum luminance 1 Bits per color component 8 Bits per pixel 24 Refresh Rate in Hz 59 Video Acceleration Information Decoding Encoding Encode h264 baseline 32x32 to 1920x1088 pixels, and/or 30.000 fps Encode h264 main 32x32 to 1920x1088 pixels, and/or 30.000 fps Encode h264 high 32x32 to 1920x1088 pixels, and/or 30.000 fps Vulkan Information Device Performance Information Total Physical Memory (Gb) 15 Total Disk Space (Gb) 0 Hardware Concurrency 8 System Commit Limit (Gb) 27 D3D11 Feature Level Unknown Has Discrete GPU unknown Software Rendering No Diagnostics Driver Information for Hardware GPU Initialization time 0 In-process GPU true Passthrough Command Decoder true Sandboxed false GPU0 VENDOR= 0x0000, DEVICE=0x0000, LUID={-64959368,1190666444} Optimus false AMD switchable false Desktop compositing Aero Glass Direct composition false Supports overlays false YUY2 overlay support NONE NV12 overlay support NONE BGRA8 overlay support NONE RGB10A2 overlay support NONE Diagonal Monitor Size of \\.\DISPLAY1 15.5" Diagonal Monitor Size of \\.\DISPLAY2 24.9" Driver D3D12 feature level Not supported Driver Vulkan API version Not supported GPU CUDA compute capability major version 0 Pixel shader version Vertex shader version Max. MSAA samples Machine model name Machine model version GL_VENDOR Disabled GL_RENDERER Disabled GL_VERSION Disabled GL_EXTENSIONS Disabled Extensions Disabled WebGL Extensions Window system binding vendor Window system binding version Window system binding extensions Direct rendering version unknown Reset notification strategy 0x0000 GPU process crash count 0 gfx::BufferFormats supported for allocation and texturing R_8: not supported, R_16: not supported, RG_88: not supported, RG_1616: not supported, BGR_565: not supported, RGBA_4444: not supported, RGBX_8888: not supported, RGBA_8888: not supported, BGRX_8888: not supported, BGRA_1010102: not supported, RGBA_1010102: not supported, BGRA_8888: not supported, RGBA_F16: not supported, YVU_420: not supported, YUV_420_BIPLANAR: not supported, P010: not supported Graphics Feature Status for Hardware GPU Canvas: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled Canvas out-of-process rasterization: Disabled Direct Rendering Display Compositor: Disabled Compositing: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled Multiple Raster Threads: Disabled OpenGL: Disabled Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled Raw Draw: Disabled Video Decode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled Video Encode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled Vulkan: Disabled WebGL: Disabled WebGL2: Disabled WebGPU: Disabled Problems Detected for Hardware GPU Gpu compositing has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line. The browser will fall back to software compositing and hardware acceleration will be unavailable. Disabled Features: gpu_compositing GPU process was unable to boot: GPU access is disabled through commandline switch --disable-gpu. Disabled Features: all Log Messages