Below you can see the details of your current Qt installation.
Qt version | 4.7.2 |
Qt build | Sun Feb 6 2011, Symbian full-config, Open Source |
Country | UnitedKingdom |
Language | English (en_GB) |
Qt modules | QtBearer QtCore QtDeclarative QtGui QtMultimedia phonon QtNetwork QtOpenGL QtOpenVG QtScript QtSql QtSvg QtTest QtWebKit QtXmlPatterns QtXml QtContacts QtFeedback QtGallery QtLocation QtMultimediaKit QtSensors QtServiceFramework QtSystemInfo QtOrganizer QtPublishSubscribe QtVersitOrganizer QtVersit |
OS / Firmware | 5.2 / 013.005 |
Screen (0) | 360x640, 32b |
Library path | C:/Private/e4b20d40 |
Plugin path | \resource\qt\plugins |
Import path | \resource\qt\imports |
Image formats | bmp, gif, ico, jpeg, jpg, mng, pbm, pgm, png, ppm, svg, svgz, tif, tiff, xbm, xpm |
Version | 1.1.2 |
Hardware features | Bluetooth, Camera, FM Radio, Memory card, USB, Vibra, WiFi, SIM, GPS, Haptics |
Sensors | QTapSensor, QOrientationSensor, QMagnetometer, QAmbientLightSensor, QAccelerometer, QProximitySensor, QCompass, QRotationSensor |
Qt Quick version | 1.0 |
Qt Quick plugins | Qt.labs.folderlistmodel Qt.labs.gestures Qt.labs.particles QtMobility.contacts QtMobility.location QtMobility.messaging QtMobility.organizer QtMobility.publishsubscribe QtMobility.sensors QtMobility.serviceframework QtMobility.systeminfo QtMultimediaKit |
Qt Components | |
Qt Quick import path | C:/Private/e4b20d40 E:/resource/qt/imports C:/resource/qt/imports |
Input devices | default |
Output devices | default |
Supported codecs |
Containers (Primary camera) | video/3gpp2, video/mp4, video/3gpp |
Containers (Secondary camera) | video/3gpp2, video/mp4, video/3gpp |
OpenGL support | YES |
OpenGL version | OpenGL ES 2.0 |
WebKit version | 534.3 |
SSL support | YES |
loop4 | - |
Drivers | QSQLITE |
Installed fonts | Nokia Sans S60, Nokia Sans TitleSmBd S60, Series 60 Korean, Series 60 ZDigi |
Writing systems | Latin (AaÃáZz), Greek (????), Cyrillic (????), Hebrew (????), Arabic (????), Devanagari (????), Thai (????), Korean (????), Vietnamese (????) |
Standard sizes | 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72 |