Agent 1705802053-485605 one_id: 462294 running (buildKey: qt/qtbase/861dddde300c9264fab926e458ac8b404b7f55af/LinuxRHEL_8_8x86_64AndroidAndroid_ANYmultiGCCqtci-linux-RHEL-8.8-x86_64-50-bb456bAndroidTestRun_InstallDepsPerPlatformSubdir_MinimalAndroidMultiABITests_Sccache_WarningsAreErrors/3afe2466480471646001829bcaf8bbbf21cfd2ac/Test) agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:232: Welcome. The agent (id: 1705802053-485605) is listening on agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:233: The local time is: 2024-01-25 10:27:20.580031756 +0000 UTC m=+0.437157367 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:235: The agent has 4 cores and 14741 MB of memory agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:95: Request: Test 'qt/qtbase' agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:96: Path: qt/qtbase/861dddde300c9264fab926e458ac8b404b7f55af/LinuxRHEL_8_8x86_64AndroidAndroid_ANYmultiGCCqtci-linux-RHEL-8.8-x86_64-50-bb456bAndroidTestRun_InstallDepsPerPlatformSubdir_MinimalAndroidMultiABITests_Sccache_WarningsAreErrors/3afe2466480471646001829bcaf8bbbf21cfd2ac/test_1706601364 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:97: Branch: dev agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:98: ID: rhel_8.8_android_multi agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:99: Configuration: BuildAndTest agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:100: Host: os: Linux, osVersion: RHEL_8_8, compiler: GCC, arch: X86_64 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:101: Target: os: Android, osVersion: Android_ANY, compiler: Clang, arch: Multi agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:102: Features: &[Sccache WarningsAreErrors AndroidTestRun MinimalAndroidMultiABITests InstallDepsPerPlatformSubdir] agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:103: Extra Configure Args: &[] agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:104: Toolsets: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:113: VM Template: 'qtci-linux-RHEL-8.8-x86_64-50-bb456b' agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:114: Environment: running on '' agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:115: AbortTestingOnFirstFailure: 'false' agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:324: Environment variables: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/qt/openssl-3.0.7/lib64:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib64:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib64/dyninst:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib/dyninst:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib64:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib64:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib64/dyninst:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib/dyninst:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib64:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib64:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib64/dyninst:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib/dyninst:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib64:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib64:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib64/dyninst:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib/dyninst:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib64:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: MQTT_TEST_BROKER_LOCATION=/opt/paho_broker/interoperability/ agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: LLVM_DYNAMIC_LIBS_100=/usr/local/libclang-dynlibs-10.0 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: absl_ROOT=/home/qt/install-grpc-1.50.1 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: XDG_MENU_PREFIX=gnome- agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: DISK_ID=1 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: MODULES_RUN_QUARANTINE=LD_LIBRARY_PATH LD_PRELOAD agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: LANG=en_US.UTF-8 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: GDM_LANG=en_US.UTF-8 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: HISTCONTROL=ignoredups agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: DISPLAY=:0 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: FFMPEG_DIR=/usr/local/FFmpeg-c5039e158d20e85d4d8a2dee3160533d627b839a agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/opt/android/sdk agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: PCP_DIR=/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: DESKTOP_AUTOSTART_ID=1040be2bceae6bab2b170617835568539400000021110018 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: USERNAME=qt agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: XDG_VTNR=2 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE_PID=4156 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/keyring/ssh agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: COIN_DOWNLOAD_URL= agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: which_declare=declare -f agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: CONAN_REVISIONS_ENABLED=1 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: XDG_SESSION_ID=1 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: MODULES_CMD=/usr/share/Modules/libexec/modulecmd.tcl agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: USER=qt agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: DESKTOP_SESSION=gnome agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: PWD=/home/qt agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: FFMPEG_DIR_ANDROID_X86=/usr/local/android/ffmpeg-x86 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: HOME=/home/qt agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/opt/android/android-ndk-r26b agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: OPENSSL_HOME=/home/qt/openssl-3.0.7 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: XDG_DATA_DIRS=/home/qt/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/ agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: FBXSDK=/opt/fbx agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: SSH_PUBLIC_KEY= agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=gnome agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: ANDROID_NDK_ROOT_DEFAULT=/opt/android/android-ndk-r26b agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: BREAKPAD_SOURCE_DIR=/home/qt/breakpad agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: LOADEDMODULES= agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: ANDROID_NDK_HOST=linux-x86_64 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/local/libclang-15.0.0 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: VCPKG_ROOT=/home/qt/vcpkg-2023.10.19 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: MAIL=/var/spool/mail/qt agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: WINDOWPATH=2 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: SHELL=/bin/bash agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: ANDROID_NDK_ROOT_LATEST=/opt/android/android-ndk-r26b agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: QT_IM_MODULE=ibus agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: gRPC_ROOT=/home/qt/install-grpc-1.50.1 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: OPENSSL_ANDROID_HOME_DEFAULT=/home/qt/prebuilt-openssl-3.0.7-for-android-ndk-r26b agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: CONAN_V2_MODE=1 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: FFMPEG_DIR_ANDROID_X86_64=/usr/local/android/ffmpeg-x86_64 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE=/home/qt/.config/autostart/coin-bootstrap-agent.desktop agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: SHLVL=3 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: XDG_SEAT=seat0 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: MANPATH=/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/share/man:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/share/man:: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: GDK_BACKEND=x11 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: MODULEPATH=/etc/scl/modulefiles:/etc/scl/modulefiles:/usr/share/Modules/modulefiles:/etc/modulefiles:/usr/share/modulefiles agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: GDMSESSION=gnome agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: ANDROID_EMULATOR_RUNNER=/home/qt/ agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=this-is-deprecated agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: TARGET=hdb agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: LOGNAME=qt agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: ANDROID_API_VERSION=android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: XAUTHORITY=/run/user/1000/gdm/Xauthority agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: MODULEPATH_modshare=/usr/share/Modules/modulefiles:2:/etc/modulefiles:2:/usr/share/modulefiles:2 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: SCCACHE_IDLE_TIMEOUT=0 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: OPENSSL_ANDROID_HOME_LATEST=/home/qt/prebuilt-openssl-3.0.7-for-android-ndk-r26b agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: PATH=/opt/dwz-0.13/bin:/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin:/home/qt/git/bin:/home/qt/sccache_wrapper:/usr/local/sccache:/home/qt/openssl-3.0.7/bin:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/bin:/opt/dwz-0.13/bin:/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin:/home/qt/git/bin:/home/qt/sccache_wrapper:/usr/local/sccache:/home/qt/openssl-3.0.7/bin:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/bin:/home/qt/.local/bin:/home/qt/bin:/usr/share/Modules/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: MODULESHOME=/usr/share/Modules agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib64/pkgconfig:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib64/pkgconfig agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: INFOPATH=/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/share/info:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/share/info agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: HISTSIZE=1000 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: SESSION_MANAGER=local/unix:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/2111,unix/unix:/tmp/.ICE-unix/2111 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: LESSOPEN=||/usr/bin/ %s agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: COIN_LAUNCH_PARAMETERS=--scheduler-service= --webserver-service= --sourcestorage-service= --storage-service= qt/qtbase/861dddde300c9264fab926e458ac8b404b7f55af/LinuxRHEL_8_8x86_64AndroidAndroid_ANYmultiGCCqtci-linux-RHEL-8.8-x86_64-50-bb456bAndroidTestRun_InstallDepsPerPlatformSubdir_MinimalAndroidMultiABITests_Sccache_WarningsAreErrors/3afe2466480471646001829bcaf8bbbf21cfd2ac/Test 1705802053-485605 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: BASH_FUNC_which%%=() { ( alias; eval ${which_declare} ) | /usr/bin/which --tty-only --read-alias --read-functions --show-tilde --show-dot $@ } agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: BASH_FUNC_module%%=() { unset _mlshdbg; if [ "${MODULES_SILENT_SHELL_DEBUG:-0}" = '1' ]; then case "$-" in *v*x*) set +vx; _mlshdbg='vx' ;; *v*) set +v; _mlshdbg='v' ;; *x*) set +x; _mlshdbg='x' ;; *) _mlshdbg='' ;; esac; fi; unset _mlre _mlIFS; if [ -n "${IFS+x}" ]; then _mlIFS=$IFS; fi; IFS=' '; for _mlv in ${MODULES_RUN_QUARANTINE:-}; do if [ "${_mlv}" = "${_mlv##*[!A-Za-z0-9_]}" -a "${_mlv}" = "${_mlv#[0-9]}" ]; then if [ -n "`eval 'echo ${'$_mlv'+x}'`" ]; then _mlre="${_mlre:-}${_mlv}_modquar='`eval 'echo ${'$_mlv'}'`' "; fi; _mlrv="MODULES_RUNENV_${_mlv}"; _mlre="${_mlre:-}${_mlv}='`eval 'echo ${'$_mlrv':-}'`' "; fi; done; if [ -n "${_mlre:-}" ]; then eval `eval ${_mlre} /usr/bin/tclsh /usr/share/Modules/libexec/modulecmd.tcl bash '"$@"'`; else eval `/usr/bin/tclsh /usr/share/Modules/libexec/modulecmd.tcl bash "$@"`; fi; _mlstatus=$?; if [ -n "${_mlIFS+x}" ]; then IFS=$_mlIFS; else unset IFS; fi; unset _mlre _mlv _mlrv _mlIFS; if [ -n "${_mlshdbg:-}" ]; then set -$_mlshdbg; fi; unset _mlshdbg; return $_mlstatus } agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: BASH_FUNC_switchml%%=() { typeset swfound=1; if [ "${MODULES_USE_COMPAT_VERSION:-0}" = '1' ]; then typeset swname='main'; if [ -e /usr/share/Modules/libexec/modulecmd.tcl ]; then typeset swfound=0; unset MODULES_USE_COMPAT_VERSION; fi; else typeset swname='compatibility'; if [ -e /usr/share/Modules/libexec/modulecmd-compat ]; then typeset swfound=0; MODULES_USE_COMPAT_VERSION=1; export MODULES_USE_COMPAT_VERSION; fi; fi; if [ $swfound -eq 0 ]; then echo "Switching to Modules $swname version"; source /usr/share/Modules/init/bash; else echo "Cannot switch to Modules $swname version, command not found"; return 1; fi } agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: BASH_FUNC_scl%%=() { if [ "$1" = "load" -o "$1" = "unload" ]; then eval "module $@"; else /usr/bin/scl "$@"; fi } agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: BASH_FUNC_ml%%=() { module ml "$@" } agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: _=/home/qt/agent agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: QT_COIN_GIT_DAEMON= agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: INTEGRATION_ID=1706601338 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: COIN_UNIQUE_JOB_ID=1705802053-485605-RHEL_8_8 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: TESTED_MODULE_BRANCH_COIN=dev agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: TESTED_MODULE_REVISION_COIN=62f713c5da8127c2d74465566f71422237c8e1de agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: TESTED_MODULE_COIN=qtbase agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: TESTED_MODULE_PLAIN_COIN=base agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: HOST_OS_COIN=linux agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: HOST_OSVERSION_COIN=rhel_8_8 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: HOST_COMPILER_COIN=gcc agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: HOST_ARCH_COIN=x86_64 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: TARGET_OS_COIN=android agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: TARGET_OSVERSION_COIN=android_any agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: TARGET_COMPILER_COIN=clang agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: TARGET_ARCH_COIN=multi agent:2024/01/25 10:27:20 agent.go:327: IPADDRESS= agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:795: Executing instruction 1 of 70 - ExecuteCommand agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:375: Started on background: [/usr/bin/sudo -E telegraf --config /etc/telegraf-coin.conf] 3m0s 3m0s true true agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:795: Executing instruction 2 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:513: set MODULE_ARTIFACTS_RELATIVE_STORAGE_PATH=qt/qtbase/861dddde300c9264fab926e458ac8b404b7f55af/LinuxRHEL_8_8x86_64AndroidAndroid_ANYmultiGCCqtci-linux-RHEL-8.8-x86_64-50-bb456bAndroidTestRun_InstallDepsPerPlatformSubdir_MinimalAndroidMultiABITests_Sccache_WarningsAreErrors/3afe2466480471646001829bcaf8bbbf21cfd2ac/build_1706601363 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:795: Executing instruction 3 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:513: set MODULE_SOURCES_RELATIVE_STORAGE_PATH=qt/qtbase/62f713c5da8127c2d74465566f71422237c8e1de/sources_unix.tar.gz agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:795: Executing instruction 4 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:513: set MAKEFLAGS=--jobs=4 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:795: Executing instruction 5 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:513: set NINJAFLAGS=-j4 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:795: Executing instruction 6 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:515: unset CONFIGURE_ARGS agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 build.go:795: Executing instruction 7 of 70 - InstallSourceArchive agent:2024/01/25 10:27:22 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 64499985 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase" agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 8 of 70 - ChangeDirectory agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:820: cd /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 9 of 70 - ChangeDirectory agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:820: cd /home/qt/work agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 10 of 70 - WriteFile agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:900: Write file: /home/qt/work/../.aws/credentials using FileMode 420 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 11 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set SCCACHE_ENDPOINT=ci-sccache:9000 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 12 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set SCCACHE_BUCKET=cache agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 13 of 70 - ExecuteCommand agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:427: [sccache --start-server] 3m0s 3m0s false true agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:404: sccache: Starting the server... agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 14 of 70 - ChangeDirectory agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:820: cd /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 15 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set QT_CI_ARTIFACT_ID_PATH_android-14-x86_64-on-linux=/home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 16 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set QT_CI_ARTIFACT_DEP_PATHS_android-14-x86_64-on-linux=/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 17 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set QT_CI_ARTIFACT_ID_PATH_rhel_8.8_android_multi=/home/qt/work/rhel_8.8_android_multi agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 18 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set QT_CI_ARTIFACT_DEP_PATHS_android-6-x86-on-linux=/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 19 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set QT_CI_ARTIFACT_DEPS_FOR_ID_android-6-x86-on-linux=rhel-8.8 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 20 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set QT_CI_ARTIFACT_DEP_PATHS_rhel_8.8_android_multi=/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8;/home/qt/work/android-6-x86-on-linux;/home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 21 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set QT_CI_ARTIFACT_ID_PATH_android-6-x86-on-linux=/home/qt/work/android-6-x86-on-linux agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 22 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set QT_CI_ARTIFACT_DEPS_FOR_ID_android-14-x86_64-on-linux=rhel-8.8 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 23 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set QT_CI_ARTIFACT_DEPS_FOR_ID_rhel_8.8_android_multi=rhel-8.8;android-6-x86-on-linux;android-14-x86_64-on-linux agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 24 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set QT_CI_ARTIFACT_ID_PATH_rhel-8.8=/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 25 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set QT_CI_ARTIFACT_ID_PATH_Android-host=QT_CI_ARTIFACT_ID_PATH_rhel-8.8 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 26 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set QT_CI_ARTIFACT_ID_PATH_Android-x86=QT_CI_ARTIFACT_ID_PATH_android-6-x86-on-linux agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 27 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set QT_CI_ARTIFACT_ID_PATH_Android-x86_64=QT_CI_ARTIFACT_ID_PATH_android-14-x86_64-on-linux agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 28 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set COMMON_TARGET_TEST_CMAKE_ARGS=-DQT_ANDROID_ABIS="x86;x86_64" agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 29 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:513: set ANDROID_EMULATOR=emulator_x86_api_23 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 build.go:795: Executing instruction 30 of 70 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/01/25 10:27:25 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 21387902 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux" agent:2024/01/25 10:27:26 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:26 build.go:795: Executing instruction 31 of 70 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/01/25 10:27:26 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 22013314 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work/android-6-x86-on-linux" agent:2024/01/25 10:27:27 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:27 build.go:795: Executing instruction 32 of 70 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/01/25 10:27:27 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 466154278 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8" agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 33 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set CMAKE_GENERATOR=Ninja agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 34 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set CI_PATH_SEP=/ agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 35 of 70 - PrependToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set COMMON_CMAKE_ARGS=-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 36 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:515: unset ENV_PREFIX agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 37 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:515: unset TARGET_ENV_PREFIX agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 38 of 70 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set COMMON_CMAKE_ARGS=-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DWARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS=ON agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 39 of 70 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set COMMON_TARGET_CMAKE_ARGS= -DWARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS=ON agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 40 of 70 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set COMMON_CMAKE_ARGS=-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DWARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS=ON -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 41 of 70 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set COMMON_NON_QTBASE_CMAKE_ARGS= -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 42 of 70 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set COMMON_TEST_CMAKE_ARGS= -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 43 of 70 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set COMMON_TARGET_CMAKE_ARGS= -DWARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS=ON -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 44 of 70 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set COMMON_NON_QTBASE_TARGET_CMAKE_ARGS= -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 45 of 70 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set COMMON_TARGET_TEST_CMAKE_ARGS=-DQT_ANDROID_ABIS="x86;x86_64" -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 46 of 70 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set COMMON_CMAKE_ARGS=-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DWARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS=ON -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 47 of 70 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set COMMON_NON_QTBASE_CMAKE_ARGS= -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 48 of 70 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set COMMON_TEST_CMAKE_ARGS= -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 49 of 70 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set COMMON_TARGET_CMAKE_ARGS= -DWARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS=ON -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 50 of 70 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set COMMON_NON_QTBASE_TARGET_CMAKE_ARGS= -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 51 of 70 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set COMMON_TARGET_TEST_CMAKE_ARGS=-DQT_ANDROID_ABIS="x86;x86_64" -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 54 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set HOST_INSTALL_DIR=/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 55 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set LIBEXEC_INSTALL_DIR=/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/libexec/ agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 56 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set COIN_COMMAND_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT=900 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 57 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:513: set QTEST_ENVIRONMENT=ci agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 58 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:515: unset TESTS_ENV_PREFIX agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 59 of 70 - MakeDirectory agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:826: mkdir /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 build.go:795: Executing instruction 60 of 70 - InstallTestBinaryArchive agent:2024/01/25 10:27:38 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 42688955 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests" agent:2024/01/25 10:27:39 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:795: Executing instruction 61 of 70 - ChangeDirectory agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:820: cd /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:795: Executing instruction 62 of 70 - ScheduleUploadTestResults agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:795: Executing instruction 63 of 70 - PrependToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:513: set PATH=:/opt/dwz-0.13/bin:/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin:/home/qt/git/bin:/home/qt/sccache_wrapper:/usr/local/sccache:/home/qt/openssl-3.0.7/bin:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/bin:/opt/dwz-0.13/bin:/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin:/home/qt/git/bin:/home/qt/sccache_wrapper:/usr/local/sccache:/home/qt/openssl-3.0.7/bin:/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/bin:/home/qt/.local/bin:/home/qt/bin:/usr/share/Modules/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:795: Executing instruction 64 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:513: set TESTRUNNER=/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/libexec/ -- agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:795: Executing instruction 65 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:513: set COIN_CTEST_RESULTSDIR=/home/qt/work/testresults agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:795: Executing instruction 66 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:513: set CTEST_ARGS=-V agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:795: Executing instruction 67 of 70 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:513: set CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:795: Executing instruction 68 of 70 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:513: set CTEST_ARGS=-V --output-junit /home/qt/work/testresults/test_summary.ctest_junit_xml agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:795: Executing instruction 69 of 70 - ExecuteCommand agent:2024/01/25 10:27:40 build.go:427: [/home/qt/] 10m0s 5m0s false false agent:2024/01/25 10:27:41 build.go:404: cannot connect to daemon at tcp:5037: Connection refused agent:2024/01/25 10:27:41 build.go:404: * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:41 build.go:404: * daemon started successfully agent:2024/01/25 10:27:42 build.go:404: Starting emulator emulator_x86_api_23, try 1/5 agent:2024/01/25 10:27:42 build.go:404: Waiting 300 seconds for emulated device to appear... agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: ######## Printing out the emulator command logs ######## agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: INFO | Android emulator version (build_id 11237101) (CL:N/A) agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: INFO | Found systemPath /opt/android/sdk/system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86/ agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: WARNING | File System is not ext4, disable QuickbootFileBacked feature agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: WARNING | Logcat tag filtering is currently disabled. b/132840817, everything will be placed on stdout agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: WARNING | FeatureControl is requesting a non existing feature. agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: I0125 10:27:45.286297 6881 HealthMonitor.cpp:279] HealthMonitor disabled. agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: I0125 10:27:45.350465 6881 FrameBuffer.cpp:486] Graphics Adapter Vendor Google (Google Inc.) agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: I0125 10:27:45.350519 6881 FrameBuffer.cpp:487] Graphics Adapter Android Emulator OpenGL ES Translator (Google SwiftShader) agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: I0125 10:27:45.350532 6881 FrameBuffer.cpp:488] Graphics API Version OpenGL ES 3.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 SwiftShader agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: I0125 10:27:45.350543 6881 FrameBuffer.cpp:489] Graphics API Extensions GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888 agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: I0125 10:27:45.350555 6881 FrameBuffer.cpp:490] Graphics Device Extensions N/A agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: WARNING: cannnot unmap ptr 0x7fd51d5cd000 as it is in the protected range from 0x7fd51d5cd000 to 0x7fd61d7cd000 agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: WARNING: cannnot unmap ptr 0x7fd61d601000 as it is in the protected range from 0x7fd51d5cd000 to 0x7fd61d7cd000 agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: pc_memory_init: above 4g size: 40000000 agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: WARNING | The emulator now requires a signed jwt token for gRPC access! Use the -grpc flag if you really want an open unprotected grpc port agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: INFO | Storing crashdata in: , detection is enabled for process: 6881 agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: INFO | Duplicate loglines will be removed, if you wish to see each individual line launch with the -log-nofilter flag. agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: library_mode swiftshader_indirect gpu mode swiftshader_indirect agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: INFO | Using security allow list from: /opt/android/sdk/emulator/lib/emulator_access.json agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: WARNING | *** Basic token auth should only be used by android-studio *** agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: INFO | The active JSON Web Key Sets can be found here: /run/user/1000/avd/running/6881/jwks/8b402ba3-616a-4c4f-8e35-f16a484e39bd/active.jwk agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: INFO | Scanning /run/user/1000/avd/running/6881/jwks/8b402ba3-616a-4c4f-8e35-f16a484e39bd for jwk keys. agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: INFO | Started GRPC server at, security: Local, auth: +token agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: INFO | Advertising in: /run/user/1000/avd/running/pid_6881.ini agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: WARNING | Enabled event overflow detection. agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: I0125 10:27:52.727289 6937 FrameBuffer.cpp:3682] setDisplayConfigs w 320 h 640 dpiX 160 dpiY 160 agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: I0125 10:27:52.727387 6937 FrameBuffer.cpp:3695] setDisplayActiveConfig 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: INFO | Loading snapshot 'default_boot'... agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: WARNING | Failed to process .ini file /home/qt/.android/emu-update-last-check.ini for reading. agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: WARNING | Device 'cache' does not have the requested snapshot 'default_boot' agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: WARNING | Failed to load snapshot 'default_boot' agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: INFO | Cold boot based on user configuration agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: WARNING | Cold boot based on user configuration agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: INFO | Your emulator is out of date, please update by launching Android Studio: agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: - Start Android Studio agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: - Select menu "Tools > Android > SDK Manager" agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: - Click "SDK Tools" tab agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: - Check "Android Emulator" checkbox agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: - Click "OK" agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: WARNING | Failed to process .ini file /home/qt/.android/emu-update-last-check.ini for reading. agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: ######################################################## agent:2024/01/25 10:28:00 build.go:404: Waiting a few minutes for the emulator to fully boot... agent:2024/01/25 10:28:01 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:02 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:03 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:04 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:05 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:06 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:07 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:09 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:10 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:11 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:12 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:13 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:14 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:15 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:16 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:17 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:18 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:19 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:20 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:22 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:23 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed= bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:24 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:25 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:26 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:27 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:28 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:29 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:30 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:31 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:32 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:33 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:35 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:36 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:37 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:38 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:39 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:40 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:41 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:42 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:43 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:44 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:45 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:46 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:47 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:49 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:50 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:51 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:52 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:53 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:54 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:55 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:56 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:57 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:58 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:28:59 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:00 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:02 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:03 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:04 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:05 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:06 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:07 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:08 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:09 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:10 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:11 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:12 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:14 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:15 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:16 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:17 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:18 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:19 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:20 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:21 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:23 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:24 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:25 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:26 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:27 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:28 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:29 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:30 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete= agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: bootanim=stopped boot_completed=1 bootcomplete=1 agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: Emulator started successfully agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:1188: agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:795: Executing instruction 70 of 70 - ExecuteCommand agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:427: [ctest -V --output-junit /home/qt/work/testresults/test_summary.ctest_junit_xml] 3h0m0s 15m0s false false agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/DartConfiguration.tcl agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: Parse Config file:/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/DartConfiguration.tcl agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/DartConfiguration.tcl agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: Parse Config file:/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/DartConfiguration.tcl agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: Test project /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: Constructing a list of tests agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: Done constructing a list of tests agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: Updating test list for fixtures agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: Checking test dependency graph... agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: Checking test dependency graph end agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: test 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: Start 1: test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: 1: Test command: /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/ctest "--build-and-test" "/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars" "/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars" "--build-config" "RelWithDebInfo" "--build-generator" "Ninja" "--build-makeprogram" "/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/.qt/qt-internal-ninja" "--build-project" "test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars" "--build-options" "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo" "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/home/qt/work/android-6-x86-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6/qt.toolchain.cmake" "-DNO_DBUS=True" "-DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG" "-DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=TRUE" "-DCMAKE_Core_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION=6" "-DCMAKE_Core_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION=8" "-DCMAKE_Core_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION=0" "-DCMAKE_Network_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION=6" "-DCMAKE_Network_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION=8" "-DCMAKE_Network_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION=0" "-DCMAKE_Xml_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION=6" "-DCMAKE_Xml_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION=8" "-DCMAKE_Xml_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION=0" "-DCMAKE_Sql_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION=6" "-DCMAKE_Sql_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION=8" "-DCMAKE_Sql_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION=0" "-DCMAKE_Test_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION=6" "-DCMAKE_Test_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION=8" "-DCMAKE_Test_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION=0" "-DCMAKE_DBus_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION=" "-DCMAKE_DBus_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION=" "-DCMAKE_DBus_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION=" "-DCMAKE_Gui_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION=6" "-DCMAKE_Gui_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION=8" "-DCMAKE_Gui_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION=0" "-DCMAKE_Widgets_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION=6" "-DCMAKE_Widgets_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION=8" "-DCMAKE_Widgets_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION=0" "-DCMAKE_PrintSupport_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION=6" "-DCMAKE_PrintSupport_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION=8" "-DCMAKE_PrintSupport_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION=0" "-DCMAKE_OpenGL_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION=6" "-DCMAKE_OpenGL_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION=8" "-DCMAKE_OpenGL_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION=0" "-DCMAKE_Concurrent_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION=6" "-DCMAKE_Concurrent_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION=8" "-DCMAKE_Concurrent_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION=0" "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests" "-DQT_ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES_PREFIX_PATH=" "-DQT_PATH_ANDROID_ABI_x86=/home/qt/work/android-6-x86-on-linux/install/target" "-DQT_PATH_ANDROID_ABI_x86_64=/home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target" "-DQT_HOST_PATH=/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install" "-DQT_ANDROID_MULTI_ABI_FORWARD_VARS=TEST_SINGLE_VALUE_ARG;TEST_SPACES_VALUE_ARG;TEST_LIST_VALUE_ARG;TEST_ESCAPING_VALUE_ARG" "-DTEST_SINGLE_VALUE_ARG=TestValue" "-DTEST_LIST_VALUE_ARG=TestValue;TestValue2;TestValue3" "-DTEST_ESCAPING_VALUE_ARG=TestValue\;TestValue2\;TestValue3" "-DTEST_SPACES_VALUE_ARG=TestValue TestValue2 TestValue3" agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: 1: Working Directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/cmake agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: 1: Environment variables: agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: 1: ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0 agent:2024/01/25 10:29:31 build.go:404: 1: Test timeout computed to be: 1500 agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Internal cmake changing into directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: ======== CMake output ====== agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: The C compiler identification is Clang 17.0.2 agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: The CXX compiler identification is Clang 17.0.2 agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Detecting C compiler ABI info agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Detecting C compiler ABI info - done agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Check for working C compiler: /opt/android/android-ndk-r26b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang - skipped agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Detecting C compile features agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Detecting C compile features - done agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Detecting CXX compiler ABI info agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Check for working CXX compiler: /opt/android/android-ndk-r26b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang++ - skipped agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Detecting CXX compile features agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Detecting CXX compile features - done agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Failed agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Check if compiler accepts -pthread agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Check if compiler accepts -pthread - yes agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Found Threads: TRUE agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Performing Test HAVE_STDATOMIC agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Performing Test HAVE_STDATOMIC - Success agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Found WrapAtomic: TRUE agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Promoting target to global: 'Qt6::syncqt' agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Promoting target to global: 'Qt6::moc' agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Promoting target to global: 'Qt6::rcc' agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Promoting target