BatchStacking Saving Final image in %1 IDS_SAVINGFINAL DSS File List (*.dssfilelist) IDS_LISTFILTER_OUTPUT File List (*.txt) IDS_LISTFILTER_OUTPUT All Files (*) IDS_LISTFILTER_OUTPUT Picture Files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.tif *.tiff *.png *.fit *.fits *.fts *.cr2 *.cr3 *.crw *.nef *.mrw *.orf *.raf *.pef *.x3f *.dcr *.kdc *.srf *.arw *.raw *.dng *.ia *.rw2) IDS_FILTER_INPUT JPEG or PNG Files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) IDS_FILTER_INPUT TIFF Files (*.tif *.tiff) IDS_FILTER_INPUT RAW Files (*.cr2 *.cr3 *.crw *.nef *.mrw *.orf *.raf *.pef *.x3f *.dcr *.kdc *.srf *.arw *.raw *.dng *.ia *.rw2) IDS_FILTER_INPUT FITS Files (*.fits *.fit *.fts) IDS_FILTER_INPUT All Files (*) IDS_FILTER_INPUT DSS::About About DeepSkyStacker Language Select language: Check if newer version is available at startup About &Qt DeepSkyStacker version %1 IDS_ABOUT_DSS (Now somewhat out of date) RAW file decoding by LibRaw (version %1) Copyright © 1997-2022 LibRaw LLC IDS_ABOUT_DCRAW TIFF file encoding/decoding by LibTIFF (version %1) Copyright © 1988-1997 Sam Leffler Copyright © 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. IDS_ABOUT_TIFF FITS decoding by CFitsIO (version %1) Copyright NASA IDS_ABOUT_FITS Exif, IPTC, XMP and ICC image metadata by Exiv2 - Version 0.28.0 Copyright 2004-2023 Exiv2 authors SMTP support by SMTP Client for Qt (C++) - Version 0.27.6 Copyright Tőkés Attila Default Spanish version: Ricardo Contreras and the team from IDS_ABOUT_LANG_SPANISH Czech version: IDS_ABOUT_LANG_CZECH Italian version: IDS_ABOUT_LANG_ITALIAN Catalan version: IDS_ABOUT_LANG_CATALAN German version: IDS_ABOUT_LANG_GERMAN and Dutch version: IDS_ABOUT_LANG_DUTCH Traditional Chinese version: IDS_ABOUT_LANG_CHINESET Portuguese version: IDS_ABOUT_LANG_PORTUGUESE Romanian version: IDS_ABOUT_LANG_ROMANIAN Russian version: IDS_ABOUT_LANG_RUSSIAN Turkish version: IDS_ABOUT_LANG_TURKISH DSS::AlignmentParameters Alignment Transformation used during alignment Bisquared No alignment Bilinear Bicubic Automatic Automatic The alignment method is automatically selected depending on the number of available stars. IDS_ALIGNMENT_AUTO Bilinear Alignment The Bilinear Alignment is used in all cases. IDS_ALIGNMENT_BILINEAR Bisquared Alignment The Bisquared Alignment is used when at least 25 stars areavailable, else the Bilinear Alignment method is used. IDS_ALIGNMENT_BISQUARED Bicubic Alignment The Bicubic method is used when at least 40 stars areavailable, then the Bisquared method is used if 25 to 39 stars are available, then theBilinear method is used when less than 25 stars are available. IDS_ALIGNMENT_BICUBIC DSS::AskRegistering Unregistered light frame This light frame is not registered (the stars have not been detected). Do you want... to register this light frame to register all the light frames to continue without registering the light frame DSS::BackgroundOptions Background Options Calibration Method Linear Rational RGB Background Calibration Method None Minimum Middle Maximum DSS::BatchStacking Batch Stacking This dialog is used to launch the stacking process from existing image lists. Add the file lists you want to stack and click OK to start the stacking processes. IDC_STATIC Add File