1) "Place Definition" section: The place details consists... should be "consist" 2) "Matching places between managers" section : using americanised version of "favorite". " selected favorites from the first. During a search of the origin manager we may want to know which ones have been 'favorited' into the destination manager and perhaps display a customized favorite name... " Would suggest to follow one style. Other pages use U.K. English version of the word, for example, we have "favourites" in qtlocation-module.html. 3) "Matching places between managers" section: attriubute. Should be "attribute" 4) "Data classes" section: "Represents a individual user" Should be "... an individual ..." 5) "Request classes" section: "Used to find places from one manager that match those from another." should not it be "...that matches..."? 6) "Geocoding -- address to coordinate and vice versa" section: "may be set to either an Address element, or a string containing". Suggesting to remove the comma. 7) "Positioning QML Elements" section: "The BoundingArea element represent an abstract geographic area." should be "...represents..." 8) "Maps and Navigation Classes" section: "Interface and convenience methods to implementors of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provides support for displaying and interacting with maps". Should be "...provides..." 9) "Places" section: "The specific capabiliies are outlined below". Should be "capabilities" 10) "Capabilities" section: "favorites matching/(usable as favoritesPlugin)". The same as 2) 11) "Copying icons without a specified destination" section; "In this case a data URL will be created for the icon in the underlying database." Suggesting to add comma: "In this case, a dAlso note that the finished signals should always be emitted when a reply is complete, even if an error has been encountredata URL will be created for the icon in the underlying database." 12) favorites matching/(usable as favoritesPlugin). The same as 2) 13) "GeoService Classes" section: "Interface and convenience methods to implementors of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provides support for displaying and interacting with maps". Should be "...provide..." 14) "Overview" setion: "The reply objects are reponsible for managing an asynchronous...". Should be "...responsible..." 15) "Implementing/Inheriting reply objects" section: "Also note that the finished signals should always be emitted when a reply is complete, even if an error has been encountred...". Should be "...encountered..." 16) "Cross-referencing places between managers" section: "while another second r/w manager (destnation manager) ...". Should be "destination" 17) "Cross-referencing places between managers" section: The same as 2) 18) "Alternative Id cross-referencing" section: see 2) 19) "Alternative Id cross-referencing" section: "we cannot know the provider names before hand..." Should not it be "beforehand"? 20) "Alternative Id cross-referencing" section: "If an attribute is not intended to be readble by end users". Should be "readable" 21) "Signals" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals" 22) "Member Type Documentation" section: "flags QGeoPositionInfoSource::PositioningMethods". Should not it be "flag"? 23) "void QGeoPositionInfoSource::setPreferredPositioningMethods" section: "If methods includes a method that is not supported by the source, the unsupported method will be ignored." Should be "if methods include..." 24) "Signals" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals". 25) "Signals" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals". 26) "Detailed Description" section: "Clears the all the address' data fields." Not sure is the phrase correctly constructed or not. 27) "void QGeoBoundingBox::setHeight(doubledegreesHeight)" section: "This changes is done such that the center ...". Should be "this change". 28) "Signals" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals". 29) "Detailed Description" section: "A place is a point of interest, it could be a favorite restaurant" - the same as 2) 30) "Detailed Description" section: "he place details consists of properties of the plac...". Should be "consist". 31) "QtLocation::Visibility QPlace::visibility()" section: "... the backend chooses an appropriate default visibilty to use when saving.". Should be "visibility" 32) "Attribute Types" section: "This class of attributes are alternative ids of the place...". Should be 'is alternative". 33) "const QString QPlaceAttribute::OpeningHours" section: "The constant to specify an opening hours attribute." Should be "specify opening hours" 34) "void QPlaceContactDetail::setValue" section: "Sets the value of the this contact detail." Should be "of this contact". 