to global: 'Qt6::tracepointgen' agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Promoting target to global: 'Qt6::tracegen' agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Promoting target to global: 'Qt6::cmake_automoc_parser' agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Promoting target to global: 'Qt6::qlalr' agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Promoting target to global: 'Qt6::qtpaths' agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Promoting target to global: 'Qt6::androiddeployqt' agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Promoting target to global: 'Qt6::androidtestrunner' agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Promoting target to global: 'Qt6::qmake' agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Performing Test HAVE_EGL agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Performing Test HAVE_EGL - Success agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Found EGL: /opt/android/android-ndk-r26b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot/usr/include (found version "1.5") agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Performing Test HAVE_GLESv2 agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Performing Test HAVE_GLESv2 - Success agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Found GLESv2: /opt/android/android-ndk-r26b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot/usr/include agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Found WrapVulkanHeaders: /opt/android/android-ndk-r26b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot/usr/include agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Configuring 'test_executable' for the following Android ABIs: x86 (default) agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Found android platform plugin at: /home/qt/work/android-6-x86-on-linux/install/target/./plugins/platforms/ agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Configuring done (2.7s) agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Generating done (0.0s) agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMake Warning: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Manually-specified variables were not used by the project: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Concurrent_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Concurrent_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Concurrent_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Core_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Core_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Core_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_DBus_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_DBus_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_DBus_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Gui_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Gui_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Gui_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Network_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Network_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Network_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_OpenGL_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_OpenGL_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_OpenGL_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_PrintSupport_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_PrintSupport_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_PrintSupport_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Sql_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Sql_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Sql_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Test_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Test_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Test_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Widgets_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Widgets_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Widgets_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Xml_MODULE_MAJOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Xml_MODULE_MINOR_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: CMAKE_Xml_MODULE_PATCH_VERSION agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: NO_DBUS agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: QT_PATH_ANDROID_ABI_x86 agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Build files have been written to: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: ======== End CMake output ====== agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Change Dir: '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars' agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Run Clean Command: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/.qt/qt-internal-ninja clean agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: [1/1] /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/.qt/qt-internal-ninja -t clean agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Cleaning... agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: 0 files. agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Run Build Command(s): /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/.qt/qt-internal-ninja agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: [1/4] /opt/android/android-ndk-r26b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang++ --target=i686-none-linux-android26 --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r26b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_NO_DEBUG -Dtest_executable_EXPORTS -isystem /home/qt/work/android-6-x86-on-linux/install/target/include/QtCore -isystem /home/qt/work/android-6-x86-on-linux/install/target/include -isystem /home/qt/work/android-6-x86-on-linux/install/target/mkspecs/android-clang -isystem /home/qt/work/android-6-x86-on-linux/install/target/include/QtGui -g -DANDROID -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -fPIC -fvisibility=default -fPIC -pthread -MD -MT CMakeFiles/test_executable.dir/main.cpp.o -MF CMakeFiles/test_executable.dir/main.cpp.o.d -o CMakeFiles/test_executable.dir/main.cpp.o -c /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars/main.cpp agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: [2/4] : && /opt/android/android-ndk-r26b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang++ --target=i686-none-linux-android26 --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r26b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot -fPIC -g -DANDROID -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -Wl,--build-id=sha1 -Wl,--no-rosegment -Wl,--no-undefined-version -Wl,--fatal-warnings -Wl,--no-undefined -Qunused-arguments -Wl,--gc-sections -shared -o CMakeFiles/test_executable.dir/main.cpp.o /home/qt/work/android-6-x86-on-linux/install/target/lib/ /home/qt/work/android-6-x86-on-linux/install/target/lib/ -llog -pthread /opt/android/android-ndk-r26b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot/usr/lib/i686-linux-android/26/ /opt/android/android-ndk-r26b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot/usr/lib/i686-linux-android/26/ -latomic -lm && : agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: [3/4] cd /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars && /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake -E copy_if_different /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars/ /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars/android-build/libs/x86/ agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: [4/4] cd /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars && /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androiddeployqt --input /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars/android-test_executable-deployment-settings.json --output /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars/android-build --apk /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars/android-build/test_executable.apk --release agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars/android-test_executable-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Application binary: test_executable agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Downloading agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: ............10%............20%.............30%............40%.............50%............60%.............70%............80%.............90%............100% agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Welcome to Gradle 8.3! agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Here are the highlights of this release: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: - Faster Java compilation agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: - Reduced memory usage agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: - Support for running on Java 20 agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: For more details see agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster) agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :compileReleaseAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :compileReleaseRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :generateReleaseBuildConfig agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :javaPreCompileRelease agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :generateReleaseResValues agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :checkReleaseAarMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :mapReleaseSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :generateReleaseResources agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :createReleaseCompatibleScreenManifests agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :extractDeepLinksRelease agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :processReleaseMainManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: package="org.qtproject.example.test_executable" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars/android-build/AndroidManifest.xml. agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Setting the namespace via a source AndroidManifest.xml's package attribute is deprecated. agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Please instead set the namespace (or testNamespace) in the module's build.gradle file, as described here: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: This migration can be done automatically using the AGP Upgrade Assistant, please refer to for more information. agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :processReleaseManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :extractProguardFiles agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :mergeReleaseResources agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :mergeReleaseJniLibFolders agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :mergeReleaseNativeLibs agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :checkReleaseDuplicateClasses agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :processReleaseManifestForPackage agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :stripReleaseDebugSymbols agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Unable to strip the following libraries, packaging them as they are:,,,,,,, agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :extractReleaseNativeSymbolTables agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :mergeReleaseNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :mergeReleaseShaders agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :compileReleaseShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :mergeReleaseAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :compressReleaseAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :processReleaseJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :processReleaseResources agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :mergeReleaseJavaResource agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :desugarReleaseFileDependencies agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :compileReleaseJavaWithJavac agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :dexBuilderRelease agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :lintVitalAnalyzeRelease agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :mergeReleaseArtProfile agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :lintVitalReportRelease agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :collectReleaseDependencies agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :lintVitalRelease agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :sdkReleaseDependencyData agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :writeReleaseAppMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :writeReleaseSigningConfigVersions agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :optimizeReleaseResources agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :mergeExtDexRelease agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :mergeDexRelease agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :compileReleaseArtProfile agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :packageRelease agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :createReleaseApkListingFileRedirect agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: > Task :assembleRelease agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0. agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins. agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation. agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 1m 21s agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: 39 actionable tasks: 39 executed agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: Android package built successfully in 82.704 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/cmake/test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars/android-build//build/outputs/apk/release/android-build-release-unsigned.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1: agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 1/5 Test #1: test_android_multi_abi_forward_vars ... Passed 85.58 sec agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: test 2 agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: Start 2: tst_qmath agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 2: Test command: /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake "-P" "/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/tst_qmathWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake" agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 2: Working Directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 2: Test timeout computed to be: 1500 agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Will write XML test logs to directory COIN_CTEST_RESULTSDIR=/home/qt/work/testresults agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Detected androidtestrunner, test will be handled specially. Detected test basename: tst_qmath agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 2: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner', '--path', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build', '--adb', '/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb', '--skip-install-root', '--make', '"/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qmath_make_apk', '--apk', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/tst_qmath.apk', '--ndk-stack', '/ndk-stack', '--timeout', '855', '--verbose', '--', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178657199.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178657199.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178657199.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/01/25 10:30:57 build.go:404: 2: Execute /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qmath_make_apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [1/8] No download step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [2/8] No update step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [3/8] No patch step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [4/8] Performing configure step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: CMake Warning: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Ignoring empty string ("") provided on the command line. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: -- Android toolchain file within NDK detected: /opt/android/android-ndk-r26b/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: -- CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE was set to: 'RelWithDebInfo' agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: CMake Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:405 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmetaobject/CMakeLists.txt agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: contains multiple Qt Android executable targets. This can lead to mixing agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: of deployment artifacts of targets defined there. Setting agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: QT_USE_TARGET_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR=TRUE allows building multiple executable agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: targets within a single CMakeLists.txt. Note: This option is not supported agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: by Qt Creator versions older than 13. Set agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: QT_SKIP_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR_CHECK=TRUE to suppress this warning. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:1372 (qt6_android_add_apk_target) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: cmake/QtExecutableHelpers.cmake:35 (_qt_internal_android_executable_finalizer) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: cmake/QtTestHelpers.cmake:518 (qt_internal_add_executable) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmetaobject/CMakeLists.txt:28 (qt_internal_add_test) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: CMake Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:405 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/corelib/global/qcomparehelpers/CMakeLists.txt agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: contains multiple Qt Android executable targets. This can lead to mixing agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: of deployment artifacts of targets defined there. Setting agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: QT_USE_TARGET_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR=TRUE allows building multiple executable agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: targets within a single CMakeLists.txt. Note: This option is not supported agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: by Qt Creator versions older than 13. Set agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: QT_SKIP_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR_CHECK=TRUE to suppress this warning. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:1372 (qt6_android_add_apk_target) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: cmake/QtExecutableHelpers.cmake:35 (_qt_internal_android_executable_finalizer) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: cmake/QtTestHelpers.cmake:518 (qt_internal_add_executable) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: tests/auto/corelib/global/qcomparehelpers/CMakeLists.txt:14 (qt_internal_add_test) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: CMake Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:405 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/corelib/global/qflags/CMakeLists.txt agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: contains multiple Qt Android executable targets. This can lead to mixing agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: of deployment artifacts of targets defined there. Setting agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: QT_USE_TARGET_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR=TRUE allows building multiple executable agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: targets within a single CMakeLists.txt. Note: This option is not supported agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: by Qt Creator versions older than 13. Set agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: QT_SKIP_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR_CHECK=TRUE to suppress this warning. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:1372 (qt6_android_add_apk_target) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: cmake/QtExecutableHelpers.cmake:35 (_qt_internal_android_executable_finalizer) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: cmake/QtTestHelpers.cmake:518 (qt_internal_add_executable) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: tests/auto/corelib/global/qflags/CMakeLists.txt:19 (qt_internal_add_test) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: CMake Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:405 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/corelib/global/qlogging/CMakeLists.txt agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: contains multiple Qt Android executable targets. This can lead to mixing agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: of deployment artifacts of targets defined there. Setting agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: QT_USE_TARGET_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR=TRUE allows building multiple executable agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: targets within a single CMakeLists.txt. Note: This option is not supported agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: by Qt Creator versions older than 13. Set agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: QT_SKIP_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR_CHECK=TRUE to suppress this warning. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:1372 (qt6_android_add_apk_target) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: cmake/QtExecutableHelpers.cmake:35 (_qt_internal_android_executable_finalizer) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: cmake/QtTestHelpers.cmake:518 (qt_internal_add_executable) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: tests/auto/corelib/global/qlogging/CMakeLists.txt:23 (qt_internal_add_test) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: CMake Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:405 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/corelib/text/qstring/CMakeLists.txt agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: contains multiple Qt Android executable targets. This can lead to mixing agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: of deployment artifacts of targets defined there. Setting agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: QT_USE_TARGET_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR=TRUE allows building multiple executable agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: targets within a single CMakeLists.txt. Note: This option is not supported agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: by Qt Creator versions older than 13. Set agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: QT_SKIP_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR_CHECK=TRUE to suppress this warning. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:1372 (qt6_android_add_apk_target) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: cmake/QtExecutableHelpers.cmake:35 (_qt_internal_android_executable_finalizer) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: cmake/QtTestHelpers.cmake:518 (qt_internal_add_executable) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: tests/auto/corelib/text/qstring/CMakeLists.txt:23 (qt_internal_add_test) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: CMake Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:405 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/corelib/tools/qhashseed/CMakeLists.txt agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: contains multiple Qt Android executable targets. This can lead to mixing agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: of deployment artifacts of targets defined there. Setting agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: QT_USE_TARGET_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR=TRUE allows building multiple executable agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: targets within a single CMakeLists.txt. Note: This option is not supported agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: by Qt Creator versions older than 13. Set agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: QT_SKIP_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR_CHECK=TRUE to suppress this warning. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:1372 (qt6_android_add_apk_target) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: cmake/QtExecutableHelpers.cmake:35 (_qt_internal_android_executable_finalizer) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: tests/auto/corelib/tools/qhashseed/CMakeLists.txt:19 (qt_internal_add_executable) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: CMake Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:405 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qshortcut/CMakeLists.txt agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: contains multiple Qt Android executable targets. This can lead to mixing agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: of deployment artifacts of targets defined there. Setting agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: QT_USE_TARGET_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR=TRUE allows building multiple executable agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: targets within a single CMakeLists.txt. Note: This option is not supported agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: by Qt Creator versions older than 13. Set agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: QT_SKIP_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR_CHECK=TRUE to suppress this warning. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:1372 (qt6_android_add_apk_target) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: cmake/QtExecutableHelpers.cmake:35 (_qt_internal_android_executable_finalizer) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: cmake/QtTestHelpers.cmake:518 (qt_internal_add_executable) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qshortcut/CMakeLists.txt:26 (qt_internal_add_test) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: CMake Deprecation Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:82 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Calling qt_android_generate_deployment_settings directly is deprecated agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: since Qt 6.5. Use qt_add_executable instead. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/CMakeLists.txt:18 (qt6_android_generate_deployment_settings) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/CMakeLists.txt:46 (tst_generate_android_deployment_setting) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: CMake Deprecation Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6CoreMacros.cmake:3132 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Qt policy QTP0002 is set to OLD. Support for the old behavior will be agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: removed in a future major version of Qt. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:945 (__qt_internal_setup_policy) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:65 (_qt_internal_android_format_deployment_paths) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/CMakeLists.txt:18 (qt6_android_generate_deployment_settings) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/CMakeLists.txt:64 (tst_generate_android_deployment_setting) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: CMake Deprecation Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:82 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Calling qt_android_generate_deployment_settings directly is deprecated agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: since Qt 6.5. Use qt_add_executable instead. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/CMakeLists.txt:18 (qt6_android_generate_deployment_settings) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/CMakeLists.txt:64 (tst_generate_android_deployment_setting) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: -- Configuring done (10.1s) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: -- Generating done (3.3s) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: -- Build files have been written to: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [5/8] Performing tst_qmath_build step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: ninja: warning: premature end of file; recovering agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: ninja: no work to do. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [6/8] Performing tst_qmath_copy_apk_dependencies step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [1/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/invalidplugin/CMakeFiles/invalidplugin.dir/invalidplugin_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [2/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/debugplugin/CMakeFiles/debugplugin.dir/debugplugin_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [3/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/debugplugin/CMakeFiles/debugplugin.dir/main.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [4/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/invalidplugin/CMakeFiles/invalidplugin.dir/main.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [5/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader/plugin1/CMakeFiles/tst_qfactoryloader_plugin1.dir/tst_qfactoryloader_plugin1_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [6/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader/plugin1/CMakeFiles/tst_qfactoryloader_plugin1.dir/plugin1.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [7/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader/bin/ agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [8/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/plugins/ agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [9/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader/plugin2/CMakeFiles/tst_qfactoryloader_plugin2.dir/plugin2.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [10/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader/plugin2/CMakeFiles/tst_qfactoryloader_plugin2.dir/tst_qfactoryloader_plugin2_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [11/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/plugins/ agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [12/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader/bin/ agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [13/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qpluginloader/theplugin/CMakeFiles/theplugin.dir/theplugin.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [14/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qpluginloader/theplugin/CMakeFiles/theplugin.dir/theplugin_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [15/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/releaseplugin/CMakeFiles/releaseplugin.dir/releaseplugin_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [16/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qpluginloader/bin/ agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [17/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qpluginloader/theplugin/CMakeFiles/theoldplugin.dir/theoldplugin.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [18/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qpluginloader/theplugin/CMakeFiles/theoldplugin.dir/theoldplugin_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [19/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/CMakeFiles/tst_android_deployment_settings_new.dir/noop.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [20/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/CMakeFiles/tst_android_deployment_settings_old.dir/noop.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [21/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/ agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [22/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/releaseplugin/CMakeFiles/releaseplugin.dir/main.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [23/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qpluginloader/bin/ agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [24/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/ agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [25/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/plugins/ agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [26/26] Resolving x86_64 dependencies for the tst_qmath APK agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-tst_qmath-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Application binary: tst_qmath agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [7/8] Copying tst_qmath binary to apk folder agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: [8/8] Creating APK for tst_qmath agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-tst_qmath-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Application binary: tst_qmath agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :generateDebugBuildConfig agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :javaPreCompileDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :checkDebugAarMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :generateDebugResValues agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mapDebugSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :generateDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :extractDeepLinksDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :processDebugMainManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: package="org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/AndroidManifest.xml. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Setting the namespace via a source AndroidManifest.xml's package attribute is deprecated. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Please instead set the namespace (or testNamespace) in the module's build.gradle file, as described here: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: This migration can be done automatically using the AGP Upgrade Assistant, please refer to for more information. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :processDebugManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeDebugShaders agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeDebugAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :compressDebugAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :checkDebugDuplicateClasses agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :processDebugManifestForPackage agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeDebugJavaResource agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeLibDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :processDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeDebugJniLibFolders agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :desugarDebugFileDependencies agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :dexBuilderDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeProjectDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeDebugNativeLibs agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeExtDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :validateSigningDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :writeDebugAppMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :writeDebugSigningConfigVersions agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :stripDebugDebugSymbols agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Unable to strip the following libraries, packaging them as they are:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :packageDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :createDebugApkListingFileRedirect agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: > Task :assembleDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 18s agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: 31 actionable tasks: 31 executed agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Android package built successfully in 19.016 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:34 build.go:404: 2: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r -g /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/tst_qmath.apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:35 build.go:404: 2: Performing Push Install agent:2024/01/25 10:31:35 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/tst_qmath.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 98.8 MB/s (16521469 bytes in 0.160s) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:35 build.go:404: 2: pkg: /data/local/tmp/tst_qmath.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:31:35 build.go:404: 2: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK] agent:2024/01/25 10:31:35 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:35 build.go:404: 2: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath/ -e applicationArguments "-o output.junitxml,junitxml -o output.txt,txt -o output.xml,xml" -e extraenvvars "UVRFU1RfRU5WSVJPTk1FTlQ9Y2k=". agent:2024/01/25 10:31:36 build.go:404: 2: Starting: Intent { cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath/ (has extras) } agent:2024/01/25 10:31:36 build.go:404: 2: Error type 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:36 build.go:404: 2: Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath/} does not exist. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:36 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: "Error: the test's output.junitxml is empty." agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: ****** Begin logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: --------- beginning of system agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: Failed parse during installPackageLI agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager:$PackageParserException: /data/app/vmdl1535600859.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #8): Requires newer sdk version #26 (current version is #23) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at$ agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Looper.loop( agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: --------- beginning of main agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.313 3648 4078 I chatty : uid=10008( highpool[3] expire 10 lines agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.469 2769 2793 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.495 2769 2793 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 36688(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 2(40KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 1.468ms total 25.782ms agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.503 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.511 5040 5040 I art : System.exit called, status: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.511 5040 5040 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.513 2769 2971 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.516 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.714 5076 5076 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.715 5076 5076 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.723 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.729 5076 5076 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.752 5076 5076 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.752 5076 5076 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.754 5076 5076 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.771 5076 5076 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.786 2769 3695 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath/ (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.788 5076 5076 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:35.919 3681 4995 I chatty : uid=10008( lowpool[13] expire 3 lines agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:36.318 3648 4997 I chatty : uid=10008( -Executor] idle expire 9 lines agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:36.324 3648 5095 I chatty : uid=10008( -Executor] idle expire 9 lines agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:36.630 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:36.712 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:36.719 3681 5016 I chatty : uid=10008( -Executor] idle expire 30 lines agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:36.722 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:36.729 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:36.740 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:36.751 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:36.760 2769 3075 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:36.842 3648 4996 I chatty : uid=10008( -Executor] idle expire 8 lines agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:36.880 3648 4921 I chatty : uid=10008( -Executor] idle expire 11 lines agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.047 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.088 2490 3259 V EmulatedCamera_Camera: getCameraInfo agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.088 2490 3259 V EmulatedCamera_BaseCamera: getCameraInfo agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.179 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.184 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.349 2769 2971 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.518 2769 3078 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.633 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.767 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.814 3531 4458 W MediaScanner: Error opening directory '/oem/media/', skipping: No such file or directory. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.816 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.848 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.864 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Andromeda.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.868 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Aquila.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.873 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/ArgoNavis.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.878 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Atria.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.886 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/BOOTES.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.893 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Backroad.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.896 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/BeatPlucker.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.909 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/BentleyDubs.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.917 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Big_Easy.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.925 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/BirdLoop.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.942 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Bollywood.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.955 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/BussaMove.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.961 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/CANISMAJOR.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:37.972 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.000 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/CASSIOPEIA.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.005 3648 4878 I chatty : uid=10008( lowpool[13] expire 1 line agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.024 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Cairo.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.038 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Calypso_Steel.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.092 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/CanisMajor.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.099 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/CaribbeanIce.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.142 2769 2971 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.169 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Carina.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.182 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Centaurus.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.185 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Champagne_Edition.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.187 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Club_Cubano.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.195 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/CrayonRock.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.197 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/CrazyDream.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.198 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/CurveBall.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.200 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Cygnus.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.201 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/DancinFool.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.202 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Ding.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.204 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/DonMessWivIt.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.205 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Draco.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.207 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/DreamTheme.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.208 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Eastern_Sky.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.209 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Enter_the_Nexus.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.211 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Eridani.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.213 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/EtherShake.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.215 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/FreeFlight.