Lists... IDC_ADDLISTS Clear List IDC_CLEARLIST DSS::CheckAbove Check all pictures above... IDD_CHECKABOVE Minimum quality: IDD_CHECKABOVE DSS::CometStacking Comet Comet Stacking Parameters Standard Stacking The comet position is ignored. The comet will be fuzzy. Comet Stacking The comet position is used. The comet will be sharp and the stars will have trails. Stars + Comet Stacking The comet position is used. The comet and the stars will be sharp. This process takes twice as long. DSS::DropFilesDlg Add files ... Add %n file(s) as IDC_DROPFILESTEXT Add %n file as Add %n files as Light Frames IDC_LIGHTFRAMES a Light Frame Dark Frames IDC_DARKFRAMES a Dark Frame Flat Frames IDC_FLATFRAMES a Flat Frame Dark Flat Frames IDC_DARKFLATFRAMES a Dark Flat Frame Offset/Bias Frames IDC_BIASFRAMES an Offset/Bias Frame DSS::EditStars Click to set the comet here IDS_TIP_SETCOMET Click to add this star IDS_TIP_ADDSTAR Click to remove the comet IDS_TIP_REMOVECOMET Click to remove this star IDS_TIP_REMOVESTAR #Stars: %1 Score: %2 Quality: %3 FWHM: %4 IDS_LIGHTFRAMEINFO #Stars: %1 Score: %2 FWHM: %3 IDS_LIGHTFRAMEINFO Comet:%1 IDS_LIGHTFRAMEINFOCOMET Yes IDS_YES DSS::ExplorerBar Registering and Stacking IDC_STACKING_TITLE Open picture files... IDC_STACKING_OPENFILES dark files... IDC_STACKING_OPENDARKS flat files... IDC_STACKING_OPENFLATS dark flat files... IDC_STACKING_OPENDARKFLATS offset/bias files... IDC_STACKING_OPENOFFSETS Open a File List... IDC_STACKING_LOADLIST Save the File List... IDC_STACKING_SAVELIST Clear List IDC_STACKING_CLEARLIST Check all IDC_STACKING_CHECKALL Check above a threshold... IDC_STACKING_CHECKABOVE Uncheck all IDC_STACKING_UNCHECKALL Register checked pictures... IDC_REGISTERING_REGISTERCHECKED Compute offsets... IDC_STACKING_COMPUTEOFFSETS Stack checked pictures... IDC_STACKING_STACKCHECKED Batch stacking... IDC_STACKING_BATCHSTACK Processing IDC_PROCESSING_TITLE Open picture file... IDC_PROCESSING_OPENFILE Copy current picture to clipboard IDC_PROCESSING_COPYTOCLIPBOARD Create a Star Mask... IDC_PROCESSING_CREATESTARMASK Save picture to file... IDC_PROCESSING_SAVEFILE Options IDC_OPTIONS_TITLE Settings... IDC_OPTIONS_SETTINGS Raw/FITS DDP Settings... IDC_OPTIONS_RAWDDPSETTINGS Load... IDC_OPTIONS_LOADSETTINGS Save... IDC_OPTIONS_SAVESETTINGS Recommended... IDC_OPTIONS_RECOMMANDEDSETTINGS About DeepSkyStacker... IDC_ABOUT DeepSkyStacker's Help... IDC_CONTEXTHELP The trace file is normally written to the DeepSkyStacker directory in the users "Documents" directory, and is deleted on exit (unless the application crashes). Tick this box to keep the trace file. Retain the trace file on exit Enable progress sounds In the Processing Panel, show pixels below the Black Level as blue and pixels above the White Level as red. Show clipping for Black/White Points Register Settings... ID_EDITSETTINGS_REGISTERSETTINGS Stacking Settings... ID_EDITSETTINGS_STACKINGSETTINGS Restore Default settings ID_LOADSETTINGS_RESTOREDEFAULTSETTINGS Load DeepSkyStacker Live settings ID_LOADSETTINGS_LOADDEEPSKYSTACKERLIVESETTINGS Load... ID_LOADSETTINGS_LOAD Save as DeepSkyStacker Live settings ID_SAVESETTINGS_SAVEASDEEPSKYSTACKERLIVESETTINGS Save as... ID_SAVESETTINGS_SAVEAS Load DeepSkyStacker Settings IDS_TITLE_LOADSETTINGS