QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment. qt.qpa.screen: EDID data for output "eDP1": identifier 'CHR', manufacturer 'CHR',model 'ch7511b', serial '880', physical size: 430.00x290.00 qt.qpa.screen: Output DP1 is not connected qt.qpa.screen: Output DP2 is not connected qt.qpa.screen: Output DP3 is not connected qt.qpa.screen: Output HDMI1 is not connected qt.qpa.screen: Output VIRTUAL1 is not connected qt.qpa.screen: adding QXcbScreen(0xd4ed00, name="eDP1", geometry=800x480+0+0, availableGeometry=800x480+0+0, devicePixelRatio=1.0, logicalDpi=QPair(96.3,96.0), physicalSize=430.0x290.0mm, screenNumber=0, virtualSize=800x480 (800.0x480.0mm), orientation=Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation), depth=24, refreshRate=61.0, root=127, windowManagerName="matchbox\u0000") (Primary: true ) qt.qpa.screen: primary output is "eDP1" qt.qpa.input: Plugin build with support for XInput 2 version up to 2.2 qt.qpa.input: Using XInput version 2.2 qt.qpa.input.devices: input device Virtual core XTEST pointer ID 4 qt.qpa.input.devices: has 10 buttons qt.qpa.input.devices: has valuator "Rel X" recognized? true qt.qpa.input.devices: has valuator "Rel Y" recognized? true qt.qpa.input.devices: it's a scrolling device qt.qpa.input.devices: input device HOLTEK USB Keyboard ID 12 qt.qpa.input.devices: has 7 buttons qt.qpa.input.devices: has valuator "Rel X" recognized? true qt.qpa.input.devices: has valuator "Rel Y" recognized? true qt.qpa.input.devices: has valuator "Rel Horiz Scroll" recognized? true qt.qpa.input.devices: has valuator "Rel Vert Scroll" recognized? true qt.qpa.input.devices: it's a scrolling device qt.qpa.input.devices: input device Touchstone Tech. NHD5.0 ID 14 qt.qpa.input.devices: has 7 buttons qt.qpa.input.devices: has valuator "Abs MT Position X" recognized? true qt.qpa.input.devices: has valuator "Abs MT Position Y" recognized? true qt.qpa.input.devices: has valuator "Rel Horiz Scroll" recognized? true qt.qpa.input.devices: has valuator "Rel Vert Scroll" recognized? true qt.qpa.input.devices: it's a scrolling device qt.qpa.input.devices: has touch class with mode 1 qt.qpa.input.devices: it's a touchscreen with type 0 capabilities 0x21 max touch points 15 qt.qpa.input.devices: input device ILITEK Multi-Touch-V3007 ID 10 qt.qpa.input.devices: has 7 buttons qt.qpa.input.devices: has valuator "Abs MT Position X" recognized? true qt.qpa.input.devices: has valuator "Abs MT Position Y" recognized? true qt.qpa.input.devices: has valuator "Rel Horiz Scroll" recognized? true qt.qpa.input.devices: has valuator "Rel Vert Scroll" recognized? true qt.qpa.input.devices: it's a scrolling device qt.qpa.input.devices: has touch class with mode 1 qt.qpa.input.devices: it's a touchscreen with type 0 capabilities 0x21 max touch points 15 qt.qpa.gl: Choosing xcb gl-integration based on following priority ("xcb_glx", "xcb_egl") qt.qpa.gl: Xcb GLX gl-integration created qt.qpa.gl: Xcb GLX gl-integration successfully initialized Scale factor: "1.100" Product type: evo4k qt.qpa.gl: Multithreaded OpenGL disabled: blacklisted vendor "Mesa Project and SGI" qt.qpa.gl: Force-enable multithreaded OpenGL by setting environment variable QT_OPENGL_NO_SANITY_CHECK qt.qpa.gl: Requested format before FBConfig/Visual selection: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples -1, swapBehavior QSurfaceFormat::SwapBehavior(DoubleBuffer), swapInterval 1, colorSpace QSurfaceFormat::ColorSpace(DefaultColorSpace), profile QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLContextProfile(NoProfile)) qt.qpa.gl: Available GLX extensions: GLX_ARB_create_context GLX_ARB_create_context_profile GLX_ARB_create_context_robustness GLX_ARB_fbconfig_float GLX_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GLX_ARB_get_proc_address GLX_ARB_multisample GLX_EXT_create_context_es2_profile GLX_EXT_create_context_es_profile GLX_EXT_fbconfig_packed_float GLX_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GLX_EXT_import_context GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLX_INTEL_swap_event GLX_MESA_copy_sub_buffer GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent GLX_MESA_query_renderer GLX_MESA_swap_control GLX_OML_swap_method GLX_OML_sync_control GLX_SGIS_multisample GLX_SGIX_fbconfig GLX_SGIX_pbuffer GLX_SGIX_visual_select_group GLX_SGI_make_current_read GLX_SGI_swap_control GLX_SGI_video_sync qt.qpa.gl: Got format: QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 0, stencilBufferSize 8, samples -1, swapBehavior QSurfaceFormat::SwapBehavior(DoubleBuffer), swapInterval 1, colorSpace QSurfaceFormat::ColorSpace(DefaultColorSpace), profile QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLContextProfile(NoProfile)) * Serving Flask app "clearapp.api" (lazy loading) * Environment: production WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment. Use a production WSGI server instead. * Debug mode: off Already verified! qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 mouse enter 356,389, mode 0, detail 0, time 1929851 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 18 seq 610 detail 83 pos 418.2, 251.1 root pos 418.2, 251.1 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 34257.386329 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 34279.426101 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 83 state 1 pos norm QPointF(0.522734,0.523071) area QRectF(418.181,251.07 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 20 seq 613 detail 83 pos 418.2, 251.1 root pos 418.2, 251.1 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 34257.386329 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 34279.426101 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 83 state 8 pos norm QPointF(0.522734,0.523071) area QRectF(418.181,251.07 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 18 seq 618 detail 84 pos 413.8, 206.3 root pos 413.8, 206.3 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33897.413793 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 28163.463181 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 84 state 1 pos norm QPointF(0.517241,0.429747) area QRectF(413.787,206.275 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 