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.220 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/FriendlyGhost.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.240 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.308 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Funk_Yall.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.331 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/GameOverGuitar.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.341 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Gimme_Mo_Town.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.347 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Girtab.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.352 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Glacial_Groove.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.358 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Growl.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.360 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/HalfwayHome.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.365 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Hydra.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.376 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/InsertCoin.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.378 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Kuma.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.384 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/LoopyLounge.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.405 2769 2966 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.415 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/LoveFlute.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.421 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Lyra.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.425 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Machina.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.452 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/MidEvilJaunt.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.465 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.470 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/MildlyAlarming.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.472 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Nairobi.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.480 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Nassau.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.490 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/NewPlayer.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.505 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/No_Limits.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.509 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Noises1.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.521 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Noises2.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.545 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Noises3.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.569 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/OrganDub.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.575 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Orion.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.583 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/PERSEUS.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.614 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Paradise_Island.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.658 2490 2490 E MetadataRetrieverClient: failed to extract an album art agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.659 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Pegasus.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.705 2769 4563 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.758 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Perseus.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.765 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Playa.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.775 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Pyxis.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.783 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Rasalas.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.791 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Revelation.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.796 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Rigel.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.805 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Ring_Classic_02.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.811 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Ring_Digital_02.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.825 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Ring_Synth_02.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.830 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Ring_Synth_04.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.855 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Road_Trip.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.857 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/RomancingTheTone.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.859 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Safari.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.866 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Savannah.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.893 3681 5018 I chatty : uid=10008( -Executor] idle expire 3 lines agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.895 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.932 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Scarabaeus.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.933 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.969 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Sceptrum.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.975 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Seville.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.981 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Shes_All_That.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.985 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/SilkyWay.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:38.995 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/SitarVsSitar.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.001 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Solarium.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.005 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/SpringyJalopy.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.011 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Steppin_Out.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.019 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Terminated.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.079 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.086 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Testudo.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.118 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Themos.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.121 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Third_Eye.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.128 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Thunderfoot.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.135 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/TwirlAway.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.145 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/URSAMINOR.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.151 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/UrsaMinor.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.160 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/VeryAlarmed.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.167 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Vespa.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.175 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/World.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.178 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Zeta.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.180 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/hydra.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.204 3648 4973 I chatty : uid=10008( -Executor] idle expire 1 line agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.213 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.324 2769 4336 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.325 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.502 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.517 2769 2780 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.535 2769 3078 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.545 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.567 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Dock.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.567 2490 2925 E MetadataRetrieverClient: failed to extract an album art agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.602 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.706 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressDelete.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.727 3648 4972 I chatty : uid=10008( -Executor] idle expire 1 line agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.734 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.737 3681 5016 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.738 3681 5016 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.752 3648 4973 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.761 3648 5095 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.781 3648 4996 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:39.989 3681 5018 I LT_StubFactory: tachyonHostName = and tachyonPortNumber = 443 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.002 3648 4972 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void dgs.a(dfw) from (040700-319035315):8 waiters=0 for 217ms agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.009 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressInvalid.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.021 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.030 3681 5018 D LT_OkHttpChannelBuilder: Using Spatula header keyless authentication. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.052 3648 4972 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.066 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.066 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.072 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.096 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.097 2769 2971 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.101 3681 5020 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.103 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.111 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressSpacebar.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.143 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.143 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.159 3681 5228 I LT_PhenotypeApiImplV12: Retrieve experiment configurations for: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.174 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressStandard.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.203 3648 3886 W GLSUser : [DeviceKeyStore] Cannot load key: Device key file not found. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.203 3648 3886 W GLSUser : [DeviceKeyStore] Cannot load key: Device key file not found. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.203 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Lock.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.219 3648 4078 I aopq : Scheduling Phenotype for a PhenotypeSyncImmediately(6, one off with window [1, 2] in seconds [CONTEXT service_id=51 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.235 3681 3681 I LT_PhenotypeApiImplV12: Phenotype registration succeeded agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.242 3681 3681 D LT_ClntIntrcptrFctryV12: Spatula header: CjYKFmNvbS5nb29nbGUuYW5kcm9pZC5nbXMaHFdPSEVFejkwUWV3OUxDY0NjS0ZJQXRwSHVnND0Yy6SY5s2ek+w5 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.282 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/LowBattery.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.303 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.309 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.309 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.314 3681 4978 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.318 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.319 2769 2966 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.319 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.331 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Trusted.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.344 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Undock.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.351 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.356 3681 5017 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.357 2769 3078 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.359 3681 5018 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.360 3681 4978 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.371 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Unlock.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.373 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/VideoRecord.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.428 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/WirelessChargingStarted.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.430 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.432 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/camera_focus.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.452 3648 4996 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.472 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.472 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.507 3681 4978 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.512 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.512 3681 5017 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.513 3681 5016 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.601 3648 5249 I FA-SVC : App measurement initialized, version: 202414 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.648 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.652 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.652 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.656 3681 5017 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.659 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.660 3681 5017 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.662 3681 5018 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.704 3681 5008 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.705 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.708 3681 5018 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.709 3648 4972 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.712 3681 5018 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.720 3681 5018 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.722 3681 5017 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.727 2769 2780 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.733 3681 4978 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.744 3681 4978 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.745 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.747 3681 5008 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.748 3681 5020 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.870 3648 4953 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.873 3681 5018 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.877 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.878 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.879 3681 4978 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.880 3648 4973 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.880 3648 4973 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.880 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.921 3648 4854 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.931 3648 4854 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.936 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.937 3681 5008 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.938 3681 5023 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.940 3681 5017 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:40.945 3681 4995 I GCM-GMS : Got GMS registration agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.049 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.049 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.049 3648 4973 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.078 3681 5023 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.078 2769 2780 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.079 3681 5023 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.081 3681 5018 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.093 3681 5271 I Authzen : [AuthZenEventHandler] Handling event: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.096 2769 3078 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.209 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.209 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.212 3648 4997 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.247 3648 3648 I GCoreUlr: GCM registration ID changed: Intent { flg=0x10 } agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.259 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.259 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.315 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.318 3681 5008 E MDM : [376] agll.a: No Google accounts; deferring server state update. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.414 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.414 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.419 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.421 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.424 3681 5023 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.424 3681 5009 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.471 3648 4973 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.475 3681 5008 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.477 2769 3075 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.478 3681 5008 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.482 3681 5020 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.610 3648 5095 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.612 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.612 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.725 3531 4458 V MediaScanner: pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@728f13f agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.726 3531 4458 V MediaScanner: /pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@728f13f agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.740 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.740 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.744 3681 5015 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.747 3681 5023 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.747 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.754 3681 5020 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.820 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.820 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.834 3648 3648 I GCoreUlr: Unbound from all signal providers. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.834 3648 3648 I GCoreUlr: Stopping handler for UlrDispSvcFast agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.838 3648 5095 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.850 3681 5020 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.852 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.854 3681 5008 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.856 3681 5017 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.862 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.864 2769 2971 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 15): empty #17 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.917 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.939 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.953 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.964 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.979 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.988 3648 4921 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.997 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:41.997 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.037 3681 5018 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.038 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.039 3681 5008 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.042 3681 5009 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.079 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.100 2769 2966 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.118 2769 3696 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.130 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.139 3648 4997 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.141 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.141 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.149 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.152 3681 5017 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.154 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.154 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.205 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.214 3648 4953 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.216 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.219 3681 5017 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.220 3681 5015 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.223 3681 5020 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.257 2769 4336 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.274 2769 2780 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.287 2769 2780 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.298 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.305 3648 4921 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.307 3681 5017 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.310 3681 5017 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.311 3681 5017 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.315 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.317 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.318 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.342 2769 4563 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.382 3648 5095 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.385 3681 5023 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.389 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.390 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.393 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.467 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.484 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.503 2769 4336 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.528 3648 4997 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.538 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.574 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.588 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.595 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.610 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.627 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.643 2769 4563 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.662 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.673 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.673 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.683 3681 5020 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.684 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.687 3681 5008 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.688 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.719 2769 3696 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.729 3648 4921 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.734 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.750 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.775 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.787 2769 4563 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.819 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.819 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.819 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.821 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.822 3681 5009 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.825 3681 5009 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.846 3648 4953 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.930 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.932 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.935 3681 5023 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.936 2769 2780 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.940 3681 5015 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.943 3648 4921 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.947 3681 4978 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.955 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.955 3648 4878 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk:classes3.dex for method void agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.955 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315):2) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.957 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315)) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.992 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.992 3648 4878 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk:classes3.dex for method void agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.992 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315):2) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:42.993 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315)) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.004 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.004 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.005 3681 5020 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.007 2769 4336 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.008 3681 5020 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.009 3681 5023 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.027 3648 4921 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.125 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.125 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.150 2769 4336 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.150 3681 5008 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.155 3681 5017 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.157 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.178 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.178 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.196 3648 5095 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.198 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.198 2769 3078 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.199 3681 5023 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.201 3681 5015 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.217 2769 2966 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.241 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.242 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.242 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.269 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.271 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.273 3681 5009 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.274 3681 4978 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.328 3681 3689 W SQLiteConnectionPool: A SQLiteConnection object for database '/data/user/0/' was leaked! Please fix your application to end transactions in progress properly and to close the database when it is no longer needed. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.340 3648 4854 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.346 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.346 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.389 3681 5353 I LT_StubFactory: tachyonHostName = and tachyonPortNumber = 443 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.389 3681 5353 D LT_OkHttpChannelBuilder: Using Spatula header keyless authentication. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.398 2769 2780 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.403 3681 5008 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.405 3681 5023 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.408 3681 5023 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.419 3648 3648 E BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.504 2769 2781 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.519 2769 4563 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@14265ca agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.521 3681 3799 E GmsClient: unable to connect to service: on agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.534 3681 5353 D LT_Lighter: finalizing agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.534 3681 5353 D LT_LiMsgController: No accounts with open bind channel agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.535 3681 5363 I LT_PhenotypeApiImplV12: Retrieve experiment configurations for: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.559 3648 4972 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.566 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.567 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.605 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.609 3681 5020 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.609 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.611 3681 5009 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.614 3648 4921 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.647 3681 5017 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.648 3681 5017 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.650 3681 5015 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.651 3681 5015 I TelephonySpam: SettingsChangedIntentOp - telephonyspam phenotype flag changed agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.651 3681 5015 I TelephonySpam: SpamListSync - schedulePeriodicTask agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.653 3681 3681 I LT_PhenotypeApiImplV12: Phenotype registration succeeded agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.654 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.744 3648 3886 W GLSUser : [DeviceKeyStore] Cannot load key: Device key file not found. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.745 3648 3886 W GLSUser : [DeviceKeyStore] Cannot load key: Device key file not found. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.755 3648 4972 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.755 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.755 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.776 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.783 3681 3681 D LT_ClntIntrcptrFctryV12: Spatula header: CjYKFmNvbS5nb29nbGUuYW5kcm9pZC5nbXMaHFdPSEVFejkwUWV3OUxDY0NjS0ZJQXRwSHVnND0Yy6SY5s2ek+w5 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.786 3648 4952 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=java.lang.Object bfsd.c() from (040700-319035315):6 waiters=0 for 317ms agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.808 2769 2966 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.811 3648 4972 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.811 3648 4972 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.812 3648 4952 W EasyUnlock: [EasyUnlockSupportReporterIntentOperation] Invalid account list. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.814 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.814 3681 5020 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.815 3681 5023 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.824 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.871 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.882 3648 4972 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.950 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.965 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.978 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.985 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:43.986 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.007 3681 5017 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.008 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.010 3681 5009 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.028 2769 2966 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.035 3648 4997 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.061 3681 5015 I MdiSyncModule: handling relevant flag change... agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.078 3681 4995 I GmsSyncPolicyEngine: Periodic sync 3 disabled agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.079 3681 5015 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling completed agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.105 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.105 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.108 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.108 3648 4878 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk:classes3.dex for method void agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.109 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315):2) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.109 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315)) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.116 3681 5015 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.117 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.118 3681 5009 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.122 3681 5023 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.124 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.124 3648 4878 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk:classes3.dex for method void agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.124 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315):2) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.124 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315)) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : Failed attempt #3 out of 3 for RestoreDeviceName [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : java.lang.IllegalStateException: BluetoothAdapter not ready yet! agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at ajpy.d( (040700-319035315):2) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at Source) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at Source) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at bwuo.a( (040700-319035315):2) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at bwuo.a( (040700-319035315):9) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at Source) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at Source) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at (040700-319035315):0) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.150 3648 4997 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.210 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.210 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.218 2769 4563 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.218 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.221 3681 5009 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.229 3681 4978 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.250 3648 5378 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.302 3648 5378 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.302 3648 5378 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.322 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.325 2769 2971 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.325 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.327 3681 5009 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.332 3648 4997 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.395 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.395 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.404 3681 5008 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.405 3648 4953 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.408 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.415 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.425 3681 5017 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.519 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.519 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.528 3681 4978 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.530 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.531 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.535 3681 5023 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.545 3648 4973 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.602 3648 4973 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.602 3648 4973 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.612 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.614 3681 5008 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.615 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.620 3681 5023 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.634 3648 5095 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.681 3681 5017 I MobileDataHub: Scheduling periodic tasks agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.682 3681 4995 W MobileDataHub: [Service] appsupload-periodic periodic task disabled agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.734 3648 5378 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.734 3648 5378 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.747 3681 4978 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.747 2769 4336 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.748 3648 4997 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.750 3681 5023 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.753 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.802 3648 4972 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.802 3648 4972 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.813 3681 5017 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.813 2769 2971 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.816 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.816 3648 4973 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.823 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.855 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.855 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.860 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.860 3681 5416 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.862 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.865 3681 5416 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.865 3648 4854 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.894 3648 4972 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.894 3648 4972 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.903 3681 5415 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.908 3681 5018 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.912 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.912 3648 5378 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.912 3648 5378 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.912 3681 5414 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.924 3648 4973 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.985 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.985 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.998 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:44.998 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.004 2769 2966 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.007 3681 5018 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.009 3681 5015 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.012 3681 5018 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.017 3648 4997 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.019 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.019 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.041 2769 4565 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.043 2769 2966 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@2b9e422 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.045 3681 3799 E GmsClient: unable to connect to service: on agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.056 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.056 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.112 3648 5378 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.112 3648 5378 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.128 3681 5015 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.128 2769 4336 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.130 3681 5015 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.132 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.132 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Running Fixer Framework for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.134 3681 5009 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.177 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.177 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.178 3648 4854 I aorp : updateFromConfigurations using legacy put method [CONTEXT service_id=204 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.270 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.270 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.274 3681 5416 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.275 3681 5009 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.277 3681 5414 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.277 2769 4336 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.298 2769 3076 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 15): empty #17 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.368 3648 4953 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.412 3648 4952 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.412 3648 4952 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.421 3681 5416 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.425 3681 5009 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.426 2769 3696 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.427 3681 5416 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.444 3648 5378 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.491 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.491 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.493 3681 5416 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.493 2769 2971 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.495 3681 5415 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.497 3681 5009 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.518 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.558 3648 5425 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.558 3648 5425 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.605 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.605 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.612 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.613 2769 3075 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.615 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.620 3681 5414 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.629 3648 4953 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.668 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.668 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.671 3681 5416 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.672 2769 3696 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.673 3681 5415 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.675 3681 5416 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.676 3648 4854 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.731 2769 2780 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.740 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.740 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.779 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.779 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.792 3648 5095 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:45.793 3648 5095 I PTCommittedOperation: Running Fixer Framework for agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: ****** End logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: Error: failed to run ndk-stack command. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb") is still running. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:46 build.go:404: 2: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:47 build.go:404: 2: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] agent:2024/01/25 10:31:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:47 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:47 build.go:404: 2: ERROR: XML log file not found: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178657199.xml agent:2024/01/25 10:31:47 build.go:404: 2: ERROR: exception:FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178657199.xml' agent:2024/01/25 10:31:47 build.go:404: 2: ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details agent:2024/01/25 10:31:47 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Will re-run the full test executable agent:2024/01/25 10:31:47 build.go:404: 2: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner', '--path', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build', '--adb', '/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb', '--skip-install-root', '--make', '"/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qmath_make_apk', '--apk', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/tst_qmath.apk', '--ndk-stack', '/ndk-stack', '--timeout', '855', '--verbose', '--', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178707042.