DSS Settings Files (*.dsssettings) IDS_FILTER_SETTINGFILE Save DeepSkyStacker Settings IDS_TITLE_SAVESETTINGS DSS Settings Files (*.dsssettings) DSS::Group Dark IDS_TYPE_DARK Dark Flat IDS_TYPE_DARKFLAT Flat IDS_TYPE_FLAT Bias/Offset IDS_TYPE_OFFSET Light IDS_TYPE_LIGHT DSS::ImageProperties DeepSkyStacker - Image Properties Date/Time Depth Size Exposure Information Type File ISO/Gain CFA DSS::ImageView Ctrl++ or Ctrl+= to zoom in Ctrl+- to zoom out or use the mouse wheel to zoom Ctrl+4 to toggle 4-Corners mode DSS::IntermediateFiles Intermediate Files Intermediate files creation settings Create a calibrated file for each light frame Save a debayered image when processing RAW images Create a registered/calibrated file for each light frame Intermediate and Final Image File Format TIFF Files FITS Files DSS::OutputTab Output Output Files Settings Create Output file IDC_CREATEOUTPUT Create HTML Description file IDC_CREATEHTML Output File Name Autosave.tif/fits IDC_AUTOSAVE <file list name>.tif/fits IDC_FILELIST Append a number to avoid file overwrite (001, 002, ...) IDC_APPENDNUMBER Output Location Create Output file in the folder of the reference frame IDC_USEREFERENCEFRAMEFOLDER Create Output file in the folder of the file list IDC_USEFILELISTFOLDER Create Output file in IDC_USEANOTHERFOLDER <Output Folder> IDC_OUTPUTFOLDER Select Output Folder IDS_SELECTOUTPUTFOLDER DSS::PictureList Double click here to dock/undock the image list DSS::PostCalibration Cosmetic Post Calibration Cosmetic settings Detect and Clean remaining Hot Pixels IDC_DETECTCLEANHOT <small>Effect weak</small> IDC_WEAK1 <small>Strong</small> IDC_STRONG1 Filter Size Detection Threshold Detect and Clean remaining Cold Pixels IDC_DETECTCLEANCOLD Replace pixel value with IDC_REPLACETEXT Test on first frame... IDC_TESTCOSMETIC Save an image showing the cleaned pixels for each light frame IDC_SAVEDELTAIMAGE the median ID_COSMETICMETHOD_MEDIAN a gaussian filter ID_COSMETICMETHOD_GAUSSIAN Cosmetic Detected Hot Pixels: %L1 (%L2%) Detected Cold Pixels: %L3 (%L4%) IDS_COSMETICSTATS DSS::ProcessingDlg Do you want to save the modifications? IDS_MSG_SAVEMODIFICATIONS TIFF and FITS Files (*.tif *.tiff *.fits *.fit *.fts) IDS_FILTER_DSIIMAGETIFF TIFF Image 16 bit/ch (*.tif) IDS_FILTER_OUTPUT TIFF Image 32 bit/ch - integer (*.tif) IDS_FILTER_OUTPUT TIFF Image 32 bit/ch - rational (*.tif) IDS_FILTER_OUTPUT FITS Image 16 bit/ch (*.fts) IDS_FILTER_OUTPUT FITS Image 32 bit/ch - integer (*.fts) IDS_FILTER_OUTPUT FITS Image 32 bit/ch - rational (*.fts) IDS_FILTER_OUTPUT Save Image There is no picture to save. IDS_MSG_NOPICTURETOSAVE No information available IDS_NOINFO Exposure: %1 %n frames IDS_NRFRAMES %n frame %n frames RGB/K Levels IDD_RGB Set Red Histogram Adjustment curve IDS_TT_REDADJUST Set Green Histogram Adjustment curve IDS_TT_GREENADJUST Set Blue Histogram Adjustment curve IDS_TT_BLUEADJUST Linked settings IDC_LINK Luminance IDD_LUMINANCE Darkness IDC_TEXT_DARKNESS Midtone IDC_TEXT_MIDTONE Highlight IDC_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT Saturation IDD_SATURATION Saturation shift IDC_TEXT_SATURATION Apply IDC_PROCESS Undo last applied settings IDS_UNDOLASTSETTINGS Save, Load, Manage settings ... IDS_MANAGESETTINGS Redo last applied