> ./configure -prefix /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0 -debug -static -qt-gif -qt-libjpeg -qt-libpng -verbose -continue -platform irix-cc-64 -qt-sql-mysql -qt-sql-tds -I/usr/local/mysql/include -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs -no-sql-odbc -confirm-license -nomake examples -nomake demos -mysql_config /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config -no-dbus -no-xsync -no-script -no-javascript-jit -no-libpng ^DWhich edition of Qt do you want to use ? Type 'c' if you want to use the Commercial Edition. Type 'o' if you want to use the Open Source Edition. o Determining system architecture... (IRIX64:6.5:IP35) SGI (mips) 'mips' is supported System architecture: 'mips' Precompiled-headers support disabled. cc-1035 CC: WARNING File = fvisibility.c, Line = 12 #error directive: "GCC4+ or SunStudio 8+ are required to support ELF visibility" # error "GCC4+ or SunStudio 8+ are required to support ELF visibility" ^ Symbol visibility control enabled. This is the Qt for Linux/X11 Open Source Edition. You are licensed to use this software under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License (LGPL) versions 2.1. You are also licensed to use this software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) versions 3. You have already accepted the terms of the license. Creating qmake. Please wait... CC -c -o project.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT project.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const ExpandFunc &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, const ExpandFunc &)" at line 91 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const TestFunc &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, const TestFunc &)" at line 131 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 414 instantiation of "QMap &QMap::operator=(const QMap &)" at line 401 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 414 instantiation of "QMap &QMap::operator=(const QMap &)" at line 401 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 126 instantiation of "void QList::detach()" at line 254 instantiation of "QList::iterator QList::begin()" at line 472 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, FunctionBlock *const &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 349 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::begin()" at line 653 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const ParsableBlock::Parse &)" at line 767 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const ParsableBlock::Parse &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const ParsableBlock::Parse &)" at line 767 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const IteratorBlock::Test &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const IteratorBlock::Test &)" at line 945 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 845 instantiation of "void QHash::reserve(int)" at line 236 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "void QSet::reserve(int)" at line 307 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet QList::toSet() const" at line 1167 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 845 instantiation of "void QHash::reserve(int)" at line 236 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "void QSet::reserve(int)" at line 307 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet QList::toSet() const" at line 1167 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 309 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet QList::toSet() const" at line 1167 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 309 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet QList::toSet() const" at line 1167 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const bool &)" at line 1493 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const bool &)" at line 1493 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const bool &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const bool &)" at line 1493 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const bool &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const bool &)" at line 1493 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QStringList &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QStringList &)" at line 1816 of "project.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::No de *, const QStringList &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QStringList &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QStringList &)" at line 1816 of "project.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 551 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(copy); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QMakeProject::ScopeBlock &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 556 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QMakeProject::ScopeBlock &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" CC -c -o property.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT property.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o main.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT main.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ CC -c -o makefile.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/makefile.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 74 of "./meta.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 74 of "./meta.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const bool &)" at line 419 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const bool &)" at line 419 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const bool &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const bool &)" at line 419 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const bool &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const bool &)" at line 419 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(i nt, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const MakefileGenerator::Compiler &)" at line 568 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList< MakefileGenerator::Compiler>::Node *, const MakefileGenerator::Compiler &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const MakefileGenerator::Compiler &)" at line 568 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 597 instantiation of "QHash &QHash::operator=(const QHash &)" at line 574 instantiation of "void QHash::clear()" at line 707 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 597 instantiation of "QHash &QHash::operator=(const QHash &)" at line 574 instantiation of "void QHash::clear()" at line 707 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QMakeLocalFileName &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QMakeLocalFileName &)" at line 721 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QStringList &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QStringList &)" at line 1506 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::No de *, const QStringList &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QStringList &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QStringList &)" at line 1506 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const ReplaceExtraCompilerCacheKey &, const QString &)" at line 1585 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const ReplaceExtraCompilerCacheKey &, const QString &)" at line 1585 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const ReplaceExtraCompilerCacheKey &, const QString &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const ReplaceExtraCompilerCacheKey &, const QString &)" at line 1585 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const ReplaceExtraCompilerCacheKey &, const QString &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const ReplaceExtraCompilerCacheKey &, const QString &)" at line 1585 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 845 instantiation of "void QHash::reserve(int)" at line 236 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "void QSet::reserve(int)" at line 307 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet QList::toSet() const" at line 2570 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 845 instantiation of "void QHash::reserve(int)" at line 236 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "void QSet::reserve(int)" at line 307 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet QList::toSet() const" at line 2570 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 309 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet QList::toSet() const" at line 2570 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 309 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet QList::toSet() const" at line 2570 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const FileInfoCacheKey &, const QFileInfo &)" at line 2707 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const FileInfoCacheKey &, const QFileInfo &)" at line 2707 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const FileInfoCacheKey &, const QFileInfo &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const FileInfoCacheKey &, const QFileInfo &)" at line 2707 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const FileInfoCacheKey &, const QFileInfo &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const FileInfoCacheKey &, const QFileInfo &)" at line 2707 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const FileFixifyCacheKey &, const QString &)" at line 2868 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const FileFixifyCacheKey &, const QString &)" at line 2868 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const FileFixifyCacheKey &, const QString &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const FileFixifyCacheKey &, const QString &)" at line 2868 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const FileFixifyCacheKey &, const QString &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const FileFixifyCacheKey &, const QString &)" at line 2868 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QMakeLocalFileName &, QHash::Node **)" at line 744 instantiation of "QMakeLocalFileName &QHash::operator[](const QString &)" at line 2938 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QMakeLocalFileName &, QHash::Node **)" at line 744 instantiation of "QMakeLocalFileName &QHash::operator[](const QString &)" at line 2938 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 3014 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 3014 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QStringList &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 3014 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QStringList &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 3014 of "generators/makefile.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 400 instantiation of "QVector::QVector(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 400 instantiation of "QVector::QVector(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" CC -c -o unixmake2.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/unix/unixmake2.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 74 of "./meta.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 74 of "./meta.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ CC -c -o unixmake.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/unix/unixmake.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QMakeLocalFileName &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QMakeLocalFileName &)" at line 442 of "generators/unix/unixmake.cpp" CC -c -o mingw_make.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/win32/mingw_make.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 74 of "./meta.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 74 of "./meta.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QMakeLocalFileName &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QMakeLocalFileName &)" at line 97 of "generators/win32/mingw_make.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o option.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT option.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 562 of "option.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 562 of "option.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const FixStringCacheKey &, const QString &)" at line 668 of "option.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const FixStringCacheKey &, const QString &)" at line 668 of "option.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const FixStringCacheKey &, const QString &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const FixStringCacheKey &, const QString &)" at line 668 of "option.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const FixStringCacheKey &, const QString &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const FixStringCacheKey &, const QString &)" at line 668 of "option.cpp" CC -c -o winmakefile.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/win32/winmakefile.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 74 of "./meta.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 74 of "./meta.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QMakeLocalFileName &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QMakeLocalFileName &)" at line 110 of "generators/win32/winmakefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const bool &)" at line 243 of "generators/win32/winmakefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const bool &)" at line 243 of "generators/win32/winmakefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const bool &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const bool &)" at line 243 of "generators/win32/winmakefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const bool &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const bool &)" at line 243 of "generators/win32/winmakefile.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o projectgenerator.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/projectgenerator.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 80 of "generators/projectgenerator.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 80 of "generators/projectgenerator.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QMakeLocalFileName &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QMakeLocalFileName &)" at line 249 of "generators/projectgenerator.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o meta.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT meta.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 74 of "meta.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 74 of "meta.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap>::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QMap &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap>::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap>::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QMap &QMap>::operator[](const QString &)" at line 64 of "meta.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap>::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QMap &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap>::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap>::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QMap &QMap>::operator[](const QString &)" at line 64 of "meta.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o makefiledeps.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/makefiledeps.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QMakeLocalFileName &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QMakeLocalFileName &)" at line 218 of "generators/makefiledeps.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/makefiledeps.cpp, Line = 397 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) buffer = getBuffer(fst.st_size); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/makefiledeps.cpp, Line = 399 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) (have_read = QT_READ(fd, buffer + buffer_len, fst.st_size - buffer_len)); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/makefiledeps.cpp, Line = 706 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) buffer = getBuffer(fst.st_size); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/makefiledeps.cpp, Line = 708 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) (have_read = QT_READ(fd, buffer + buffer_len, fst.st_size - buffer_len)); ^ CC -c -o metamakefile.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/metamakefile.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 105 of "generators/metamakefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 105 of "generators/metamakefile.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, TreeNode *const &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, TreeNode *const &)" at line 972 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const VCFilterFile &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, const VCFilterFile &)" at line 1021 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const VCFilterFile &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, const VCFilterFile &)" at line 1021 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 551 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(copy); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QString &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 556 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QString &)" CC -c -o xmloutput.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/xmloutput.cpp CC -c -o pbuilder_pbx.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/mac/pbuilder_pbx.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 74 of "./meta.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 74 of "./meta.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QString &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, const QString &)" at line 307 of "generators/mac/pbuilder_pbx.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QString &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, const QString &)" at line 307 of "generators/mac/pbuilder_pbx.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const ProjectBuilderSources &)" at line 550 of "generators/mac/pbuilder_pbx.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const ProjectBuilderSources &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const ProjectBuilderSources &)" at line 550 of "generators/mac/pbuilder_pbx.cpp" CC -c -o borland_bmake.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/win32/borland_bmake.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o msvc_vcproj.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/win32/msvc_vcproj.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, TreeNode *const &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, TreeNode *const &)" at line 972 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const VCFilterFile &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, const VCFilterFile &)" at line 1021 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const VCFilterFile &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, const VCFilterFile &)" at line 1021 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 386 implicit generation of "VCFilter::VCFilter(const VCFilter &)" at line 386 implicit generation of "VCProjectSingleConfig::VCProjectSingleConfig(const VCProjectSingleConfig &)" at line 386 instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const VCProjectSingleConfig &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const VCProjectSingleConfig &)" at line 255 of "generators/win32/msvc_vcproj.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 386 implicit generation of "VCProjectSingleConfig::VCProjectSingleConfig(const VCProjectSingleConfig &)" at line 386 instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const VCProjectSingleConfig &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const VCProjectSingleConfig &)" at line 255 of "generators/win32/msvc_vcproj.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const VCProjectSingleConfig &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const VCProjectSingleConfig &)" at line 255 of "generators/win32/msvc_vcproj.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const VCProjectSingleConfig &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const VCProjectSingleConfig &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const VCProjectSingleConfig &)" at line 255 of "generators/win32/msvc_vcproj.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 414 of "generators/win32/msvc_vcproj.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 414 of "generators/win32/msvc_vcproj.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, VcsolutionDepend *const &)" at line 567 of "generators/win32/msvc_vcproj.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, VcsolutionDepend *const &)" at line 567 of "generators/win32/msvc_vcproj.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, VcsolutionDepend *const &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, VcsolutionDepend *const &)" at line 567 of "generators/win32/msvc_vcproj.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, VcsolutionDepend *const &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, VcsolutionDepend *const &)" at line 567 of "generators/win32/msvc_vcproj.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const VCFilter &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const VCFilter &)" at line 1430 of "generators/win32/msvc_vcproj.cpp" CC -c -o msvc_nmake.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/win32/msvc_nmake.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 639 instantiation of "int QMap::remove(const QString &)" at line 242 of "generators/win32/msvc_nmake.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 639 instantiation of "int QMap::remove(const QString &)" at line 242 of "generators/win32/msvc_nmake.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, void *const &)" at line 246 of "generators/win32/msvc_nmake.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, void *const &)" at line 246 of "generators/win32/msvc_nmake.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, void *const &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, void *const &)" at line 246 of "generators/win32/msvc_nmake.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, void *const &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, void *const &)" at line 246 of "generators/win32/msvc_nmake.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o msvc_objectmodel.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, TreeNode *const &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, TreeNode *const &)" at line 972 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const VCFilterFile &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, const VCFilterFile &)" at line 1021 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const VCFilterFile &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, const VCFilterFile &)" at line 1021 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const VCFilterFile &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const VCFilterFile &)" at line 2082 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList:: Node *, const VCFilterFile &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const VCFilterFile &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const VCFilterFile &)" at line 2082 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 2160 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 2160 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const bool &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "bool &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 2305 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 126 instantiation of "void QList::detach()" at line 464 instantiation of "VCFilter &QList::operator[](int)" at line 2403 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const VCProjectSingleConfig &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const VCProjectSingleConfig &)" at line 2430 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const VCProjectSingleConfig &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const VCProjectSingleConfig &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const VCProjectSingleConfig &)" at line 2430 of "generators/win32/msvc_objectmodel.cpp" CC -c -o symmake.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/symbian/symmake.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 368 of "generators/symbian/symmake.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 368 of "generators/symbian/symmake.cpp" CC -c -o initprojectdeploy_symbian.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/symbian/initprojectdeploy_symbian.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const CopyItem &)" at line 113 of "generators/symbian/initprojectdeploy_symbian.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const CopyItem &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const CopyItem &)" at line 113 of "generators/symbian/initprojectdeploy_symbian.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QString &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QString &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 120 of "generators/symbian/initprojectdeploy_symbian.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QString &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QString &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 120 of "generators/symbian/initprojectdeploy_symbian.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 551 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(copy); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QXmlStreamAttribute &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 556 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QXmlStreamAttribute &)" CC -c -o symmake_abld.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/symbian/symmake_abld.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 349 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::begin()" at line 233 of "generators/symbian/symmake_abld.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 349 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::begin()" at line 233 of "generators/symbian/symmake_abld.cpp" CC -c -o symmake_sbsv2.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/symbian/symmake_sbsv2.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 2266 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h" instantiation of "QForeachContainer::QForeachContainer(cons t QFileInfoList &)" at line 2276 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h" instantiation of "QForeachContainer qForeachContainerNew(const QFileInfoList &)" at line 76 of "generators/symbian/symmake_sbsv2.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 349 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::begin()" at line 165 of "generators/symbian/symmake_sbsv2.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 349 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::begin()" at line 165 of "generators/symbian/symmake_sbsv2.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 432 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator=(const QList &)" at line 751 instantiation of "void QList::clear()" at line 398 of "generators/symbian/symmake_sbsv2.cpp" CC -c -o symbiancommon.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT generators/symbian/symbiancommon.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ./project.h, Line = 185 Function function "QMakeProject::isSet" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline bool QMakeProject::isSet(const QString &v) ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 102 of "generators/makefiledeps.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 493 of "generators/symbian/symbiancommon.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QStringList &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QStringList &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 493 of "generators/symbian/symbiancommon.