# include common project settings !include( ../common.pri ) { error( "Couldn't find the common.pri file!" ) } QT += core-private multimedia-private gui widgets printsupport opengl greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 \ QCUSTOMPLOT_USE_OPENGL # AUDIO_DECODER SOURCES += \ ConstrainedSpinBox.cpp \ CustomAudioDevice.cpp \ LogItemDelegate.cpp \ MainWindow.cpp \ QWAMDelegate.cpp \ RtcpWorker.cpp \ RtpWorker.cpp \ SinkDevice.cpp \ SourceDevice.cpp \ main.cpp \ qcustomplot.cpp \ SettingsDialog.cpp HEADERS += \ AITStructs.h \ AppSettings.h \ ConstrainedSpinBox.h \ CustomAudioDevice.h \ FormatHelpers.h \ LogItemDelegate.h \ MainWindow.h \ QWAMDelegate.h \ RtcpWorker.h \ RtpWorker.h \ SinkDevice.h \ SourceDevice.h \ UICommon.h \ qcustomplot.h \ SettingsDialog.h FORMS += \ MainWindow.ui \ SettingsDialog.ui # added support for light and dark themes RESOURCES += \ afdx.qrc win32 { # tweak the defines to ensure that we can build with warning level 4 DEFINES += _WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # Simple-FFT library requires square brackets for element access DEFINES += __USE_SQUARE_BRACKETS_FOR_ELEMENT_ACCESS_OPERATOR # Add library to support htonl, htons, ntohl, ntohs QMAKE_LIBS += ws2_32.lib CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { LIBS += -lfmtd LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../util/debug/ -lutil LIBS += -L$${VCPKG}/installed/x64-windows/debug/lib PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$OUT_PWD/../util/debug/util.lib } else { LIBS += -lfmt LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../util/release/ -lutil LIBS += -L$${VCPKG}/installed/x64-windows/lib PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$OUT_PWD/../util/release/util.lib } LIBS += \ -L$${EXTLIBS}/ait664/lib \ -la664_api \ -lOpenGL32 \ -ltinyxml2 \ -lfftw3 } # The following keeps the generated files at least somewhat separate from the source files. UI_DIR = uics MOC_DIR = mocs OBJECTS_DIR = objs