35) "Member Type Documentation" section: "The Collection is intended to be a container where content items, that have been retrieved as pages, can be stored." Suggesting to remove commas. 36) "Member Function Documentation" section: "Constructs an new editorial object." Should be "...a new..." 37) " "Detailed Description" section: "The precise keys one needs to use depend..." Should not it be "The precise key..."? 38) "QString QPlaceReview::text()" section: "Depending on the provider the text could be rich(HTML based) or plain text." Missing space between "rich" and "(HTML based)". 39) "Detailed Description" section: "...the place such as the distance from the search center of a search request(if it had one)." Missing space between "request" and "(if it had one)". 40) "QPlaceSearchResult::QPlaceSearchResult()" section: "Constructs an new search result.". Should be "a new"an new. 41) "Detailed Description" section: "The QPlaceUser class represents a individual user.". Should be "an individual".a individual 42) "Member Function Documentation" section: "Constructs an new request object.". Should be "an newa new". 43) at the beggining: "The QPlaceMatchRequest class is used to find places from one manager that match those from another." Should be "that matches" 44) "QPlaceMatchRequest::QPlaceMatchRequest() section: "Constructs an new request object.". Should be "an newa new". 45) "void QPlaceSearchRequest::setVisibilityScope" section: "Sets the visibiliy scope used when searching for places." Sets the visibiliy scope used when searching for placesShould be "visibility". 46) "Additional Inherited Members" section: "2 signal inherited from QPlaceReply". Should be "signals" 47) "Additional Inherited Members" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals" 48) "Additional Inherited Members" section: "2 signal inherited from QPlaceReply". Should be "signals" 49) "Additional Inherited Members" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals" 50) "Additional Inherited Members" section: "2 signal inherited from QPlaceReply". Should be "signals" 51) "Additional Inherited Members" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals" 52) "Additional Inherited Members" section: "2 signal inherited from QPlaceReply". Should be "signals" 53) "Additional Inherited Members" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals" 54) "Additional Inherited Members" section: "2 signal inherited from QPlaceReply". Should be "signals" 55) "Additional Inherited Members" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals" 56) "Signals" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals" 57) "Detailed Description" section: "Using set of parameters such as a seach term and search area, relevant places can be returned to the user." Should be "search". 58) "void QPlaceManager::categoryRemoved" section: "This signal is emitted when the category correspoinding to ...". Should be "corresponding". 59) "Signals" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals" 60) "void QPlaceManagerEngine::categoryRemoved" section: "This signal is emitted when the category correspoinding to...". Should be "corresponding". 61) "QPlaceContentReply * QPlaceManagerEngine::getPlaceContent" section: "Retrieves content for the place correspoinding to placeId, according...". Should be "corresponding". 62) "QPlaceDetailsReply * QPlaceManagerEngine::getPlaceDetails" section: "Retrieves a details of place corresponding to the given placeId". Should be "Retrieves details". 63) "Property Documentation" section: "The plugin has notfication mechanisms for when places/categories are added/modified/removed (0x100).". Should be "notification". 64) "Map Objects" section: "To add objects programatically, first be...". Should be "programmatically".programmatically 65) "Map::addMapItem(MapItem)" section: "Note: MapItemViews can not be added with this method". Should be "cannot". 66) at the beggining: "The BoundingArea element represent an abstract geographic area.". Should be "represents". 67) "Detailed Description" section: "When a GeocodeModel returns the list of locations found for a given query, it represents these as Locatio elements." Should be "Location elements". 68) "Detailed Description" section: "Position element, which contains all the standard parameters typically available from GPS and other similar sytems...". Should be "systems". 69) at the end: "The MapPinch will not react until two touch points have initited a gesture...". Should be "initiated". 70) at the end: "This read-only property holds whether this the waypoint associated with this maneuver is valid." Should be "whether this waypoint" 71) "Property Documentation" section: "The category is currently being saved, no other operations may be perfomed until the current operation completes.". Should be "performed". 