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 845 instantiation of "void QHash::reserve(int)" at line 750 of "generators/symbian/symbiancommon.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 845 instantiation of "void QHash::reserve(int)" at line 750 of "generators/symbian/symbiancommon.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QString &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QString &)" at line 751 of "generators/symbian/symbiancommon.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QString &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QString &)" at line 751 of "generators/symbian/symbiancommon.cpp" CC -c -o registry.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared/windows/registry.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o epocroot.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared/symbian/epocroot.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o qtextcodec.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/codecs/qtextcodec.cpp CC -c -o qutfcodec.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/codecs/qutfcodec.cpp cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/codecs/qutfcodec.cpp, Line = 143 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) rstr.resize(cursor - (const uchar*)rstr.constData()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/codecs/qutfcodec.cpp, Line = 257 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.truncate(qch - (ushort *)result.unicode()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/codecs/qutfcodec.cpp, Line = 371 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.truncate(qch - result.unicode()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/codecs/qutfcodec.cpp, Line = 501 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.truncate(qch - result.unicode()); ^ CC -c -o qstring.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qchar.cpp, Line = 1456 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) s.replace(uc - utf16, ucs4 > 0x10000 ? 2 : 1, (const QChar *)d, length); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qchar.cpp, Line = 1458 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int pos = uc - utf16; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstringmatcher.cpp, Line = 86 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return (current - uc) - pl_minus_one; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstringmatcher.cpp, Line = 110 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return (current - uc) - pl_minus_one; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 285 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - s; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 290 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - s; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 761 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return qAllocMore(size * sizeof(QChar), sizeof(Data)) / sizeof(QChar); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 761 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return qAllocMore(size * sizeof(QChar), sizeof(Data)) / sizeof(QChar); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 952 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return a - array; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 2509 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return haystack - (const ushort *)haystack0; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 2525 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return haystack - (const ushort *)haystack0; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 2570 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return haystack - end; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 2584 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return haystack - end; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 2689 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 2694 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const qt_section_chunk &)" at line 3208 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qstring.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const qt_section_chunk &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const qt_section_chunk &)" at line 3208 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qstring.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 3698 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) v.resize(a - v.data()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 4039 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return mid(copyFrom - start, from - copyFrom); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 4039 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return mid(copyFrom - start, from - copyFrom); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 4045 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) copyCount = from - copyFrom; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 4050 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) copyCount = from - copyFrom - 1; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 4058 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QString result((fromEnd - from) + copyCount, Qt::Uninitialized); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 4080 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.truncate(to - reinterpret_cast(result.d->data)); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 4925 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int pos = pp - s.d->data; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 4936 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) s.truncate(pp - s.d->data); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5016 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int pos = pp - s.d->data; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5027 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) s.truncate(pp - s.d->data); ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5173 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) width = va_arg(ap, int); ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5198 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) precision = va_arg(ap, int); ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5270 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) case lm_none: i = va_arg(ap, int); break; ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5271 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) case lm_hh: i = va_arg(ap, int); break; ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5272 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) case lm_h: i = va_arg(ap, int); break; ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5273 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) case lm_l: i = va_arg(ap, long int); break; ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5274 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) case lm_ll: i = va_arg(ap, qint64); break; ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5275 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) case lm_j: i = va_arg(ap, long int); break; ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5276 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) case lm_z: i = va_arg(ap, size_t); break; ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5277 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) case lm_t: i = va_arg(ap, int); break; ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5290 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) case lm_none: u = va_arg(ap, uint); break; ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5291 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) case lm_hh: u = va_arg(ap, uint); break; ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5292 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) case lm_h: u = va_arg(ap, uint); break; ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5293 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) case lm_l: u = va_arg(ap, ulong); break; ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5294 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) case lm_ll: u = va_arg(ap, quint64); break; ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5295 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) case lm_z: u = va_arg(ap, size_t); break; ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5326 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) d = va_arg(ap, long double); // not supported - converted to a double ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5328 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) d = va_arg(ap, double); ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5347 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) subst = QChar((ushort) va_arg(ap, int)); ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5349 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) subst = QLatin1Char((uchar) va_arg(ap, int)); ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5355 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) const ushort *buff = va_arg(ap, const ushort*); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5359 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) subst.setUtf16(buff, ch - buff); ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5361 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) subst = QString::fromUtf8(va_arg(ap, const char*)); ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5368 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) void *arg = va_arg(ap, void*); ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5372 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) quint64 i = reinterpret_cast(arg); ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5382 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) signed char *n = va_arg(ap, signed char*); ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5387 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) short int *n = va_arg(ap, short int*); ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5392 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) long int *n = va_arg(ap, long int*); ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5397 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) qint64 *n = va_arg(ap, qint64*); ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5403 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) int *n = va_arg(ap, int*); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 5602 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return v; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp, Line = 7381 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) out.writeBytes(b, sizeof(QChar)*str.length()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 400 instantiation of "QVector::QVector(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 400 instantiation of "QVector::QVector(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" CC -c -o qtextstream.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 590 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) readBuffer += QString::fromLatin1(QByteArray(buf, bytesRead).constData()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 624 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) readBuffer.resize(writePtr - readBuffer.data()); ^ cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 874 Function function "QTextStreamPrivate::saveConverterState" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline void QTextStreamPrivate::saveConverterState(qint64 newPos) ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 2578 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) d->putNumber(reinterpret_cast(ptr), false); ^ CC -c -o qiodevice.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 65 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/tools/qringbuffer_ p.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QByteArray &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 65 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/tools/qringbuffer_ p.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h, Line = 136 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) r = 1+(eol-first); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h, Line = 161 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int moveOffset = (where == freeSpaceAtEnd) ? 0 : newCapacity - len; ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 787 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int lastReadChunkSize = d->buffer.read(data, maxSize); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 833 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) lastReadChunkSize = d->buffer.read(data, maxSize); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1003 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.resize(result.size() + QIODEVICE_BUFFERSIZE); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1085 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) readSoFar = d->buffer.readLine(data, maxSize); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1215 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.resize(readBytes); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1245 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) while (readSoFar < maxSize && (lastReadReturn = read(&c, 1)) == 1) { ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1363 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->buffer.skip(written); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1477 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = readBytes; ^ CC -c -o qmalloc.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global/qmalloc.cpp CC -c -o qglobal.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global/qglobal.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global/qglobal.cpp, Line = 2619 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) seed = quintptr(&seed) + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global/qglobal.cpp, Line = 2619 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) seed = quintptr(&seed) + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector>::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector>::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector>::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector>::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector>::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector>::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector>::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector>::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector>::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector>::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector>::resize(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector>::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector>::resize(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector>::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector>::resize(int)" CC -c -o qbytearray.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 2111 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QByteArray &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 2111 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 2262 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - d->data; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 2293 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return haystack - end; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 2386 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 3541 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) tmp.truncate(out - tmp.data()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 3926 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) res.remove(0, result - (const uchar *)res.constData()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o qbytearraymatcher.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qbytearraymatcher.cpp cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qbytearraymatcher.cpp, Line = 76 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return (current - cc) - skip + 1; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qbytearraymatcher.cpp, Line = 243 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - s; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qbytearraymatcher.cpp, Line = 316 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return haystack - haystack0; ^ CC -c -o qdatastream.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp, Line = 972 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return dev->read(s, len); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp, Line = 1063 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) quint32 i1 = i & 0xffffffff; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp, Line = 1064 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) quint32 i2 = i >> 32; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp, Line = 1243 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return dev->write(s, len); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp, Line = 1267 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int n = dev->read(buf, blockSize); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp, Line = 1281 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) len = size - pos; ^ CC -c -o qbuffer.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qbuffer.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 65 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/tools/qringbuffer_ p.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QByteArray &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 65 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/tools/qringbuffer_ p.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h, Line = 136 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) r = 1+(eol-first); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h, Line = 161 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int moveOffset = (where == freeSpaceAtEnd) ? 0 : newCapacity - len; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qbuffer.cpp, Line = 371 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) if (write(QByteArray(gapSize, 0)) != gapSize) { ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qbuffer.cpp, Line = 425 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int extraBytes = d->ioIndex + len - d->buf->size(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o qlist.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o qfile.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qfile.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 65 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/tools/qringbuffer_ p.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QByteArray &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 65 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/tools/qringbuffer_ p.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h, Line = 136 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) r = 1+(eol-first); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h, Line = 161 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int moveOffset = (where == freeSpaceAtEnd) ? 0 : newCapacity - len; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qfile.cpp, Line = 1349 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) buffer->free(ret); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qfile.cpp, Line = 1646 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) char *writePointer = d->writeBuffer.reserve(len); ^ CC -c -o qfsfileengine_unix.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qfsfileengine_unix.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qfsfileengine_unix.cpp, Line = 245 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) ret = QT_LSEEK(fd, 0, SEEK_END); ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QFileInfo &)" at line 691 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qfsfileengine_unix.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QFileInfo &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QFileInfo &)" at line 691 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qfsfileengine_unix.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qfsfileengine_unix.cpp, Line = 1333 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int extra = offset % pageSize; ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash>::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash>::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash>::detach()" at line 737 instantiation of "QPair &QHash>::operator[](uchar *const &)" at line 1359 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qfsfileengine_unix.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash>::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash>::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash>::detach()" at line 737 instantiation of "QPair &QHash>::operator[](uchar *const &)" at line 1359 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qfsfileengine_unix.cpp" cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 99 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) return qHash(reinterpret_cast(key)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "uint qHash(const uchar *)" at line 879 instantiation of "QHash>::Node **QHash>::findNode(uchar *const &, uint *) const" at line 740 instantiation of "QPair &QHash>::operator[](uchar *const &)" at line 1359 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qfsfileengine_unix.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash>::Node *QHash>::createNode(uint, uchar *const &, const QPair &, QHash>::Node **)" at line 744 instantiation of "QPair &QHash>::operator[](uchar *const &)" at line 1359 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qfsfileengine_unix.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash>::Node *QHash>::createNode(uint, uchar *const &, const QPair &, QHash>::Node **)" at line 744 instantiation of "QPair &QHash>::operator[](uchar *const &)" at line 1359 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qfsfileengine_unix.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o qfsfileengine_iterator_unix.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qfsfileengine_iterator_unix.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o qfsfileengine.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qfsfileengine.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 189 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qfsfileengine.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 189 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qfsfileengine.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 189 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qfsfileengine.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 189 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qfsfileengine.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qfsfileengine.cpp, Line = 420 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) ret = QT_LSEEK(fd, 0, SEEK_END); ^ CC -c -o qfsfileengine_iterator.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qfsfileengine_iterator.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o qregexp.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qregexp.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qalgorithms.h, Line = 233 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int n = end - begin; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "const int *qLowerBound(const int *, const int *, const int &)" at line 298 instantiation of "const int *qBinaryFind(const int *, const int *, const int &)" at line 1546 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qregexp.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList>::node_copy(QList>::Node *, QList>::Node *, QList>::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList>::Node *QList>::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList>::append(const QVector &)" at line 2239 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qregexp.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList>::node_construct(QList>:: Node *, const QVector &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList>::append(const QVector &)" at line 2239 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qregexp.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash>::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash>::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash>::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash>::iterator QHash>::insert(const QByteArray &, const QPair &)" at line 2712 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qregexp.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash>::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash>::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash>::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash>::iterator QHash>::insert(const QByteArray &, const QPair &)" at line 2712 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qregexp.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash>::Node *QHash>::createNode(uint, const QByteArray &, const QPair &, QHash>::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash>::iterator QHash>::insert(const QByteArray &, const QPair &)" at line 2712 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qregexp.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash>::Node *QHash>::createNode(uint, const QByteArray &, const QPair &, QHash>::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash>::iterator QHash>::insert(const QByteArray &, const QPair &)" at line 2712 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qregexp.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::Node>::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::Node>::detach_helper()" at line 597 instantiation of "QHash::Node> &QHash::Node>::operator=(const QHash::Node> &)" at line 574 instantiation of "void QHash::Node>::clear()" at line 140 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qcache.h" instantiation of "void QCache::clear()" at line 103 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qcache.h" instantiation of "QCache::~QCache()" at line 3676 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qregexp.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::Node>::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::Node>::detach_helper()" at line 597 instantiation of "QHash::Node> &QHash::Node>::operator=(const QHash::Node> &)" at line 574 instantiation of "void QHash::Node>::clear()" at line 140 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qcache.h" instantiation of "void QCache::clear()" at line 103 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qcache.h" instantiation of "QCache::~QCache()" at line 3676 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qregexp.