qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize -1, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize -1, samples -1, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) qt.qpa.gl: Invalid value set for QT_OPENGL : "" qt.qpa.gl: Basic wglCreateContext gives version 4.0 qt.qpa.gl: OpenGL 2.0 entry points available qt.qpa.gl: GPU features: QSet() qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsOpenGLTester::supportedRenderers GpuDescription(vendorId=0x8086, deviceId=0x152, subSysId=0x11d71734, revision=9, driver: "igdumd32.dll", version=, "Intel(R) HD Graphics") renderer: QFlags(0x1|0x2|0x4|0x8|0x20) qt.qpa.gl: Qt: Using WGL and OpenGL from "opengl32.dll" qt.qpa.gl: QOpenGLStaticContext::create OpenGL: "Intel","Intel(R) HD Graphics 2500" default ContextFormat: v4.0 profile: 2 options: QFlags(0x4),SampleBuffers, Extension-API present Extensions: 130 qt.qpa.gl: "ARB::choosePixelFormat Attributes: 0x2003 , 0x2027 , 0x2010 , 0x1 , 0x2001 , 0x1 , 0x2014 , 0x18 , 0x2011 , 0x1 , 0x2013 , 0x202b , 0x201b , 0x8 , 0x2023 , 0x8 , 0x2041 , 0x0 , \n obtained px # 4 of 1 \n PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 " qt.qpa.gl: ARB::createContext Creating context version 2 . 0 3 attributes qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsGLContext::QWindowsGLContext 0x542f80 ARB requested: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize -1, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize -1, samples -1, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) obtained # 4 ARB QSurfaceFormat(version 4.0, options QFlags(0x4), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 2, swapInterval 1, profile 2) PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 swap interval: 1 default: ContextFormat: v4.0 profile: 2 options: QFlags(0x4) HGLRC= 0x30000 qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve TLSv1_1_client_method qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve TLSv1_2_client_method qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve TLSv1_1_server_method qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve TLSv1_2_server_method qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSL_select_next_proto qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSL_get0_next_proto_negotiated [0926/163134:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(720)] Failed to load D:\Develop\Qt\Examples\Qt-5.7\webenginewidgets\build-demobrowser-Desktop_Qt_5_7_0_MSVC2013_32bit-Release\release\resources\qtwebengine_devtools_resources.pak Some features may not be available. qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize -1, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize -1, samples -1, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) qt.qpa.gl: "ARB::choosePixelFormat Attributes: 0x2003 , 0x2027 , 0x2010 , 0x1 , 0x2001 , 0x1 , 0x2014 , 0x18 , 0x2011 , 0x1 , 0x2013 , 0x202b , 0x201b , 0x8 , 0x2023 , 0x8 , 0x2041 , 0x0 , \n obtained px # 4 of 1 \n PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 " qt.qpa.gl: ARB::createContext Creating context version 2 . 0 3 attributes qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsGLContext::QWindowsGLContext 0x905f510 ARB requested: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize -1, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize -1, samples -1, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) obtained # 4 ARB QSurfaceFormat(version 4.0, options QFlags(0x4), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 2, swapInterval 1, profile 2) PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 swap interval: 1 default: ContextFormat: v4.0 profile: 2 options: QFlags(0x4) HGLRC= 0x20001 qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) qt.qpa.gl: "ARB::choosePixelFormat Attributes: 0x2003 , 0x2027 , 0x2010 , 0x1 , 0x2001 , 0x1 , 0x2014 , 0x18 , 0x2011 , 0x1 , 0x2022 , 0x18 , 0x2013 , 0x202b , 0x201b , 0x8 , 0x2023 , 0x8 , 0x2041 , 0x0 , \n obtained px # 4 of 1 \n PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 " qt.qpa.gl: ARB::createContext Creating context version 2 . 