19 seq 620 detail 84 pos 413.5, 206.5 root pos 413.5, 206.5 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33877.415319 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 28197.592438 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 84 state 2 pos norm QPointF(0.516936,0.430268) area QRectF(413.543,206.525 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 19 seq 625 detail 84 pos 413.2, 206.8 root pos 413.2, 206.8 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33849.417455 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 28238.547547 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 84 state 2 pos norm QPointF(0.516509,0.430893) area QRectF(413.201,206.825 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 19 seq 630 detail 84 pos 412.9, 207.2 root pos 412.9, 207.2 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33821.419591 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 28286.328507 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 84 state 2 pos norm QPointF(0.516082,0.431622) area QRectF(412.859,207.175 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 19 seq 635 detail 84 pos 412.6, 207.5 root pos 412.6, 207.5 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33797.421422 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 28334.109468 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 84 state 2 pos norm QPointF(0.515716,0.432351) area QRectF(412.566,207.525 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 19 seq 637 detail 84 pos 412.2, 207.9 root pos 412.2, 207.9 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33769.423558 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 28381.890428 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 84 state 2 pos norm QPointF(0.515288,0.43308) area QRectF(412.224,207.875 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 19 seq 642 detail 84 pos 411.9, 208.2 root pos 411.9, 208.2 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33745.425389 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 28429.671388 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 84 state 2 pos norm QPointF(0.514922,0.433809) area QRectF(411.931,208.225 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 20 seq 650 detail 84 pos 411.9, 208.2 root pos 411.9, 208.2 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33745.425389 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 28429.671388 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 84 state 8 pos norm QPointF(0.514922,0.433809) area QRectF(411.931,208.225 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 18 seq 655 detail 85 pos 411.7, 257.1 root pos 411.7, 257.1 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33725.426915 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 35098.528278 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 85 state 1 pos norm QPointF(0.514617,0.535569) area QRectF(411.687,257.069 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 20 seq 657 detail 85 pos 411.7, 257.1 root pos 411.7, 257.1 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33725.426915 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 35098.528278 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 85 state 8 pos norm QPointF(0.514617,0.535569) area QRectF(411.687,257.069 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 18 seq 662 detail 86 pos 410.0, 214.9 root pos 410.0, 214.9 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33589.437290 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 29337.509634 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 86 state 1 pos norm QPointF(0.512542,0.447662) area QRectF(410.027,214.874 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 20 seq 664 detail 86 pos 410.0, 214.9 root pos 410.0, 214.9 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33589.437290 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 29337.509634 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 86 state 8 pos norm QPointF(0.512542,0.447662) area QRectF(410.027,214.874 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 18 seq 669 detail 87 pos 407.3, 256.9 root pos 407.3, 256.9 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33365.454379 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 35078.050724 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 87 state 1 pos norm QPointF(0.509124,0.535257) area QRectF(407.293,256.919 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 20 seq 671 detail 87 pos 407.3, 256.9 root pos 407.3, 256.9 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33365.454379 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 35078.050724 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 87 state 8 pos norm QPointF(0.509124,0.535257) area QRectF(407.293,256.919 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 18 seq 676 detail 88 pos 407.7, 213.1 root pos 407.7, 213.1 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33401.451633 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 29098.604833 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 88 state 1 pos norm QPointF(0.509673,0.444016) area QRectF(407.733,213.125 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 20 seq 678 detail 88 pos 407.7, 213.1 root pos 407.7, 213.1 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33401.451633 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 29098.604833 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 88 state 8 pos norm QPointF(0.509673,0.444016) area QRectF(407.733,213.125 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 18 seq 679 detail 89 pos 406.0, 260.6 root pos 406.0, 260.6 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33257.462618 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 35583.163733 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 89 state 1 pos norm QPointF(0.507476,0.542964) area QRectF(405.975,260.619 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 20 seq 685 detail 89 pos 406.0, 260.6 root pos 406.0, 260.6 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33257.462618 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 35583.163733 