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpAutomatonState &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpAutomatonState &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpAutomatonState &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpAutomatonState &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpAutomatonState &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpAutomatonState &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 551 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(copy); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpAutomatonState &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 556 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpAutomatonState &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpCharClass &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpCharClass &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpCharClass &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpCharClass &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpCharClass &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpCharClass &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 551 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(copy); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpCharClass &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 556 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpCharClass &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(QRegExpLookahead *const &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(QRegExpLookahead *const &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(QRegExpLookahead *const &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(QRegExpLookahead *const &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(QRegExpLookahead *const &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpAnchorAlternation &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpAnchorAlternation &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpAnchorAlternation &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpAnchorAlternation &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExpAnchorAlternation &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node>::Node *QHash::Node>::createNode(uint, const QRegExpEngineKey &, const QCache::Node &, QHash::Node>::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::Node>::iterator QHash::Node>::insert(const QRegExpEngineKey &, const QCache::Node &)" at line 190 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qcache.h" instantiation of "bool QCache::insert(const QRegExpEngineKey &, QRegExpEngine *, int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node>::Node *QHash::Node>::createNode(uint, const QRegExpEngineKey &, const QCache::Node &, QHash::Node>::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::Node>::iterator QHash::Node>::insert(const QRegExpEngineKey &, const QCache::Node &)" at line 190 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qcache.h" instantiation of "bool QCache::insert(const QRegExpEngineKey &, QRegExpEngine *, int)" CC -c -o qvector.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvector.cpp CC -c -o qbitarray.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qbitarray.cpp cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qbitarray.cpp, Line = 166 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) quint32 c = ((v & 0xfff) * Q_UINT64_C(0x1001001001001) & Q_UINT64_C(0x84210842108421)) % 0x1f; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qbitarray.cpp, Line = 175 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) quint32 c = ((v & 0xfff) * Q_UINT64_C(0x1001001001001) & Q_UINT64_C(0x84210842108421)) % 0x1f; ^ CC -c -o qdir.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qdir.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 432 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator=(const QList &)" at line 751 instantiation of "void QList::clear()" at line 130 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qdir.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qdir.cpp, Line = 265 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) r = (&n1) - (&n2); ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QFileInfo &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QFileInfo &)" at line 292 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qdir.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvarlengtharray.h, Line = 160 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (--i) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "QVarLengthArray::QVarLengthArray(int)" at line 2026 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/io/qdir.cpp" CC -c -o qdiriterator.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qdiriterator.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 196 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet &QSet::operator<<(const QString &)" at line 193 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qdiriterator.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 196 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet &QSet::operator<<(const QString &)" at line 193 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qdiriterator.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 196 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet &QSet::operator<<(const QString &)" at line 193 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qdiriterator.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 196 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet &QSet::operator<<(const QString &)" at line 193 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qdiriterator.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 551 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(copy); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExp &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 556 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExp &)" CC -c -o quuid.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/plugin/quuid.cpp cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/plugin/quuid.cpp, Line = 245 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) data1 = temp.mid(1, 8).toULongLong(&ok, 16); ^ cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ CC -c -o qhash.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qhash.cpp CC -c -o qfileinfo.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qfileinfo.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o qdatetime.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp, Line = 145 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d = ell - (2447 * j) / 80; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp, Line = 147 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) m = j + 2 - (12 * ell); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp, Line = 148 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) y = 100 * (n - 49) + i + ell; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp, Line = 2323 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int days = jd - julianDayFromGregorianDate(1970, 1, 1); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp, Line = 2402 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int ddays = msecs / MSECS_PER_DAY; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp, Line = 2411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->time = QTime().addMSecs(msecs); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp, Line = 3071 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) ct.mds = msecsFromDecomposed(t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec, tv.tv_usec / 1000); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp, Line = 3094 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) dt.d->time.mds = msecsFromDecomposed(t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec, tv.tv_usec / 1000); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp, Line = 3121 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) dt.d->time.mds = msecsFromDecomposed(t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec, tv.tv_usec / 1000); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp, Line = 3934 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) time_t secsSince1Jan1970UTC = toMSecsSinceEpoch_helper(fakeDate.toJulianDay(), QTime().msecsTo(time)) / 1000; ^ CC -c -o qstringlist.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 845 instantiation of "void QHash::reserve(int)" at line 236 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "void QSet::reserve(int)" at line 668 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qstringlist.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 845 instantiation of "void QHash::reserve(int)" at line 236 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "void QSet::reserve(int)" at line 668 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qstringlist.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 673 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qstringlist.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 673 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/tools/qstringlist.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o qabstractfileengine.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qabstractfileengine.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o qtemporaryfile.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qtemporaryfile.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 65 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/tools/qringbuffer_ p.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QByteArray &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 65 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/tools/qringbuffer_ p.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h, Line = 136 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) r = 1+(eol-first); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h, Line = 161 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int moveOffset = (where == freeSpaceAtEnd) ? 0 : newCapacity - len; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o qmap.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qmap.cpp CC -c -o qmetatype.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QCustomTypeInfo &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QCustomTypeInfo &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QCustomTypeInfo &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QCustomTypeInfo &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QCustomTypeInfo &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QCustomTypeInfo &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 551 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(copy); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QCustomTypeInfo &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 556 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QCustomTypeInfo &)" CC -c -o qsettings.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qsettings.cpp cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::Node>::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::Node>::detach_helper()" at line 597 instantiation of "QHash::Node> &QHash::Node>::operator=(const QHash::Node> &)" at line 574 instantiation of "void QHash::Node>::clear()" at line 140 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qcache.h" instantiation of "void QCache::clear()" at line 103 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qcache.h" instantiation of "QCache::~QCache()" at line 117 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::Node>::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::Node>::detach_helper()" at line 597 instantiation of "QHash::Node> &QHash::Node>::operator=(const QHash::Node> &)" at line 574 instantiation of "void QHash::Node>::clear()" at line 140 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qcache.h" instantiation of "void QCache::clear()" at line 103 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qcache.h" instantiation of "QCache::~QCache()" at line 117 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, QConfFile *const &)" at line 221 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, QConfFile *const &)" at line 221 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, QConfFile *const &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, QConfFile *const &)" at line 221 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, QConfFile *const &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, QConfFile *const &)" at line 221 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QSettingsKey &, const QVariant &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 166 instantiation of "QMap::QMap(const QMap &)" at line 232 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QSettingsKey &, const QVariant &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 166 instantiation of "QMap::QMap(const QMap &)" at line 232 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QString &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, const QString &)" at line 390 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QString &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, const QString &)" at line 390 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QVariant &)" at line 453 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QVariant &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QVariant &)" at line 453 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const int &, const QString &)" at line 1143 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const int &, const QString &)" at line 1143 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const int &, const QString &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const int &, const QString &)" at line 1143 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const int &, const QString &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const int &, const QString &)" at line 1143 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QSettingsKey &, const QByteArray &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 414 instantiation of "QMap &QMap::operator=(const QMap &)" at line 422 instantiation of "void QMap::clear()" at line 1518 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QSettingsKey &, const QByteArray &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 414 instantiation of "QMap &QMap::operator=(const QMap &)" at line 422 instantiation of "void QMap::clear()" at line 1518 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QVariant &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, const QVariant &)" at line 1596 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QVariant &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 538 instantiation of "QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const QString &, const QVariant &)" at line 1596 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QSettingsIniSection &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QSettingsIniSection &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 1907 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QSettingsIniKey &, const QVariant &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 166 instantiation of "QMap::QMap(const QMap &)" at line 434 implicit generation of "QSettingsIniSection::QSettingsIniSection(const QSettingsIniSection &)" at line 434 instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QSettingsIniSection &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QSettingsIniSection &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 1907 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QSettingsIniKey &, const QVariant &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 166 instantiation of "QMap::QMap(const QMap &)" at line 434 implicit generation of "QSettingsIniSection::QSettingsIniSection(const QSettingsIniSection &)" at line 434 instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QSettingsIniSection &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QSettingsIniSection &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 1907 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QSettingsIniSection &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 505 instantiation of "QSettingsIniSection &QMap::operator[](const QString &)" at line 1907 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qsettings.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 551 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(copy); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QSettingsGroup &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 556 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QSettingsGroup &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node>::Node *QHash::Node>::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QCache::Node &, QHash::Node>::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::Node>::iterator QHash::Node>::insert(const QString &, const QCache::Node &)" at line 190 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qcache.h" instantiation of "bool QCache::insert(const QString &, QConfFile *, int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node>::Node *QHash::Node>::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QCache::Node &, QHash::Node>::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::Node>::iterator QHash::Node>::insert(const QString &, const QCache::Node &)" at line 190 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qcache.h" instantiation of "bool QCache::insert(const QString &, QConfFile *, int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QConfFileCustomFormat &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QConfFileCustomFormat &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QConfFileCustomFormat &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QConfFileCustomFormat &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QConfFileCustomFormat &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QConfFileCustomFormat &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 551 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(copy); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QConfFileCustomFormat &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 556 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QConfFileCustomFormat &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 551 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(copy); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QSettingsIniKey &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 556 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QSettingsIniKey &)" CC -c -o qlibraryinfo.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global/qlibraryinfo.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = generators/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ CC -c -o qvariant.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QString *)" at line 81 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QString *)" at line 81 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QChar *)" at line 84 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QChar *)" at line 84 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QStringList *)" at line 87 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QStringList *)" at line 87 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QVariant &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 166 instantiation of "QMap::QMap(const QMap &)" at line 101 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p. h" instantiation of "QVariantPrivateSharedEx::QVariantPrivateSha redEx(const QVariantMap &)" at line 113 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p. h" instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantMap *)" at line 90 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QVariant &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 166 instantiation of "QMap::QMap(const QMap &)" at line 101 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p. h" instantiation of "QVariantPrivateSharedEx::QVariantPrivateSha redEx(const QVariantMap &)" at line 113 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p. h" instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantMap *)" at line 90 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantMap *)" at line 90 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantMap *)" at line 90 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 283 instantiation of "QHash::QHash(const QHash &)" at line 101 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p. h" instantiation of "QVariantPrivateSharedEx::QVariantPrivateSh aredEx(const QVariantHash &)" at line 113 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p. h" instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantHash *)" at line 93 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 283 instantiation of "QHash::QHash(const QHash &)" at line 101 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p. h" instantiation of "QVariantPrivateSharedEx::QVariantPrivateSh aredEx(const QVariantHash &)" at line 113 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p. h" instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantHash *)" at line 93 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantHash *)" at line 93 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantHash *)" at line 93 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 101 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p. h" instantiation of "QVariantPrivateSharedEx::QVariantPrivateSh aredEx(const QVariantList &)" at line 113 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p. h" instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantList *)" at line 96 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantList *)" at line 96 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantList *)" at line 96 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QDate *)" at line 99 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QDate *)" at line 99 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QTime *)" at line 102 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QTime *)" at line 102 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QDateTime *)" at line 105 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QDateTime *)" at line 105 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QByteArray *)" at line 108 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QByteArray *)" at line 108 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QBitArray *)" at line 111 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QBitArray *)" at line 111 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QUrl *)" at line 140 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QUrl *)" at line 140 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QLocale *)" at line 143 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QLocale *)" at line 143 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QRegExp *)" at line 147 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QRegExp *)" at line 147 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp, Line = 886 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) *static_cast(result) = qConvertToUnsignedNumber(d, ok); ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QVariant &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QVariant &)" at line 1006 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QByteArray &)" at line 1701 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QBitArray &)" at line 1703 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QString &)" at line 1705 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QChar &)" at line 1707 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QStringList &)" at line 1711 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QDate &)" at line 1714 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QTime &)" at line 1716 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QDateTime &)" at line 1718 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QVariantList &)" at line 1724 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QVariantMap &)" at line 1726 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QVariantHash &)" at line 1728 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QUrl &)" at line 1739 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QLocale &)" at line 1740 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QRegExp &)" at line 1742 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/cor elib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" CC -c -o qvsnprintf.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qvsnprintf.cpp CC -c -o qlocale.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlocale.cpp cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlocale.cpp, Line = 293 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int lang_len = lang - lang_begin; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlocale.cpp, Line = 1482 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return QString::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast(data), end-data); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlocale.cpp, Line = 2172 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) quint16 index = p == system_lp ? locale_data_size : p - locale_data; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlocale.cpp, Line = 3569 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int c = l % base; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlocale.cpp, Line = 3583 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int c = l % base; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlocale.cpp, Line = 3591 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return QString(reinterpret_cast(p), 65 - (p - buff)); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlocale.cpp, Line = 4668 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) cutlim = qulonglong(ULLONG_MAX) % qbase; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlocale.cpp, Line = 4765 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) cutlim = cutoff % qbase; ^ CC -c -o qlinkedlist.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qlinkedlist.cpp CC -c -o qurl.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/inclu de/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include /QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlist.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 472 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) parseData->schemeLength = *ptr - parseData->scheme; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 766 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) parseData->hostLength = *ptr - parseData->host; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 780 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) parseData->userInfoDelimIndex = *ptr - parseData->userInfo; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 792 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) parseData->userInfoLength = *ptr - parseData->userInfo; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 932 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) parseData->pathLength = *ptr - pathStart; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 948 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) parseData->queryLength = *ptr - parseData->query; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 964 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) parseData->fragmentLength = *ptr - parseData->fragment; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qalgorithms.h, Line = 233 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int n = end - begin; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "const NameprepCaseFoldingEntry *qLowerBound(const NameprepCaseFoldingEntry *, const NameprepCaseFoldingEntry *, const int &)" at line 298 instantiation of "const NameprepCaseFoldingEntry *qBinaryFind(const NameprepCaseFoldingEntry *, const NameprepCaseFoldingEntry *, const int &)" at line 2370 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qurl.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 2465 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) str->truncate(out - str->utf16()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 2944 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int firstNonAscii = out - src; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 2955 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) source->truncate(out - src); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 3076 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) output->truncate(d - output->constData()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 3237 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return ch - b; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 3704 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) path->truncate(out - path->constData()); ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList>::node_copy(QList>::Node *, QList>::Node *, QList>::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList>::Node *QList>::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList>::append(const QPair &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList> &QList>::operator+=(const QPair &)" at line 5092 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qurl.