0 3 attributes qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsGLContext::QWindowsGLContext 0x905f580 ARB requested: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) obtained # 4 ARB QSurfaceFormat(version 4.0, options QFlags(0x4), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 2, swapInterval 1, profile 2) PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 swap interval: 1 default: ContextFormat: v4.0 profile: 2 options: QFlags(0x4) HGLRC= 0x10002 js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) qt.qpa.gl: "ARB::choosePixelFormat Attributes: 0x2003 , 0x2027 , 0x2010 , 0x1 , 0x2001 , 0x1 , 0x2014 , 0x18 , 0x2011 , 0x1 , 0x2022 , 0x18 , 0x2013 , 0x202b , 0x201b , 0x8 , 0x2023 , 0x8 , 0x2041 , 0x0 , \n obtained px # 4 of 1 \n PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 " qt.qpa.gl: ARB::createContext Creating context version 2 . 0 3 attributes qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsGLContext::QWindowsGLContext 0x16a24450 ARB requested: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) obtained # 4 ARB QSurfaceFormat(version 4.0, options QFlags(0x4), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 2, swapInterval 1, profile 2) PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 swap interval: 1 default: ContextFormat: v4.0 profile: 2 options: QFlags(0x4) HGLRC= 0x10005 js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) qt.qpa.gl: "ARB::choosePixelFormat Attributes: 0x2003 , 0x2027 , 0x2010 , 0x1 , 0x2001 , 0x1 , 0x2014 , 0x18 , 0x2011 , 0x1 , 0x2022 , 0x18 , 0x2013 , 0x202b , 0x201b , 0x8 , 0x2023 , 0x8 , 0x2041 , 0x0 , \n obtained px # 4 of 1 \n PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 " qt.qpa.gl: ARB::createContext Creating context version 2 . 0 3 attributes qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsGLContext::QWindowsGLContext 0x1ce97e88 ARB requested: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) obtained # 4 ARB QSurfaceFormat(version 4.0, options QFlags(0x4), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 2, swapInterval 1, profile 2) PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 swap interval: 1 default: ContextFormat: v4.0 profile: 2 options: QFlags(0x4) HGLRC= 0x10008 js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) qt.qpa.gl: "ARB::choosePixelFormat Attributes: 0x2003 , 0x2027 , 0x2010 , 0x1 , 0x2001 , 0x1 , 0x2014 , 0x18 , 0x2011 , 0x1 , 0x2022 , 0x18 , 0x2013 , 0x202b , 0x201b , 0x8 , 0x2023 , 0x8 , 0x2041 , 0x0 , \n obtained px # 4 of 1 \n PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 " qt.qpa.gl: ARB::createContext Creating context version 2 . 0 3 attributes qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsGLContext::QWindowsGLContext 0x22612048 ARB requested: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) obtained # 4 ARB QSurfaceFormat(version 4.0, options QFlags(0x4), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 2, swapInterval 1, profile 2) PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 swap interval: 1 default: ContextFormat: v4.0 profile: 2 options: QFlags(0x4) HGLRC= 0x1000b js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) qt.qpa.gl: "ARB::choosePixelFormat Attributes: 0x2003 , 0x2027 , 0x2010 , 0x1 , 0x2001 , 0x1 , 0x2014 , 0x18 , 0x2011 , 0x1 , 0x2022 , 0x18 , 0x2013 , 0x202b , 0x201b , 0x8 , 0x2023 , 0x8 , 0x2041 , 0x0 , \n obtained px # 4 of 1 \n PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 " qt.qpa.gl: ARB::createContext Creating context version 2 . 