settings IDS_REDOLASTSETTINGS Reset IDC_RESET DSS::ProcessingSettingsDlg DeepSkyStacker - Processing Settings Add Delete Load Close The Processing Settings name may not contain either a / or \. Please change the name. DSS::ProgressDlg Are you sure you wish to cancel this operation? Estimated remaining time: %1 hr %2 mn %3 s IDS_ESTIMATED3 Estimated remaining time: %1 mn %2 s IDS_ESTIMATED2 Estimated remaining time : %1 s IDS_ESTIMATED1 Estimated remaining time: < 1 s IDS_ESTIMATED0 Estimated remaining Time: Unknown IDS_ESTIMATEDUNKNOWN %n Processor(s) Used %n Processor used %n Processors used Processing ... Cancel DSS::RawDDPSettings RAW/FITS Digital Development Process Settings Raw Files Colour Adjustment Brightness Red Scale Blue Scale White Balance No White Balance Processing Use Camera White Balance Bayer Matrix Transformation Bilinear Interpolation Adaptive Homogeneity-Directed (AHD) Interpolation Use Bayer Drizzle algorithm (no interpolation, no debayering This option uses the Bayer matrix as is. No interpolation is done and each pixel is given only primary components from the matrix. Create super-pixels from the raw Bayer matrix (no interpolation) This option uses the Bayer matrix to create one super-pixel from each group of 4 pixels (RGBG). The sizes of the resulting image are thus divided by two. FITS Files <html><head/><body><p>Single plane 16 bit FITS Files are from a &quot;One-Shot-Colour&quot; camera (DSLR, mirrorless, CCD or CMOS) that need to be de-Bayered.<br/>Leave <span style=" font-style:italic;">unchecked</span> to attempt automatic detection based on FITS keywords.</p></body></html> Camera: Red scale Blue scale Bayer Pattern Filter used Force use of unsigned values when signed values are stored Generic RGGB Generic BGGR Generic GBRG Generic GRBG Generic DSS::RecommendedSettings Recommended Settings Show all recommendations These are recommended settings.<br>They may not work in all the situations but they are often a good starting point. IDS_RECO_DISCLAIMER Click on the proposed link to change the setting accordingly IDS_RECO_CLICKTOSET Settings that are already set are shown in green IDS_RECO_ALREADYSET or IDS_OR You must first add images to the list and check them. IDS_RECO_PREREQUISITES DSS::RegisterSettings Register Settings Stacking Settings... IDC_STACKINGPARAMETERS Recommended Settings... IDC_RECOMMANDEDSETTINGS Actions Register already registered pictures IDC_FORCEREGISTER Automatic detection of hot pixels IDC_HOTPIXELS Stack after registering IDC_STACK Select the best % of the pictures and stack them Advanced Star detection threshold Use automatic threshold Compute the number of detected stars IDC_COMPUTEDETECTEDSTARS Reduce noise by using a median filter IDC_MEDIANFILTER Don't forget to add and check dark, flat and offset frames before stacking. IDS_CHECK_DARKFLATOFFSET Don't forget to add and check dark and flat frames before stacking. IDS_CHECK_DARKFLAT Don't forget to add and check dark and offset frames before stacking. IDS_CHECK_DARKOFFSET Don't forget to add and check flat and offset frames before stacking. IDS_CHECK_FLATOFFSET Don't forget to add and check dark frames before stacking. IDS_CHECK_DARK Don't forget to add and check flat frames before stacking. IDS_CHECK_FLAT