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList>::node_construct(QList>::Node *, const QPair &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList>::append(const QPair &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList> &QList>::operator+=(const QPair &)" at line 5092 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qurl.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList>::node_copy(QList>::Node *, QList>::Node *, QList>::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList>::Node *QList>::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList>::append(const QPair &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList> &QList>::operator+=(const QPair &)" at line 5123 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qurl.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList>::node_construct(QList>::Node *, const QPair &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList>::append(const QPair &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList> &QList>::operator+=(const QPair &)" at line 5123 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qurl.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QByteArray &)" at line 5277 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qurl.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QByteArray &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QByteArray &)" at line 5277 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/io/qurl.cpp" CC -c -o qnumeric.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global/qnumeric.cpp CC -c -o qcryptographichash.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/qcryptographichash.cpp cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/md4/md4.cpp, Line = 181 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) if ((ctx->lo = (saved_lo + size) & 0x1fffffff) < saved_lo) ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/sha1/sha1.cpp, Line = 208 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) quint32 rest = static_cast(state->messageSize & Q_UINT64_C(63)); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/sha1/sha1.cpp, Line = 218 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) memcpy(&state->buffer[rest], &data[0], static_cast(i)); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/sha1/sha1.cpp, Line = 239 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) if (static_cast(messageSize & 63) > 56 - 1) { ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/sha1/sha1.cpp, Line = 240 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sha1Update(state, zero, 64 - 1 - static_cast(messageSize & 63)); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/sha1/sha1.cpp, Line = 243 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sha1Update(state, zero, 64 - 1 - 8 - static_cast(messageSize & 63)); ^ CC -c -o qxmlstream.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml/qxmlstream.cpp cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData ::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::Entity &)" at line 1501 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/xml/qxmlstream_p.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData ::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::Entity &)" at line 1501 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/xml/qxmlstream_p.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::Entity &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::Entity &)" at line 1501 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/xml/qxmlstream_p.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::Entity &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::Entity &)" at line 1501 of "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/c orelib/xml/qxmlstream_p.h" cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml/qxmlstream.cpp, Line = 907 Function function "QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::filterCarriageReturn" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline uint QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::filterCarriageReturn() ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml/qxmlstream.cpp, Line = 973 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int oldLineNumber = lineNumber; ^ cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml/qxmlstream.cpp, Line = 1147 Function function "QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::fastScanLiteralContent" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline int QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::fastScanLiteralContent() ^ cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml/qxmlstream.cpp, Line = 1193 Function function "QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::fastScanSpace" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline int QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::fastScanSpace() ^ cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml/qxmlstream.cpp, Line = 1226 Function function "QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::fastScanContentCharList" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline int QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::fastScanContentCharList() ^ cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml/qxmlstream.cpp, Line = 1290 Function function "QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::fastScanName" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline int QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::fastScanName(int *prefix) ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml/qxmlstream.cpp, Line = 1478 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int nbytesreadOrMinus1 = device->read(rawReadBuffer.data() + nbytesread, BUFFER_SIZE - nbytesread); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml/qxmlstream.cpp, Line = 1534 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) readBuffer = QString::fromLatin1(rawReadBuffer.data(), nbytesread); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml/qxmlstream.cpp, Line = 1808 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) readBuffer = QString::fromLatin1(rawReadBuffer.data(), nbytesread); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData() " at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData( )" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 325 instantiation of "void QVector::detach_helper()" at line 385 instantiation of "QVector &QVector::operator=(const QVector &)" CC -c -o qxmlutils.o -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -DQMAKE_OPENSOURCE_EDITION -g -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Igenerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/include/QtCore -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/global -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/tools/shared -DQT_NO_PCRE -DQT_BUILD_QMAKE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_COMPONENT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPRESS -I/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -DHAVE_QCONFIG_CPP -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml/qxmlutils.cpp cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/xml/qxmlutils.cpp, Line = 86 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int delta = (end - begin) / 2; ^ CC -o "/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake" project.o property.o main.o makefile.o unixmake2.o unixmake.o mingw_make.o option.o winmakefile.o projectgenerator.o meta.o makefiledeps.o metamakefile.o xmloutput.o pbuilder_pbx.o borland_bmake.o msvc_vcproj.o msvc_nmake.o msvc_objectmodel.o symmake.o initprojectdeploy_symbian.o symmake_abld.o symmake_sbsv2.o symbiancommon.o registry.o epocroot.o qtextcodec.o qutfcodec.o qstring.o qtextstream.o qiodevice.o qmalloc.o qglobal.o qbytearray.o qbytearraymatcher.o qdatastream.o qbuffer.o qlist.o qfile.o qfsfileengine_unix.o qfsfileengine_iterator_unix.o qfsfileengine.o qfsfileengine_iterator.o qregexp.o qvector.o qbitarray.o qdir.o qdiriterator.o quuid.o qhash.o qfileinfo.o qdatetime.o qstringlist.o qabstractfileengine.o qtemporaryfile.o qmap.o qmetatype.o qsettings.o qlibraryinfo.o qvariant.o qvsnprintf.o qlocale.o qlinkedlist.o qurl.o qnumeric.o qcryptographichash.o qxmlstream.o qxmlutils.o -64 -lm ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::shared_null) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::detach(int)) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::detach_grow(int*,int)) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::detach(void)) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::detach2(void)) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::detach3(void)) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::realloc(int)) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::erase(void**)) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::remove(int)) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::append(int)) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::append(void)) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::append(const QListData&)) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::append2(const QListData&)) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::prepend(void)) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::insert(int)) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::remove(int,int)) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::move(int,int)) in property.o and mingw_make.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::shared_null) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::detach(int)) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::detach_grow(int*,int)) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::detach(void)) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::detach2(void)) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::detach3(void)) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::realloc(int)) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::erase(void**)) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::remove(int)) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::append(int)) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::append(void)) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::append(const QListData&)) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::append2(const QListData&)) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::prepend(void)) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::insert(int)) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::remove(int,int)) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::move(int,int)) in property.o and winmakefile.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::shared_null) in property.o and projectgenerator.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::detach(int)) in property.o and projectgenerator.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::detach_grow(int*,int)) in property.o and projectgenerator.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::detach(void)) in property.o and projectgenerator.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::detach2(void)) in property.o and projectgenerator.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::detach3(void)) in property.o and projectgenerator.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::realloc(int)) in property.o and projectgenerator.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::erase(void**)) in property.o and projectgenerator.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::remove(int)) in property.o and projectgenerator.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::append(int)) in property.o and projectgenerator.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::append(void)) in property.o and projectgenerator.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::append(const QListData&)) in property.o and projectgenerator.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::append2(const QListData&)) in property.o and projectgenerator.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::prepend(void)) in property.o and projectgenerator.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::insert(int)) in property.o and projectgenerator.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(QListData::remove(int,int)) in property.o and projectgenerator.o (2nd definition ignored). ld64: Giving up after printing 50 warnings. Use -wall to print all warnings. floatmath auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o floatmath.o floatmath.cpp CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o floatmath floatmath.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs ld64: ERROR 33 : Unresolved text symbol "ceilf" -- 1st referenced by floatmath.o. Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos are loaded. ld64: ERROR 33 : Unresolved text symbol "floorf" -- 1st referenced by floatmath.o. Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos are loaded. ld64: INFO 152: Output file removed because of error. gmake: *** [floatmath] Error 2 floatmath disabled. mmx auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -mmmx -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o mmx.o mmx.cpp CC ERROR parsing -mmmx: unknown flag gmake: *** [mmx.o] Error 2 mmx disabled. 3dnow auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -m3dnow -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o 3dnow.o 3dnow.cpp CC ERROR parsing -m3dnow: unknown flag gmake: *** [3dnow.o] Error 2 3dnow disabled. sse auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -msse -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o sse.o sse.cpp CC ERROR parsing -msse: unknown flag gmake: *** [sse.o] Error 2 sse disabled. sse2 auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -msse2 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o sse2.o sse2.cpp CC ERROR parsing -msse2: unknown flag gmake: *** [sse2.o] Error 2 sse2 disabled. zlib auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o zlib.o zlib.cpp cc-1552 CC: WARNING File = zlib.cpp, Line = 46 The variable "stream" is set but never used. z_streamp stream; ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = zlib.cpp, Line = 48 The variable "ver" is set but never used. const char *ver = zlibVersion(); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = zlib.cpp, Line = 51 The variable "res" is set but never used. int res = compress2(0, 0, 0, 0, 1); ^ CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o zlib zlib.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs -lz ld64: FATAL 12 : Expecting 64-bit objects: /usr/local/mysql/lib/libz.a is 32-bit. gmake: *** [zlib] Error 2 zlib disabled. libtiff auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o libtiff.o libtiff.cpp cc-1020 CC: ERROR File = libtiff.cpp, Line = 62 The identifier "TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented" is undefined. TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "libtiff.cpp". gmake: *** [libtiff.o] Error 2 libtiff disabled. libmng auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o libmng.o libmng.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = libmng.cpp, Line = 42 The source file "libmng.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "libmng.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [libmng.o] Error 2 libmng disabled. DB2 auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o db2.o db2.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = db2.cpp, Line = 42 The source file "sqlcli.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "db2.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [db2.o] Error 2 DB2 disabled. InterBase auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o ibase.o ibase.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = ibase.cpp, Line = 42 The source file "ibase.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "ibase.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [ibase.o] Error 2 InterBase disabled. MySQL (thread-safe) auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o mysql.o ../mysql/mysql.cpp CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o mysql_r mysql.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -lz -lpthread -lgen -lnsl -lm -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs -lmysqlclient_r ld64: FATAL 12 : Expecting 64-bit objects: /usr/local/mysql/lib/libz.a is 32-bit. gmake: *** [mysql_r] Error 2 MySQL (thread-safe) disabled. MySQL (thread-unsafe) auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o mysql.o mysql.cpp CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o mysql mysql.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -lz -lgen -lnsl -lm -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs -lmysqlclient ld64: FATAL 12 : Expecting 64-bit objects: /usr/local/mysql/lib/libz.a is 32-bit. gmake: *** [mysql] Error 2 MySQL (thread-unsafe) disabled. OCI auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o oci.o oci.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = oci.cpp, Line = 42 The source file "oci.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "oci.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [oci.o] Error 2 OCI disabled. PostgreSQL auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o psql.o psql.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = psql.cpp, Line = 42 The source file "libpq-fe.h" is unavailable. #include "libpq-fe.h" ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "psql.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [psql.o] Error 2 PostgreSQL disabled. SQLite2 auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o sqlite2.o sqlite2.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = sqlite2.cpp, Line = 42 The source file "sqlite.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "sqlite2.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [sqlite2.o] Error 2 SQLite2 disabled. unknown SQL driver: sqlite_symbian TDS auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o tds.o tds.cpp CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o tds tds.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs -lsybdb ld64: FATAL 12 : Expecting n64 objects: /usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs/libsybdb.so is n32. gmake: *** [tds] Error 2 TDS disabled. NIS auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o nis.o nis.cpp cc-1084 CC: ERROR File = /usr/include/rpcsvc/yp_prot.h, Line = 97 The indicated declaration has an invalid combination of type specifiers. typedef unsigned int bool; ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "nis.cpp". gmake: *** [nis.o] Error 2 NIS disabled. Cups auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o cups.o cups.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = cups.cpp, Line = 42 The source file "cups/cups.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "cups.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [cups.o] Error 2 Cups disabled. POSIX iconv auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o iconv.o iconv.cpp cc-1035 CC: WARNING File = iconv.cpp, Line = 43 #error directive: "iconv not supported on IRIX" #error "iconv not supported on IRIX" ^ CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o iconv iconv.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs ld64: ERROR 33 : Unresolved text symbol "main" -- 1st referenced by /usr/lib64/mips4/crt1.o. Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos are loaded. ld64: INFO 152: Output file removed because of error. gmake: *** [iconv] Error 2 POSIX iconv disabled. GNU libiconv auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o gnu-libiconv.o gnu-libiconv.cpp cc-1035 CC: WARNING File = gnu-libiconv.cpp, Line = 43 #error directive: "iconv not supported on IRIX" #error "iconv not supported on IRIX" ^ CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o gnu-libiconv gnu-libiconv.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs -liconv C++ prelinker: warning: could not locate library -liconv; assuming /usr/lib/libiconv.a ld64: FATAL 9 : I/O error (-liconv): No such file or directory gmake: *** [gnu-libiconv] Error 2 GNU libiconv disabled. EGL (EGL/egl.h) auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o egl.o egl.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = egl.cpp, Line = 42 The source file "EGL/egl.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "egl.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [egl.o] Error 2 EGL (EGL/egl.h) disabled. EGL (GLES/egl.h) auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o egl4gles1.o egl4gles1.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = egl4gles1.cpp, Line = 42 The source file "GLES/egl.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "egl4gles1.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [egl4gles1.o] Error 2 EGL (GLES/egl.h) disabled. Glib auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -D_REENTRANT -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -I/usr/local/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/local/lib/glib-2.0/include -o glib.o glib.cpp cc-1551 CC: WARNING File = glib.cpp, Line = 55 The variable "pollfd" is used before its value is set. g_source_add_poll(source, pollfd); ^ cc-1552 CC: WARNING File = glib.cpp, Line = 48 The variable "context" is set but never used. GMainContext *context; ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = /usr/local/include/glib-2.0/glib/gmessages.h, Line = 179 The function "g_error" was declared but never referenced. g_error (const gchar *format, ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = /usr/local/include/glib-2.0/glib/gmessages.h, Line = 190 The function "g_message" was declared but never referenced. g_message (const gchar *format, ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = /usr/local/include/glib-2.0/glib/gmessages.h, Line = 199 The function "g_critical" was declared but never referenced. g_critical (const gchar *format, ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = /usr/local/include/glib-2.0/glib/gmessages.h, Line = 208 The function "g_warning" was declared but never referenced. g_warning (const gchar *format, ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = /usr/local/include/glib-2.0/glib/gmessages.h, Line = 217 The function "g_debug" was declared but never referenced. g_debug (const gchar *format, ^ CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o glib glib.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs -L/usr/local/lib -lgthread-2.0 -lpthread -lglib-2.0 -lintl ld64: FATAL 12 : Expecting n64 objects: /usr/local/lib/libgthread-2.0.so is n32. gmake: *** [glib] Error 2 Glib disabled. PulseAudio auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o pulseaudio.o pulseaudio.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = pulseaudio.cpp, Line = 42 The source file "pulse/pulseaudio.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "pulseaudio.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [pulseaudio.o] Error 2 PulseAudio disabled. Detecting broken X11 headers... (/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 yes /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1 /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1) X11 headers look good. XLib auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o xlib.o xlib.cpp CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o xlib xlib.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs -lXext -lX11 -lm ld64: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib64/libXext.so is not used for resolving any symbol. ld64: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib64/mips4/libm.so is not used for resolving any symbol. XLib enabled. OpenGL auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o opengl.o opengl.cpp cc-1552 CC: WARNING File = opengl.cpp, Line = 51 The variable "x" is set but never used. GLuint x; ^ CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o opengl opengl.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs -lGL -lGLU -lXext -lX11 -lm ld64: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib64/libGL.so is not used for resolving any symbol. ld64: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib64/libGLU.so is not used for resolving any symbol. OpenGL enabled. Xcursor auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o xcursor.o xcursor.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = xcursor.cpp, Line = 43 The source file "X11/Xcursor/Xcursor.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "xcursor.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [xcursor.o] Error 2 Xcursor disabled. Xfixes auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o xfixes.o xfixes.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = xfixes.cpp, Line = 43 The source file "X11/extensions/Xfixes.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "xfixes.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [xfixes.o] Error 2 Xfixes disabled. Xrandr auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o xrandr.o xrandr.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = xrandr.cpp, Line = 43 The source file "X11/extensions/Xrandr.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "xrandr.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [xrandr.o] Error 2 Xrandr disabled. Xrender auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o xrender.o xrender.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = xrender.cpp, Line = 43 The source file "X11/extensions/Xrender.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "xrender.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [xrender.o] Error 2 Xrender disabled. mitshm auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o mitshm.o mitshm.cpp CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o mitshm mitshm.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs -lXext -lXext -lX11 -lm ld64: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib64/mips4/libm.so is not used for resolving any symbol. mitshm enabled. FontConfig auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/freetype2 -o fontconfig.o fontconfig.cpp cc-1552 CC: WARNING File = fontconfig.cpp, Line = 56 The variable "face" is set but never used. FT_Face face; ^ cc-1552 CC: WARNING File = fontconfig.cpp, Line = 58 The variable "pattern" is set but never used. FcPattern *pattern; ^ CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o fontconfig fontconfig.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs -L/usr/local/lib -lfreetype -lfontconfig -lXext -lX11 -lm ld64: FATAL 12 : Expecting n64 objects: /usr/local/lib/libfreetype.so is n32. gmake: *** [fontconfig] Error 2 FontConfig disabled. Session Management auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o sm.o sm.cpp cc-1552 CC: WARNING File = sm.cpp, Line = 46 The variable "pointer" is set but never used. SmPointer pointer; ^ CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o sm sm.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs -lSM -lICE -lXext -lX11 -lm ld64: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib64/libSM.so is not used for resolving any symbol. ld64: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib64/libXext.so is not used for resolving any symbol. ld64: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib64/mips4/libm.so is not used for resolving any symbol. Session Management enabled. XShape auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o xshape.o xshape.cpp cc-1552 CC: WARNING File = xshape.cpp, Line = 48 The variable "shapeevent" is set but never used. XShapeEvent shapeevent; ^ CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o xshape xshape.