qqmltypecompiler.cpp C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\INCLUDE\xutility(315) : error C2664: 'bool (const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *,quint32)' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *const ' to 'quint32' There is no context in which this conversion is possible C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\INCLUDE\algorithm(2300) : see reference to function template instantiation 'bool std::_Debug_lt_pred(_Pr,const _Ty1 &,const _Ty2 &,const wchar_t *,unsigned int)' being compiled with [ T=const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *, _Ty=quint32, _Pr=bool (__cdecl *)(const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *,quint32), _Ty1=const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *, _Ty2=quint32 ] C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\INCLUDE\algorithm(2314) : see reference to function template instantiation '_FwdIt std::_Lower_bound::difference_type,bool(__cdecl *)(const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *,quint32)>(_FwdIt,_FwdIt,const _Ty &,_Pr,_Diff *)' being compiled with [ _FwdIt=const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *const *, _Ty=quint32, _Iter=const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *const *, _Pr=bool (__cdecl *)(const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *,quint32), _Diff=std::iterator_traits::difference_type ] compiler\qqmltypecompiler.cpp(1813) : see reference to function template instantiation '_FwdIt std::lower_bound(_FwdIt,_FwdIt,const _Ty &,_Pr)' being compiled with [ _FwdIt=const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *const *, _Ty=quint32, _Pr=bool (__cdecl *)(const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *,quint32) ]