08:32:39: Starting remote process. QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment. Starting BugRepro App ... Using style "iOS" Load qml ... stale focus object 0x0 , doing manual update qml: Element 0: file:///Users/sventrittler/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/48D8B6A0-5B1A-4C1E-9DE6-ED0EC61920FC/data/Containers/Data/Application/37B3C666-6B4C-41D3-AE23-8BA770BED10B/Documents/Pictures qml: Element 1: file:///Users/sventrittler/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/48D8B6A0-5B1A-4C1E-9DE6-ED0EC61920FC/data/Containers/Data/Application/37B3C666-6B4C-41D3-AE23-8BA770BED10B/Documents/Pictures qml: Element 2: file:assets-library:// Enter main loop .. 2023-09-30 08:32:42.019 BugRepro[10490:141557] void * _Nullable NSMapGet(NSMapTable * _Nonnull, const void * _Nullable): map table argument is NULL stale focus object 0x6000014f9340 , doing manual update 2023-09-30 08:32:48.319 BugRepro[10490:141579] Photo library access granted. stale focus object 0x600002d6cd20 , doing manual update QIOSFileDialog: Could not resolve Qt plugin that gives access to photos on iOS