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178707042.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178707042.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/01/25 10:31:47 build.go:404: 2: Execute /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qmath_make_apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: [1/4] Performing tst_qmath_build step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: ninja: no work to do. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: [2/4] Performing tst_qmath_copy_apk_dependencies step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: [1/1] Resolving x86_64 dependencies for the tst_qmath APK agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-tst_qmath-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: Application binary: tst_qmath agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: [3/4] Copying tst_qmath binary to apk folder agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: [4/4] Creating APK for tst_qmath agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-tst_qmath-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: Application binary: tst_qmath agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :generateDebugBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :javaPreCompileDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :checkDebugAarMetadata UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :generateDebugResValues UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mapDebugSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :generateDebugResources UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :extractDeepLinksDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :processDebugMainManifest UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :processDebugManifest UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :processDebugManifestForPackage UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeDebugShaders UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :compressDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeDebugJavaResource UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :checkDebugDuplicateClasses UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :desugarDebugFileDependencies UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeExtDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeLibDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeDebugJniLibFolders UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeDebugNativeLibs UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :stripDebugDebugSymbols UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :validateSigningDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :writeDebugAppMetadata UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :writeDebugSigningConfigVersions UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :processDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :dexBuilderDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :mergeProjectDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :packageDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :createDebugApkListingFileRedirect UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: > Task :assembleDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 1s agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: 31 actionable tasks: 4 executed, 27 up-to-date agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: Android package built successfully in 2.453 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:50 build.go:404: 2: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r -g /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/tst_qmath.apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:51 build.go:404: 2: Performing Push Install agent:2024/01/25 10:31:51 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/tst_qmath.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 53.8 MB/s (16521469 bytes in 0.293s) agent:2024/01/25 10:31:51 build.go:404: 2: pkg: /data/local/tmp/tst_qmath.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:31:51 build.go:404: 2: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK] agent:2024/01/25 10:31:51 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:31:51 build.go:404: 2: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath/ -e applicationArguments "-o output.txt,txt -o output.xml,xml -o output.junitxml,junitxml" -e extraenvvars "UVRFU1RfRU5WSVJPTk1FTlQ9Y2k=". agent:2024/01/25 10:31:51 build.go:404: 2: Starting: Intent { cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath/ (has extras) } agent:2024/01/25 10:31:51 build.go:404: 2: Error type 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:31:51 build.go:404: 2: Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath/} does not exist. agent:2024/01/25 10:31:51 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: "Error: the test's output.txt is empty." agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: ****** Begin logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: --------- beginning of main agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.013 2769 2793 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 35594(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 4(88KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 1.861ms total 23.192ms agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.015 5494 5494 I art : System.exit called, status: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.015 5494 5494 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.035 3648 4138 W ExecutionCriteria: Running in whitelist mode. Ignoring task:{u=0 tag="AggregationTaskTag" trigger=window{period=1800s,flex=600s,earliest=1125s,latest=1725s} requirements=[NET_ANY] attributes=[PERSISTED,RECURRING] scheduled=-74s last_run=N/A jid=N/A status=PENDING retries=0 client_lib=GMS_TASK_SCHEDULER-202414000} [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.044 3648 4877 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 237 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.070 3648 4877 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 36 uptime_millis: 36 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 237 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.109 3648 4878 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 237 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.121 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.136 3648 4877 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 39 uptime_millis: 39 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 237 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.190 3648 4878 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 237 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.190 2769 3075 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.212 3648 4877 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 35 uptime_millis: 35 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 237 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.236 5512 5512 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.238 5512 5512 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.250 5512 5512 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.281 5512 5512 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.281 5512 5512 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.283 5512 5512 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.293 5512 5512 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: --------- beginning of system agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.304 2769 3695 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath/ (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:51.305 5512 5512 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:54.038 3681 4082 I CastDatabase: Saving the database agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:54.052 3681 4082 I SQLiteCastStore: [CastNetworkInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0, [CastDeviceInfo]: saved 0, skipped 0, [Paired Guest Mode DeviceInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0. [ProbedNetworks]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [ProbedSocketAddress]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [Network-Device pairs]: saved: 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:58.979 3681 5742 I Vision : Requesting optional module download of ocr. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: 01-25 10:31:58.980 3681 5742 I Vision : Checking for download completion for 255063 -- ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: ****** End logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: Error: failed to run ndk-stack command. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb") is still running. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: ERROR: XML log file not found: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178707042.xml agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: ERROR: exception:FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178707042.xml' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: ERROR: Full test run failed repeatedly, aborting! agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: CMake Error at tst_qmathWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake:18 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/libexec/ -- agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner --path agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: --adb /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb --skip-install-root --make agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: "/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qmath_make_apk --apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/tst_qmath.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: --ndk-stack /ndk-stack --timeout 855 --verbose execution failed with exit agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: code 3. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 2/5 Test #2: tst_qmath .............................***Failed 65.30 sec agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: INFO: Will write XML test logs to directory COIN_CTEST_RESULTSDIR=/home/qt/work/testresults agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: INFO: Detected androidtestrunner, test will be handled specially. Detected test basename: tst_qmath agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner', '--path', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build', '--adb', '/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb', '--skip-install-root', '--make', '"/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qmath_make_apk', '--apk', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/tst_qmath.apk', '--ndk-stack', '/ndk-stack', '--timeout', '855', '--verbose', '--', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178657199.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178657199.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178657199.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Execute /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qmath_make_apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [1/8] No download step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [2/8] No update step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [3/8] No patch step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [4/8] Performing configure step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: CMake Warning: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Ignoring empty string ("") provided on the command line. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: -- Android toolchain file within NDK detected: /opt/android/android-ndk-r26b/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: -- CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE was set to: 'RelWithDebInfo' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: CMake Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:405 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmetaobject/CMakeLists.txt agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: contains multiple Qt Android executable targets. This can lead to mixing agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: of deployment artifacts of targets defined there. Setting agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: QT_USE_TARGET_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR=TRUE allows building multiple executable agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: targets within a single CMakeLists.txt. Note: This option is not supported agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: by Qt Creator versions older than 13. Set agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: QT_SKIP_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR_CHECK=TRUE to suppress this warning. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:1372 (qt6_android_add_apk_target) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: cmake/QtExecutableHelpers.cmake:35 (_qt_internal_android_executable_finalizer) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: cmake/QtTestHelpers.cmake:518 (qt_internal_add_executable) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmetaobject/CMakeLists.txt:28 (qt_internal_add_test) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: CMake Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:405 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/corelib/global/qcomparehelpers/CMakeLists.txt agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: contains multiple Qt Android executable targets. This can lead to mixing agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: of deployment artifacts of targets defined there. Setting agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: QT_USE_TARGET_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR=TRUE allows building multiple executable agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: targets within a single CMakeLists.txt. Note: This option is not supported agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: by Qt Creator versions older than 13. Set agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: QT_SKIP_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR_CHECK=TRUE to suppress this warning. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:1372 (qt6_android_add_apk_target) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: cmake/QtExecutableHelpers.cmake:35 (_qt_internal_android_executable_finalizer) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: cmake/QtTestHelpers.cmake:518 (qt_internal_add_executable) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: tests/auto/corelib/global/qcomparehelpers/CMakeLists.txt:14 (qt_internal_add_test) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: CMake Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:405 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/corelib/global/qflags/CMakeLists.txt agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: contains multiple Qt Android executable targets. This can lead to mixing agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: of deployment artifacts of targets defined there. Setting agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: QT_USE_TARGET_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR=TRUE allows building multiple executable agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: targets within a single CMakeLists.txt. Note: This option is not supported agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: by Qt Creator versions older than 13. Set agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: QT_SKIP_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR_CHECK=TRUE to suppress this warning. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:1372 (qt6_android_add_apk_target) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: cmake/QtExecutableHelpers.cmake:35 (_qt_internal_android_executable_finalizer) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: cmake/QtTestHelpers.cmake:518 (qt_internal_add_executable) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: tests/auto/corelib/global/qflags/CMakeLists.txt:19 (qt_internal_add_test) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: CMake Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:405 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/corelib/global/qlogging/CMakeLists.txt agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: contains multiple Qt Android executable targets. This can lead to mixing agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: of deployment artifacts of targets defined there. Setting agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: QT_USE_TARGET_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR=TRUE allows building multiple executable agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: targets within a single CMakeLists.txt. Note: This option is not supported agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: by Qt Creator versions older than 13. Set agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: QT_SKIP_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR_CHECK=TRUE to suppress this warning. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:1372 (qt6_android_add_apk_target) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: cmake/QtExecutableHelpers.cmake:35 (_qt_internal_android_executable_finalizer) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: cmake/QtTestHelpers.cmake:518 (qt_internal_add_executable) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: tests/auto/corelib/global/qlogging/CMakeLists.txt:23 (qt_internal_add_test) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: CMake Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:405 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/corelib/text/qstring/CMakeLists.txt agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: contains multiple Qt Android executable targets. This can lead to mixing agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: of deployment artifacts of targets defined there. Setting agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: QT_USE_TARGET_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR=TRUE allows building multiple executable agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: targets within a single CMakeLists.txt. Note: This option is not supported agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: by Qt Creator versions older than 13. Set agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: QT_SKIP_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR_CHECK=TRUE to suppress this warning. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:1372 (qt6_android_add_apk_target) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: cmake/QtExecutableHelpers.cmake:35 (_qt_internal_android_executable_finalizer) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: cmake/QtTestHelpers.cmake:518 (qt_internal_add_executable) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: tests/auto/corelib/text/qstring/CMakeLists.txt:23 (qt_internal_add_test) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: CMake Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:405 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/corelib/tools/qhashseed/CMakeLists.txt agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: contains multiple Qt Android executable targets. This can lead to mixing agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: of deployment artifacts of targets defined there. Setting agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: QT_USE_TARGET_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR=TRUE allows building multiple executable agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: targets within a single CMakeLists.txt. Note: This option is not supported agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: by Qt Creator versions older than 13. Set agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: QT_SKIP_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR_CHECK=TRUE to suppress this warning. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:1372 (qt6_android_add_apk_target) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: cmake/QtExecutableHelpers.cmake:35 (_qt_internal_android_executable_finalizer) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: tests/auto/corelib/tools/qhashseed/CMakeLists.txt:19 (qt_internal_add_executable) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: CMake Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:405 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qshortcut/CMakeLists.txt agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: contains multiple Qt Android executable targets. This can lead to mixing agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: of deployment artifacts of targets defined there. Setting agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: QT_USE_TARGET_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR=TRUE allows building multiple executable agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: targets within a single CMakeLists.txt. Note: This option is not supported agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: by Qt Creator versions older than 13. Set agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: QT_SKIP_ANDROID_BUILD_DIR_CHECK=TRUE to suppress this warning. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:1372 (qt6_android_add_apk_target) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: cmake/QtExecutableHelpers.cmake:35 (_qt_internal_android_executable_finalizer) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: cmake/QtTestHelpers.cmake:518 (qt_internal_add_executable) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qshortcut/CMakeLists.txt:26 (qt_internal_add_test) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: CMake Deprecation Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:82 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Calling qt_android_generate_deployment_settings directly is deprecated agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: since Qt 6.5. Use qt_add_executable instead. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/CMakeLists.txt:18 (qt6_android_generate_deployment_settings) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/CMakeLists.txt:46 (tst_generate_android_deployment_setting) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: CMake Deprecation Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6CoreMacros.cmake:3132 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Qt policy QTP0002 is set to OLD. Support for the old behavior will be agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: removed in a future major version of Qt. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:945 (__qt_internal_setup_policy) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:65 (_qt_internal_android_format_deployment_paths) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/CMakeLists.txt:18 (qt6_android_generate_deployment_settings) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/CMakeLists.txt:64 (tst_generate_android_deployment_setting) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: CMake Deprecation Warning at /home/qt/work/android-14-x86_64-on-linux/install/target/lib/cmake/Qt6Core/Qt6AndroidMacros.cmake:82 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Calling qt_android_generate_deployment_settings directly is deprecated agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: since Qt 6.5. Use qt_add_executable instead. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Call Stack (most recent call first): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/CMakeLists.txt:18 (qt6_android_generate_deployment_settings) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/CMakeLists.txt:64 (tst_generate_android_deployment_setting) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: -- Configuring done (10.1s) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: -- Generating done (3.3s) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: -- Build files have been written to: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [5/8] Performing tst_qmath_build step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: ninja: warning: premature end of file; recovering agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: ninja: no work to do. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [6/8] Performing tst_qmath_copy_apk_dependencies step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [1/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/invalidplugin/CMakeFiles/invalidplugin.dir/invalidplugin_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [2/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/debugplugin/CMakeFiles/debugplugin.dir/debugplugin_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [3/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/debugplugin/CMakeFiles/debugplugin.dir/main.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [4/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/invalidplugin/CMakeFiles/invalidplugin.dir/main.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [5/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader/plugin1/CMakeFiles/tst_qfactoryloader_plugin1.dir/tst_qfactoryloader_plugin1_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [6/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader/plugin1/CMakeFiles/tst_qfactoryloader_plugin1.dir/plugin1.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [7/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader/bin/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [8/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/plugins/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [9/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader/plugin2/CMakeFiles/tst_qfactoryloader_plugin2.dir/plugin2.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [10/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader/plugin2/CMakeFiles/tst_qfactoryloader_plugin2.dir/tst_qfactoryloader_plugin2_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [11/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/plugins/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [12/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader/bin/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [13/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qpluginloader/theplugin/CMakeFiles/theplugin.dir/theplugin.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [14/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qpluginloader/theplugin/CMakeFiles/theplugin.dir/theplugin_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [15/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/releaseplugin/CMakeFiles/releaseplugin.dir/releaseplugin_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [16/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qpluginloader/bin/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [17/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qpluginloader/theplugin/CMakeFiles/theoldplugin.dir/theoldplugin.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [18/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qpluginloader/theplugin/CMakeFiles/theoldplugin.dir/theoldplugin_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [19/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/CMakeFiles/tst_android_deployment_settings_new.dir/noop.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [20/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/CMakeFiles/tst_android_deployment_settings_old.dir/noop.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [21/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [22/26] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/releaseplugin/CMakeFiles/releaseplugin.dir/main.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [23/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qpluginloader/bin/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [24/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/other/android_deployment_settings/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [25/26] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qplugin/plugins/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [26/26] Resolving x86_64 dependencies for the tst_qmath APK agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-tst_qmath-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Application binary: tst_qmath agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [7/8] Copying tst_qmath binary to apk folder agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [8/8] Creating APK for tst_qmath agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-tst_qmath-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Application binary: tst_qmath agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugBuildConfig agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :javaPreCompileDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :checkDebugAarMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugResValues agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mapDebugSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :extractDeepLinksDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugMainManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: package="org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/AndroidManifest.xml. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Setting the namespace via a source AndroidManifest.xml's package attribute is deprecated. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Please instead set the namespace (or testNamespace) in the module's build.gradle file, as described here: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: This migration can be done automatically using the AGP Upgrade Assistant, please refer to for more information. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugShaders agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :compressDebugAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :checkDebugDuplicateClasses agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugManifestForPackage agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugJavaResource agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeLibDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugJniLibFolders agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :desugarDebugFileDependencies agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :dexBuilderDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeProjectDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugNativeLibs agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeExtDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :validateSigningDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :writeDebugAppMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :writeDebugSigningConfigVersions agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :stripDebugDebugSymbols agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Unable to strip the following libraries, packaging them as they are:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :packageDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :createDebugApkListingFileRedirect agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :assembleDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 18s agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 31 actionable tasks: 31 executed agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Android package built successfully in 19.016 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r -g /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/tst_qmath.apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Performing Push Install agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/tst_qmath.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 98.8 MB/s (16521469 bytes in 0.160s) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: pkg: /data/local/tmp/tst_qmath.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath/ -e applicationArguments "-o output.junitxml,junitxml -o output.txt,txt -o output.xml,xml" -e extraenvvars "UVRFU1RfRU5WSVJPTk1FTlQ9Y2k=". agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Starting: Intent { cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath/ (has extras) } agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Error type 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath/} does not exist. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: "Error: the test's output.junitxml is empty." agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: ****** Begin logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: --------- beginning of system agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: Failed parse during installPackageLI agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager:$PackageParserException: /data/app/vmdl1535600859.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #8): Requires newer sdk version #26 (current version is #23) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at$ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Looper.loop( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.232 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: --------- beginning of main agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.313 3648 4078 I chatty : uid=10008( highpool[3] expire 10 lines agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.469 2769 2793 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.495 2769 2793 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 36688(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 2(40KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 1.468ms total 25.782ms agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.503 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.511 5040 5040 I art : System.exit called, status: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.511 5040 5040 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.513 2769 2971 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.516 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.714 5076 5076 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.715 5076 5076 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.723 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.729 5076 5076 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.752 5076 5076 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.752 5076 5076 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.754 5076 5076 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.771 5076 5076 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.786 2769 3695 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath/ (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.788 5076 5076 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:35.919 3681 4995 I chatty : uid=10008( lowpool[13] expire 3 lines agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:36.318 3648 4997 I chatty : uid=10008( -Executor] idle expire 9 lines agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:36.324 3648 5095 I chatty : uid=10008( -Executor] idle expire 9 lines agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:36.630 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:36.712 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:36.719 3681 5016 I chatty : uid=10008( -Executor] idle expire 30 lines agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:36.722 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:36.729 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:36.740 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:36.751 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:36.760 2769 3075 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:36.842 3648 4996 I chatty : uid=10008( -Executor] idle expire 8 lines agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:36.880 3648 4921 I chatty : uid=10008( -Executor] idle expire 11 lines agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.047 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.088 2490 3259 V EmulatedCamera_Camera: getCameraInfo agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.088 2490 3259 V EmulatedCamera_BaseCamera: getCameraInfo agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.179 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.184 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.349 2769 2971 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.518 2769 3078 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.633 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.767 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.814 3531 4458 W MediaScanner: Error opening directory '/oem/media/', skipping: No such file or directory. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.816 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.848 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.864 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Andromeda.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.868 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Aquila.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.873 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/ArgoNavis.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.878 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Atria.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.886 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/BOOTES.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.893 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Backroad.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.896 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/BeatPlucker.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.909 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/BentleyDubs.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.917 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Big_Easy.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.925 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/BirdLoop.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.942 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Bollywood.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.955 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/BussaMove.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.961 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/CANISMAJOR.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:37.972 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.000 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/CASSIOPEIA.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.005 3648 4878 I chatty : uid=10008( lowpool[13] expire 1 line agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.024 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Cairo.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.038 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Calypso_Steel.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.092 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/CanisMajor.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.099 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/CaribbeanIce.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.142 2769 2971 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.169 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Carina.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.182 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Centaurus.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.185 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Champagne_Edition.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.187 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Club_Cubano.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.195 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/CrayonRock.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.197 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/CrazyDream.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.198 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/CurveBall.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.200 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Cygnus.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.201 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/DancinFool.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.202 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Ding.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.204 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/DonMessWivIt.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.205 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Draco.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.207 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/DreamTheme.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.208 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Eastern_Sky.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.209 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Enter_the_Nexus.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.211 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Eridani.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.213 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/EtherShake.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.215 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/FreeFlight.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.220 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/FriendlyGhost.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.240 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.308 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Funk_Yall.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.331 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/GameOverGuitar.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.341 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Gimme_Mo_Town.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.347 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Girtab.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.352 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Glacial_Groove.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.358 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Growl.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.360 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/HalfwayHome.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.365 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Hydra.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.376 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/InsertCoin.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.378 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Kuma.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.384 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/LoopyLounge.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.405 2769 2966 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.415 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/LoveFlute.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.421 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Lyra.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.425 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Machina.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.452 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/MidEvilJaunt.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.465 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.470 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/MildlyAlarming.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.472 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Nairobi.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.480 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Nassau.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.490 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/NewPlayer.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.505 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/No_Limits.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.509 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Noises1.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.521 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Noises2.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.545 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Noises3.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.569 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/OrganDub.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.575 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Orion.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.583 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/PERSEUS.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.614 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Paradise_Island.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.658 2490 2490 E MetadataRetrieverClient: failed to extract an album art agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.659 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Pegasus.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.705 2769 4563 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.758 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Perseus.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.765 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Playa.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.775 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Pyxis.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.783 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Rasalas.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.791 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Revelation.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.796 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Rigel.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.805 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Ring_Classic_02.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.811 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Ring_Digital_02.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.825 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Ring_Synth_02.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.830 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Ring_Synth_04.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.855 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Road_Trip.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.857 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/RomancingTheTone.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.859 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Safari.