0 3 attributes qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsGLContext::QWindowsGLContext 0x22d88b98 ARB requested: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) obtained # 4 ARB QSurfaceFormat(version 4.0, options QFlags(0x4), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 2, swapInterval 1, profile 2) PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 swap interval: 1 default: ContextFormat: v4.0 profile: 2 options: QFlags(0x4) HGLRC= 0x1000e js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) qt.qpa.gl: "ARB::choosePixelFormat Attributes: 0x2003 , 0x2027 , 0x2010 , 0x1 , 0x2001 , 0x1 , 0x2014 , 0x18 , 0x2011 , 0x1 , 0x2022 , 0x18 , 0x2013 , 0x202b , 0x201b , 0x8 , 0x2023 , 0x8 , 0x2041 , 0x0 , \n obtained px # 4 of 1 \n PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 " qt.qpa.gl: ARB::createContext Creating context version 2 . 0 3 attributes qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsGLContext::QWindowsGLContext 0x289e9e38 ARB requested: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) obtained # 4 ARB QSurfaceFormat(version 4.0, options QFlags(0x4), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 2, swapInterval 1, profile 2) PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 swap interval: 1 default: ContextFormat: v4.0 profile: 2 options: QFlags(0x4) HGLRC= 0x10011 js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) qt.qpa.gl: "ARB::choosePixelFormat Attributes: 0x2003 , 0x2027 , 0x2010 , 0x1 , 0x2001 , 0x1 , 0x2014 , 0x18 , 0x2011 , 0x1 , 0x2022 , 0x18 , 0x2013 , 0x202b , 0x201b , 0x8 , 0x2023 , 0x8 , 0x2041 , 0x0 , \n obtained px # 4 of 1 \n PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 " qt.qpa.gl: ARB::createContext Creating context version 2 . 0 3 attributes qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsGLContext::QWindowsGLContext 0x2e706b30 ARB requested: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) obtained # 4 ARB QSurfaceFormat(version 4.0, options QFlags(0x4), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 2, swapInterval 1, profile 2) PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 swap interval: 1 default: ContextFormat: v4.0 profile: 2 options: QFlags(0x4) HGLRC= 0x10014 js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) qt.qpa.gl: "ARB::choosePixelFormat Attributes: 0x2003 , 0x2027 , 0x2010 , 0x1 , 0x2001 , 0x1 , 0x2014 , 0x18 , 0x2011 , 0x1 , 0x2022 , 0x18 , 0x2013 , 0x202b , 0x201b , 0x8 , 0x2023 , 0x8 , 0x2041 , 0x0 , \n obtained px # 4 of 1 \n PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 " qt.qpa.gl: ARB::createContext Creating context version 2 . 0 3 attributes qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsGLContext::QWindowsGLContext 0x391802d8 ARB requested: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) obtained # 4 ARB QSurfaceFormat(version 4.0, options QFlags(0x4), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 2, swapInterval 1, profile 2) PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 swap interval: 1 default: ContextFormat: v4.0 profile: 2 options: QFlags(0x4) HGLRC= 0x10017 js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) qt.qpa.gl: "ARB::choosePixelFormat Attributes: 0x2003 , 0x2027 , 0x2010 , 0x1 , 0x2001 , 0x1 , 0x2014 , 0x18 , 0x2011 , 0x1 , 0x2022 , 0x18 , 0x2013 , 0x202b , 0x201b , 0x8 , 0x2023 , 0x8 , 0x2041 , 0x0 , \n obtained px # 4 of 1 \n PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 " qt.qpa.gl: ARB::createContext Creating context version 2 . 0 3 attributes qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsGLContext::QWindowsGLContext 0x39919878 ARB requested: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) obtained # 4 ARB QSurfaceFormat(version 4.0, options QFlags(0x4), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 2, swapInterval 1, profile 2) PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 swap interval: 1 default: ContextFormat: v4.0 profile: 2 options: QFlags(0x4) HGLRC= 0x1001a js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) qt.qpa.gl: "ARB::choosePixelFormat Attributes: 0x2003 , 0x2027 , 0x2010 , 0x1 , 0x2001 , 0x1 , 0x2014 , 0x18 , 0x2011 , 0x1 , 0x2022 , 0x18 , 0x2013 , 0x202b , 0x201b , 0x8 , 0x2023 , 0x8 , 0x2041 , 0x0 , \n obtained px # 4 of 1 \n PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 " qt.qpa.gl: ARB::createContext Creating context version 2 . 