Don't forget to add and check offset frames before stacking. IDS_CHECK_OFFSET darks, flats and offsets/bias checked. IDS_CHECK_ALLOK Registering %1 IDS_REGISTERINGNAME %1 star(s) IDC_NRSTARS DSS::RenameGroup Rename Group Group Name: DSS::ResultParameters Result Standard Mode "Mosaic" Mode Intersection Mode Custom Rectangle Enable 2x Drizzle Enable 3x Drizzle Align RGB Channels in final image The result of the stacking process is framed by the reference light frame. IDS_STACKINGMODE_NORMAL The result of the stacking process contains all the light frames of the stack. IDS_STACKINGMODE_MOSAIC The result of the stacking process is framed by the intersection of all the frames. IDS_STACKINGMODE_INTERSECTION DSS::SaveEditChanges Save Changes? You have made some changes (stars or comet positions) Do you want to save them? IDD_SAVEEDITCHANGES The next time... IDD_SAVEEDITCHANGES Save changes without asking IDC_SAVEWITHOUTASKING Discard changes without asking IDC_DONTSAVEWITHOUTASKING Always ask IDC_ASKAGAIN You can access these options by right clicking on the Save button IDD_SAVEEDITCHANGES DSS::SavePicture Compression IDD_SAVEPICTURE None IDC_COMPRESSION_NONE ZIP (Deflate) IDC_COMPRESSION_ZIP LZW (Deprecated) IDC_COMPRESSION_LZW Options IDD_SAVEPICTURE Apply adjustments to the saved image IDC_APPLIED Embed adjustments in the saved image but do not apply them IDC_EMBEDDED Do not apply adjustments to the saved image IDS_SAVENOADJUSTMENT Create an image from the selected rectangle IDC_USERECT DSS::StackRecap Stacking Steps Recommended Settings ... Stacking Settings ... ISO IDS_ISO Gain IDS_GAIN Yes IDS_YES No IDS_NO RGB Channels Background Calibration : %1 IDS_RECAP_BACKGROUNDCALIBRATION Per Channel Background Calibration: %1 IDS_RECAP_PERCHANNELBACKGROUNDCALIBRATION Dark optimization: %1 IDS_RECAP_DARKOPTIMIZATION Dark Multiplication Factor: %1 IDS_RECAP_DARKMULTIPLICATIONFACTOR Hot Pixel detection and removal: %1 IDS_RECAP_HOTPIXELS The process temporarily requires %1 of free space on the %2 drive.<br>Only %3 are available on this drive. IDS_RECAP_WARNINGDISKSPACE Note: the necessary disk space is computed using an image the size of the reference frame. Depending of the resulting image total size more space may be necessary. IDS_RECAP_MOSAICWARNING Warning: you are using dark, flat or bias frames with JPEG files.<br>Because of the lossy compression, calibration doesn't work with JPEG files. IDS_RECAP_WARNINGJPEG Stacking mode: IDS_RECAP_STACKINGMODE Standard IDS_RECAP_STACKINGMODE_NORMAL Mosaic IDS_RECAP_STACKINGMODE_MOSAIC Custom Rectangle IDS_RECAP_STACKINGMODE_CUSTOM Intersection IDS_RECAP_STACKINGMODE_INTERSECTION Alignment method: IDS_RECAP_ALIGNMENT Automatic IDS_ALIGN_AUTO Bilinear IDS_ALIGN_BILINEAR Bisquared IDS_ALIGN_BISQUARED Bicubic IDS_ALIGN_BICUBIC No Alignment IDS_ALIGN_NONE Drizzle x%1 enabled IDS_RECAP_DRIZZLE The selected drizzle option is not compatible with Bayer Drizzle mode. IDS_RECAP_WARNINGDRIZZLE %1 processors detected and used IDS_RECAP_DETECTEDANDUSEDPROCESSORS %1 processors detected - only one used IDS_RECAP_DETECTEDNOTUSEDPROCESSORS Comet processing : IDS_RECAP_COMETSTACKING Align on stars (no specific processing) IDS_RECAP_COMETSTACKING_NONE Align on comet IDS_RECAP_COMETSTACKING_COMET