72) "Detailed Description" section: "The editorial's textual description of the place. It can be either rich(HTML based) text or plain text depending upon the provider.". Missing space between "rich" and "(HTML based)". 73) "Detailed Description" section: "An alterantive id which identifies the place from the persective of the specified provider." Should be "alternative", "perspective". 74) "Detailed Description" section: "The precise keys to use depends on the plugin backend being used." Should be "depend". 75) "Property Documentation" section: "The property holds plugin the that is reponsible for managing this icon.". Should be "plugin that", "responsible". 76) "Detailed Description" section: "Constrasted with Location, Address, and Coordinate elements which...". Should be "Constructed" 77) "Detailed Description" section: "...which will be set to Place.Fetching when the details are being fetched." Missing space between "Place." and "Fetching". 78) "Detailed Description" section: "Convienence properties for obtaining the primary phone, fax, email and website are also available.". Should be "Convenience". 79) "Detailed Description" section: "Each place is is assigned zero or more categories". Should be "place is assigned". 80) "Saving a place" section: "The status property will change to Place.Saving and then to Place.". Missing space between "Place." and "Saving". 81) "Removing a place" section: "The status property will change to Place.Removing...". Missing space between "Place." and "Removing". 82) "Removing a place" section: "TReady if the save was successful or to Place.Error...". Missing space between "Place." and "ErrorError". 83) "Removing a place" section: "Removing and then to Place.Ready ...". Missing space between "Place." and "Ready". 84) "Favorites" section: "source of places(origin plugin) and a second...". Missing space between "places" and "(origin plugin)". 85) "Favorites" section: the same as 2) 86) "placeId : string" section: "The place id is not guarinteed to be universally unique..." Should be "guaranteed".guaranteed 87) "status : enumeration" section: "The place is currently being saved, no other operations may be perfomed until complete.". Should be "performed". 88) "void Place::getDetails()" section: "This methods starts fetching place details.". Should be "method". 89) "void Place::getDetails()" section: "The status property will change to Place.Fetching ". Missing space between "Place." and "Fetching". 90) "void Place::getDetails()" section: "On success the element properties will be updated, status will be set to Place.Ready... ". Missing space between "Place." and "Ready". 91) "void Place::getDetails()" section: "On error status will be set to Place.Error.". Missing space between "Place." and "Error". 92) "void Place::remove()" section: "The status property will change to Place.Removing...". Missing space between "Place." and "Removing". 93) "void Place::remove()" section: "On success status will be set to Place.Ready...". Missing space between "Place." and "Ready". 94) "void Place::remove()" section: "On error status will be set to Place.Error...". Missing space between "Place." and "Error". 95) "void Place::save()" section: "The status property will change to Place.Saving ...". Missing space between "Place." and "Saving". 96) "void Place::save()" section: "On success the placeId property will be updated and status will be set to Place.Ready...". Missing space between "Place." and "Ready". 97) "void Place::save()" section: "On error status will be set to Place.Error...". Missing space between "Place." and "Error". 98) "Detailed Description" section: "PlaceRecommendationModel provides a model of place recommendation results within the searchArea, that are similar to the place identified by the placeId property.". Suggesting to remove comma before "that". 99) "Property Documentation" section: "This properties holds the number of results the model has.". Should be "property". 100) "Property Documentation" section: the same as 2) 101) "count : string" section: "This properties holds the number of results the model has.". Should be "property". 102) "favoritesMatchParameters : VariantMap" section: the same as 2) 103) "Detailed Description" section: "It can be either rich(HTML based) text or plain text depending on the provider.". Missing space between rich" and "(HTML based)". 104) "Detailed Description section: "Supplier cointains many properties holding data of the supplier...". Should be "contains". 105) "Signals" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals" 106) "Detailed Description" section: "plugins who want to provides support for displaying and interacting with maps.". Should be "provideplugins who want to provides support for displaying and interacting with maps." 107) "void QGeoMappingManagerEngine::setLocale" section: "Sets the locale to be used by the this manager to locale.". Should be "by this manager". 