>installer.exe -d IFW Version: 4.8.1, built with Qt 6.7.1. Build date: May 29 2024 Installer Framework SHA1: 3fdbd6a0fc3f09a6b72eef57fd10c4baa1c0b4f2 [0] Arguments: installer.exe, -d [3] Operations sanity check succeeded. [8] Using metadata cache from "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/cache\\qt-installer-framework\\3deb88fd-c8fc-3bf0-9a89-0f67366893c7" [8] Found 0 cached items. [9] Language: en-GB [96] Loaded control script ":/metadata/installer-config/controller_js.js" [96] Using control script: ":/metadata/installer-config/controller_js.js" [2961] Fetching latest update information... [2966] Downloading 1 items to cache. [2967] Retrieving information from remote repositories... [3891] Retrieving meta information from remote repository... [4432] Extracting meta information... [4474] Updating local cache with 1 new items... [4492] Loading component scripts... [4493] Starting elevated process "C:\\Users\\User\\Downloads\\installer.exe" with arguments " --start-server PRODUCTION,{80ffe5a2-427e-4a7a-9cf8-8ff24b1069df},{0d502347-6e3f-4617-9aa3-1c688db5455e}" [22638] Finished starting elevated process. [144663] Selected components without dependencies: com.company.product [144675] Installation space required: "150.58 MB" Temporary space required: "59.14 MB" Local repository size: "0.00 bytes" [144720] Cache and install directories are on the same volume. Volume mount point: "C:\\" Free space available: "26.19 GB" [175300] backup operation: Mkdir [175300] - arguments: C:/Program Files/InstallLocation [175307] Done [175308] perform operation: Mkdir [175308] - arguments: C:/Program Files/InstallLocation [175312] Done [175315] Preparing the installation... [175316] Install size: 1 components [175317] Downloading packages... [175318] Downloading archive "0.0.65103generic.7z.sha1" for component The root component. [175337] Warning: Failed to open file "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/cache/qt-installer-framework/3deb88fd-c8fc-3bf0-9a89-0f67366893c7/527bef3ad2859a5c9fa4a52e2b88f196fcc431d7/com.company.product/0.0.65103generic.7z.sha1": "Unknown error". Trying again. [175364] Warning: File does not exist. [175372] archiveDownloadError : Download Error : Cannot download archive https://my.server.com/repo/com.company.product/0.0.65103generic.7z: Cannot download https://my.server.com/repo/com.company.product/0.0.65103generic.7z.sha1. Cannot create file [198427] undo operation: Mkdir [198427] - arguments: C:/Program Files/InstallLocation [198496] Done [198497] Installation aborted! [- 1%]