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs -lXext -lX11 -lm ld64: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib64/libXext.so is not used for resolving any symbol. ld64: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib64/mips4/libm.so is not used for resolving any symbol. XShape enabled. XVideo auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o xvideo.o xvideo.cpp CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o xvideo xvideo.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs -lXv -lXext -lX11 -lm C++ prelinker: warning: could not locate library -lXv; assuming /usr/lib/libXv.a ld64: FATAL 9 : I/O error (-lXv): No such file or directory gmake: *** [xvideo] Error 2 XVideo disabled. Xinerama auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o xinerama.o xinerama.cpp cc-1020 CC: ERROR File = xinerama.cpp, Line = 47 The identifier "XineramaScreenInfo" is undefined. XineramaScreenInfo *info; ^ cc-1020 CC: ERROR File = xinerama.cpp, Line = 47 The identifier "info" is undefined. XineramaScreenInfo *info; ^ 2 errors detected in the compilation of "xinerama.cpp". gmake: *** [xinerama.o] Error 2 Xinerama disabled. XInput auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -DQ_OS_IRIX -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o xinput.o xinput.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = xinput.cpp, Line = 50 The source file "wacom.h" is unavailable. # include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "xinput.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [xinput.o] Error 2 XInput disabled. XKB auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o xkb.o xkb.cpp CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o xkb xkb.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs -lXext -lX11 -lm ld64: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib64/libXext.so is not used for resolving any symbol. ld64: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib64/mips4/libm.so is not used for resolving any symbol. XKB enabled. FreeType auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o freetype.o freetype.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = freetype.cpp, Line = 42 The source file "ft2build.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "freetype.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [freetype.o] Error 2 FreeType disabled. Determining machine byte-order... (/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 yes /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1 /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1) CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -o endiantest.o endiantest.cpp cc-1552 CC: WARNING File = endiantest.cpp, Line = 51 The variable "msb_bigendian_string" is set but never used. char *msb_bigendian_string = (char *) msb_bigendian; ^ cc-1552 CC: WARNING File = endiantest.cpp, Line = 52 The variable "lsb_littleendian_string" is set but never used. char *lsb_littleendian_string = (char *) lsb_littleendian; ^ CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o endiantest endiantest.o Found 'MostSignificantByteFirst' in binary rm -f endiantest.o rm -f -r ./so_locations ./ii_files rm -f *~ core *.core rm -f endiantest rm -f Makefile Using big endian. Determining machine byte-order... (/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 yes /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1 /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1) CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -o endiantest.o endiantest.cpp cc-1552 CC: WARNING File = endiantest.cpp, Line = 51 The variable "msb_bigendian_string" is set but never used. char *msb_bigendian_string = (char *) msb_bigendian; ^ cc-1552 CC: WARNING File = endiantest.cpp, Line = 52 The variable "lsb_littleendian_string" is set but never used. char *lsb_littleendian_string = (char *) lsb_littleendian; ^ CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o endiantest endiantest.o Found 'MostSignificantByteFirst' in binary rm -f endiantest.o rm -f -r ./so_locations ./ii_files rm -f *~ core *.core rm -f endiantest rm -f Makefile Using big endian. STL auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o stltest.o stltest.cpp cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 108 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int v1size = v1.size(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 110 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int v1capacity = v1.capacity(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 123 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int v2size = v2.size(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 131 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int m1size = m1.size(); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 135 The variable "first" is set but never used. int first = (*m1it).first; ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 137 The variable "second" is set but never used. double second = (*m1it).second; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 141 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int m2size = m2.size(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 97 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) inline int operator-(DummyIterator j) const { return i - j.i; } ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int DummyIterator::operator-(DummyIterator) const" at line 304 of "/usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h" instantiation of "std::iterator_traits>::difference_typ e std::__distance(DummyIterator, DummyIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag)" at line 312 of "/usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h" instantiation of "std::iterator_traits>::difference_typ e std::distance(DummyIterator, DummyIterator)" at line 145 cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 145 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int n = std::distance(it1, it2); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 108 The variable "v1size" is set but never used. int v1size = v1.size(); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 110 The variable "v1capacity" is set but never used. int v1capacity = v1.capacity(); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 114 The variable "v1notfound" is set but never used. bool v1notfound = (v1it == v1.end()); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 118 The variable "v1found" is set but never used. bool v1found = (v1it != v1.end()); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 123 The variable "v2size" is set but never used. int v2size = v2.size(); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 131 The variable "m1size" is set but never used. int m1size = m1.size(); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 141 The variable "m2size" is set but never used. int m2size = m2.size(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 145 The variable "n" was declared but never referenced. int n = std::distance(it1, it2); ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::__Named_exception" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::logic_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::runtime_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::domain_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::invalid_argument" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::length_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::out_of_range" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::range_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::overflow_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::underflow_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::__Named_exception" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::logic_error" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::runtime_error" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::domain_error" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::invalid_argument" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::length_error" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::out_of_range" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::range_error" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::overflow_error" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::underflow_error" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o stl stltest.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs --- C++ prelinker: stltest.o --- CC -DEFAULT:abi=n32:isa=mips4:proc=r10k -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include stltest.cpp -o stltest.o cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 108 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int v1size = v1.size(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 110 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int v1capacity = v1.capacity(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 123 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int v2size = v2.size(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 131 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int m1size = m1.size(); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 135 The variable "first" is set but never used. int first = (*m1it).first; ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 137 The variable "second" is set but never used. double second = (*m1it).second; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 141 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int m2size = m2.size(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 97 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) inline int operator-(DummyIterator j) const { return i - j.i; } ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int DummyIterator::operator-(DummyIterator) const" at line 304 of "/usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h" instantiation of "std::iterator_traits>::difference_typ e std::__distance(DummyIterator, DummyIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag)" at line 312 of "/usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h" instantiation of "std::iterator_traits>::difference_typ e std::distance(DummyIterator, DummyIterator)" at line 145 cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 145 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int n = std::distance(it1, it2); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 108 The variable "v1size" is set but never used. int v1size = v1.size(); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 110 The variable "v1capacity" is set but never used. int v1capacity = v1.capacity(); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 114 The variable "v1notfound" is set but never used. bool v1notfound = (v1it == v1.end()); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 118 The variable "v1found" is set but never used. bool v1found = (v1it != v1.end()); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 123 The variable "v2size" is set but never used. int v2size = v2.size(); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 131 The variable "m1size" is set but never used. int m1size = m1.size(); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 141 The variable "m2size" is set but never used. int m2size = m2.size(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 145 The variable "n" was declared but never referenced. int n = std::distance(it1, it2); ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::__Named_exception" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::logic_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::runtime_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::domain_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::invalid_argument" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::length_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::out_of_range" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::range_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::overflow_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::underflow_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK all virtual functions for class "std::__Named_exception" inline: static virtual table generated cc-3649 CC: REMARK all virtual functions for class "std::logic_error" inline: static virtual table generated cc-3649 CC: REMARK all virtual functions for class "std::runtime_error" inline: static virtual table generated cc-3649 CC: REMARK all virtual functions for class "std::domain_error" inline: static virtual table generated cc-3649 CC: REMARK all virtual functions for class "std::invalid_argument" inline: static virtual table generated cc-3649 CC: REMARK all virtual functions for class "std::length_error" inline: static virtual table generated cc-3649 CC: REMARK all virtual functions for class "std::out_of_range" inline: static virtual table generated cc-3649 CC: REMARK all virtual functions for class "std::range_error" inline: static virtual table generated cc-3649 CC: REMARK all virtual functions for class "std::overflow_error" inline: static virtual table generated cc-3649 CC: REMARK all virtual functions for class "std::underflow_error" inline: static virtual table generated --- C++ prelinker: stltest.o --- CC -DEFAULT:abi=n32:isa=mips4:proc=r10k -DEFAULT:abi=n32:isa=mips4:proc=r10k -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include stltest.cpp -o stltest.o cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 108 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int v1size = v1.size(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 110 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int v1capacity = v1.capacity(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 123 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int v2size = v2.size(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 131 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int m1size = m1.size(); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 135 The variable "first" is set but never used. int first = (*m1it).first; ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 137 The variable "second" is set but never used. double second = (*m1it).second; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 141 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int m2size = m2.size(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 97 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) inline int operator-(DummyIterator j) const { return i - j.i; } ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int DummyIterator::operator-(DummyIterator) const" at line 304 of "/usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h" instantiation of "std::iterator_traits>::difference_typ e std::__distance(DummyIterator, DummyIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag)" at line 312 of "/usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h" instantiation of "std::iterator_traits>::difference_typ e std::distance(DummyIterator, DummyIterator)" at line 145 cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = stltest.cpp, Line = 145 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int n = std::distance(it1, it2); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 108 The variable "v1size" is set but never used. int v1size = v1.size(); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 110 The variable "v1capacity" is set but never used. int v1capacity = v1.capacity(); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 114 The variable "v1notfound" is set but never used. bool v1notfound = (v1it == v1.end()); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 118 The variable "v1found" is set but never used. bool v1found = (v1it != v1.end()); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 123 The variable "v2size" is set but never used. int v2size = v2.size(); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 131 The variable "m1size" is set but never used. int m1size = m1.size(); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 141 The variable "m2size" is set but never used. int m2size = m2.size(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 145 The variable "n" was declared but never referenced. int n = std::distance(it1, it2); ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::__Named_exception" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::logic_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::runtime_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::domain_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::invalid_argument" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::length_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::out_of_range" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::range_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::overflow_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = /usr/include/CC/stl_iterator_base.h, Line = 144 all virtual functions for class "std::underflow_error" inline: static virtual table generated typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category; ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::__Named_exception" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::logic_error" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::runtime_error" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::domain_error" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::invalid_argument" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::length_error" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::out_of_range" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::range_error" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::overflow_error" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK File = stltest.cpp, Line = 100 all virtual functions for class "std::underflow_error" inline: static virtual table generated int main() ^ STL enabled. IPv6 auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o ipv6test.o ipv6test.cpp CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o ipv6 ipv6test.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs IPv6 enabled. POSIX clock_gettime() auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o clock-gettime.o clock-gettime.cpp CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o clock-gettime clock-gettime.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs POSIX clock_gettime() enabled. POSIX Monotonic Clock auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o clock-monotonic.o clock-monotonic.cpp cc-1035 CC: WARNING File = clock-monotonic.cpp, Line = 51 #error directive: "Feature _POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK not available" # error "Feature _POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK not available" ^ cc-1020 CC: ERROR File = clock-monotonic.cpp, Line = 53 The identifier "force_compiler_error" is undefined. force_compiler_error = true; ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "clock-monotonic.cpp". gmake: *** [clock-monotonic.o] Error 2 POSIX Monotonic Clock disabled. mremap auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o mremap.o mremap.cpp cc-1255 CC: ERROR File = mremap.cpp, Line = 47 The global scope has no "mremap". (void) ::mremap(static_cast(0), size_t(0), size_t(42), MREMAP_MAYMOVE); ^ cc-1020 CC: ERROR File = mremap.cpp, Line = 47 The identifier "MREMAP_MAYMOVE" is undefined. (void) ::mremap(static_cast(0), size_t(0), size_t(42), MREMAP_MAYMOVE); ^ 2 errors detected in the compilation of "mremap.cpp". gmake: *** [mremap.o] Error 2 mremap disabled. getaddrinfo auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o getaddrinfotest.o getaddrinfotest.cpp CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o getaddrinfo getaddrinfotest.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs getaddrinfo enabled. inotify auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o inotifytest.o inotifytest.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = inotifytest.cpp, Line = 42 The source file "sys/inotify.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "inotifytest.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [inotifytest.o] Error 2 inotify disabled. IPv6 interface name auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o ipv6ifname.o ipv6ifname.cpp CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o ipv6ifname ipv6ifname.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs IPv6 interface name enabled. getifaddrs auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o getifaddrs.o getifaddrs.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = getifaddrs.cpp, Line = 52 The source file "ifaddrs.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "getifaddrs.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [getifaddrs.o] Error 2 getifaddrs disabled. OpenSSL auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o openssl.o openssl.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = openssl.cpp, Line = 42 The source file "openssl/opensslv.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "openssl.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [openssl.o] Error 2 OpenSSL disabled. alsa auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o alsatest.o alsatest.cpp cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = alsatest.cpp, Line = 42 The source file "alsa/asoundlib.h" is unavailable. #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "alsatest.cpp". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [alsatest.o] Error 2 alsa disabled. Stdint auto-detection... () CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -o main.o main.cpp cc-1035 CC: WARNING File = /usr/include/stdint.h, Line = 5 #error directive: This header file is to be used only for c99 mode compilations #error This header file is to be used only for c99 mode compilations ^ CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o stdint main.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/local/freetds-0.82/src/dblib/.libs Stdint enabled. Testing size of pointers ... (/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 yes /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1 /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1) rm -f ptrsizetest.o rm -f -r ./so_locations ./ii_files rm -f *~ core *.core CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -g -fullwarn -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -o ptrsizetest.o ptrsizetest.cpp CC -64 -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/lib -o ptrsizetest ptrsizetest.o Pointer size: 8 This target is using the MIPSpro C++ compiler (irix-cc-64). You may choose to re-run configure with the -no-exceptions option to compile Qt without exceptions. This will make the size of the Qt library smaller and reduce the amount of memory taken by your applications. Build type: irix-cc-64 Architecture: mips qmake vars .......... Cannot open .qmake.vars: No such file or directory qmake switches ......... Build .................. libs tools docs translations Configuration .......... debug static largefile stl def_files_disabled minimal-config small-config medium-config large-config full-config qt3support accessibility opengl reduce_exports ipv6 clock-gettime getaddrinfo ipv6ifname jpeg mng no-png gif tiff freetype zlib x11sm xshape mitshm xkb xmlpatterns multimedia mediaservices media-backend audio-backend svg debug Debug .................. yes Qt 3 compatibility ..... yes QtDBus module .......... no QtConcurrent code ...... no QtGui module ........... yes QtScript module ........ no QtScriptTools module ... no QtXmlPatterns module ... yes Phonon module .......... no Multimedia module ...... auto Mediaservices module ... auto SVG module ............. yes WebKit module .......... no Declarative module ..... no Support for S60 ........ no Symbian DEF files ...... no STL support ............ yes PCH support ............ no MMX/3DNOW/SSE/SSE2...... no/no/no/no Graphics System ........ default IPv6 support ........... yes IPv6 ifname support .... yes getaddrinfo support .... yes getifaddrs support ..... no Accessibility .......... yes NIS support ............ no CUPS support ........... no Iconv support .......... no Glib support ........... no GStreamer support ...... no PulseAudio support ..... no Large File support ..... yes GIF support ............ yes TIFF support ........... yes (qt) JPEG support ........... yes (qt) PNG support ............ no MNG support ............ yes (qt) zlib support ........... yes Session management ..... yes OpenGL support ......... yes (Desktop OpenGL) OpenVG support ......... no NAS sound support ...... no XShape support ......... yes XVideo support ......... no XSync support .......... no Xinerama support ....... no Xcursor support ........ no Xfixes support ......... no Xrandr support ......... no Xrender support ........ no Xi support ............. no MIT-SHM support ........ yes FontConfig support ..... no XKB Support ............ yes immodule support ....... yes GTK theme support ...... no SQLite support ......... plugin (qt) OpenSSL support ........ no Alsa support ........... no ICD support ............ no WARNING: Using static linking will disable the use of dynamically loaded plugins. Make sure to import all needed static plugins, or compile needed modules into the library. Finding project files. Please wait... Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/tools/bootstrap/bootstrap.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/tools/moc/moc.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/tools/rcc/rcc.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/tools/uic/uic.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/corelib/corelib.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/xml/xml.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/network/network.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/sql/sql.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/testlib/testlib.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/gui/gui.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/qt3support/qt3support.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/tools/uic3/uic3.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/opengl/opengl.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/xmlpatterns/xmlpatterns.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/multimedia/multimedia/multimedia.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/multimedia/mediaservices/mediaservices.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/svg/svg.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/plugins.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/sqldrivers/sqldrivers.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/sqldrivers/sqlite/sqlite.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/script/script.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/bearer/bearer.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/bearer/generic/generic.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/imageformats.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/jpeg/jpeg.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/gif/gif.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/mng/mng.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/svg/svg.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/tiff/tiff.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/ico/ico.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/iconengines/iconengines.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/iconengines/svgiconengine/svgiconengine.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/graphicssystems/graphicssystems.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/graphicssystems/trace/trace.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/graphicssystems/opengl/opengl.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/inputmethods/inputmethods.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/inputmethods/imsw-multi/imsw-multi.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/accessible/accessible.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/accessible/widgets/widgets.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/accessible/compat/compat.pro Reading /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/audio/audio.pro Reading 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Creating makefiles. 