108) "Signals" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals" 109) "Detailed Description section: "If the capabilities of an engine differ from the default values these functions should be used so that the reported capabilies are accurate.". Should be "capabilities". 110) "void QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::setLocale" section: "Sets the locale to be used by the this manager to locale.". Should be "by this manager". 111) "QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::setSupportedFeatureWeights" section: "If this function is not used the engine will report that it supports no feaure weights at all.". Should be "feature". 112) "QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::setSupportedManeuverDetails" section: "Sets the levels of detail for navigation manuevers which can...". Should be "maneuvers". 113) "Signals" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals" 114) "Member Type Documentation" section: "The response from the service provider was in an unrecognizable format. supported by the service provider." Extra point between "format" adn " supported". 115) "Signals" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals" 116) "QGeocodeReply * QGeocodingManagerEngine::geocode(const QGeoAddress &address, QGeoBoundingArea *bounds) [virtual]" section: "These object represent a combination of coordinate and address data.". Should be "This".These object represent a combination of coordinate and address data. 117) "QGeocodeReply * QGeocodingManagerEngine::geocode(const QString &address, intlimit, intoffset, QGeoBoundingArea *bounds) [virtual]" section: "These object represent a combination of coordinate and address data.". Should be "This".These object represent a combination of coordinate and address data. 118) "QGeocodeReply * QGeocodingManagerEngine::reverseGeocode(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate, QGeoBoundingArea *bounds) [virtual]" section: "These object represent a combination of coordinate and address data.". Should be "This". 119) "void QGeocodingManagerEngine::setLocale(const QLocale &locale)" sections: "Sets the locale to be used by the this manager to locale.". Should be "by this manager". 120) "Signals" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals" 121) "void QGeoRouteReply::setError" section: "This wil also cause error() and finished() signals to be emitted, in that order.". Should be "will".This wil also cause error() and finished() signals to be emitted, in that order. 122) "Detailed Description" section: "A QGeoRouteSegment instance has information about the physcial layout of the route segment...". Should be "physical". 123) "Signals" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals" 124) "void QGeoRoutingManager::setLocale" section: "Sets the locale to be used by the this manager to locale". Should be "by this manager". 125) "Signals" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals" 126) "Signals" section: "2 signal inherited from QObject". Should be "signals" 127) "QGeocodeReply * QGeocodingManager::geocode(const QGeoAddress &address, QGeoBoundingArea *bounds = 0)" section: "These object represent a ...". Should be "This" 128) "QGeocodeReply * QGeocodingManager::geocode(const QGeoAddress &address, QGeoBoundingArea *bounds = 0)" section: "If bounds is non-null and valid QGeoBoundingArea it will be used to limit the results to thos that are contained within bounds. ". Should be "those" 129) "QGeocodeReply * QGeocodingManager::geocode(const QString &address, intlimit = -1, intoffset = 0, QGeoBoundingArea *bounds = 0)" section: "These object represent a ...". Should be "This" 130) "QGeocodeReply * QGeocodingManager::geocode(const QString &address, intlimit = -1, intoffset = 0, QGeoBoundingArea *bounds = 0)" section: ""If bounds is non-null and valid QGeoBoundingArea it will be used to limit the results to thos that are contained within bounds. ". Should be "those" 131) "QGeocodeReply * QGeocodingManager::reverseGeocode(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate, QGeoBoundingArea *bounds = 0)" section: "These object represent a ...". Should be "This" 132) "QGeocodeReply * QGeocodingManager::reverseGeocode(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate, QGeoBoundingArea *bounds = 0)" section: ""If bounds is non-null and valid QGeoBoundingArea it will be used to limit the results to thos that are contained within bounds. ". Should be "those" 133) "void QGeocodingManager::setLocale(const QLocale &locale)" section: "Sets the locale to be used by the this manager to locale.". Should be "by this manager"."by this manager".