Align on stars and comet IDS_RECAP_COMETSTACKING_BOTH Cosmetic applied to hot pixels (Filter = %1 px, Detection Threshold = %L2%)<br> IDS_RECAP_COSMETICHOT Cosmetic applied to cold pixels (Filter = %1 px, Detection Threshold = %L2%)<br> IDS_RECAP_COSMETICCOLD Stacking step %1<br> ->%2 frames (%3: %4) - total exposure: IDS_RECAP_STEP Method: IDS_RECAP_METHOD Warning: the Bayer Drizzle option selected in the RAW DDP settings may lead to strange results with a method other than average. IDS_RECAP_WARNINGBAYERDRIZZLE -> Offset: %1 frames (%2: %3) exposure: %4 IDS_RECAP_OFFSET Warning: ISO speed does not match that of the light frames IDS_RECAP_ISOWARNING Warning: Gain does not match that of the light frames IDS_RECAP_GAINWARNING -> No Offset IDS_RECAP_NOOFFSET -> Dark: %1 frames (%2 : %3) exposure: %4 IDS_RECAP_DARK Warning: Exposure does not match that of the Light frames IDS_RECAP_EXPOSUREWARNING -> No Dark IDS_RECAP_NODARK -> Dark Flat: %1 frames (%2 : %3) exposure: %4 IDS_RECAP_DARKFLAT Warning: ISO speed does not match that of the flat frames IDS_RECAP_ISOWARNINGDARKFLAT Warning: Gain does not match that of the flat frames IDS_RECAP_GAINWARNINGDARKFLAT Warning: Exposure does not match that of the flat frames IDS_RECAP_EXPOSUREWARNINGDARKFLAT ->Flat: %1 frames(%2: %3) exposure : %4 IDS_RECAP_FLAT -> No Flat IDS_RECAP_NOFLAT Estimated Total exposure time: %1<br>(the total exposure time is computed assuming that all the checked light frames are kept for the stacking process) IDS_RECAP_TOTALEXPOSURETIME The process will temporarily use %1 on the %2 drive (%3 free). IDS_RECAP_INFODISKSPACE Warning: the save registered and calibrated images option is checked. Please check that you have enough free disk space to store these files. IDS_RECAP_WARNINGINTERMEDIATESAVE DSS::StackSettings Stacking Settings Temporary files folder: ... Reduce worker threads priority Use all available processors SIMD vectorisation Light IDS_TYPE_LIGHT Dark IDS_TYPE_DARK Flat IDS_TYPE_FLAT Bias/Offset IDS_TYPE_OFFSET Select Temporary Files Folder IDS_RECAP_SELECTTEMPFOLDER DSS::StackingDlg Rename group Do you really want to permanently erase %n file(s)? This operation cannot be reversed or cancelled. IDS_WARNING_ERASEFILES Do you really want to permanently erase %n file? This operation cannot be reversed or cancelled. Do you really want to permanently erase %n files? This operation cannot be reversed or cancelled. Use as reference frame IDM_USEASSTARTING Check IDM_CHECK Uncheck IDM_UNCHECK Remove from list IDM_REMOVEFROMLIST Copy to clipboard IDM_COPYTOCLIPBOARD Erase from disk... IDM_ERASEFROMDISK Space Bar to check/uncheck selected rows Ctrl-A or equivalent to select all rows Delete key to remove (not erase) selected rows Right mouse button to display the menu %1 does not exist or is not a file Failed to load image %1 Light Frames: %1 - Dark Frames: %2 - Flat Frames: %3 - Dark Flat Frames: %4 - Offset/Bias Frames: %5 IDS_LISTINFO Loading %1 IDS_LOADPICTURE File %1 was not loaded because it was already loaded in group %2 (%3) Open Light Frames... IDS_TITLE_OPENLIGHTFRAMES Open Dark Frames... IDS_TITLE_OPENDARKFRAMES Open Dark Flat Frames... IDS_TITLE_OPENDARKFLATFRAMES Open Flat Frames... IDS_TITLE_OPENFLATFRAMES