Debugging starts Could not load shared library symbols for 95 libraries, e.g. Use the "info sharedlibrary" command to see the complete listing. Do you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"? I/ActivityManager( 1773): Start proc 12121:org.qtproject.example.notification/u0a59 for activity org.qtproject.example.notification/.NotificationClient I/art (12121): Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni W/ActivityThread(12121): Application org.qtproject.example.notification is waiting for the debugger on port 8100... I/System.out(12121): Sending WAIT chunk I/art (12121): Debugger is active I/System.out(12121): Debugger has connected I/System.out(12121): waiting for debugger to settle... I/System.out(12121): waiting for debugger to settle... I/System.out(12121): waiting for debugger to settle... I/System.out(12121): waiting for debugger to settle... I/System.out(12121): waiting for debugger to settle... I/System.out(12121): waiting for debugger to settle... I/System.out(12121): waiting for debugger to settle... I/System.out(12121): debugger has settled (1386) W/linker (12121): unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x47d58 W/linker (12121): unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x2 I/art (12121): Debugger is no longer active I/QtCore (12121): Start W/linker (12121): unused DT entry: type 0x1d arg 0x139e4 W/linker (12121): Unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W/linker (12121): unused DT entry: type 0x1d arg 0x38593 W/linker (12121): Unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W/linker (12121): unused DT entry: type 0x1d arg 0x542b3 W/linker (12121): Unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W/linker (12121): unused DT entry: type 0x1d arg 0x4890f W/linker (12121): Unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W/linker (12121): unused DT entry: type 0x1d arg 0x5b2b W/linker (12121): Unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W/linker (12121): unused DT entry: type 0x1d arg 0x55c4 W/linker (12121): Unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W/linker (12121): unused DT entry: type 0x1d arg 0x8b27 W/linker (12121): Unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 I/Qt (12121): qt start W/linker (12121): unused DT entry: type 0x1d arg 0x1711 W/linker (12121): Unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W/linker (12121): unused DT entry: type 0x1d arg 0xebd W/linker (12121): unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x1c94 W/linker (12121): unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x1 D/ (12121): (null):0 ((null)): QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment. D/OpenGLRenderer(12121): Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: false Could not load shared library symbols for Do you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"? Could not load shared library symbols for Do you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"? D/ (12121): gHwMemAllocator client 1 D/ (12121): gHwMemAllocator client 2 E/ION (12121): ION_IOC_CUSTOM_GET_CONFIG ioctl Failed. Use default D/ION (12121): config: version(0x10000) secure(0xf000) 256M(0x22d) fast(0x608) hwwr(0x608) D/ (12121): Waiting for mm thread to come up D/ (12121): mm_device_thread starting