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.866 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Savannah.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.893 3681 5018 I chatty : uid=10008( -Executor] idle expire 3 lines agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.895 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.932 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Scarabaeus.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.933 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.969 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Sceptrum.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.975 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Seville.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.981 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Shes_All_That.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.985 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/SilkyWay.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:38.995 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/SitarVsSitar.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.001 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Solarium.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.005 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/SpringyJalopy.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.011 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Steppin_Out.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.019 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Terminated.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.079 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.086 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Testudo.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.118 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Themos.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.121 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Third_Eye.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.128 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Thunderfoot.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.135 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/TwirlAway.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.145 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/URSAMINOR.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.151 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/UrsaMinor.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.160 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/VeryAlarmed.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.167 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Vespa.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.175 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/World.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.178 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Zeta.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.180 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/hydra.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.204 3648 4973 I chatty : uid=10008( -Executor] idle expire 1 line agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.213 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.324 2769 4336 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.325 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.502 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.517 2769 2780 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.535 2769 3078 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.545 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.567 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Dock.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.567 2490 2925 E MetadataRetrieverClient: failed to extract an album art agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.602 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.706 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressDelete.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.727 3648 4972 I chatty : uid=10008( -Executor] idle expire 1 line agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.734 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.737 3681 5016 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.738 3681 5016 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.752 3648 4973 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.761 3648 5095 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.781 3648 4996 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:39.989 3681 5018 I LT_StubFactory: tachyonHostName = and tachyonPortNumber = 443 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.002 3648 4972 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void dgs.a(dfw) from (040700-319035315):8 waiters=0 for 217ms agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.009 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressInvalid.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.021 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.030 3681 5018 D LT_OkHttpChannelBuilder: Using Spatula header keyless authentication. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.052 3648 4972 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.066 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.066 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.072 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.096 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.097 2769 2971 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.101 3681 5020 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.103 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.111 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressSpacebar.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.143 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.143 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.159 3681 5228 I LT_PhenotypeApiImplV12: Retrieve experiment configurations for: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.174 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressStandard.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.203 3648 3886 W GLSUser : [DeviceKeyStore] Cannot load key: Device key file not found. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.203 3648 3886 W GLSUser : [DeviceKeyStore] Cannot load key: Device key file not found. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.203 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Lock.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.219 3648 4078 I aopq : Scheduling Phenotype for a PhenotypeSyncImmediately(6, one off with window [1, 2] in seconds [CONTEXT service_id=51 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.235 3681 3681 I LT_PhenotypeApiImplV12: Phenotype registration succeeded agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.242 3681 3681 D LT_ClntIntrcptrFctryV12: Spatula header: CjYKFmNvbS5nb29nbGUuYW5kcm9pZC5nbXMaHFdPSEVFejkwUWV3OUxDY0NjS0ZJQXRwSHVnND0Yy6SY5s2ek+w5 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.282 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/LowBattery.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.303 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.309 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.309 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.314 3681 4978 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.318 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.319 2769 2966 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.319 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.331 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Trusted.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.344 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Undock.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.351 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.356 3681 5017 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.357 2769 3078 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.359 3681 5018 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.360 3681 4978 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.371 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Unlock.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.373 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/VideoRecord.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.428 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/WirelessChargingStarted.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.430 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.432 3531 4458 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/camera_focus.ogg; assuming invalid agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.452 3648 4996 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.472 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.472 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.507 3681 4978 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.512 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.512 3681 5017 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.513 3681 5016 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.601 3648 5249 I FA-SVC : App measurement initialized, version: 202414 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.648 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.652 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.652 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.656 3681 5017 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.659 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.660 3681 5017 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.662 3681 5018 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.704 3681 5008 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.705 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.708 3681 5018 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.709 3648 4972 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.712 3681 5018 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.720 3681 5018 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.722 3681 5017 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.727 2769 2780 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.733 3681 4978 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.744 3681 4978 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.745 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.747 3681 5008 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.748 3681 5020 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.870 3648 4953 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.873 3681 5018 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.877 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.878 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.879 3681 4978 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.880 3648 4973 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.880 3648 4973 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.880 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.921 3648 4854 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.931 3648 4854 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.936 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.937 3681 5008 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.938 3681 5023 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.940 3681 5017 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:40.945 3681 4995 I GCM-GMS : Got GMS registration agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.049 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.049 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.049 3648 4973 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.078 3681 5023 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.078 2769 2780 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.079 3681 5023 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.081 3681 5018 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.093 3681 5271 I Authzen : [AuthZenEventHandler] Handling event: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.096 2769 3078 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.209 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.209 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.212 3648 4997 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.247 3648 3648 I GCoreUlr: GCM registration ID changed: Intent { flg=0x10 } agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.259 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.259 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.315 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.318 3681 5008 E MDM : [376] agll.a: No Google accounts; deferring server state update. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.414 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.414 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.419 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.421 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.424 3681 5023 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.424 3681 5009 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.471 3648 4973 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.475 3681 5008 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.477 2769 3075 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.478 3681 5008 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.482 3681 5020 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.610 3648 5095 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.612 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.612 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.725 3531 4458 V MediaScanner: pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@728f13f agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.726 3531 4458 V MediaScanner: /pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@728f13f agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.740 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.740 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.744 3681 5015 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.747 3681 5023 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.747 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.754 3681 5020 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.820 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.820 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.834 3648 3648 I GCoreUlr: Unbound from all signal providers. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.834 3648 3648 I GCoreUlr: Stopping handler for UlrDispSvcFast agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.838 3648 5095 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.850 3681 5020 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.852 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.854 3681 5008 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.856 3681 5017 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.862 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.864 2769 2971 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 15): empty #17 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.917 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.939 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.953 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.964 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.979 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.988 3648 4921 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.997 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:41.997 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.037 3681 5018 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.038 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.039 3681 5008 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.042 3681 5009 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.079 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.100 2769 2966 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.118 2769 3696 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.130 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.139 3648 4997 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.141 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.141 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.149 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.152 3681 5017 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.154 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.154 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.205 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.214 3648 4953 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.216 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.219 3681 5017 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.220 3681 5015 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.223 3681 5020 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.257 2769 4336 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.274 2769 2780 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.287 2769 2780 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.298 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.305 3648 4921 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.307 3681 5017 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.310 3681 5017 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.311 3681 5017 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.315 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.317 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.318 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.342 2769 4563 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.382 3648 5095 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.385 3681 5023 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.389 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.390 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.393 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.467 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.484 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.503 2769 4336 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.528 3648 4997 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.538 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.574 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.588 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.595 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.610 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.627 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.643 2769 4563 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.662 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.673 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.673 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.683 3681 5020 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.684 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.687 3681 5008 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.688 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.719 2769 3696 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.729 3648 4921 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.734 2769 4564 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.750 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.775 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.787 2769 4563 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.819 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.819 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.819 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.821 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.822 3681 5009 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.825 3681 5009 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.846 3648 4953 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.930 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.932 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.935 3681 5023 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.936 2769 2780 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.940 3681 5015 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.943 3648 4921 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.947 3681 4978 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.955 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.955 3648 4878 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk:classes3.dex for method void agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.955 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315):2) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.957 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315)) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.992 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.992 3648 4878 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk:classes3.dex for method void agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.992 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315):2) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:42.993 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315)) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.004 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.004 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.005 3681 5020 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.007 2769 4336 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.008 3681 5020 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.009 3681 5023 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.027 3648 4921 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.125 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.125 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.150 2769 4336 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.150 3681 5008 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.155 3681 5017 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.157 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.178 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.178 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.196 3648 5095 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.198 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.198 2769 3078 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.199 3681 5023 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.201 3681 5015 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.217 2769 2966 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.241 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.242 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.242 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.269 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.271 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.273 3681 5009 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.274 3681 4978 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.328 3681 3689 W SQLiteConnectionPool: A SQLiteConnection object for database '/data/user/0/' was leaked! Please fix your application to end transactions in progress properly and to close the database when it is no longer needed. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.340 3648 4854 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.346 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.346 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.389 3681 5353 I LT_StubFactory: tachyonHostName = and tachyonPortNumber = 443 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.389 3681 5353 D LT_OkHttpChannelBuilder: Using Spatula header keyless authentication. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.398 2769 2780 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.403 3681 5008 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.405 3681 5023 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.408 3681 5023 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.419 3648 3648 E BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.504 2769 2781 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.519 2769 4563 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@14265ca agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.521 3681 3799 E GmsClient: unable to connect to service: on agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.534 3681 5353 D LT_Lighter: finalizing agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.534 3681 5353 D LT_LiMsgController: No accounts with open bind channel agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.535 3681 5363 I LT_PhenotypeApiImplV12: Retrieve experiment configurations for: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.559 3648 4972 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.566 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.567 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.605 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.609 3681 5020 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.609 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.611 3681 5009 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.614 3648 4921 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.647 3681 5017 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.648 3681 5017 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.650 3681 5015 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.651 3681 5015 I TelephonySpam: SettingsChangedIntentOp - telephonyspam phenotype flag changed agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.651 3681 5015 I TelephonySpam: SpamListSync - schedulePeriodicTask agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.653 3681 3681 I LT_PhenotypeApiImplV12: Phenotype registration succeeded agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.654 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.744 3648 3886 W GLSUser : [DeviceKeyStore] Cannot load key: Device key file not found. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.745 3648 3886 W GLSUser : [DeviceKeyStore] Cannot load key: Device key file not found. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.755 3648 4972 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.755 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.755 3648 4996 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.776 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.783 3681 3681 D LT_ClntIntrcptrFctryV12: Spatula header: CjYKFmNvbS5nb29nbGUuYW5kcm9pZC5nbXMaHFdPSEVFejkwUWV3OUxDY0NjS0ZJQXRwSHVnND0Yy6SY5s2ek+w5 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.786 3648 4952 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=java.lang.Object bfsd.c() from (040700-319035315):6 waiters=0 for 317ms agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.808 2769 2966 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.811 3648 4972 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.811 3648 4972 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.812 3648 4952 W EasyUnlock: [EasyUnlockSupportReporterIntentOperation] Invalid account list. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.814 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.814 3681 5020 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.815 3681 5023 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.824 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.871 2769 3076 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.882 3648 4972 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.950 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.965 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.978 2769 3077 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.985 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:43.986 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.007 3681 5017 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.008 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.010 3681 5009 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.028 2769 2966 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.035 3648 4997 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.061 3681 5015 I MdiSyncModule: handling relevant flag change... agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.078 3681 4995 I GmsSyncPolicyEngine: Periodic sync 3 disabled agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.079 3681 5015 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling completed agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.105 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.105 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.108 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.108 3648 4878 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk:classes3.dex for method void agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.109 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315):2) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.109 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315)) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.116 3681 5015 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.117 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.118 3681 5009 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.122 3681 5023 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.124 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.124 3648 4878 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk:classes3.dex for method void agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.124 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315):2) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.124 3648 4878 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315)) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : Failed attempt #3 out of 3 for RestoreDeviceName [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : java.lang.IllegalStateException: BluetoothAdapter not ready yet! agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at ajpy.d( (040700-319035315):2) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at Source) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at Source) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at bwuo.a( (040700-319035315):2) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at bwuo.a( (040700-319035315):9) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at Source) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at Source) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at (040700-319035315):0) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.126 3648 3962 W Nearby : at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.150 3648 4997 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.210 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.210 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.218 2769 4563 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.218 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.221 3681 5009 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.229 3681 4978 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.250 3648 5378 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.302 3648 5378 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.302 3648 5378 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.322 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.325 2769 2971 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.325 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.327 3681 5009 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.332 3648 4997 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.395 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.395 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.404 3681 5008 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.405 3648 4953 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.408 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.415 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.425 3681 5017 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.519 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.519 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.528 3681 4978 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.530 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.531 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.535 3681 5023 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.545 3648 4973 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.602 3648 4973 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.602 3648 4973 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.612 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.614 3681 5008 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.615 2769 3695 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.620 3681 5023 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.634 3648 5095 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.681 3681 5017 I MobileDataHub: Scheduling periodic tasks agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.682 3681 4995 W MobileDataHub: [Service] appsupload-periodic periodic task disabled agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.734 3648 5378 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.734 3648 5378 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.747 3681 4978 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.747 2769 4336 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.748 3648 4997 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.750 3681 5023 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.753 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.802 3648 4972 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.802 3648 4972 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.813 3681 5017 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.813 2769 2971 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.816 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.816 3648 4973 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.823 3681 5008 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.855 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.855 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.860 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.860 3681 5416 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.862 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.865 3681 5416 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.865 3648 4854 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.894 3648 4972 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.894 3648 4972 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.903 3681 5415 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.908 3681 5018 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.912 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.912 3648 5378 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.912 3648 5378 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.912 3681 5414 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.924 3648 4973 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.985 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.985 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.998 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:44.998 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.004 2769 2966 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.007 3681 5018 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.009 3681 5015 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.012 3681 5018 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.017 3648 4997 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.019 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.019 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.041 2769 4565 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.043 2769 2966 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@2b9e422 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.045 3681 3799 E GmsClient: unable to connect to service: on agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.056 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.056 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.112 3648 5378 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.112 3648 5378 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.128 3681 5015 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.128 2769 4336 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.130 3681 5015 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.132 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.132 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Running Fixer Framework for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.134 3681 5009 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.177 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.177 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.178 3648 4854 I aorp : updateFromConfigurations using legacy put method [CONTEXT service_id=204 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.270 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.270 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.274 3681 5416 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.275 3681 5009 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.277 3681 5414 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.277 2769 4336 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.298 2769 3076 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 15): empty #17 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.368 3648 4953 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.412 3648 4952 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.412 3648 4952 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.421 3681 5416 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.425 3681 5009 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.426 2769 3696 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.427 3681 5416 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.444 3648 5378 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.491 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.491 3648 4854 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.493 3681 5416 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.493 2769 2971 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.495 3681 5415 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.497 3681 5009 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.518 3648 4952 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.558 3648 5425 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.558 3648 5425 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.605 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.605 3648 4921 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.612 3681 5009 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.613 2769 3075 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.615 3681 4978 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.620 3681 5414 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.629 3648 4953 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.668 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.668 3648 4997 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.671 3681 5416 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.672 2769 3696 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.673 3681 5415 I MdiSyncModule: flag handling is skipping irrelevant intent. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.675 3681 5416 W ModuleInitIntentOp: Dropping unexpected action agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.676 3648 4854 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.731 2769 2780 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.740 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.740 3648 4953 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.779 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Updating password complexity components state. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.779 3648 5095 I Auth : [AuthManaged,PasswordComplexityHelperImpl] Enabling agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.792 3648 5095 I PTCommittedOperation: Receive new configuration for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:45.793 3648 5095 I PTCommittedOperation: Running Fixer Framework for agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: ****** End logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Error: failed to run ndk-stack command. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb") is still running. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: ERROR: XML log file not found: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178657199.xml agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: ERROR: exception:FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178657199.xml' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: INFO: Will re-run the full test executable agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner', '--path', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build', '--adb', '/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb', '--skip-install-root', '--make', '"/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qmath_make_apk', '--apk', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/tst_qmath.apk', '--ndk-stack', '/ndk-stack', '--timeout', '855', '--verbose', '--', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178707042.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178707042.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178707042.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Execute /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qmath_make_apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [1/4] Performing tst_qmath_build step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: ninja: no work to do. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [2/4] Performing tst_qmath_copy_apk_dependencies step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [1/1] Resolving x86_64 dependencies for the tst_qmath APK agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-tst_qmath-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Application binary: tst_qmath agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [3/4] Copying tst_qmath binary to apk folder agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: [4/4] Creating APK for tst_qmath agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-tst_qmath-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Application binary: tst_qmath agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :javaPreCompileDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :checkDebugAarMetadata UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugResValues UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mapDebugSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugResources UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :extractDeepLinksDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugMainManifest UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugManifest UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugManifestForPackage UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugShaders UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :compressDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugJavaResource UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :checkDebugDuplicateClasses UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :desugarDebugFileDependencies UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeExtDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeLibDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugJniLibFolders UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugNativeLibs UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :stripDebugDebugSymbols UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :validateSigningDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :writeDebugAppMetadata UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :writeDebugSigningConfigVersions UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :dexBuilderDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :mergeProjectDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :packageDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :createDebugApkListingFileRedirect UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: > Task :assembleDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 1s agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 31 actionable tasks: 4 executed, 27 up-to-date agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Android package built successfully in 2.453 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r -g /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/tst_qmath.apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Performing Push Install agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/tst_qmath.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 53.8 MB/s (16521469 bytes in 0.293s) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: pkg: /data/local/tmp/tst_qmath.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath/ -e applicationArguments "-o output.txt,txt -o output.xml,xml -o output.junitxml,junitxml" -e extraenvvars "UVRFU1RfRU5WSVJPTk1FTlQ9Y2k=". agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Starting: Intent { cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath/ (has extras) } agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Error type 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath/} does not exist. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: "Error: the test's output.txt is empty." agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: ****** Begin logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: --------- beginning of main agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.013 2769 2793 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 35594(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 4(88KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 1.861ms total 23.192ms agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.015 5494 5494 I art : System.exit called, status: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.015 5494 5494 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.035 3648 4138 W ExecutionCriteria: Running in whitelist mode. Ignoring task:{u=0 tag="AggregationTaskTag" trigger=window{period=1800s,flex=600s,earliest=1125s,latest=1725s} requirements=[NET_ANY] attributes=[PERSISTED,RECURRING] scheduled=-74s last_run=N/A jid=N/A status=PENDING retries=0 client_lib=GMS_TASK_SCHEDULER-202414000} [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.044 3648 4877 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 237 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.070 3648 4877 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 36 uptime_millis: 36 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 237 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.109 3648 4878 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 237 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.121 2769 3079 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.136 3648 4877 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 39 uptime_millis: 39 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 237 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.190 3648 4878 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 237 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.190 2769 3075 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.212 3648 4877 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 35 uptime_millis: 35 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 237 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.236 5512 5512 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.238 5512 5512 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.250 5512 5512 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.281 5512 5512 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.281 5512 5512 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.283 5512 5512 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.293 5512 5512 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: --------- beginning of system agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.304 2769 3695 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath/ (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:51.305 5512 5512 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:54.038 3681 4082 I CastDatabase: Saving the database agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:54.052 3681 4082 I SQLiteCastStore: [CastNetworkInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0, [CastDeviceInfo]: saved 0, skipped 0, [Paired Guest Mode DeviceInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0. [ProbedNetworks]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [ProbedSocketAddress]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [Network-Device pairs]: saved: 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:58.979 3681 5742 I Vision : Requesting optional module download of ocr. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 01-25 10:31:58.980 3681 5742 I Vision : Checking for download completion for 255063 -- ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: ****** End logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Error: failed to run ndk-stack command. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb") is still running. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_qmath. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: ERROR: XML log file not found: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178707042.xml agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: ERROR: exception:FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qmath-1706178707042.xml' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: ERROR: Full test run failed repeatedly, aborting! agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: CMake Error at tst_qmathWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake:18 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/libexec/ -- agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner --path agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: --adb /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb --skip-install-root --make agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: "/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qmath_make_apk --apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/android-build/tst_qmath.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: --ndk-stack /ndk-stack --timeout 855 --verbose execution failed with exit agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: code 3. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: test 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: Start 3: tst_qpixmapfilter agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 3: Test command: /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake "-P" "/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/tst_qpixmapfilterWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake" agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 3: Working Directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 3: Test timeout computed to be: 1500 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 3: INFO: Will write XML test logs to directory COIN_CTEST_RESULTSDIR=/home/qt/work/testresults agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 3: INFO: Detected androidtestrunner, test will be handled specially. Detected test basename: tst_qpixmapfilter agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 3: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner', '--path', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build', '--adb', '/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb', '--skip-install-root', '--make', '"/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qpixmapfilter_make_apk', '--apk', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk', '--ndk-stack', '/ndk-stack', '--timeout', '855', '--verbose', '--', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178722519.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178722519.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178722519.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:02 build.go:404: 3: Execute /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qpixmapfilter_make_apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: [1/7] Performing tst_qpixmapfilter_build step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: [1/3] Building CXX object tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/CMakeFiles/tst_qpixmapfilter.dir/tst_qpixmapfilter_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: [2/3] Building CXX object tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/CMakeFiles/tst_qpixmapfilter.dir/tst_qpixmapfilter.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: [3/3] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: [2/7] Performing tst_qpixmapfilter_copy_apk_dependencies step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: [1/1] Resolving x86_64 dependencies for the tst_qpixmapfilter APK agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-tst_qpixmapfilter-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Application binary: tst_qpixmapfilter agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: [3/7] Building CXX object tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/CMakeFiles/tst_qpixmapfilter.dir/tst_qpixmapfilter_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: [4/7] Building CXX object tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/CMakeFiles/tst_qpixmapfilter.dir/tst_qpixmapfilter.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: [5/7] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: [6/7] Copying tst_qpixmapfilter binary to apk folder agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: [7/7] Creating APK for tst_qpixmapfilter agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-tst_qpixmapfilter-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Application binary: tst_qpixmapfilter agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :generateDebugBuildConfig agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :javaPreCompileDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :generateDebugResValues agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :checkDebugAarMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mapDebugSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :generateDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :extractDeepLinksDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :processDebugMainManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: package="org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/AndroidManifest.xml. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Setting the namespace via a source AndroidManifest.xml's package attribute is deprecated. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Please instead set the namespace (or testNamespace) in the module's build.gradle file, as described here: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: This migration can be done automatically using the AGP Upgrade Assistant, please refer to for more information. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :processDebugManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeDebugShaders agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeDebugAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :compressDebugAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :checkDebugDuplicateClasses agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :processDebugManifestForPackage agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeDebugJavaResource agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeLibDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeDebugJniLibFolders agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :desugarDebugFileDependencies agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :validateSigningDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :writeDebugAppMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :writeDebugSigningConfigVersions agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeDebugNativeLibs agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :processDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :stripDebugDebugSymbols agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Unable to strip the following libraries, packaging them as they are:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeExtDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :dexBuilderDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeProjectDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :packageDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :createDebugApkListingFileRedirect agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: > Task :assembleDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 4s agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: 31 actionable tasks: 31 executed agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: Android package built successfully in 5.889 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:09 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:10 build.go:404: 3: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r -g /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:11 build.go:404: 3: Performing Push Install agent:2024/01/25 10:32:11 build.go:404: 3: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 34.8 MB/s (22931677 bytes in 0.628s) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:11 build.go:404: 3: pkg: /data/local/tmp/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:11 build.go:404: 3: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:11 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:11 build.go:404: 3: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter/ -e applicationArguments "-o output.txt,txt -o output.junitxml,junitxml -o output.xml,xml" -e extraenvvars "UVRFU1RfRU5WSVJPTk1FTlQ9Y2k=". agent:2024/01/25 10:32:12 build.go:404: 3: Starting: Intent { cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter/ (has extras) } agent:2024/01/25 10:32:12 build.go:404: 3: Error type 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:12 build.go:404: 3: Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter/} does not exist. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:12 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: "Error: the test's output.txt is empty." agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: ****** Begin logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: --------- beginning of system agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: Failed parse during installPackageLI agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager:$PackageParserException: /data/app/vmdl1125766500.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #8): Requires newer sdk version #26 (current version is #23) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at$ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Looper.loop( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: --------- beginning of main agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.232 2769 2793 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.249 2769 2793 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 4676(246KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 1.741ms total 16.868ms agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.259 5852 5852 I art : System.exit called, status: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.259 5852 5852 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.451 5870 5870 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.452 5870 5870 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.476 5870 5870 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.521 5870 5870 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.521 5870 5870 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.523 5870 5870 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.539 5870 5870 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.559 2769 4563 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter/ (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:11.559 5870 5870 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:19.082 3681 6097 I Vision : Requesting optional module download of ocr. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:19.082 3681 6097 I Vision : Exceeded maximum feature download tries for ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:19.083 3681 6097 W Vision : Request of optional module download of ocr failed. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:19.084 3681 6097 I Vision : Checking for download completion for 275167 -- ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:21.090 3681 6097 I GmscoreIpa: how are you:: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: ****** End logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: Error: failed to run ndk-stack command. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb") is still running. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: ERROR: XML log file not found: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178722519.xml agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: ERROR: exception:FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178722519.xml' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: INFO: Will re-run the full test executable agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner', '--path', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build', '--adb', '/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb', '--skip-install-root', '--make', '"/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qpixmapfilter_make_apk', '--apk', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk', '--ndk-stack', '/ndk-stack', '--timeout', '855', '--verbose', '--', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178742716.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178742716.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178742716.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:22 build.go:404: 3: Execute /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qpixmapfilter_make_apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: [1/4] Performing tst_qpixmapfilter_build step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: ninja: no work to do. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: [2/4] Performing tst_qpixmapfilter_copy_apk_dependencies step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: [1/1] Resolving x86_64 dependencies for the tst_qpixmapfilter APK agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-tst_qpixmapfilter-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: Application binary: tst_qpixmapfilter agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: [3/4] Copying tst_qpixmapfilter binary to apk folder agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: [4/4] Creating APK for tst_qpixmapfilter agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-tst_qpixmapfilter-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: Application binary: tst_qpixmapfilter agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :generateDebugBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :javaPreCompileDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :checkDebugAarMetadata UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :generateDebugResValues UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mapDebugSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :generateDebugResources UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :extractDeepLinksDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :processDebugMainManifest UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :processDebugManifest UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :processDebugManifestForPackage UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeDebugShaders UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :compressDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeDebugJavaResource UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :checkDebugDuplicateClasses UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :desugarDebugFileDependencies UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeExtDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeLibDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeDebugJniLibFolders UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeDebugNativeLibs UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :stripDebugDebugSymbols UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :validateSigningDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :writeDebugAppMetadata UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :writeDebugSigningConfigVersions UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :processDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :dexBuilderDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :mergeProjectDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :packageDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :createDebugApkListingFileRedirect UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: > Task :assembleDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 1s agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: 31 actionable tasks: 4 executed, 27 up-to-date agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: Android package built successfully in 2.433 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:25 build.go:404: 3: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r -g /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:27 build.go:404: 3: Performing Push Install agent:2024/01/25 10:32:27 build.go:404: 3: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 60.5 MB/s (22931677 bytes in 0.361s) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:27 build.go:404: 3: pkg: /data/local/tmp/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:27 build.go:404: 3: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:27 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:27 build.go:404: 3: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter/ -e applicationArguments "-o output.junitxml,junitxml -o output.txt,txt -o output.xml,xml" -e extraenvvars "UVRFU1RfRU5WSVJPTk1FTlQ9Y2k=". agent:2024/01/25 10:32:27 build.go:404: 3: Starting: Intent { cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter/ (has extras) } agent:2024/01/25 10:32:27 build.go:404: 3: Error type 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:27 build.go:404: 3: Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter/} does not exist. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:27 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: "Error: the test's output.junitxml is empty." agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: ****** Begin logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: --------- beginning of main agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.216 6208 6208 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.217 6208 6208 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.229 6208 6208 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.268 6208 6208 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.268 6208 6208 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.270 6208 6208 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.287 6208 6208 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: --------- beginning of system agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.321 5050 5062 D DefContainer: Copying /data/local/tmp/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk to base.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: Failed parse during installPackageLI agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager:$PackageParserException: /data/app/vmdl1201500671.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #8): Requires newer sdk version #26 (current version is #23) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at$ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Looper.loop( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.633 2769 2793 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.655 2769 2793 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 638(52KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 2.088ms total 22.064ms agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.660 6208 6208 I art : System.exit called, status: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.660 6208 6208 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.861 6226 6226 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.862 6226 6226 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.886 6226 6226 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.934 6226 6226 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.934 6226 6226 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.937 6226 6226 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.952 6226 6226 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.966 2769 3078 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter/ (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:26.967 6226 6226 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:29.105 3681 6295 I Vision : Requesting optional module download of ocr. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:29.114 3681 6295 I Vision : Checking for download completion for 285197 -- ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:29.134 3681 6295 I ChimeraConfigurator: Starting update, reason: 4 urgentFeatures: vision.ocr:-1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:29.135 3681 6295 E ConfigFileUtils: Failed to read config file: /data/data/ open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:29.173 3681 6295 I ChmraDebugLogger: [73] 1801 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:29.180 3681 6295 I ChmraDebugLogger: [30] [VisionOcr.optional:202414000700] permitMetered=true, agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: 01-25 10:32:29.196 3681 6295 W ChimeraConfigService: Retry attempt was throttled. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: ****** End logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: Error: failed to run ndk-stack command. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb") is still running. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:37 build.go:404: 3: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: ERROR: XML log file not found: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178742716.xml agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: ERROR: exception:FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178742716.xml' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: ERROR: Full test run failed repeatedly, aborting! agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: CMake Error at tst_qpixmapfilterWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake:18 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/libexec/ -- agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner --path agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: --adb /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb --skip-install-root --make agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: "/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: tst_qpixmapfilter_make_apk --apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: --ndk-stack /ndk-stack --timeout 855 --verbose execution failed with exit agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: code 3. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 3/5 Test #3: tst_qpixmapfilter .....................***Failed 35.70 sec agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: INFO: Will write XML test logs to directory COIN_CTEST_RESULTSDIR=/home/qt/work/testresults agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: INFO: Detected androidtestrunner, test will be handled specially. Detected test basename: tst_qpixmapfilter agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner', '--path', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build', '--adb', '/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb', '--skip-install-root', '--make', '"/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qpixmapfilter_make_apk', '--apk', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk', '--ndk-stack', '/ndk-stack', '--timeout', '855', '--verbose', '--', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178722519.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178722519.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178722519.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Execute /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qpixmapfilter_make_apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: [1/7] Performing tst_qpixmapfilter_build step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: [1/3] Building CXX object tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/CMakeFiles/tst_qpixmapfilter.dir/tst_qpixmapfilter_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: [2/3] Building CXX object tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/CMakeFiles/tst_qpixmapfilter.dir/tst_qpixmapfilter.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: [3/3] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: [2/7] Performing tst_qpixmapfilter_copy_apk_dependencies step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: [1/1] Resolving x86_64 dependencies for the tst_qpixmapfilter APK agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-tst_qpixmapfilter-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Application binary: tst_qpixmapfilter agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: [3/7] Building CXX object tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/CMakeFiles/tst_qpixmapfilter.dir/tst_qpixmapfilter_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: [4/7] Building CXX object tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/CMakeFiles/tst_qpixmapfilter.dir/tst_qpixmapfilter.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: [5/7] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: [6/7] Copying tst_qpixmapfilter binary to apk folder agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: [7/7] Creating APK for tst_qpixmapfilter agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-tst_qpixmapfilter-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Application binary: tst_qpixmapfilter agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugBuildConfig agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :javaPreCompileDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugResValues agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :checkDebugAarMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mapDebugSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :extractDeepLinksDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugMainManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: package="org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/AndroidManifest.xml. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Setting the namespace via a source AndroidManifest.xml's package attribute is deprecated. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Please instead set the namespace (or testNamespace) in the module's build.gradle file, as described here: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: This migration can be done automatically using the AGP Upgrade Assistant, please refer to for more information. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugShaders agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :compressDebugAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :checkDebugDuplicateClasses agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugManifestForPackage agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugJavaResource agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeLibDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugJniLibFolders agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :desugarDebugFileDependencies agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :validateSigningDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :writeDebugAppMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :writeDebugSigningConfigVersions agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugNativeLibs agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :stripDebugDebugSymbols agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Unable to strip the following libraries, packaging them as they are:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeExtDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :dexBuilderDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeProjectDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :packageDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :createDebugApkListingFileRedirect agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :assembleDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 4s agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 31 actionable tasks: 31 executed agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Android package built successfully in 5.889 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r -g /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Performing Push Install agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 34.8 MB/s (22931677 bytes in 0.628s) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: pkg: /data/local/tmp/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter/ -e applicationArguments "-o output.txt,txt -o output.junitxml,junitxml -o output.xml,xml" -e extraenvvars "UVRFU1RfRU5WSVJPTk1FTlQ9Y2k=". agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Starting: Intent { cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter/ (has extras) } agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Error type 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter/} does not exist. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: "Error: the test's output.txt is empty." agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: ****** Begin logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: --------- beginning of system agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: Failed parse during installPackageLI agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager:$PackageParserException: /data/app/vmdl1125766500.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #8): Requires newer sdk version #26 (current version is #23) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at$ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Looper.loop( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.218 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: --------- beginning of main agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.232 2769 2793 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.249 2769 2793 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 4676(246KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 1.741ms total 16.868ms agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.259 5852 5852 I art : System.exit called, status: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.259 5852 5852 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.451 5870 5870 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.452 5870 5870 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.476 5870 5870 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.521 5870 5870 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.521 5870 5870 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.523 5870 5870 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.539 5870 5870 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.559 2769 4563 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter/ (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:11.559 5870 5870 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:19.082 3681 6097 I Vision : Requesting optional module download of ocr. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:19.082 3681 6097 I Vision : Exceeded maximum feature download tries for ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:19.083 3681 6097 W Vision : Request of optional module download of ocr failed. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:19.084 3681 6097 I Vision : Checking for download completion for 275167 -- ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:21.090 3681 6097 I GmscoreIpa: how are you:: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: ****** End logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Error: failed to run ndk-stack command. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb") is still running. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: ERROR: XML log file not found: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178722519.xml agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: ERROR: exception:FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178722519.xml' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: INFO: Will re-run the full test executable agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner', '--path', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build', '--adb', '/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb', '--skip-install-root', '--make', '"/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qpixmapfilter_make_apk', '--apk', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk', '--ndk-stack', '/ndk-stack', '--timeout', '855', '--verbose', '--', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178742716.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178742716.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178742716.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Execute /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_qpixmapfilter_make_apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: [1/4] Performing tst_qpixmapfilter_build step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: ninja: no work to do. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: [2/4] Performing tst_qpixmapfilter_copy_apk_dependencies step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: [1/1] Resolving x86_64 dependencies for the tst_qpixmapfilter APK agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-tst_qpixmapfilter-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Application binary: tst_qpixmapfilter agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: [3/4] Copying tst_qpixmapfilter binary to apk folder agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: [4/4] Creating APK for tst_qpixmapfilter agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-tst_qpixmapfilter-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Application binary: tst_qpixmapfilter agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :javaPreCompileDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :checkDebugAarMetadata UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugResValues UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mapDebugSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugResources UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :extractDeepLinksDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugMainManifest UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugManifest UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugManifestForPackage UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugShaders UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :compressDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugJavaResource UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :checkDebugDuplicateClasses UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :desugarDebugFileDependencies UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeExtDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeLibDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugJniLibFolders UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugNativeLibs UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :stripDebugDebugSymbols UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :validateSigningDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :writeDebugAppMetadata UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :writeDebugSigningConfigVersions UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :dexBuilderDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :mergeProjectDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :packageDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :createDebugApkListingFileRedirect UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: > Task :assembleDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 1s agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 31 actionable tasks: 4 executed, 27 up-to-date agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Android package built successfully in 2.433 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r -g /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Performing Push Install agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 60.5 MB/s (22931677 bytes in 0.361s) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: pkg: /data/local/tmp/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter/ -e applicationArguments "-o output.junitxml,junitxml -o output.txt,txt -o output.xml,xml" -e extraenvvars "UVRFU1RfRU5WSVJPTk1FTlQ9Y2k=". agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Starting: Intent { cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter/ (has extras) } agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Error type 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter/} does not exist. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: "Error: the test's output.junitxml is empty." agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: ****** Begin logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: --------- beginning of main agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.216 6208 6208 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.217 6208 6208 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.229 6208 6208 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.268 6208 6208 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.268 6208 6208 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.270 6208 6208 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.287 6208 6208 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: --------- beginning of system agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.321 5050 5062 D DefContainer: Copying /data/local/tmp/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk to base.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: Failed parse during installPackageLI agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager:$PackageParserException: /data/app/vmdl1201500671.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #8): Requires newer sdk version #26 (current version is #23) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at$ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Looper.loop( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.625 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.633 2769 2793 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.655 2769 2793 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 638(52KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 2.088ms total 22.064ms agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.660 6208 6208 I art : System.exit called, status: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.660 6208 6208 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.861 6226 6226 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.862 6226 6226 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.886 6226 6226 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.934 6226 6226 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.934 6226 6226 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.937 6226 6226 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.952 6226 6226 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.966 2769 3078 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter/ (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:26.967 6226 6226 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:29.105 3681 6295 I Vision : Requesting optional module download of ocr. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:29.114 3681 6295 I Vision : Checking for download completion for 285197 -- ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:29.134 3681 6295 I ChimeraConfigurator: Starting update, reason: 4 urgentFeatures: vision.ocr:-1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:29.135 3681 6295 E ConfigFileUtils: Failed to read config file: /data/data/ open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:29.173 3681 6295 I ChmraDebugLogger: [73] 1801 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:29.180 3681 6295 I ChmraDebugLogger: [30] [VisionOcr.optional:202414000700] permitMetered=true, agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:29.196 3681 6295 W ChimeraConfigService: Retry attempt was throttled. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: ****** End logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Error: failed to run ndk-stack command. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb") is still running. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_qpixmapfilter. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: ERROR: XML log file not found: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178742716.xml agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: ERROR: exception:FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qpixmapfilter-1706178742716.xml' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: ERROR: Full test run failed repeatedly, aborting! agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: CMake Error at tst_qpixmapfilterWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake:18 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/libexec/ -- agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner --path agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: --adb /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb --skip-install-root --make agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: "/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: tst_qpixmapfilter_make_apk --apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/android-build/tst_qpixmapfilter.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: --ndk-stack /ndk-stack --timeout 855 --verbose execution failed with exit agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: code 3. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: test 4 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: Start 4: tst_android agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 4: Test command: /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake "-P" "/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/tst_androidWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake" agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 4: Working Directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 4: Test timeout computed to be: 1500 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 4: INFO: Will write XML test logs to directory COIN_CTEST_RESULTSDIR=/home/qt/work/testresults agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 4: INFO: Detected androidtestrunner, test will be handled specially. Detected test basename: tst_android agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 4: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner', '--path', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build', '--adb', '/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb', '--skip-install-root', '--make', '"/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_make_apk', '--apk', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/tst_android.apk', '--ndk-stack', '/ndk-stack', '--timeout', '855', '--verbose', '--', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178758225.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178758225.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178758225.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:38 build.go:404: 4: Execute /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_make_apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: [1/7] Performing tst_android_build step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: [1/3] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/CMakeFiles/tst_android.dir/tst_android_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: [2/3] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/CMakeFiles/tst_android.dir/tst_android.