Properties... IDM_PROPERTIES %n files selected IDS_MULTIPLEFILESELECTED %n file selected %n files selected Open Bias Frames... IDS_TITLE_OPENBIASFRAMES Light Frames: %1 Dark Frames: %2 Flat Frames: %3 Dark Flat Frames: %4 Offset/Bias Frames: %5 IDS_LISTINFO2 Open another File List... ID_FILELIST_OPENANOTHERFILELIST DeepSkyStacker version %1 is available for download. IDS_VERSIONAVAILABLE Internet version check error code %1: %2 Total registering time: %1 %2 Not all of your checked light frames have a mean quality calculated. You should re-register your light frames. You must check light frames to register them. IDS_ERROR_NOTLIGHTCHECKED2 The following folder(s) are read-only: %1 DeepSkyStacker needs to create files in these folders during its processing. IDS_WARNINGREADONLY The checked pictures are not compatible: %1. IDS_ERROR_NOTCOMPATIBLE You must check light frames to stack them. IDS_ERROR_NOTLIGHTCHECKED You have made some changes to the %1 file list and/or to the settings. Do you want to save the changes? IDS_WARNING_SAVECHANGES Total stacking time: %1 %2 Saving Final image in %1 IDS_SAVINGFINAL Exception caught in function: %1 %2 (line %3): %4 DSS::StackingParameters Stacking IDD_STACKINGPARAMETERS Stacking Mode IDC_TITLE Number of iterations: IDC_STATICITERATION Median IDC_MEDIAN Kappa-Sigma clipping IDC_SIGMACLIPPING Maximum IDC_MAXIMUM Median Kappa-Sigma clipping IDC_MEDIANSIGMACLIPPING, Auto Adaptive Weighted Average IDC_AUTOADAPTIVEAVERAGE Average IDC_AVERAGE Kappa: IDC_STATICKAPPA Entropy Weighted Average (High Dynamic Range) IDC_ENTROPYAVERAGE Debloom IDC_DEBLOOM Settings IDC_DEBLOOMSETTINGS Not used! Dark Optimisation IDC_DARKOPTIMIZATION Bad column detection and removal IDC_BADCOLUMNREMOVAL Hot pixel detection and removal IDC_HOTPIXELS Dark Multiplication Factor IDC_USEDARKFACTOR No Background Calibration ID_CALIBRATIONMENU_NOBACKGROUNDCALIBRATION Per Channel Background Calibration ID_CALIBRATIONMENU_PERCHANNELBACKGROUNDCALIBRATION RGB Channels Background Calibration ID_CALIBRATIONMENU_RGBBACKGROUNDCALIBRATION The pixels outside the range: [Mean-%1*%2, Mean+%1*%2] are iteratively removed. The remaining pixels are averaged. IDS_TOOLTIP_KAPPASIGMA The pixels outside the range: [Mean-%1*%2, Mean+%1*%2] are iteratively replaced by the median value. The pixels are then averaged. IDS_TOOLTIP_MEDIANKAPPASIGMA The <b>weighted average</b> is obtained by iteratively weighting each pixel based on its deviation from the mean compared to the standard deviation (%1). IDS_TOOLTIP_AUTOADAPTIVE Options... ID_CALIBRATIONMENU_OPTIONS DSS::StarMaskDlg Create a Star Mask IDD_STARMASK Star detection Star detection threshold Hot pixel detection IDC_HOTPIXELS Maximum size of a star Enlarge/Shrink Percentage of the star size Increase size by Shape of the stars in the mask Bell Truncated Bell Cone Truncated Cone Cubic Quadric %1% %n pixel(s) DSS::ToolBar Custom Rectangle Mode: This mode allows you to create or modify a Custom Rectangle defining the part of the images you wish to stack. IDS_TOOLTIP_SELECTRECT Edit Stars Mode: This mode shows the stars that have been detected in the image. You can add additional stars or remove incorrectly detected stars. IDS_TOOLTIP_STAR Edit Comet Mode: This mode allows you to select