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 89 state 8 pos norm QPointF(0.507476,0.542964) area QRectF(405.975,260.619 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 18 seq 690 detail 90 pos 405.7, 218.8 root pos 405.7, 218.8 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33233.464449 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 29869.926049 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 90 state 1 pos norm QPointF(0.50711,0.455786) area QRectF(405.682,218.774 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 18 seq 692 detail 91 pos 565.3, 231.5 root pos 565.3, 231.5 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 46308.127341 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 31609.397089 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 91 state 1 pos norm QPointF(0.706617,0.482328) area QRectF(565.285,231.514 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 18 seq 696 detail 92 pos 405.6, 270.3 root pos 405.6, 270.3 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33229.464754 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 36907.378919 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 92 state 1 pos norm QPointF(0.507049,0.563171) area QRectF(405.633,270.318 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 20 seq 699 detail 91 pos 565.3, 231.5 root pos 565.3, 231.5 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 46308.127341 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 31609.397089 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 91 state 8 pos norm QPointF(0.706617,0.482328) area QRectF(565.285,231.514 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 18 seq 702 detail 93 pos 404.7, 219.2 root pos 404.7, 219.2 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33149.470857 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 29931.358713 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 93 state 1 pos norm QPointF(0.505829,0.456723) area QRectF(404.657,219.224 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 19 seq 702 detail 92 pos 404.5, 265.4 root pos 404.5, 265.4 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33137.471773 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 36231.619623 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 92 state 2 pos norm QPointF(0.505645,0.552859) area QRectF(404.51,265.368 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 20 seq 707 detail 92 pos 404.5, 265.4 root pos 404.5, 265.4 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33137.471773 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 36231.619623 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 92 state 8 pos norm QPointF(0.505645,0.552859) area QRectF(404.51,265.368 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 18 seq 709 detail 94 pos 404.4, 271.9 root pos 404.4, 271.9 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33125.472688 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 37118.980315 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 94 state 1 pos norm QPointF(0.505462,0.566399) area QRectF(404.364,271.868 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 20 seq 711 detail 93 pos 404.7, 219.2 root pos 404.7, 219.2 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33149.470857 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 29931.358713 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 93 state 8 pos norm QPointF(0.505829,0.456723) area QRectF(404.657,219.224 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 18 seq 713 detail 95 pos 403.3, 216.0 root pos 403.3, 216.0 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33037.479402 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 29487.678367 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 95 state 1 pos norm QPointF(0.50412,0.449953) area QRectF(403.29,215.974 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 19 seq 713 detail 94 pos 404.1, 266.1 root pos 404.1, 266.1 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33105.474214 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 36334.007395 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 94 state 2 pos norm QPointF(0.505157,0.554421) area QRectF(404.12,266.118 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 20 seq 720 detail 94 pos 404.1, 266.1 root pos 404.1, 266.1 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33105.474214 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 36334.007395 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 94 state 8 pos norm QPointF(0.505157,0.554421) area QRectF(404.12,266.118 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 18 seq 722 detail 96 pos 402.0, 269.6 root pos 402.0, 269.6 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 32933.487336 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 36811.816998 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 96 state 1 pos norm QPointF(0.502533,0.561712) area QRectF(402.02,269.618 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 20 seq 724 detail 95 pos 403.3, 216.0 root pos 403.3, 216.0 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 33037.479402 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 29487.678367 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 95 state 8 pos norm QPointF(0.50412,0.449953) area QRectF(403.29,215.974 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 19 seq 726 detail 96 pos 399.2, 270.5 root pos 399.2, 270.5 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 32701.505035 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 36934.682325 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 96 state 2 pos norm QPointF(0.498993,0.563587) area QRectF(399.188,270.518 0x0) pressure -1 qt.qpa.input.events: XI2 touch event type 20 seq 731 detail 96 pos 399.2, 270.5 root pos 399.2, 270.5 on window 180000a qt.qpa.input.events: valuator FOUNDRY value 32701.505035 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: valuator Misc value 36934.682325 from range 0.000000 -> 65535.000000 qt.qpa.input.events: touchpoint 96 state 8 pos norm QPointF(0.498993,0.563587) area QRectF(399.188,270.518 0x0) pressure -1