0 3 attributes qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsGLContext::QWindowsGLContext 0x40397dd8 ARB requested: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) obtained # 4 ARB QSurfaceFormat(version 4.0, options QFlags(0x4), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 2, swapInterval 1, profile 2) PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 swap interval: 1 default: ContextFormat: v4.0 profile: 2 options: QFlags(0x4) HGLRC= 0x1001d js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: 'webkitURL' is deprecated. Please use 'URL' instead. js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) qt.qpa.gl: "ARB::choosePixelFormat Attributes: 0x2003 , 0x2027 , 0x2010 , 0x1 , 0x2001 , 0x1 , 0x2014 , 0x18 , 0x2011 , 0x1 , 0x2022 , 0x18 , 0x2013 , 0x202b , 0x201b , 0x8 , 0x2023 , 0x8 , 0x2041 , 0x0 , \n obtained px # 4 of 1 \n PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 " qt.qpa.gl: ARB::createContext Creating context version 2 . 0 3 attributes ARB::createContext: wglCreateContextAttribsARB() failed (GL error code: 0x500) for format: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0), shared context: 0x20001 () GDI::createContext: wglShareLists() failed. () qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsGLContext::QWindowsGLContext 0x44f23978 ARB requested: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) obtained # 4 ARB QSurfaceFormat(version 4.0, options QFlags(0x4), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 2, swapInterval 1, profile 2) PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 swap interval: 1 default: ContextFormat: v4.0 profile: 2 options: QFlags(0x4) HGLRC= 0x20020 [0926/163200:ERROR:gl_context_wgl.cc(38)] Could not share GL contexts. [0926/163200:ERROR:gl_context_wgl.cc(38)] Could not share GL contexts. [0926/163200:ERROR:gl_context_wgl.cc(38)] Could not share GL contexts. [0926/163200:ERROR:gl_context_wgl.cc(38)] Could not share GL contexts. js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) qt.qpa.gl: "ARB::choosePixelFormat Attributes: 0x2003 , 0x2027 , 0x2010 , 0x1 , 0x2001 , 0x1 , 0x2014 , 0x18 , 0x2011 , 0x1 , 0x2022 , 0x18 , 0x2013 , 0x202b , 0x201b , 0x8 , 0x2023 , 0x8 , 0x2041 , 0x0 , \n obtained px # 4 of 1 \n PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 " qt.qpa.gl: ARB::createContext Creating context version 2 . 0 3 attributes ARB::createContext: wglCreateContextAttribsARB() failed (GL error code: 0x0) for format: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0), shared context: 0x20001 () GDI::createContext: wglShareLists() failed. () qt.qpa.gl: QWindowsGLContext::QWindowsGLContext 0x4b846ff0 ARB requested: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 0, swapInterval 1, profile 0) obtained # 4 ARB QSurfaceFormat(version 4.0, options QFlags(0x4), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 2, swapInterval 1, profile 2) PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR dwFlags=0x8225 PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER iPixelType=0 cColorBits=32 cRedBits=8 cRedShift=16 cGreenBits=8 cGreenShift=8 cBlueBits=8 cBlueShift=0 cDepthBits=24 cStencilBits=8 iLayerType=0 cAlphaBits=8 cAlphaShift=24 cAccumBits=64 cAccumRedBits=16 cAccumGreenBits=16 cAccumBlueBits=16 cAccumAlphaBits=16 swap interval: 1 default: ContextFormat: v4.0 profile: 2 options: QFlags(0x4) HGLRC= 0x60021 [0926/163211:ERROR:gl_context_wgl.cc(38)] Could not share GL contexts. [0926/163211:ERROR:gl_context_wgl.cc(38)] Could not share GL contexts. [0926/163211:ERROR:gl_context_wgl.cc(38)] Could not share GL contexts. [0926/163211:ERROR:gl_context_wgl.cc(38)] Could not share GL contexts.