//This file main qml file which runs RaspiLoginForm for user authentication.. //All rights reserved by Totis group.. import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0 import QtQuick.Window 2.0 ApplicationWindow { id:root visible: true width: (Screen.width*10)/36 height: (Screen.height*10)/22 title: qsTr("Login Menu") background: Rectangle { color: "#80ceffa3" } Button { Text { id: name text: qsTr("click") } onClicked: popUp.open() } Popup { id:popUp width: 400 height: 400 focus: true closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutsideParent enter: Transition { NumberAnimation { property: "opacity"; from: 0.0; to: 1.0 } } background: Rectangle { implicitWidth: parent.width implicitHeight: parent.height border.color: "#444" } contentItem:Column { id:rectangle_ReminderPopUp width:parent.width height: parent.height Rectangle { id:rectangle_ReminderRow width:parent.width height: parent.height color: "light gray" Rectangle { id:rectangle_SelectedReminderSnooze width:parent.width height: parent.height*10/100 color: "light gray" Label { id:label_Info width: parent.width height: parent.height*30/100 text: qsTr("Click Snooze to be reminded again in:") elide: "ElideLeft" } Rectangle { id:rectangle_SnoozeTime width: parent.width*75/100 height: parent.height*60/100 anchors.top:label_Info.bottom RaspiMainMenuComboBox { id:combobox_ReminderSnoozeInterval width: parent.width height: parent.height currentIndex: 0 combobox_Control.model: [ "5","10","15","20","30","60" ] } } } } } } }