sStarte Debugger 'CdbEngine' für ABI 'x86-windows-msvc2008-pe-32bit'... dStart parameters: 'simple_test_app' mode: 1 dABI: x86-windows-msvc2008-pe-32bit dExecutable: C:\Users\rob\Git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple-build-desktop-Qt_4_7_4__4_7_4__Debug\debug\simple_test_app.exe dDirectory: C:\Users\rob\Git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple-build-desktop-Qt_4_7_4__4_7_4__Debug dDebugger: C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x64)\cdb.exe dProject: C:\Users\rob\Git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple (built: C:\Users\rob\Git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple-build-desktop-Qt_4_7_4__4_7_4__Debug) dQt: C:\Qt\4.7.4 dQML server: dSysroot: dDebug Source Loaction: dSymbol file: dDumper libraries: C:\Qt\4.7.4\qtc-debugging-helper\ C:\Apps\Creator-2.4\qtc-debugging-helper\128627476\ C:\Users\rob\AppData\Local\Nokia\QtCreator\qtc-debugging-helper\128627476\ d dDebugger settings: dUseAlternatingRowColours: false (default: false) dFontSizeFollowsEditor: false (default: false) dUseMessageBoxForSignals: true (default: true) dAutoQuit: false (default: false) dLogTimeStamps: false (default: false) dVerboseLog: true (default: false) *** dCloseBuffersOnExit: false (default: false) dSwitchModeOnExit: false (default: false) dUseDebuggingHelper: true (default: true) dUseCodeModel: true (default: true) dShowThreadNames: false (default: false) dUseToolTips: false (default: false) dUseToolTipsInLocalsView: false (default: false) dUseToolTipsInBreakpointsView: false (default: false) dUseAddressInBreakpointsView: false (default: false) dUseAddressInStackView: false (default: false) dRegisterForPostMortem: true (default: false) *** dLoadGdbInit: true (default: true) dScriptFile: (default: ) dWatchdogTimeout: 20 (default: 20) dAutoEnrichParameters: false (default: false) dTargetAsync: false (default: false) dMaximalStackDepth: 20 (default: 20) dAlwaysAdjustStackColumnWidths: false (default: false) dShowStandardNamespace: true (default: true) dShowQtNamespace: true (default: true) dSortStructMembers: true (default: true) dAutoDerefPointers: true (default: true) dAlwaysAdjustLocalsColumnWidths: false (default: false) dListSourceFiles: false (default: false) dSkipKnownFrames: false (default: false) dEnableReverseDebugging: false (default: false) dAllPluginBreakpoints: true (default: true) dSelectedPluginBreakpoints: false (default: false) dAdjustBreakpointLocations: true (default: true) dAlwaysAdjustBreakpointsColumnWidths: false (default: false) dNoPluginBreakpoints: false (default: false) dSelectedPluginBreakpointsPattern: .* (default: .*) dBreakOnThrow: false (default: false) dBreakOnCatch: false (default: false) dBreakOnWarning: false (default: false) dBreakOnFatal: false (default: false) dAlwaysAdjustRegistersColumnWidths: false (default: false) dAlwaysAdjustSnapshotsColumnWidths: false (default: false) dAlwaysAdjustThreadsColumnWidths: false (default: false) dAlwaysAdjustModulesColumnWidths: false (default: false) dState changed from DebuggerNotReady(0) to EngineSetupRequested(1). dQUEUE: SETUP ENGINE dCALL: SETUP ENGINE Launching C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x64)\cdb.exe -aqtcreatorcdbext.dll -lines -G -c .idle_cmd !qtcreatorcdbext.idle -y symsrv*symsrv.dll*C:\Users\rob\AppData\Local\Temp\symbolcache* C:\Users\rob\Git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple-build-desktop-Qt_4_7_4__4_7_4__Debug\debug\simple_test_app.exe using C:\Apps\Creator-2.4\lib\qtcreatorcdbext64\qtcreatorcdbext.dll of 11.10.2011 16:53:26. C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x64)\cdb.exe running as 2484 Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.11.0001.404 AMD64 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. CommandLine: C:\Users\rob\Git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple-build-desktop-Qt_4_7_4__4_7_4__Debug\debug\simple_test_app.exe Symbol search path is: symsrv*symsrv.dll*C:\Users\rob\AppData\Local\Temp\symbolcache* Executable search path is: ModLoad: 00000000`00400000 00000000`004c4000 simple_test_app.exe ModLoad: 00000000`77650000 00000000`777d6000 ntdll.dll ModLoad: 00000000`77810000 00000000`77970000 ntdll32.dll ModLoad: 00000000`752b0000 00000000`752f5000 C:\Windows\system32\wow64.dll ModLoad: 00000000`74c60000 00000000`74cae000 C:\Windows\system32\wow64win.dll ModLoad: 00000000`75310000 00000000`75319000 C:\Windows\system32\wow64cpu.dll (cfc.e4): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance) ntdll!DbgBreakPoint: 00000000`77695f00 cc int 3 cdb: Reading initial command '.idle_cmd !qtcreatorcdbext.idle' Execute when idle: !qtcreatorcdbext.idle 0:000> s sException at 0x75fec83b, code: 0x406d1388: Startup complete, flags=0x0 in kernel32!RaiseException std::cout @@ 1 std::cout @@ 2 std::cout @@ 3 std::cout (cfc.e4): C++ EH exception - code e06d7363 (first chance) s sException at 0x75fec83b, code: 0xe06d7363: C++ exception, flags=0x1 (execution cannot be continued) at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:452 Exception at 0x75fec83b, code: 0xe06d7363: C++ exception, flags=0x1 (execution cannot be continued) at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:452 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40a053, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:406 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40a12a, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:421 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40a230, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:435 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40f004, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1630 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40f114, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1643 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40f1a4, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1652 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40f2a4, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1661 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40f3a1, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1684 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40f4c9, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1703 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40f599, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1715 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40f674, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1738 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40f7b0, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1753 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40f8ca, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1764 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40f9e8, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1776 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40fa86, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1789 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40fbcf, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1802 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x4125c8, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2459 ModLoad: 003d0000 003da000 C:\Users\rob\Git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple-build-desktop-Qt_4_7_4__4_7_4__Debug\debug\simple_test_plugin.dll library resolve: 0x3d1005 "C:/Users/rob/Git/creator-2.4/tests/manual/debugger/simple-build-desktop-Qt_4_7_4__4_7_4__Debug/debug/simple_test_plugin.dll" (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40b534, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:700 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40b560, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:703 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40b5c4, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:710 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40b67e, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:714 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40b6e4, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:721 