and edit the location of the comet's nucleus in the image. IDS_TOOLTIP_COMET Save changes: Saves the changes made to the current image in Edit Stars and Edit Comet modes. Right Click to change behaviour. IDS_TOOLTIP_SAVE Save without asking ID_SAVECONTEXT_SAVEWITHOUTASKING Don't save ID_SAVECONTEXT_DONTSAVEWITHOUTASKING Ask always ID_SAVECONTEXT_ASKALWAYS DeepSkyStacker This beta version of DeepSkyStacker has expired You can probably get another one or download the final release from the web site. Do you want DeepSkyStacker to check if a newer version is available at startup? (You can enable or disable this option later from the About box) IDS_CHECKVERSION Sponsor DeepSkyStacker %1 does not exist or is not a file DeepSkyStacker Help.chm IDS_HELPFILE PostCalibration Computing Cosmetic IDS_COMPUTINGCOSMETICSTATS Loading %1 bit/ch %2 light frame %3 IDS_LOADRGBLIGHT Loading %1 bits gray %2 light frame %3 IDS_LOADGRAYLIGHT ProcessingDlg Saving the Star Mask in %1 IDS_SAVINGSTARMASK RecommendedSettings If you are processing narrowband images (especially H%1) IDS_RECO_RAWNARROWBAND_REASON Use super-pixel mode IDS_RECO_RAWNARROWBAND_TEXT Use Per Channel background calibration IDS_RECO_USEPERCHANNEL You are processing long exposure and possibly good SNR images IDS_RECO_RAWHIGHSNR_REASON Use AHD debayering IDS_RECO_RAWHIGHSNR_TEXT You are processing short exposure and probably low SNR images IDS_RECO_RAWLOWSNR_REASON Use Bilinear debayering IDS_RECO_RAWLOWSNR_TEXT You are using bias frames IDS_RECO_RAWSETBP_REASON Set the black point to 0 to improve the calibration IDS_RECO_RAWSETBP_TEXT You are using flat frames without bias frames IDS_RECO_RAWCLEARBP_REASON Don't set the black point to 0 IDS_RECO_RAWCLEARBP_TEXT You are using a low star detection threshold IDS_RECO_MEDIANFILTER_REASON Apply a Median Filter before registering the images to reduce the noise and improve the star detection IDS_RECO_MEDIANFILTER_TEXT If you are using a modified DSLR IDS_RECO_MODDEDDSLR_REASON Reset all white balance settings IDS_RECO_MODDEDDSLR_TEXT You are trying to create a comet image with star trails IDS_RECO_COMETSTARTRAILS_REASON Use Average combination method IDS_RECO_USEAVERAGECOMBINE You are trying to create a comet image aligned on the stars and the comet from %1 light frame(s) IDS_RECO_COMETSTARSMANY_REASON Use Kappa-Sigma clipping combination method IDS_RECO_USESIGMACLIPPING Use Median combination method IDS_RECO_USEMEDIAN You are stacking %1 light frame(s) IDS_RECO_LIGHT_REASON Use Auto Adaptive Weighted Average combination method IDS_RECO_USEAUTOADAPTIVEAVERAGE You are creating a master dark from %1 dark frame(s) IDS_RECO_DARK_REASON Use Median Kappa-Sigma clipping combination method IDS_RECO_USESIGMAMEDIAN You are creating a master bias from %1 bias frame(s) IDS_RECO_BIAS_REASON You are creating a master flat from %1 flat frame(s) IDS_RECO_FLAT_REASON If the resulting images look too gray IDS_RECO_PERCHANNELCALIBRATION_REASON If the color balance in the resulting images is hard to fix in post-processing IDS_RECO_RGBCALIBRATION_REASON Use RGB background calibration IDS_RECO_USERGBCALIBRATION You are stacking grayscale images and they may have slightly different background values IDS_RECO_PERCHANNELCALIBRATIONGRAY_REASON