1) "Places" section: rate with platform sources of a user's favourites. We should use american version "favorites" which is used across all other documentation. 2) "void QGeoBoundingBox::setHeight(doubledegreesHeight)" section: "This changes is done such that the center coordinate is still at the center of the bounding box, which may result in a bounding box with a smaller height than might otherwise be expected." 1) Should be "These changes are done. Please consider rephrasing. 3) "Attribute Types" section: "This class of attributes are alternative ids of the place...". Should be 'is alternative". Please consider rephrasing. 4) "QPlaceSearchResult::QPlaceSearchResult()" section: "Constructs an new search result.". Should be "a new" 5) "Member Function Documentation" section: "Constructs an new request object.". Should be "a new". 6) "QPlaceMatchRequest::QPlaceMatchRequest() section: "Constructs an new request object.". Should be "a new". 7) "void QPlaceSearchRequest::setVisibilityScope" section: "Sets the visibiliy scope used when searching for places." Sets the visibiliy scope used when searching for placesShould be "visibility". 8) "Detailed Description" section: "Using set of parameters such as a seach term and search area, relevant places can be returned to the user." Should be "search". 9) "Map::addMapItem(MapItem)" section: "Note: MapItemViews can not be added with this method". Should be "cannot". 10) at the end: "This read-only property holds whether this the waypoint associated with this maneuver is valid." Should be "This read-only property holds whether this, the waypoint associated with this maneuver, is valid." Please consider rephrasing. 11) "Favorites" section: "source of places(origin plugin) and a second...". Missing space between "places" and "(origin plugin)". 12) "placeId : string" section: "The place id is not guarinteed to be universally unique..." Should be "guaranteed".guaranteed 13) "status : enumeration" section: "The place is currently being saved, no other operations may be perfomed until complete.". Should be "performed". 14) "void Place::getDetails()" section: "This methods starts fetching place details.". Should be "method". 15) "Property Documentation" section: "This properties holds the number of results the model has.". Should be "property". 16) "count : string" section: "This properties holds the number of results the model has.". Should be "property". 17) "void QGeoMappingManagerEngine::setLocale" section: "Sets the locale to be used by the this manager to locale.". Should be "by this manager". 18) "Member Type Documentation" section: "The response from the service provider was in an unrecognizable format. supported by the service provider." Extra point between "format" adn " supported".