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40b720, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:725 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40b784, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:732 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40b7c6, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:736 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40b834, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:743 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40b873, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:747 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40b8d4, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:754 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40b925, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:758 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40b997, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:765 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40ba4f, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:770 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40bab4, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:777 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40bafc, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:780 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40bb83, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:784 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40bcaa, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:797 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x410772, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1898 "HiDu" (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x410923, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1921 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x410620, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1882 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x41057d, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1869 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x4109c4, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1940 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x41414b, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:3094 s sException at 0x75fec83b, code: 0x406d1388: Startup complete, flags=0x0 in kernel32!RaiseException s sException at 0x75fec83b, code: 0x406d1388: Startup complete, flags=0x0 in kernel32!RaiseException s sException at 0x75fec83b, code: 0x406d1388: Startup complete, flags=0x0 in kernel32!RaiseException s sException at 0x75fec83b, code: 0x406d1388: Startup complete, flags=0x0 in kernel32!RaiseException s sException at 0x75fec83b, code: 0x406d1388: Startup complete, flags=0x0 in kernel32!RaiseException s sException at 0x75fec83b, code: 0x406d1388: Startup complete, flags=0x0 in kernel32!RaiseException s sException at 0x75fec83b, code: 0x406d1388: Startup complete, flags=0x0 in kernel32!RaiseException s sException at 0x75fec83b, code: 0x406d1388: Startup complete, flags=0x0 in kernel32!RaiseException s sException at 0x75fec83b, code: 0x406d1388: Startup complete, flags=0x0 in kernel32!RaiseException s sException at 0x75fec83b, code: 0x406d1388: Startup complete, flags=0x0 in kernel32!RaiseException s sException at 0x75fec83b, code: 0x406d1388: Startup complete, flags=0x0 in kernel32!RaiseException s sException at 0x75fec83b, code: 0x406d1388: Startup complete, flags=0x0 in kernel32!RaiseException s sException at 0x75fec83b, code: 0x406d1388: Startup complete, flags=0x0 in kernel32!RaiseException (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x410f01, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2072 s sException at 0x75fec83b, code: 0x406d1388: Startup complete, flags=0x0 in kernel32!RaiseException (cfc.1220): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x41a764, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2052 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x411036, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2095 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x4110a5, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2103 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x411245, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2145 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x4114ed, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2162 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x411667, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2180 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x41174f, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2192 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x41178f, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2195 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x411807, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2202 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x41196c, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2209 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x4119d7, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2216 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x411c65, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2223 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x411d09, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2248 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x411e24, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2268 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x4120a4, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2294 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x4121b4, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2309 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x41224a, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:2321 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x4148c8, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:3286 3 4 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x41519b, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:3623 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x414b92, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:3455 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x414b37, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:3432 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x4150f2, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:3608 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x414d03, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:3546 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x414d03, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:3546 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x41c269, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:211 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x41c309, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:211 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x41c3a9, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:211 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x41c439, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:211 Test (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x414911, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:3337 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x414930, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:3353 7 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x414c2a, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:3508 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x414df7, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:3583 (cfc.e4): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x40d4c9, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 at c:\users\rob\git\creator-2.4\tests\manual\debugger\simple\simple_test_app.cpp:1300 ModLoad: 715e0000 71665000 C:\Windows\WinSxS\\comctl32.dll sProcess exited (0) CDB wurde beendet (Rückgabewert: 0) dNOTE: ENGINE SPONTANEOUS SHUTDOWN dState changed BY FORCE from InferiorRunOk(11) to EngineShutdownOk(22). dState changed from EngineShutdownOk(22) to DebuggerFinished(23). dQUEUE: FINISH DEBUGGER dNOTE: FINISH DEBUGGER dHANDLE RUNCONTROL FINISHED sDebuggen beendet.