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-o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/xml /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/xml/xml.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/imports/widgets/widgets.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/imports/widgets /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/imports/widgets/widgets.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/imports/particles/particles.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/imports/particles /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/imports/particles/particles.pro for 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/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/testlib /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/testlib/testlib.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/sql/sql.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/sql /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/sql/sql.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/gui/gui.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/gui /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/gui/gui.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/network/network.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/network /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/network/network.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/dbus/dbus.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/dbus /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/dbus/dbus.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/tools/moc/moc.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/tools/moc 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/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/tests/qwebhistoryinterface /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/tests/qwebhistoryinterface/qwebhistoryinterface.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/opengl/util/generator.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/opengl/util /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/opengl/util/generator.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/phonon/phonon.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o 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/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/tools/uic3 /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/tools/uic3/uic3.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/tools/idc/idc.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/tools/idc /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/tools/idc/idc.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/tools/moc/util/generate_keywords.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/tools/moc/util /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/tools/moc/util/generate_keywords.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/inputmethods/imsw-multi/imsw-multi.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/inputmethods/imsw-multi /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/inputmethods/imsw-multi/imsw-multi.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/script/qtdbus/qtdbus.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/script/qtdbus /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/script/qtdbus/qtdbus.pro for 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/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/phonon/ds9 /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/phonon/ds9/ds9.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/phonon/qt7/qt7.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/phonon/qt7 /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/phonon/qt7/qt7.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/phonon/gstreamer/gstreamer.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/phonon/gstreamer 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/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/mousedrivers/pc /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/mousedrivers/pc/pc.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/mousedrivers/linuxtp/linuxtp.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/mousedrivers/linuxtp /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/mousedrivers/linuxtp/linuxtp.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/mousedrivers/tslib/tslib.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/mousedrivers/tslib /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/mousedrivers/tslib/tslib.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/codecs/jp/jp.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/codecs/jp /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/codecs/jp/jp.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/codecs/kr/kr.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/codecs/kr /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/codecs/kr/kr.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/codecs/tw/tw.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/codecs/tw /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/codecs/tw/tw.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/codecs/cn/cn.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/codecs/cn /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/codecs/cn/cn.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/accessible/widgets/widgets.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/accessible/widgets /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/accessible/widgets/widgets.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/accessible/compat/compat.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/accessible/compat /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/accessible/compat/compat.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/sqldrivers/sqlite2/sqlite2.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/sqldrivers/sqlite2 /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/sqldrivers/sqlite2/sqlite2.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/odbc.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/odbc.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/sqldrivers/tds/tds.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/sqldrivers/tds /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/sqldrivers/tds/tds.pro for 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/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/sqldrivers/mysql /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/sqldrivers/mysql/mysql.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/sqldrivers/psql/psql.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/sqldrivers/psql /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/sqldrivers/psql/psql.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/sqldrivers/oci/oci.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/sqldrivers/oci /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/sqldrivers/oci/oci.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/sqldrivers/db2/db2.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/sqldrivers/db2 /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/sqldrivers/db2/db2.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/kbddrivers/linuxinput/linuxinput.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/kbddrivers/linuxinput /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/kbddrivers/linuxinput/linuxinput.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/s60/3_1/3_1.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/s60/3_1 /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/s60/3_1/3_1.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/s60/5_0/5_0.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/s60/5_0 /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/s60/5_0/5_0.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/s60/3_2/3_2.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/s60/3_2 /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/s60/3_2/3_2.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/iconengines/svgiconengine/svgiconengine.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/iconengines/svgiconengine /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/iconengines/svgiconengine/svgiconengine.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/tiff/tiff.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/imageformats/tiff /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/tiff/tiff.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/jpeg/jpeg.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/imageformats/jpeg /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/jpeg/jpeg.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/gif/gif.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/imageformats/gif /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/gif/gif.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/svg/svg.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/imageformats/svg /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/svg/svg.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/ico/ico.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/imageformats/ico /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/imageformats/ico/ico.pro for 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/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/bearer/nativewifi /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/bearer/nativewifi/nativewifi.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/bearer/networkmanager/networkmanager.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/bearer/networkmanager /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/bearer/networkmanager/networkmanager.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/bearer/corewlan/corewlan.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/bearer/corewlan /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/bearer/corewlan/corewlan.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/bearer/nla/nla.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/bearer/nla /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/bearer/nla/nla.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/bearer/symbian/symbian.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/bearer/symbian /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/bearer/symbian/symbian.pro for /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/bearer/generic/generic.pro (irix-cc-64) /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/bin/qmake -spec /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -o /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/./src/plugins/bearer/generic /usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/plugins/bearer/generic/generic.pro Qt is now configured for building. Just run 'gmake'. Once everything is built, you must run 'gmake install'. Qt will be installed into /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0 To reconfigure, run 'gmake confclean' and 'configure'. > gmake cd src/tools/bootstrap/ && gmake -f Makefile gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/tools/bootstrap' CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qisciicodec.o ../../corelib/codecs/qisciicodec.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qlatincodec.o ../../corelib/codecs/qlatincodec.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 91 of "../../corelib/codecs/qlatincodec.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QByteArray &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 91 of "../../corelib/codecs/qlatincodec.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qsimplecodec.o ../../corelib/codecs/qsimplecodec.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 722 of "../../corelib/codecs/qsimplecodec.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QByteArray &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 722 of "../../corelib/codecs/qsimplecodec.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qtextcodec.o ../../corelib/codecs/qtextcodec.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/codecs/qtextcodec_p.h, Line = 75 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) quintptr data = reinterpret_cast(fn); ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 810 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->end -= int(reinterpret_cast(p.end()) - n); ^ detected during instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QList &)" at line 85 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 834 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return int(n - reinterpret_cast(p.begin())); ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::indexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 104 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 72 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 74 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 81 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 83 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 597 instantiation of "QHash &QHash::operator=(const QHash &)" at line 574 instantiation of "void QHash::clear()" at line 1042 of "../../corelib/codecs/qtextcodec.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 597 instantiation of "QHash &QHash::operator=(const QHash &)" at line 574 instantiation of "void QHash::clear()" at line 1042 of "../../corelib/codecs/qtextcodec.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QByteArray &, QTextCodec *const &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QByteArray &, QTextCodec *const &)" at line 1052 of "../../corelib/codecs/qtextcodec.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QByteArray &, QTextCodec *const &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QByteArray &, QTextCodec *const &)" at line 1052 of "../../corelib/codecs/qtextcodec.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 597 instantiation of "QHash &QHash::operator=(const QHash &)" at line 574 instantiation of "void QHash::clear()" at line 1086 of "../../corelib/codecs/qtextcodec.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 597 instantiation of "QHash &QHash::operator=(const QHash &)" at line 574 instantiation of "void QHash::clear()" at line 1086 of "../../corelib/codecs/qtextcodec.cpp" cc-3943 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/codecs/qtextcodec.cpp, Line = 1094 declaration hides variable "i" (declared at line 1093) for (int i = 0; i < all->size(); ++i) { ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const int &, QTextCodec *const &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const int &, QTextCodec *const &)" at line 1097 of "../../corelib/codecs/qtextcodec.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const int &, QTextCodec *const &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const int &, QTextCodec *const &)" at line 1097 of "../../corelib/codecs/qtextcodec.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 1133 of "../../corelib/codecs/qtextcodec.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QByteArray &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QByteArray &)" at line 1136 of "../../corelib/codecs/qtextcodec.cpp" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 810 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->end -= int(reinterpret_cast(p.end()) - n); ^ detected during instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QList &)" at line 1137 of "../../corelib/codecs/qtextcodec.cpp" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/codecs/qtextcodec.cpp, Line = 1740 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) pos = header.indexOf("charset=", pos) + int(strlen("charset=")); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qtsciicodec.o ../../corelib/codecs/qtsciicodec.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qutfcodec.o ../../corelib/codecs/qutfcodec.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/codecs/qtextcodec_p.h, Line = 75 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) quintptr data = reinterpret_cast(fn); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/codecs/qutfcodec.cpp, Line = 143 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) rstr.resize(cursor - (const uchar*)rstr.constData()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/codecs/qutfcodec.cpp, Line = 257 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.truncate(qch - (ushort *)result.unicode()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/codecs/qutfcodec.cpp, Line = 371 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.truncate(qch - result.unicode()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/codecs/qutfcodec.cpp, Line = 501 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.truncate(qch - result.unicode()); ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 587 of "../../corelib/codecs/qutfcodec.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qglobal.o ../../corelib/global/qglobal.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 810 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->end -= int(reinterpret_cast(p.end()) - n); ^ detected during instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QList &)" at line 85 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 834 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return int(n - reinterpret_cast(p.begin())); ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::indexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 104 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-1374 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 201 The class "QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn" has a default operator "delete()" but no operator "new()". struct ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn: public ExternalRefCountData ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/global/qglobal.cpp, Line = 2619 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) seed = quintptr(&seed) + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/global/qglobal.cpp, Line = 2619 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) seed = quintptr(&seed) + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t(); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector>::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector>::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector>::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector>::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector>::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector>::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector>::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector>::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector>::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector>::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector>::resize(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector>::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector>::resize(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector>::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector>::resize(int)" cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qnumeric.o ../../corelib/global/qnumeric.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qabstractfileengine.o ../../corelib/io/qabstractfileengine.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 810 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->end -= int(reinterpret_cast(p.end()) - n); ^ detected during instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QList &)" at line 85 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 834 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return int(n - reinterpret_cast(p.begin())); ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::indexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 104 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-1374 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 201 The class "QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn" has a default operator "delete()" but no operator "new()". struct ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn: public ExternalRefCountData ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 72 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 74 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 81 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 83 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qbuffer.o ../../corelib/io/qbuffer.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 65 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/too ls/qringbuffer_p.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QByteArray &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 65 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/too ls/qringbuffer_p.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 211 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) inline int operator-(iterator j) const { return int(i - j.i); } ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QList::iterator::operator-(QList: :iterator) const" at line 790 instantiation of "QList::iterator QList::erase(QList::iterator, QList::iterator)" at line 261 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/too ls/qringbuffer_p.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h, Line = 136 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) r = 1+(eol-first); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h, Line = 161 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int moveOffset = (where == freeSpaceAtEnd) ? 0 : newCapacity - len; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qbuffer.cpp, Line = 371 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) if (write(QByteArray(gapSize, 0)) != gapSize) { ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qbuffer.cpp, Line = 379 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) qWarning("QBuffer::seek: Invalid pos: %d", int(pos)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qbuffer.cpp, Line = 382 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->ioIndex = int(pos); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qbuffer.cpp, Line = 403 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return d->buf->indexOf('\n', int(pos())) != -1 || QIODevice::canReadLine(); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qbuffer.cpp, Line = 415 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->ioIndex += int(len); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qbuffer.cpp, Line = 425 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int extraBytes = d->ioIndex + len - d->buf->size(); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qbuffer.cpp, Line = 435 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) memcpy(d->buf->data() + d->ioIndex, (uchar *)data, int(len)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qbuffer.cpp, Line = 436 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->ioIndex += int(len); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qdatastream.o ../../corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp, Line = 972 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return dev->read(s, len); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp, Line = 1063 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) quint32 i1 = i & 0xffffffff; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp, Line = 1064 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) quint32 i2 = i >> 32; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp, Line = 1243 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return dev->write(s, len); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp, Line = 1267 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int n = dev->read(buf, blockSize); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp, Line = 1281 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) len = size - pos; ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qdir.o ../../corelib/io/qdir.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 810 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->end -= int(reinterpret_cast(p.end()) - n); ^ detected during instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QList &)" at line 85 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 834 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return int(n - reinterpret_cast(p.begin())); ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::indexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 104 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-1374 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 201 The class "QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn" has a default operator "delete()" but no operator "new()". struct ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn: public ExternalRefCountData ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 432 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator=(const QList &)" at line 751 instantiation of "void QList::clear()" at line 130 of "../../corelib/io/qdir.cpp" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qdir.cpp, Line = 227 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) r = int(qBound(-1, f2->item.size() - f1->item.size(), 1)); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qdir.cpp, Line = 265 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) r = (&n1) - (&n2); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qalgorithms.h, Line = 343 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int span = int(end - start); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QAlgorithmsPrivate::qSortHelper(QDirSortItem *, QDirSortItem *, const QDirSortItem &, QDirSortItemComparator)" at line 187 instantiation of "void qSort(QDirSortItem *, QDirSortItem *, QDirSortItemComparator)" at line 288 of "../../corelib/io/qdir.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QFileInfo &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QFileInfo &)" at line 292 of "../../corelib/io/qdir.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvarlengtharray.h, Line = 160 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (--i) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "QVarLengthArray::QVarLengthArray(int)" at line 2026 of "../../corelib/io/qdir.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qdiriterator.o ../../corelib/io/qdiriterator.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 810 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->end -= int(reinterpret_cast(p.end()) - n); ^ detected during instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QList &)" at line 85 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 834 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return int(n - reinterpret_cast(p.begin())); ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::indexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 104 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 72 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 74 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 81 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 83 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 196 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet &QSet::operator<<(const QString &)" at line 193 of "../../corelib/io/qdiriterator.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 196 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet &QSet::operator<<(const QString &)" at line 193 of "../../corelib/io/qdiriterator.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 196 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet &QSet::operator<<(const QString &)" at line 193 of "../../corelib/io/qdiriterator.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 196 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet &QSet::operator<<(const QString &)" at line 193 of "../../corelib/io/qdiriterator.