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: [3/3] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: [2/7] Performing tst_android_copy_apk_dependencies step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: [1/1] Resolving x86_64 dependencies for the tst_android APK agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-tst_android-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Application binary: tst_android agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: [3/7] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/CMakeFiles/tst_android.dir/tst_android_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: [4/7] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/CMakeFiles/tst_android.dir/tst_android.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: [5/7] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: [6/7] Copying tst_android binary to apk folder agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: [7/7] Creating APK for tst_android agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-tst_android-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Application binary: tst_android agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :generateDebugBuildConfig agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :javaPreCompileDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :checkDebugAarMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :generateDebugResValues agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mapDebugSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :generateDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :extractDeepLinksDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :processDebugMainManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: package="org.qtproject.example.tst_android" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/AndroidManifest.xml. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Setting the namespace via a source AndroidManifest.xml's package attribute is deprecated. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Please instead set the namespace (or testNamespace) in the module's build.gradle file, as described here: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: This migration can be done automatically using the AGP Upgrade Assistant, please refer to for more information. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :processDebugManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeDebugShaders agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeDebugAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :compressDebugAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :processDebugManifestForPackage agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :checkDebugDuplicateClasses agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeLibDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeDebugJavaResource agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeDebugJniLibFolders agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :desugarDebugFileDependencies agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :validateSigningDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :writeDebugAppMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :writeDebugSigningConfigVersions agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :processDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeDebugNativeLibs agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeExtDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :dexBuilderDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeProjectDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :stripDebugDebugSymbols agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Unable to strip the following libraries, packaging them as they are:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :packageDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :createDebugApkListingFileRedirect agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: > Task :assembleDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 4s agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: 31 actionable tasks: 31 executed agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Android package built successfully in 5.598 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:45 build.go:404: 4: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r -g /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/tst_android.apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:46 build.go:404: 4: Performing Push Install agent:2024/01/25 10:32:46 build.go:404: 4: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/tst_android.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 53.1 MB/s (23543022 bytes in 0.423s) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:46 build.go:404: 4: pkg: /data/local/tmp/tst_android.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:32:46 build.go:404: 4: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:46 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:46 build.go:404: 4: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.qtproject.example.tst_android/ -e applicationArguments "-o output.junitxml,junitxml -o output.xml,xml -o output.txt,txt" -e extraenvvars "UVRFU1RfRU5WSVJPTk1FTlQ9Y2k=". agent:2024/01/25 10:32:47 build.go:404: 4: Starting: Intent { cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_android/ (has extras) } agent:2024/01/25 10:32:47 build.go:404: 4: Error type 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:47 build.go:404: 4: Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example.tst_android/} does not exist. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:47 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: "Error: the test's output.junitxml is empty." agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: ****** Begin logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: --------- beginning of system agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: Failed parse during installPackageLI agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager:$PackageParserException: /data/app/vmdl1432285977.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #8): Requires newer sdk version #26 (current version is #23) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at$ agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Looper.loop( agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: --------- beginning of main agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.149 2769 2793 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.182 2769 2793 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 804(59KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 3.005ms total 32.646ms agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.187 6573 6573 I art : System.exit called, status: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.187 6573 6573 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.432 6591 6591 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.433 6591 6591 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.446 6591 6591 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.484 6591 6591 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.485 6591 6591 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.488 6591 6591 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.503 6591 6591 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.517 2769 4564 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_android/ (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:46.517 6591 6591 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:49.168 3681 6673 I Vision : Requesting optional module download of ocr. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:32:49.168 3681 6673 I Vision : Checking for download completion for 305252 -- ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: ****** End logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: Error: failed to run ndk-stack command. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb") is still running. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_android. agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: ERROR: XML log file not found: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178758225.xml agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: ERROR: exception:FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178758225.xml' agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: INFO: Will re-run the full test executable agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner', '--path', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build', '--adb', '/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb', '--skip-install-root', '--make', '"/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_make_apk', '--apk', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/tst_android.apk', '--ndk-stack', '/ndk-stack', '--timeout', '855', '--verbose', '--', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178777527.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178777527.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178777527.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/01/25 10:32:57 build.go:404: 4: Execute /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_make_apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: [1/4] Performing tst_android_build step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: ninja: no work to do. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: [2/4] Performing tst_android_copy_apk_dependencies step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: [1/1] Resolving x86_64 dependencies for the tst_android APK agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-tst_android-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: Application binary: tst_android agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: [3/4] Copying tst_android binary to apk folder agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: [4/4] Creating APK for tst_android agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-tst_android-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: Application binary: tst_android agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :generateDebugBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :javaPreCompileDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :checkDebugAarMetadata UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :generateDebugResValues UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mapDebugSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :generateDebugResources UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :extractDeepLinksDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :processDebugMainManifest UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :processDebugManifest UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :processDebugManifestForPackage UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeDebugShaders UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :compressDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeDebugJavaResource UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :checkDebugDuplicateClasses UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :desugarDebugFileDependencies UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeExtDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeLibDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeDebugJniLibFolders UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeDebugNativeLibs UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :stripDebugDebugSymbols UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :validateSigningDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :writeDebugAppMetadata UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :writeDebugSigningConfigVersions UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :processDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :dexBuilderDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :mergeProjectDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :packageDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :createDebugApkListingFileRedirect UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: > Task :assembleDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 1s agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: 31 actionable tasks: 4 executed, 27 up-to-date agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: Android package built successfully in 2.176 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:00 build.go:404: 4: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r -g /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/tst_android.apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:01 build.go:404: 4: Performing Push Install agent:2024/01/25 10:33:01 build.go:404: 4: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/tst_android.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 82.2 MB/s (23543022 bytes in 0.273s) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:01 build.go:404: 4: pkg: /data/local/tmp/tst_android.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:01 build.go:404: 4: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:01 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:01 build.go:404: 4: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.qtproject.example.tst_android/ -e applicationArguments "-o output.junitxml,junitxml -o output.xml,xml -o output.txt,txt" -e extraenvvars "UVRFU1RfRU5WSVJPTk1FTlQ9Y2k=". agent:2024/01/25 10:33:01 build.go:404: 4: Starting: Intent { cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_android/ (has extras) } agent:2024/01/25 10:33:01 build.go:404: 4: Error type 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:01 build.go:404: 4: Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example.tst_android/} does not exist. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:01 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: "Error: the test's output.junitxml is empty." agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: ****** Begin logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: --------- beginning of system agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: Failed parse during installPackageLI agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager:$PackageParserException: /data/app/vmdl248072599.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #8): Requires newer sdk version #26 (current version is #23) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at$ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Looper.loop( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: --------- beginning of main agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.035 2769 2793 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.051 2769 2793 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 968(68KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 1.415ms total 16.241ms agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.054 6929 6929 I art : System.exit called, status: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.054 6929 6929 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.287 6948 6948 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.288 6948 6948 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.301 6948 6948 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.340 6948 6948 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.340 6948 6948 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.342 6948 6948 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.358 6948 6948 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.368 2769 3078 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_android/ (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:01.369 6948 6948 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:09.218 3681 7182 I Vision : Requesting optional module download of ocr. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:09.219 3681 7182 I Vision : Checking for download completion for 325302 -- ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:09.231 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:09.253 2769 2971 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:09.257 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:09.261 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: 01-25 10:33:09.282 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: ****** End logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: Error: failed to run ndk-stack command. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb") is still running. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_android. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: ERROR: XML log file not found: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178777527.xml agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: ERROR: exception:FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178777527.xml' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: ERROR: Full test run failed repeatedly, aborting! agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: CMake Error at tst_androidWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake:18 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/libexec/ -- agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner --path agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: --adb /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb --skip-install-root --make agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: "/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_make_apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: --apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/tst_android.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: --ndk-stack /ndk-stack --timeout 855 --verbose execution failed with exit agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: code 3. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 4/5 Test #4: tst_android ...........................***Failed 34.33 sec agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: INFO: Will write XML test logs to directory COIN_CTEST_RESULTSDIR=/home/qt/work/testresults agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: INFO: Detected androidtestrunner, test will be handled specially. Detected test basename: tst_android agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner', '--path', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build', '--adb', '/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb', '--skip-install-root', '--make', '"/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_make_apk', '--apk', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/tst_android.apk', '--ndk-stack', '/ndk-stack', '--timeout', '855', '--verbose', '--', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178758225.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178758225.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178758225.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Execute /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_make_apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: [1/7] Performing tst_android_build step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: [1/3] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/CMakeFiles/tst_android.dir/tst_android_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: [2/3] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/CMakeFiles/tst_android.dir/tst_android.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: [3/3] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: [2/7] Performing tst_android_copy_apk_dependencies step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: [1/1] Resolving x86_64 dependencies for the tst_android APK agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-tst_android-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Application binary: tst_android agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: [3/7] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/CMakeFiles/tst_android.dir/tst_android_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: [4/7] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/CMakeFiles/tst_android.dir/tst_android.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: [5/7] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: [6/7] Copying tst_android binary to apk folder agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: [7/7] Creating APK for tst_android agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-tst_android-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Application binary: tst_android agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugBuildConfig agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :javaPreCompileDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :checkDebugAarMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugResValues agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mapDebugSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :extractDeepLinksDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugMainManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: package="org.qtproject.example.tst_android" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/AndroidManifest.xml. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Setting the namespace via a source AndroidManifest.xml's package attribute is deprecated. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Please instead set the namespace (or testNamespace) in the module's build.gradle file, as described here: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: This migration can be done automatically using the AGP Upgrade Assistant, please refer to for more information. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugShaders agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :compressDebugAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugManifestForPackage agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :checkDebugDuplicateClasses agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeLibDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugJavaResource agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugJniLibFolders agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :desugarDebugFileDependencies agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :validateSigningDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :writeDebugAppMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :writeDebugSigningConfigVersions agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugNativeLibs agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeExtDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :dexBuilderDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeProjectDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :stripDebugDebugSymbols agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Unable to strip the following libraries, packaging them as they are:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :packageDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :createDebugApkListingFileRedirect agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :assembleDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 4s agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 31 actionable tasks: 31 executed agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Android package built successfully in 5.598 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r -g /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/tst_android.apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Performing Push Install agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/tst_android.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 53.1 MB/s (23543022 bytes in 0.423s) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: pkg: /data/local/tmp/tst_android.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.qtproject.example.tst_android/ -e applicationArguments "-o output.junitxml,junitxml -o output.xml,xml -o output.txt,txt" -e extraenvvars "UVRFU1RfRU5WSVJPTk1FTlQ9Y2k=". agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Starting: Intent { cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_android/ (has extras) } agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Error type 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example.tst_android/} does not exist. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: "Error: the test's output.junitxml is empty." agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: ****** Begin logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: --------- beginning of system agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: Failed parse during installPackageLI agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager:$PackageParserException: /data/app/vmdl1432285977.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #8): Requires newer sdk version #26 (current version is #23) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at$ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Looper.loop( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.140 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: --------- beginning of main agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.149 2769 2793 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.182 2769 2793 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 804(59KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 3.005ms total 32.646ms agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.187 6573 6573 I art : System.exit called, status: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.187 6573 6573 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.432 6591 6591 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.433 6591 6591 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.446 6591 6591 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.484 6591 6591 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.485 6591 6591 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.488 6591 6591 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.503 6591 6591 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.517 2769 4564 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_android/ (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:46.517 6591 6591 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:49.168 3681 6673 I Vision : Requesting optional module download of ocr. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:32:49.168 3681 6673 I Vision : Checking for download completion for 305252 -- ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: ****** End logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Error: failed to run ndk-stack command. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb") is still running. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_android. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: ERROR: XML log file not found: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178758225.xml agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: ERROR: exception:FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178758225.xml' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: INFO: Will re-run the full test executable agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner', '--path', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build', '--adb', '/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb', '--skip-install-root', '--make', '"/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_make_apk', '--apk', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/tst_android.apk', '--ndk-stack', '/ndk-stack', '--timeout', '855', '--verbose', '--', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178777527.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178777527.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178777527.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Execute /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_make_apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: [1/4] Performing tst_android_build step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: ninja: no work to do. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: [2/4] Performing tst_android_copy_apk_dependencies step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: [1/1] Resolving x86_64 dependencies for the tst_android APK agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-tst_android-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Application binary: tst_android agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: [3/4] Copying tst_android binary to apk folder agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: [4/4] Creating APK for tst_android agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-tst_android-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Application binary: tst_android agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :javaPreCompileDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :checkDebugAarMetadata UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugResValues UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mapDebugSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugResources UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :extractDeepLinksDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugMainManifest UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugManifest UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugManifestForPackage UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugShaders UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :compressDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugJavaResource UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :checkDebugDuplicateClasses UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :desugarDebugFileDependencies UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeExtDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeLibDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugJniLibFolders UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugNativeLibs UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :stripDebugDebugSymbols UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :validateSigningDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :writeDebugAppMetadata UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :writeDebugSigningConfigVersions UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :dexBuilderDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :mergeProjectDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :packageDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :createDebugApkListingFileRedirect UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: > Task :assembleDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 1s agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 31 actionable tasks: 4 executed, 27 up-to-date agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Android package built successfully in 2.176 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r -g /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/tst_android.apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Performing Push Install agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/tst_android.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 82.2 MB/s (23543022 bytes in 0.273s) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: pkg: /data/local/tmp/tst_android.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.qtproject.example.tst_android/ -e applicationArguments "-o output.junitxml,junitxml -o output.xml,xml -o output.txt,txt" -e extraenvvars "UVRFU1RfRU5WSVJPTk1FTlQ9Y2k=". agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Starting: Intent { cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_android/ (has extras) } agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Error type 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example.tst_android/} does not exist. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: "Error: the test's output.junitxml is empty." agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: ****** Begin logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: --------- beginning of system agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: Failed parse during installPackageLI agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager:$PackageParserException: /data/app/vmdl248072599.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #8): Requires newer sdk version #26 (current version is #23) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at$ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Looper.loop( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.017 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: --------- beginning of main agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.035 2769 2793 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.051 2769 2793 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 968(68KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 1.415ms total 16.241ms agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.054 6929 6929 I art : System.exit called, status: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.054 6929 6929 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.287 6948 6948 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.288 6948 6948 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.301 6948 6948 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.340 6948 6948 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.340 6948 6948 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.342 6948 6948 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.358 6948 6948 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.368 2769 3078 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_android/ (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:01.369 6948 6948 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:09.218 3681 7182 I Vision : Requesting optional module download of ocr. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:09.219 3681 7182 I Vision : Checking for download completion for 325302 -- ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:09.231 2769 3694 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:09.253 2769 2971 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:09.257 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:09.261 2769 4565 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:09.282 2769 2781 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: ****** End logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Error: failed to run ndk-stack command. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb") is still running. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_android. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: ERROR: XML log file not found: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178777527.xml agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: ERROR: exception:FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android-1706178777527.xml' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: ERROR: Full test run failed repeatedly, aborting! agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: CMake Error at tst_androidWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake:18 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/libexec/ -- agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner --path agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: --adb /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb --skip-install-root --make agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: "/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_make_apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: --apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/android-build/tst_android.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: --ndk-stack /ndk-stack --timeout 855 --verbose execution failed with exit agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: code 3. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: test 5 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: Start 5: tst_android_appless agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 5: Test command: /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake "-P" "/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/tst_android_applessWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake" agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 5: Working Directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 5: Test timeout computed to be: 1500 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 5: INFO: Will write XML test logs to directory COIN_CTEST_RESULTSDIR=/home/qt/work/testresults agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 5: INFO: Detected androidtestrunner, test will be handled specially. Detected test basename: tst_android_appless agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 5: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner', '--path', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build', '--adb', '/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb', '--skip-install-root', '--make', '"/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_appless_make_apk', '--apk', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/tst_android_appless.apk', '--ndk-stack', '/ndk-stack', '--timeout', '855', '--verbose', '--', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178792554.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178792554.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178792554.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:12 build.go:404: 5: Execute /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_appless_make_apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: [1/6] Performing tst_android_appless_build step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: [1/3] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/CMakeFiles/tst_android_appless.dir/tst_android_appless_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: [2/3] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/CMakeFiles/tst_android_appless.dir/tst_android_appless.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: [3/3] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: [2/6] Performing tst_android_appless_copy_apk_dependencies step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: [1/1] Resolving x86_64 dependencies for the tst_android_appless APK agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-tst_android_appless-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Application binary: tst_android_appless agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: [3/6] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/CMakeFiles/tst_android_appless.dir/tst_android_appless_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: [4/6] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: [5/6] Copying tst_android_appless binary to apk folder agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: [6/6] Creating APK for tst_android_appless agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-tst_android_appless-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Application binary: tst_android_appless agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :generateDebugBuildConfig agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :javaPreCompileDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :checkDebugAarMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :generateDebugResValues agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mapDebugSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :generateDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :extractDeepLinksDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :processDebugMainManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: package="org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/AndroidManifest.xml. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Setting the namespace via a source AndroidManifest.xml's package attribute is deprecated. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Please instead set the namespace (or testNamespace) in the module's build.gradle file, as described here: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: This migration can be done automatically using the AGP Upgrade Assistant, please refer to for more information. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :processDebugManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeDebugShaders agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeDebugAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :compressDebugAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :processDebugManifestForPackage agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :checkDebugDuplicateClasses agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeLibDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeDebugJavaResource agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeDebugJniLibFolders agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :validateSigningDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :writeDebugAppMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :desugarDebugFileDependencies agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :processDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeDebugNativeLibs agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :writeDebugSigningConfigVersions agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :dexBuilderDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeProjectDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :stripDebugDebugSymbols agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Unable to strip the following libraries, packaging them as they are:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeExtDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :packageDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :createDebugApkListingFileRedirect agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: > Task :assembleDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 4s agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: 31 actionable tasks: 31 executed agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Android package built successfully in 5.213 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:19 build.go:404: 5: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r -g /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/tst_android_appless.apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:20 build.go:404: 5: Performing Push Install agent:2024/01/25 10:33:20 build.go:404: 5: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/tst_android_appless.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 53.3 MB/s (16444933 bytes in 0.294s) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:20 build.go:404: 5: pkg: /data/local/tmp/tst_android_appless.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:20 build.go:404: 5: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:20 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:20 build.go:404: 5: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless/ -e applicationArguments "-o output.junitxml,junitxml -o output.xml,xml -o output.txt,txt" -e extraenvvars "UVRFU1RfRU5WSVJPTk1FTlQ9Y2k=". agent:2024/01/25 10:33:20 build.go:404: 5: Starting: Intent { cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless/ (has extras) } agent:2024/01/25 10:33:20 build.go:404: 5: Error type 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:20 build.go:404: 5: Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless/} does not exist. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:20 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: "Error: the test's output.junitxml is empty." agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: ****** Begin logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: --------- beginning of main agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.237 7283 7283 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.238 3681 7285 I Vision : Requesting optional module download of ocr. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.238 7283 7283 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.238 3681 7285 I Vision : Exceeded maximum feature download tries for ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.238 3681 7285 W Vision : Request of optional module download of ocr failed. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.240 3681 7285 I Vision : Checking for download completion for 335323 -- ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.251 7283 7283 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.291 7283 7283 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.291 7283 7283 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.293 7283 7283 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.307 7283 7283 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: --------- beginning of system agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.337 5050 5062 D DefContainer: Copying /data/local/tmp/tst_android_appless.apk to base.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: Failed parse during installPackageLI agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager:$PackageParserException: /data/app/vmdl1908864431.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #8): Requires newer sdk version #26 (current version is #23) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at$ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Looper.loop( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.824 2769 2793 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.845 2769 2793 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 943(86KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 2.256ms total 20.956ms agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.847 7283 7283 I art : System.exit called, status: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:19.847 7283 7283 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:20.036 7303 7303 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:20.038 7303 7303 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:20.060 7303 7303 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:20.097 7303 7303 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:20.097 7303 7303 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:20.099 7303 7303 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:20.111 7303 7303 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:20.121 2769 4564 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless/ (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:20.122 7303 7303 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:29.262 3681 7581 I Vision : Requesting optional module download of ocr. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:29.284 3681 7581 I Vision : Checking for download completion for 345368 -- ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:29.305 3681 7581 I ChimeraConfigurator: Starting update, reason: 4 urgentFeatures: vision.ocr:-1 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:29.306 3681 7581 E ConfigFileUtils: Failed to read config file: /data/data/ open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:29.342 3681 7581 I ChmraDebugLogger: [73] 1801 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:29.347 3681 7581 I ChmraDebugLogger: [30] [VisionOcr.optional:202414000700] permitMetered=true, agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:29.350 3681 7581 W ChimeraConfigService: Retry attempt was throttled. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: ****** End logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: Error: failed to run ndk-stack command. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb") is still running. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:30 build.go:404: 5: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:31 build.go:404: 5: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:31 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:31 build.go:404: 5: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:31 build.go:404: 5: ERROR: XML log file not found: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178792554.xml agent:2024/01/25 10:33:31 build.go:404: 5: ERROR: exception:FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178792554.xml' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:31 build.go:404: 5: ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details agent:2024/01/25 10:33:31 build.go:404: 5: INFO: Will re-run the full test executable agent:2024/01/25 10:33:31 build.go:404: 5: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner', '--path', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build', '--adb', '/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb', '--skip-install-root', '--make', '"/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_appless_make_apk', '--apk', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/tst_android_appless.apk', '--ndk-stack', '/ndk-stack', '--timeout', '855', '--verbose', '--', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178811207.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178811207.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178811207.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:31 build.go:404: 5: Execute /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_appless_make_apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: [1/4] Performing tst_android_appless_build step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: ninja: no work to do. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: [2/4] Performing tst_android_appless_copy_apk_dependencies step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: [1/1] Resolving x86_64 dependencies for the tst_android_appless APK agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-tst_android_appless-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: Application binary: tst_android_appless agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: [3/4] Copying tst_android_appless binary to apk folder agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: [4/4] Creating APK for tst_android_appless agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-tst_android_appless-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: Application binary: tst_android_appless agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :generateDebugBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :javaPreCompileDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :checkDebugAarMetadata UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :generateDebugResValues UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mapDebugSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :generateDebugResources UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :extractDeepLinksDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :processDebugMainManifest UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :processDebugManifest UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :processDebugManifestForPackage UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeDebugShaders UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :compressDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeDebugJavaResource UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :checkDebugDuplicateClasses UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :desugarDebugFileDependencies UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeExtDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeLibDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeDebugJniLibFolders UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeDebugNativeLibs UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :stripDebugDebugSymbols UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :validateSigningDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :writeDebugAppMetadata UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :writeDebugSigningConfigVersions UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :processDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :dexBuilderDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :mergeProjectDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :packageDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :createDebugApkListingFileRedirect UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: > Task :assembleDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 1s agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: 31 actionable tasks: 4 executed, 27 up-to-date agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: Android package built successfully in 2.001 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:33 build.go:404: 5: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r -g /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/tst_android_appless.apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:34 build.go:404: 5: Performing Push Install agent:2024/01/25 10:33:34 build.go:404: 5: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/tst_android_appless.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 80.2 MB/s (16444933 bytes in 0.195s) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:34 build.go:404: 5: pkg: /data/local/tmp/tst_android_appless.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:34 build.go:404: 5: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:34 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:35 build.go:404: 5: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless/ -e applicationArguments "-o output.txt,txt -o output.junitxml,junitxml -o output.xml,xml" -e extraenvvars "UVRFU1RfRU5WSVJPTk1FTlQ9Y2k=". agent:2024/01/25 10:33:35 build.go:404: 5: Starting: Intent { cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless/ (has extras) } agent:2024/01/25 10:33:35 build.go:404: 5: Error type 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:35 build.go:404: 5: Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless/} does not exist. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:35 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: "Error: the test's output.txt is empty." agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: ****** Begin logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: --------- beginning of main agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.025 7644 7644 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.027 7644 7644 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.039 7644 7644 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.078 7644 7644 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.079 7644 7644 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.081 7644 7644 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.098 7644 7644 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: --------- beginning of system agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.128 5050 5061 D DefContainer: Copying /data/local/tmp/tst_android_appless.apk to base.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: Failed parse during installPackageLI agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager:$PackageParserException: /data/app/vmdl945760041.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #8): Requires newer sdk version #26 (current version is #23) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at$ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Looper.loop( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.552 2769 2793 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.591 2769 2793 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 614(50KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 3.470ms total 38.616ms agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.597 7644 7644 I art : System.exit called, status: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.597 7644 7644 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.849 7662 7662 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.850 7662 7662 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.874 7662 7662 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.920 7662 7662 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.920 7662 7662 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.923 7662 7662 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.938 7662 7662 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.946 2769 4336 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless/ (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:34.947 7662 7662 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.312 3681 7796 I Vision : Requesting optional module download of ocr. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.313 3681 7796 I Vision : Checking for download completion for 355396 -- ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.382 3648 4877 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task started execution. cause:4 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 345 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.633 3648 5182 E GmsTaskScheduler: sendWakeUpEvent called on SchedulerClientBroadcastStrategy agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.641 3648 4062 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk for method java.lang.Object hwr.a(hwx) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : [AppCertManager] Failed to get security token. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : Invalid scope agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at adiw.b( (040700-319035315):23) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at adiw.a( (040700-319035315):18) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at adiw.a( (040700-319035315):11) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at hwy.a( (040700-319035315):17) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at hww.a( (040700-319035315):45) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at hwr.a( (040700-319035315)) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at hwu.a( (040700-319035315):10) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at (040700-319035315):0) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at soy.b( (040700-319035315):12) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at (040700-319035315):7) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at (040700-319035315):0) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.644 3648 4062 I Auth : [ReflectiveChannelBinder] Successfully bound channel! agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.691 3648 4062 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.691 3648 4062 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk:classes3.dex for method void agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.691 3648 4062 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk for method java.lang.Object hwr.a(hwx) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.691 3648 4062 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315):2) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.691 3648 4062 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315)) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.712 3648 4062 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.712 3648 4062 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk:classes3.dex for method void agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.712 3648 4062 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk for method java.lang.Object hwr.a(hwx) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.712 3648 4062 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315):2) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.712 3648 4062 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315)) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.732 3648 4062 E GmsTaskScheduler: sendWakeUpEvent called on SchedulerClientBroadcastStrategy agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk for method java.lang.Object hwr.a(hwx) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : [AppCertManager] IOException while requesting key: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : Invalid device key response. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at hwy.a( (040700-319035315):49) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at hww.a( (040700-319035315):45) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at hwr.a( (040700-319035315)) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at hwu.a( (040700-319035315):10) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at (040700-319035315):0) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at soy.b( (040700-319035315):12) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at (040700-319035315):7) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at (040700-319035315):0) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: 01-25 10:33:39.740 3648 5182 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task finished executing. cause:4 result: 3 elapsed_millis: 380 uptime_millis: 380 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 345 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: ****** End logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: Error: failed to run ndk-stack command. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb") is still running. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:45 build.go:404: 5: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: ERROR: XML log file not found: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178811207.xml agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: ERROR: exception:FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178811207.xml' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: ERROR: Full test run failed repeatedly, aborting! agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: CMake Error at tst_android_applessWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake:18 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/libexec/ -- agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner --path agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: --adb /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb --skip-install-root --make agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: "/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: tst_android_appless_make_apk --apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/tst_android_appless.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: --ndk-stack /ndk-stack --timeout 855 --verbose execution failed with exit agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: code 3. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5/5 Test #5: tst_android_appless ...................***Failed 33.59 sec agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: INFO: Will write XML test logs to directory COIN_CTEST_RESULTSDIR=/home/qt/work/testresults agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: INFO: Detected androidtestrunner, test will be handled specially. Detected test basename: tst_android_appless agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner', '--path', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build', '--adb', '/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb', '--skip-install-root', '--make', '"/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_appless_make_apk', '--apk', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/tst_android_appless.apk', '--ndk-stack', '/ndk-stack', '--timeout', '855', '--verbose', '--', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178792554.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178792554.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178792554.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Execute /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_appless_make_apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: [1/6] Performing tst_android_appless_build step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: [1/3] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/CMakeFiles/tst_android_appless.dir/tst_android_appless_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: [2/3] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/CMakeFiles/tst_android_appless.dir/tst_android_appless.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: [3/3] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: [2/6] Performing tst_android_appless_copy_apk_dependencies step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: [1/1] Resolving x86_64 dependencies for the tst_android_appless APK agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-tst_android_appless-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Application binary: tst_android_appless agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: [3/6] Building CXX object tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/CMakeFiles/tst_android_appless.dir/tst_android_appless_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: [4/6] Linking CXX shared module tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: [5/6] Copying tst_android_appless binary to apk folder agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: [6/6] Creating APK for tst_android_appless agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-tst_android_appless-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Application binary: tst_android_appless agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugBuildConfig agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :javaPreCompileDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :checkDebugAarMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugResValues agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mapDebugSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :extractDeepLinksDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugMainManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: package="org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/AndroidManifest.xml. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Setting the namespace via a source AndroidManifest.xml's package attribute is deprecated. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Please instead set the namespace (or testNamespace) in the module's build.gradle file, as described here: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: This migration can be done automatically using the AGP Upgrade Assistant, please refer to for more information. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugManifest agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugShaders agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :compressDebugAssets agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugManifestForPackage agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :checkDebugDuplicateClasses agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeLibDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugJavaResource agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugJniLibFolders agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :validateSigningDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :writeDebugAppMetadata agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :desugarDebugFileDependencies agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugNativeLibs agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :writeDebugSigningConfigVersions agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :dexBuilderDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeProjectDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :stripDebugDebugSymbols agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Unable to strip the following libraries, packaging them as they are:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeExtDexDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :packageDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :createDebugApkListingFileRedirect agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :assembleDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 4s agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 31 actionable tasks: 31 executed agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Android package built successfully in 5.213 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r -g /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/tst_android_appless.apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Performing Push Install agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/tst_android_appless.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 53.3 MB/s (16444933 bytes in 0.294s) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: pkg: /data/local/tmp/tst_android_appless.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless/ -e applicationArguments "-o output.junitxml,junitxml -o output.xml,xml -o output.txt,txt" -e extraenvvars "UVRFU1RfRU5WSVJPTk1FTlQ9Y2k=". agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Starting: Intent { cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless/ (has extras) } agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Error type 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless/} does not exist. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: "Error: the test's output.junitxml is empty." agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: ****** Begin logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: --------- beginning of main agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.237 7283 7283 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.238 3681 7285 I Vision : Requesting optional module download of ocr. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.238 7283 7283 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.238 3681 7285 I Vision : Exceeded maximum feature download tries for ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.238 3681 7285 W Vision : Request of optional module download of ocr failed. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.240 3681 7285 I Vision : Checking for download completion for 335323 -- ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.251 7283 7283 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.291 7283 7283 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.291 7283 7283 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.293 7283 7283 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.307 7283 7283 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: --------- beginning of system agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.337 5050 5062 D DefContainer: Copying /data/local/tmp/tst_android_appless.apk to base.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: Failed parse during installPackageLI agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager:$PackageParserException: /data/app/vmdl1908864431.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #8): Requires newer sdk version #26 (current version is #23) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at$ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Looper.loop( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.581 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.824 2769 2793 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.845 2769 2793 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 943(86KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 2.256ms total 20.956ms agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.847 7283 7283 I art : System.exit called, status: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:19.847 7283 7283 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:20.036 7303 7303 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:20.038 7303 7303 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:20.060 7303 7303 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:20.097 7303 7303 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:20.097 7303 7303 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:20.099 7303 7303 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:20.111 7303 7303 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:20.121 2769 4564 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless/ (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:20.122 7303 7303 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:29.262 3681 7581 I Vision : Requesting optional module download of ocr. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:29.284 3681 7581 I Vision : Checking for download completion for 345368 -- ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:29.305 3681 7581 I ChimeraConfigurator: Starting update, reason: 4 urgentFeatures: vision.ocr:-1 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:29.306 3681 7581 E ConfigFileUtils: Failed to read config file: /data/data/ open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:29.342 3681 7581 I ChmraDebugLogger: [73] 1801 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:29.347 3681 7581 I ChmraDebugLogger: [30] [VisionOcr.optional:202414000700] permitMetered=true, agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:29.350 3681 7581 W ChimeraConfigService: Retry attempt was throttled. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: ****** End logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Error: failed to run ndk-stack command. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb") is still running. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: ERROR: XML log file not found: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178792554.xml agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: ERROR: exception:FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178792554.xml' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: INFO: Will re-run the full test executable agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner', '--path', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build', '--adb', '/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb', '--skip-install-root', '--make', '"/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_appless_make_apk', '--apk', '/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/tst_android_appless.apk', '--ndk-stack', '/ndk-stack', '--timeout', '855', '--verbose', '--', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178811207.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178811207.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178811207.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Execute /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake --build /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target tst_android_appless_make_apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: [1/4] Performing tst_android_appless_build step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: ninja: no work to do. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: [2/4] Performing tst_android_appless_copy_apk_dependencies step for 'qt_internal_android_x86_64' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: [1/1] Resolving x86_64 dependencies for the tst_android_appless APK agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/android_abi_builds/x86_64/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-tst_android_appless-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Application binary: tst_android_appless agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: [3/4] Copying tst_android_appless binary to apk folder agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: [4/4] Creating APK for tst_android_appless agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Generating Android Package agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Input file: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-tst_android_appless-deployment-settings.json agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Output directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Application binary: tst_android_appless agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Android build platform: android-34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Install to device: No agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Skipping createRCC agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: This Android Gradle plugin (7.4.1) was tested up to compileSdk = 33 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: This warning can be suppressed by adding agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: to this project's agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: The build will continue, but you are strongly encouraged to update your project to agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: use a newer Android Gradle Plugin that has been tested with compileSdk = 34 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :preBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :javaPreCompileDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :checkDebugAarMetadata UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugResValues UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mapDebugSourceSetPaths agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugResources UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :extractDeepLinksDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugMainManifest UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugManifest UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugManifestForPackage UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugShaders UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugShaders NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :compressDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugJavaRes NO-SOURCE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugJavaResource UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :checkDebugDuplicateClasses UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :desugarDebugFileDependencies UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeExtDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeLibDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugJniLibFolders UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugNativeLibs UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :stripDebugDebugSymbols UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :validateSigningDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :writeDebugAppMetadata UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :writeDebugSigningConfigVersions UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :processDebugResources agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :dexBuilderDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :mergeProjectDexDebug UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :packageDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :createDebugApkListingFileRedirect UP-TO-DATE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: > Task :assembleDebug agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 1s agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 31 actionable tasks: 4 executed, 27 up-to-date agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Android package built successfully in 2.001 ms. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: -- File: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r -g /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/tst_android_appless.apk. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Performing Push Install agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/tst_android_appless.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 80.2 MB/s (16444933 bytes in 0.195s) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: pkg: /data/local/tmp/tst_android_appless.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless/ -e applicationArguments "-o output.txt,txt -o output.junitxml,junitxml -o output.xml,xml" -e extraenvvars "UVRFU1RfRU5WSVJPTk1FTlQ9Y2k=". agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Starting: Intent { cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless/ (has extras) } agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Error type 3 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless/} does not exist. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: "Error: the test's output.txt is empty." agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: ****** Begin logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: --------- beginning of main agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.025 7644 7644 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.027 7644 7644 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.039 7644 7644 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.078 7644 7644 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.079 7644 7644 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.081 7644 7644 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.098 7644 7644 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: --------- beginning of system agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.128 5050 5061 D DefContainer: Copying /data/local/tmp/tst_android_appless.apk to base.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: Failed parse during installPackageLI agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager:$PackageParserException: /data/app/vmdl945760041.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #8): Requires newer sdk version #26 (current version is #23) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at$ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at android.os.Looper.loop( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.372 2769 2793 W PackageManager: at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.552 2769 2793 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.591 2769 2793 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 614(50KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 3.470ms total 38.616ms agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.597 7644 7644 I art : System.exit called, status: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.597 7644 7644 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.849 7662 7662 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<< agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.850 7662 7662 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.874 7662 7662 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.920 7662 7662 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.920 7662 7662 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.923 7662 7662 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.938 7662 7662 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.946 2769 4336 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless/ (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:34.947 7662 7662 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.312 3681 7796 I Vision : Requesting optional module download of ocr. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.313 3681 7796 I Vision : Checking for download completion for 355396 -- ocr agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.382 3648 4877 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task started execution. cause:4 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 345 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.633 3648 5182 E GmsTaskScheduler: sendWakeUpEvent called on SchedulerClientBroadcastStrategy agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.641 3648 4062 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk for method java.lang.Object hwr.a(hwx) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : [AppCertManager] Failed to get security token. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : Invalid scope agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at adiw.b( (040700-319035315):23) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at adiw.a( (040700-319035315):18) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at adiw.a( (040700-319035315):11) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at hwy.a( (040700-319035315):17) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at hww.a( (040700-319035315):45) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at hwr.a( (040700-319035315)) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at hwu.a( (040700-319035315):10) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at (040700-319035315):0) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at soy.b( (040700-319035315):12) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at (040700-319035315):7) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at (040700-319035315):0) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.642 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.644 3648 4062 I Auth : [ReflectiveChannelBinder] Successfully bound channel! agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.691 3648 4062 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.691 3648 4062 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk:classes3.dex for method void agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.691 3648 4062 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk for method java.lang.Object hwr.a(hwx) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.691 3648 4062 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315):2) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.691 3648 4062 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315)) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.712 3648 4062 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.712 3648 4062 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk:classes3.dex for method void agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.712 3648 4062 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk for method java.lang.Object hwr.a(hwx) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.712 3648 4062 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315):2) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.712 3648 4062 W Conscrypt: at (040700-319035315)) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.732 3648 4062 E GmsTaskScheduler: sendWakeUpEvent called on SchedulerClientBroadcastStrategy agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 E art : invalid stream - problem with parameter iterator in /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk for method java.lang.Object hwr.a(hwx) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : [AppCertManager] IOException while requesting key: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : Invalid device key response. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at hwy.a( (040700-319035315):49) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at hww.a( (040700-319035315):45) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at hwr.a( (040700-319035315)) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at hwu.a( (040700-319035315):10) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at (040700-319035315):0) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at soy.b( (040700-319035315):12) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at (040700-319035315):7) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at (040700-319035315):0) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.734 3648 4062 W GLSUser : at agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 01-25 10:33:39.740 3648 5182 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task finished executing. cause:4 result: 3 elapsed_millis: 380 uptime_millis: 380 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 345 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: ****** End logcat output ****** agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Error: failed to run ndk-stack command. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb") is still running. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Execute /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_android_appless. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: ERROR: XML log file not found: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178811207.xml agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: ERROR: exception:FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_android_appless-1706178811207.xml' agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: ERROR: Full test run failed repeatedly, aborting! agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: CMake Error at tst_android_applessWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake:18 (message): agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/libexec/ -- agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/rhel-8.8/install/bin/androidtestrunner --path agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: --adb /opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb --skip-install-root --make agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: "/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake" --build agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests --target agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: tst_android_appless_make_apk --apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/android-build/tst_android_appless.apk agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: --ndk-stack /ndk-stack --timeout 855 --verbose execution failed with exit agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: code 3. agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 20% tests passed, 4 tests failed out of 5 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Label Time Summary: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qmath/tst_qmath = 65.30 sec*proc (1 test) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: tests/auto/corelib/platform/android/tst_android = 34.33 sec*proc (1 test) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: tests/auto/corelib/platform/android_appless/tst_android_appless = 33.59 sec*proc (1 test) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: tests/auto/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter/tst_qpixmapfilter = 35.70 sec*proc (1 test) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Total Test time (real) = 254.51 sec agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: The following tests FAILED: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 2 - tst_qmath (Failed) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 3 - tst_qpixmapfilter (Failed) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 4 - tst_android (Failed) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: 5 - tst_android_appless (Failed) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Errors while running CTest agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:455: Process finished with error: exit status 8 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:755: Executing scheduled instruction 1 of 3 - Upload all core dumps if there are some agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:652: Skip uploading core files because CORE_FILES_PATH is not set in the environment agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:763: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:755: Executing scheduled instruction 2 of 3 - Print sccache statistics agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:427: [sccache -s] 30s 30s false true agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Compile requests 27 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Compile requests executed 27 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Cache hits 27 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Cache hits (C/C++) 27 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Cache misses 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Cache timeouts 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Cache read errors 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Forced recaches 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Cache write errors 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Compilation failures 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Cache errors 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Non-cacheable compilations 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Non-cacheable calls 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Non-compilation calls 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Unsupported compiler calls 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Average cache write 0.000 s agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Average cache read miss 0.000 s agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Average cache read hit 0.029 s agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Failed distributed compilations 0 agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:404: Cache location S3, bucket: Bucket(name=cache, base_url=http://ci-sccache:9000/cache/) agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:763: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:755: Executing scheduled instruction 3 of 3 - Upload test results agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 storageclient.go:532: Collecting test results, archiving and uploading them agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 result.go:216: Collecting 3 test results ... agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 build.go:763: agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 agent.go:385: Test failed agent:2024/01/25 10:33:46 agent.go:248: ERROR building: exit status 8 Agent FINISHED FAIL: : qt/qtbase/861dddde300c9264fab926e458ac8b404b7f55af/LinuxRHEL_8_8x86_64AndroidAndroid_ANYmultiGCCqtci-linux-RHEL-8.8-x86_64-50-bb456bAndroidTestRun_InstallDepsPerPlatformSubdir_MinimalAndroidMultiABITests_Sccache_WarningsAreErrors/3afe2466480471646001829bcaf8bbbf21cfd2ac/Test VM metrics Host metrics