Application output: Debugging starts Preparing remote side... QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment. QML Debugger: Ignoring "-qmljsdebugger=port:%qml_port%,block,services:DebugMessages,QmlDebugger,V8Debugger,QmlInspector-qmljsdebugger=port:10000,block,services:DebugMessages,QmlDebugger,V8Debugger,QmlInspector". The format is "-qmljsdebugger=[file:|port:][,][,host:][,block][,services:][,]*" "file:" can be used to specify the name of a file the debugger will try to connect to using a QLocalSocket. If "file:" is given any "host:" and"port:" arguments will be ignored. "host:" and "port:" can be used to specify an address and a single port or a range of ports the debugger will try to bind to with a QTcpServer. "block" makes the debugger and some services wait for clients to be connected and ready before the first QML engine starts. "services:" can be used to specify which debug services the debugger should load. Some debug services interact badly with others. The V4 debugger should not be loaded when using the QML profiler as it will force any V4 engines to use the JavaScript interpreter rather than the JIT. The following debug services are available by default: QmlDebugger - The QML debugger V8Debugger - The V4 debugger QmlInspector - The QML inspector CanvasFrameRate - The QML profiler EngineControl - Allows the client to delay the starting and stopping of QML engines until other services are ready. QtCreator uses this service with the QML profiler in order to profile multiple QML engines at the same time. DebugMessages - Sends qDebug() and similar messages over the QML debug connection. QtCreator uses this for showing debug messages in the debugger console. Other services offered by qmltooling plugins that implement QQmlDebugServiceFactory and which can be found in the standard plugin paths will also be available and can be specified. If no "services" argument is given, all services found this way, including the default ones, are loaded. Debugging has finished