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 331 instantiation of "void QVector::resize(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 328 instantiation of "void QVector::reserve(int)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 551 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(copy); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExp &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 556 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QRegExp &)" cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qfile.o ../../corelib/io/qfile.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 72 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 74 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 81 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 83 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 810 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->end -= int(reinterpret_cast(p.end()) - n); ^ detected during instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QList &)" at line 85 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 834 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return int(n - reinterpret_cast(p.begin())); ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::indexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 104 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 65 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/too ls/qringbuffer_p.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QByteArray &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 65 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/too ls/qringbuffer_p.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 211 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) inline int operator-(iterator j) const { return int(i - j.i); } ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QList::iterator::operator-(QList: :iterator) const" at line 790 instantiation of "QList::iterator QList::erase(QList::iterator, QList::iterator)" at line 261 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/too ls/qringbuffer_p.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h, Line = 136 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) r = 1+(eol-first); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h, Line = 161 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int moveOffset = (where == freeSpaceAtEnd) ? 0 : newCapacity - len; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qfile.cpp, Line = 1349 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) buffer->free(ret); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qfile.cpp, Line = 1646 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) char *writePointer = d->writeBuffer.reserve(len); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qfileinfo.o ../../corelib/io/qfileinfo.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 810 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->end -= int(reinterpret_cast(p.end()) - n); ^ detected during instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QList &)" at line 85 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 834 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return int(n - reinterpret_cast(p.begin())); ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::indexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 104 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-1374 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 201 The class "QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn" has a default operator "delete()" but no operator "new()". struct ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn: public ExternalRefCountData ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qfsfileengine.o ../../corelib/io/qfsfileengine.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 810 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->end -= int(reinterpret_cast(p.end()) - n); ^ detected during instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QList &)" at line 85 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 834 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return int(n - reinterpret_cast(p.begin())); ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::indexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 104 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 72 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 74 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 81 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 83 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-1374 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 201 The class "QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn" has a default operator "delete()" but no operator "new()". struct ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn: public ExternalRefCountData ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 189 of "../../corelib/io/qfsfileengine.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 753 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 189 of "../../corelib/io/qfsfileengine.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 541 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = reinterpret_cast(new (d->allocateNode(alignOfDummyNode())) DummyNode(akey)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 189 of "../../corelib/io/qfsfileengine.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 543 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QHash::Node *QHash::createNode(uint, const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &, QHash::Node **)" at line 760 instantiation of "QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const QString &, const QHashDummyValue &)" at line 175 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qset.h" instantiation of "QSet::const_iterator QSet::insert(const QString &)" at line 189 of "../../corelib/io/qfsfileengine.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qfsfileengine.cpp, Line = 420 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) ret = QT_LSEEK(fd, 0, SEEK_END); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qfsfileengine.cpp, Line = 756 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) if (!fgets(data, int(maxlen + 1), fh)) { ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ cc-3649 CC: REMARK all virtual functions for class "QAbstractFileEnginePrivate" inline: static virtual table generated cc-3649 CC: REMARK all virtual functions for class "QFSFileEnginePrivate" inline: static virtual table generated cc-3649 CC: REMARK all virtual functions for class "QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData" inline: static virtual table generated cc-3649 CC: REMARK all virtual functions for class "QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn" inline: static virtual table generated CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qfsfileengine_iterator.o ../../corelib/io/qfsfileengine_iterator.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 810 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->end -= int(reinterpret_cast(p.end()) - n); ^ detected during instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QList &)" at line 85 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 834 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return int(n - reinterpret_cast(p.begin())); ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::indexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 104 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 72 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 74 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 81 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 83 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qiodevice.o ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 72 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 74 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 81 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 83 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 65 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/too ls/qringbuffer_p.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QByteArray &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 65 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/too ls/qringbuffer_p.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 211 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) inline int operator-(iterator j) const { return int(i - j.i); } ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QList::iterator::operator-(QList: :iterator) const" at line 790 instantiation of "QList::iterator QList::erase(QList::iterator, QList::iterator)" at line 261 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/too ls/qringbuffer_p.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h, Line = 136 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) r = 1+(eol-first); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h, Line = 161 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int moveOffset = (where == freeSpaceAtEnd) ? 0 : newCapacity - len; ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 810 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->end -= int(reinterpret_cast(p.end()) - n); ^ detected during instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QList &)" at line 85 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 834 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return int(n - reinterpret_cast(p.begin())); ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::indexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 104 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 631 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) qWarning("QIODevice::seek: Invalid pos: %d", int(pos)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 654 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->buffer.skip(int(offset)); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 787 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int lastReadChunkSize = d->buffer.read(data, maxSize); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 824 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->buffer.chop(bytesToBuffer - (readFromDevice < 0 ? 0 : int(readFromDevice))); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 833 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) lastReadChunkSize = d->buffer.read(data, maxSize); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 861 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) lastReadChunkSize += int(readFromDevice); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 940 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) if (maxSize != qint64(int(maxSize))) { ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 947 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.resize(int(maxSize)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 952 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.resize(int(qMin(maxSize, result.size() + QIODEVICE_BUFFERSIZE))); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 965 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.resize(int(readBytes)); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 928 The variable "d" is set but never used. Q_D(QIODevice); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1003 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.resize(result.size() + QIODEVICE_BUFFERSIZE); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1011 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.resize(int(readBytes + theSize - d->pos)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1018 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.resize(int(readBytes)); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1085 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) readSoFar = d->buffer.readLine(data, maxSize); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1191 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.resize(int(maxSize)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1203 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.resize(int(qMin(maxSize, result.size() + QIODEVICE_BUFFERSIZE))); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1208 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) && result[int(readBytes - 1)] != '\n'); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1215 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) result.resize(readBytes); ^ cc-1552 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1174 The variable "d" is set but never used. Q_D(QIODevice); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1245 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) while (readSoFar < maxSize && (lastReadReturn = read(&c, 1)) == 1) { ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1363 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->buffer.skip(written); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp, Line = 1477 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = readBytes; ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qtemporaryfile.o ../../corelib/io/qtemporaryfile.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 810 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->end -= int(reinterpret_cast(p.end()) - n); ^ detected during instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QList &)" at line 85 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 834 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return int(n - reinterpret_cast(p.begin())); ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::indexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 104 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 65 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/too ls/qringbuffer_p.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QByteArray &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 321 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator<<(const QByteArray &)" at line 65 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/too ls/qringbuffer_p.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 211 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) inline int operator-(iterator j) const { return int(i - j.i); } ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QList::iterator::operator-(QList: :iterator) const" at line 790 instantiation of "QList::iterator QList::erase(QList::iterator, QList::iterator)" at line 261 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/too ls/qringbuffer_p.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h, Line = 136 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) r = 1+(eol-first); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h, Line = 161 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int moveOffset = (where == freeSpaceAtEnd) ? 0 : newCapacity - len; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 72 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 74 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 81 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 83 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qtextstream.o ../../corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 468 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (state) QTextCodec::ConverterState; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 565 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) codec = QTextCodec::codecForUtfText(QByteArray::fromRawData(buf, bytesRead), codec); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 588 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) readBuffer += codec->toUnicode(buf, bytesRead, &readConverterState); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 624 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) readBuffer.resize(writePtr - readBuffer.data()); ^ cc-1460 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 874 Function function "QTextStreamPrivate::saveConverterState" is redeclared "inline" after being called. inline void QTextStreamPrivate::saveConverterState(qint64 newPos) ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 1206 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->stringOffset = int(pos); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 1664 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) if (!d->scan(&readPtr, &length, int(maxlen), QTextStreamPrivate::EndOfLine)) ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 1688 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return d->read(int(maxlen)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 2076 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) IMPLEMENT_STREAM_RIGHT_INT_OPERATOR(signed short); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 2086 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) IMPLEMENT_STREAM_RIGHT_INT_OPERATOR(unsigned short); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 2096 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) IMPLEMENT_STREAM_RIGHT_INT_OPERATOR(signed int); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 2106 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) IMPLEMENT_STREAM_RIGHT_INT_OPERATOR(unsigned int); ^ cc-3970 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qtextstream.cpp, Line = 2578 conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem) d->putNumber(reinterpret_cast(ptr), false); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qurl.o ../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 72 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 74 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 81 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 83 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 810 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->end -= int(reinterpret_cast(p.end()) - n); ^ detected during instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QList &)" at line 85 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 834 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return int(n - reinterpret_cast(p.begin())); ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::indexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 104 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 472 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) parseData->schemeLength = *ptr - parseData->scheme; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 766 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) parseData->hostLength = *ptr - parseData->host; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 780 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) parseData->userInfoDelimIndex = *ptr - parseData->userInfo; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 792 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) parseData->userInfoLength = *ptr - parseData->userInfo; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 932 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) parseData->pathLength = *ptr - pathStart; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 948 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) parseData->queryLength = *ptr - parseData->query; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 964 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) parseData->fragmentLength = *ptr - parseData->fragment; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qalgorithms.h, Line = 233 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int n = end - begin; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "const NameprepCaseFoldingEntry *qLowerBound(const NameprepCaseFoldingEntry *, const NameprepCaseFoldingEntry *, const int &)" at line 298 instantiation of "const NameprepCaseFoldingEntry *qBinaryFind(const NameprepCaseFoldingEntry *, const NameprepCaseFoldingEntry *, const int &)" at line 2370 of "../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 2465 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) str->truncate(out - str->utf16()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 2944 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int firstNonAscii = out - src; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 2955 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) source->truncate(out - src); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 3076 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) output->truncate(d - output->constData()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 3237 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return ch - b; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 3704 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) path->truncate(out - path->constData()); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp, Line = 3718 The variable "auth" was declared but never referenced. QString auth = authority(); // causes the non-encoded forms to be valid ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList>::node_copy(QList>::Node *, QList>::Node *, QList>::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList>::Node *QList>::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList>::append(const QPair &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList> &QList>::operator+=(const QPair &)" at line 5092 of "../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList>::node_construct(QList>::Node *, const QPair &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList>::append(const QPair &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList> &QList>::operator+=(const QPair &)" at line 5092 of "../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList>::node_copy(QList>::Node *, QList>::Node *, QList>::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList>::Node *QList>::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList>::append(const QPair &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList> &QList>::operator+=(const QPair &)" at line 5123 of "../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList>::node_construct(QList>::Node *, const QPair &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList>::append(const QPair &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList> &QList>::operator+=(const QPair &)" at line 5123 of "../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QByteArray &)" at line 5277 of "../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QByteArray &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 319 instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QByteArray &)" at line 5277 of "../../corelib/io/qurl.cpp" cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qmetatype.o ../../corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-1374 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 201 The class "QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn" has a default operator "delete()" but no operator "new()". struct ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn: public ExternalRefCountData ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 810 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->end -= int(reinterpret_cast(p.end()) - n); ^ detected during instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QList &)" at line 85 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 834 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return int(n - reinterpret_cast(p.begin())); ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::indexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 104 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-1110 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp, Line = 1335 The indicated statement is not reachable. break; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 311 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(this))->array[1]) - reinterpret_cast(this); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "int QVector::sizeOfTypedData()" at line 392 instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QCustomTypeInfo &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 392 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *vectordata = QVectorData::allocate(sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QVectorData *QVector::malloc(int)" at line 465 instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QCustomTypeInfo &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 479 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) QVectorData *mem = QVectorData::reallocate(d, sizeOfTypedData() + (aalloc - 1) * sizeof(T), ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QCustomTypeInfo &)" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 480 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) sizeOfTypedData() + (d->alloc - 1) * sizeof(T), alignOfTypedData()); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QCustomTypeInfo &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 503 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T(*pOld++); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QCustomTypeInfo &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 508 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (pNew++) T; ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QVector::realloc(int, int)" at line 548 instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QCustomTypeInfo &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 551 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(copy); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QCustomTypeInfo &)" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, Line = 556 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (p->array + d->size) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void QVector::append(const QCustomTypeInfo &)" cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qvariant.o ../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 72 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 74 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 81 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 83 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3333 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 212 Support for placement delete is disabled. inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { } ^ cc-1374 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h, Line = 201 The class "QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn" has a default operator "delete()" but no operator "new()". struct ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn: public ExternalRefCountData ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QString &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QString &)" at line 70 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringl ist.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 810 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->end -= int(reinterpret_cast(p.end()) - n); ^ detected during instantiation of "QList &QList::operator+=(const QList &)" at line 85 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 834 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return int(n - reinterpret_cast(p.begin())); ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::indexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 104 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 851 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ detected during instantiation of "int QList::lastIndexOf(const QString &, int) const" at line 106 of "../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstringlis t.h" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QString *)" at line 81 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QString *)" at line 81 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QChar *)" at line 84 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QChar *)" at line 84 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QStringList *)" at line 87 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QStringList *)" at line 87 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 432 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->key) Key(akey); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QVariant &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 166 instantiation of "QMap::QMap(const QMap &)" at line 101 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/ker nel/qvariant_p.h" instantiation of "QVariantPrivateSharedEx::QVariantPrivateSha redEx(const QVariantMap &)" at line 113 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/ker nel/qvariant_p.h" instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantMap *)" at line 90 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qmap.h, Line = 434 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&concreteNode->value) T(avalue); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "QMapData::Node *QMap::node_create(QMapData *, QMapData::Node **, const QString &, const QVariant &)" at line 739 instantiation of "void QMap::detach_helper()" at line 182 instantiation of "void QMap::detach()" at line 166 instantiation of "QMap::QMap(const QMap &)" at line 101 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/ker nel/qvariant_p.h" instantiation of "QVariantPrivateSharedEx::QVariantPrivateSha redEx(const QVariantMap &)" at line 113 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/ker nel/qvariant_p.h" instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantMap *)" at line 90 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantMap *)" at line 90 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantMap *)" at line 90 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 528 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) DummyNode(concreteNode->key); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 283 instantiation of "QHash::QHash(const QHash &)" at line 101 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/ker nel/qvariant_p.h" instantiation of "QVariantPrivateSharedEx::QVariantPrivateSh aredEx(const QVariantHash &)" at line 113 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/ker nel/qvariant_p.h" instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantHash *)" at line 93 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 530 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). (void) new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QHash::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *, void *)" at line 580 instantiation of "void QHash::detach_helper()" at line 299 instantiation of "void QHash::detach()" at line 283 instantiation of "QHash::QHash(const QHash &)" at line 101 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/ker nel/qvariant_p.h" instantiation of "QVariantPrivateSharedEx::QVariantPrivateSh aredEx(const QVariantHash &)" at line 113 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/ker nel/qvariant_p.h" instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantHash *)" at line 93 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantHash *)" at line 93 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantHash *)" at line 93 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 695 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper(int)" at line 709 instantiation of "void QList::detach_helper()" at line 118 instantiation of "QList::QList(const QList &)" at line 101 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/ker nel/qvariant_p.h" instantiation of "QVariantPrivateSharedEx::QVariantPrivateSh aredEx(const QVariantList &)" at line 113 of "../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/ker nel/qvariant_p.h" instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantList *)" at line 96 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantList *)" at line 96 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QVariantList *)" at line 96 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QDate *)" at line 99 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QDate *)" at line 99 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QTime *)" at line 102 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QTime *)" at line 102 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QDateTime *)" at line 105 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QDateTime *)" at line 105 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QByteArray *)" at line 108 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QByteArray *)" at line 108 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QBitArray *)" at line 111 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QBitArray *)" at line 111 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QUrl *)" at line 140 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QUrl *)" at line 140 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QLocale *)" at line 143 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QLocale *)" at line 143 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 117 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(*static_cast(copy)); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QRegExp *)" at line 147 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 119 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T; ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const void *, QRegExp *)" at line 147 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp, Line = 703 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) *c = QChar(ushort(qMetaTypeNumber(d))); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp, Line = 710 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) *c = QChar(ushort(qMetaTypeUNumber(d))); ^ cc-3943 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp, Line = 793 declaration hides parameter "t" (declared at line 618) QTime *t = static_cast(result); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp, Line = 861 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) *static_cast(result) = short(qConvertToNumber(d, ok)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp, Line = 867 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) *static_cast(result) = ushort(qConvertToUnsignedNumber(d, ok)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp, Line = 873 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) *static_cast(result) = int(qConvertToNumber(d, ok)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp, Line = 876 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) *static_cast(result) = uint(qConvertToUnsignedNumber(d, ok)); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp, Line = 886 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) *static_cast(result) = qConvertToUnsignedNumber(d, ok); ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QVariant &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QVariant &)" at line 1006 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QByteArray &)" at line 1701 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QBitArray &)" at line 1703 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QString &)" at line 1705 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QChar &)" at line 1707 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QStringList &)" at line 1711 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QDate &)" at line 1714 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QTime &)" at line 1716 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QDateTime &)" at line 1718 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QVariantList &)" at line 1724 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QVariantMap &)" at line 1726 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QVariantHash &)" at line 1728 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QUrl &)" at line 1739 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QLocale &)" at line 1740 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant_p.h, Line = 130 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (&x->data.ptr) T(t); ^ detected during instantiation of "void v_construct(QVariant::Private *, const QRegExp &)" at line 1742 of "../../corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp" cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qbitarray.o ../../corelib/tools/qbitarray.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 72 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 74 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 81 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(((key >> (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)) ^ key) & (~0U)); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h, Line = 83 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(key & (~0U)); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/tools/qbitarray.cpp, Line = 166 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) quint32 c = ((v & 0xfff) * Q_UINT64_C(0x1001001001001) & Q_UINT64_C(0x84210842108421)) % 0x1f; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/tools/qbitarray.cpp, Line = 175 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) quint32 c = ((v & 0xfff) * Q_UINT64_C(0x1001001001001) & Q_UINT64_C(0x84210842108421)) % 0x1f; ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ CC -c -64 -signed -LANG:std:libc_in_namespace_std=ON -woff 1209,1355,1375,1424,3303 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/local/freetds-0.82/include -g -fullwarn -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT -DQT_NO_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_QOBJECT -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE -DQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM -DQT_NO_THREAD -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../../mkspecs/irix-cc-64 -I. -I../../../include -I../../../include/QtCore -I../../../include/QtXml -I../../3rdparty/zlib -o .obj/debug-static/qbytearray.o ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp cc-1234 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 890 Access control is not specified ("public" by default). template struct QIntegerForSizeof: QIntegerForSize { }; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.h, Line = 68 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) { return str ? uint(strlen(str)) : 0; } ^ cc-3322 CC: WARNING File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 223 Omission of an explicit type is nonstandard ("int" is assumed). ZEXTERN Q_ZEXPORT const char * zlibVersion OF((void)); ^ cc-1020 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 223 The identifier "visibility" is undefined. ZEXTERN Q_ZEXPORT const char * zlibVersion OF((void)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 223 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN Q_ZEXPORT const char * zlibVersion OF((void)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 253 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT deflate OF((z_streamp strm, int flush)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 253 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT deflate OF((z_streamp strm, int flush)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 339 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT deflateEnd OF((z_streamp strm)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 339 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT deflateEnd OF((z_streamp strm)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 374 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT inflate OF((z_streamp strm, int flush)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 374 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT inflate OF((z_streamp strm, int flush)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 473 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT inflateEnd OF((z_streamp strm)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 473 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT inflateEnd OF((z_streamp strm)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 549 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT deflateSetDictionary OF((z_streamp strm, ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 549 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT deflateSetDictionary OF((z_streamp strm, ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 588 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT deflateCopy OF((z_streamp dest, ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 588 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT deflateCopy OF((z_streamp dest, ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 606 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT deflateReset OF((z_streamp strm)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 606 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT deflateReset OF((z_streamp strm)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 617 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT deflateParams OF((z_streamp strm, ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 617 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT deflateParams OF((z_streamp strm, ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 747 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT inflateSetDictionary OF((z_streamp strm, ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 747 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT inflateSetDictionary OF((z_streamp strm, ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 769 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT inflateSync OF((z_streamp strm)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 769 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT inflateSync OF((z_streamp strm)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 800 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT inflateReset OF((z_streamp strm)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 800 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT inflateReset OF((z_streamp strm)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1020 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT compress OF((Bytef *dest, uLongf *destLen, ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1020 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT compress OF((Bytef *dest, uLongf *destLen, ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1035 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT compress2 OF((Bytef *dest, uLongf *destLen, ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1035 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT compress2 OF((Bytef *dest, uLongf *destLen, ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1058 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT uncompress OF((Bytef *dest, uLongf *destLen, ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1058 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT uncompress OF((Bytef *dest, uLongf *destLen, ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1079 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN gzFile Q_ZEXPORT gzopen OF((const char *path, const char *mode)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1079 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN gzFile Q_ZEXPORT gzopen OF((const char *path, const char *mode)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1096 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN gzFile Q_ZEXPORT gzdopen OF((int fd, const char *mode)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1096 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN gzFile Q_ZEXPORT gzdopen OF((int fd, const char *mode)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1109 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzsetparams OF((gzFile file, int level, int strategy)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1109 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzsetparams OF((gzFile file, int level, int strategy)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1117 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzread OF((gzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1117 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzread OF((gzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1125 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzwrite OF((gzFile file, ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1125 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzwrite OF((gzFile file, ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1133 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzprintf OF((gzFile file, const char *format, ...)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1133 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzprintf OF((gzFile file, const char *format, ...)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1146 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzputs OF((gzFile file, const char *s)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1146 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzputs OF((gzFile file, const char *s)); ^ cc-3322 CC: WARNING File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1153 Omission of an explicit type is nonstandard ("int" is assumed). ZEXTERN Q_ZEXPORT char * gzgets OF((gzFile file, char *buf, int len)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1153 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN Q_ZEXPORT char * gzgets OF((gzFile file, char *buf, int len)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1153 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN Q_ZEXPORT char * gzgets OF((gzFile file, char *buf, int len)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1162 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzputc OF((gzFile file, int c)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1162 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzputc OF((gzFile file, int c)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1168 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzgetc OF((gzFile file)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1168 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzgetc OF((gzFile file)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1184 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzflush OF((gzFile file, int flush)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1184 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzflush OF((gzFile file, int flush)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1194 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN z_off_t Q_ZEXPORT gzseek OF((gzFile file, ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1194 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN z_off_t Q_ZEXPORT gzseek OF((gzFile file, ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1212 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzrewind OF((gzFile file)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1212 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzrewind OF((gzFile file)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1219 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN z_off_t Q_ZEXPORT gztell OF((gzFile file)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1219 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN z_off_t Q_ZEXPORT gztell OF((gzFile file)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1228 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzeof OF((gzFile file)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1228 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzeof OF((gzFile file)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1240 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzclose OF((gzFile file)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1240 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT gzclose OF((gzFile file)); ^ cc-3322 CC: WARNING File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1247 Omission of an explicit type is nonstandard ("int" is assumed). ZEXTERN Q_ZEXPORT const char * gzerror OF((gzFile file, int *errnum)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1247 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN Q_ZEXPORT const char * gzerror OF((gzFile file, int *errnum)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1247 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN Q_ZEXPORT const char * gzerror OF((gzFile file, int *errnum)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1271 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN uLong Q_ZEXPORT adler32 OF((uLong adler, const Bytef *buf, uInt len)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1271 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN uLong Q_ZEXPORT adler32 OF((uLong adler, const Bytef *buf, uInt len)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1296 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN uLong Q_ZEXPORT crc32 OF((uLong crc, const Bytef *buf, uInt len)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1296 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN uLong Q_ZEXPORT crc32 OF((uLong crc, const Bytef *buf, uInt len)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1328 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT deflateInit_ OF((z_streamp strm, int level, ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1328 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT deflateInit_ OF((z_streamp strm, int level, ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1330 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT inflateInit_ OF((z_streamp strm, ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1330 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT inflateInit_ OF((z_streamp strm, ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1332 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT deflateInit2_ OF((z_streamp strm, int level, int method, ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1332 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT deflateInit2_ OF((z_streamp strm, int level, int method, ^ cc-1012 CC: WARNING File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1335 Parsing restarts here after previous syntax error. int stream_size)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1336 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT inflateInit2_ OF((z_streamp strm, int windowBits, ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1336 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT inflateInit2_ OF((z_streamp strm, int windowBits, ^ cc-3322 CC: WARNING File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1360 Omission of an explicit type is nonstandard ("int" is assumed). ZEXTERN Q_ZEXPORT const char * zError OF((int)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1360 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN Q_ZEXPORT const char * zError OF((int)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1360 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN Q_ZEXPORT const char * zError OF((int)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1361 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT inflateSyncPoint OF((z_streamp z)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1361 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN int Q_ZEXPORT inflateSyncPoint OF((z_streamp z)); ^ cc-3322 CC: WARNING File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1362 Omission of an explicit type is nonstandard ("int" is assumed). ZEXTERN Q_ZEXPORT const uLongf * get_crc_table OF((void)); ^ cc-1220 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1362 The variable "__attribute__" has already been defined. ZEXTERN Q_ZEXPORT const uLongf * get_crc_table OF((void)); ^ cc-1065 CC: ERROR File = ../../3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h, Line = 1362 A semicolon is expected at this point. ZEXTERN Q_ZEXPORT const uLongf * get_crc_table OF((void)); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 470 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) bazip.resize(len + 4); ^ cc-1255 CC: ERROR File = ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 471 The global scope has no "compress2". res = ::compress2((uchar*)bazip.data()+4, &len, (uchar*)data, nbytes, compressionLevel); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 475 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) bazip.resize(len + 4); ^ cc-1255 CC: ERROR File = ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 552 The global scope has no "uncompress". int res = ::uncompress((uchar*)d->array, &len, ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 566 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) d->alloc = d->size = len; ^ cc-3604 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 585 missing return statement at end of non-void function "qUncompress(const uchar *, int)" } ^ cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 399 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). new (current) T(*reinterpret_cast(src)); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_copy(QList::Node *, QList::Node *, QList::Node *)" at line 665 instantiation of "QList::Node *QList::detach_helper_grow(int, int)" at line 496 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 2111 of "../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp" cc-3321 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/tools/qlist.h, Line = 360 The function "operator new(std::size_t, void *)" has no corresponding operator "delete" (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object). else if (QTypeInfo::isComplex) new (n) T(t); ^ A template was detected during header processing. instantiation of "void QList::node_construct(QList::Node *, const QByteArray &)" at line 498 instantiation of "void QList::append(const QByteArray &)" at line 2111 of "../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp" cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 2262 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - d->data; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 2293 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return haystack - end; ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 2386 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return n - b; ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 3295 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return int(v); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 3326 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return uint(v); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 3423 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return short(v); ^ cc-3969 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 3454 explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) return ushort(v); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 3541 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) tmp.truncate(out - tmp.data()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp, Line = 3926 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) res.remove(0, result - (const uchar *)res.constData()); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 65 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) volatile int x = qAllocMore(size * sizeof(void *), QListData::DataHeaderSize) / sizeof(void *); ^ cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = ../../corelib/tools/qlist.cpp, Line = 411 implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem) int i = xi - (d->array + d->begin); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h, Line = 1662 The function "qDebug()" was declared but never referenced. inline QNoDebug qDebug(); ^ cc-1174 CC: REMARK File = ../../corelib/tools/qstring.h, Line = 647 The function "qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &, const char *)" was declared but never referenced. friend inline bool qStringComparisonHelper(const QString &s1, const char *s2); ^ 84 errors detected in the compilation of "../../corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp". gmake[1]: *** [.obj/debug-static/qbytearray.o] Error 2 gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/apps/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta1/src/tools/bootstrap' gmake: *** [sub-tools-bootstrap-make_default-ordered] Error 2 >