wNote: This log contains possibly confidential information about your machine, environment variables, in-memory data of the processes you are debugging, and more. It is never transferred over the internet by Qt Creator, and only stored to disk if you manually use the respective option from the context menu, or through mechanisms that are not under the control of Qt Creator's Debugger plugin, for instance in swap files, or other plugins you might use. wYou may be asked to share the contents of this log when reporting bugs related to debugger operation. In this case, make sure your submission does not contain data you do not want to or you are not allowed to share. w dStart parameters: 'list' mode: 1 dABI: x86-windows-msys-pe-64bit dLanguages: c++ dExecutable: D:\DataStructure\build-list-Desktop_Qt_5_12_1_MinGW_64_bit-Debug\debug\list.exe [terminal] dDirectory: D:\DataStructure\build-list-Desktop_Qt_5_12_1_MinGW_64_bit-Debug dDebugger: C:\Qt\Tools\mingw730_64\bin\gdb.exe dProject: D:\DataStructure\list dAdditional Search Directories: dSysroot: dDebug Source Location: dDebugger settings: dAdditionalArguments: (default: ) dAdjustBreakpointLocations: true (default: true) dAllPluginBreakpoints: true (default: true) dAlwaysAdjustColumnWidths: true (default: true) dAutoDerefPointers: true (default: true) dAutoEnrichParameters: true (default: true) dAutoQuit: false (default: false) dBreakEvent: (default: ) dBreakOnAbort: false (default: false) dBreakOnCatch: false (default: false) dBreakOnCrtDbgReport: false (default: false) dBreakOnFatal: false (default: false) dBreakOnThrow: false (default: false) dBreakOnWarning: false (default: false) dBreakpointCorrection: true (default: true) dBreakpointsFullPath: false (default: false) dCDB_Console: false (default: false) dCloseBuffersOnExit: true (default: false) *** dCloseMemoryBuffersOnExit: true (default: true) dDisplayStringLimit: 100 (default: 100) dEnableReverseDebugging: false (default: false) dExtraDumperFile: (default: ) dFirstChanceExceptionTaskEntry: true (default: true) dFontSizeFollowsEditor: false (default: false) dGdbCustomDumperCommands: (default: ) dGdbPostAttachCommands: (default: ) dGdbStartupCommands: (default: ) dIdentifyDebugInfoPackages: false (default: false) dIgnoreFirstChanceAccessViolation: false (default: false) dIntelFlavor: false (default: false) dLoadGdbDumpers2: false (default: false) dLoadGdbInit: true (default: true) dLogTimeStamps: false (default: false) dMaximalStackDepth: 20 (default: 20) dMaximalStringLength: 10000 (default: 10000) dMultiInferior: false (default: false) dNoPluginBreakpoints: false (default: false) dQmlInspector.ShowAppOnTop: false (default: false) dRaiseOnInterrupt: true (default: true) dRegisterForPostMortem: false (default: false) dSecondChanceExceptionTaskEntry: true (default: true) dSelectedPluginBreakpoints: false (default: false) dSelectedPluginBreakpointsPattern: .* (default: .*) dShowQObjectNames2: true (default: true) dShowQmlObjectTree: true (default: true) dShowQtNamespace: true (default: true) dShowStandardNamespace: true (default: true) dShowThreadNames: false (default: false) dSkipKnownFrames: false (default: false) dSortStructMembers: true (default: true) dSourcePaths: (default: ) dStationaryEditorWhileStepping: false (default: false) dSwitchModeOnExit: false (default: false) dSymbolPaths: (default: ) dTargetAsync: false (default: false) dUseAddressInBreakpointsView: false (default: false) dUseAddressInStackView: false (default: false) dUseAlternatingRowColours: false (default: false) dUseCodeModel: true (default: true) dUseDebuggingHelper: true (default: true) dUseDynamicType: true (default: true) dUseMessageBoxForSignals: true (default: true) dUsePythonDumper: true (default: true) dUseToolTips: true (default: true) dUseToolTipsInBreakpointsView: false (default: false) dUseToolTipsInLocalsView: false (default: false) dUseToolTipsInStackView: true (default: true) dWarnOnReleaseBuilds: true (default: true) dWatchdogTimeout: 20 (default: 20) dState changed from DebuggerNotReady(0) to EngineSetupRequested(1) dCALL: SETUP ENGINE dTRYING TO START ADAPTER dENABLING TEST CASE: 0 dSTARTING C:/Qt/Tools/mingw730_64/bin/gdb.exe -i mi dGDB STARTED, INITIALIZING IT <1show version <2show debug-file-directory <3set print object on <4set breakpoint pending on <5set print elements 10000 <6set unwindonsignal on <7set width 0 <8set height 0 Setting up inferior... <9set substitute-path C:/work/build/qt5_workdir/w/s C:/Qt/5.12.1/mingw73_64/../Src <10set substitute-path Q:/qt5_workdir/w/s C:/Qt/5.12.1/mingw73_64/../Src <11set substitute-path c:/Users/qt/work/install C:/Qt/5.12.1/mingw73_64/../Src <12set substitute-path c:/users/qt/work/qt C:/Qt/5.12.1/mingw73_64/../Src <13python sys.path.insert(1, 'C:/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/share/qtcreator/debugger/') <14python sys.path.append('C:/Qt/Tools/mingw730_64/bin/data-directory/python') <15python from gdbbridge import * <16python theDumper.loadDumpers({"token":16}) >=thread-group-added,id="i1" >~"GNU gdb (GDB) 8.1\n" >~"Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n" >~"License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later \nThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\nThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type \"show copying\"\nand \"show warranty\" for details.\n" >~"This GDB was configured as \"x86_64-w64-mingw32\".\nType \"show configuration\" for configuration details." >~"\nFor bug reporting instructions, please see:\n" >~".\n" >~"Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:\n.\n" >~"For help, type \"help\".\n" >~"Type \"apropos word\" to search for commands related to \"word\".\n" >&"show version\n" >~"GNU gdb (GDB) 8.1\n" >~"Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n" >~"License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later \nThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\nThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type \"show copying\"\nand \"show warranty\" for details.\n" >~"This GDB was configured as \"x86_64-w64-mingw32\".\nType \"show configuration\" for configuration details." >~"\nFor bug reporting instructions, please see:\n" >~".\n" >~"Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:\n.\n" >~"For help, type \"help\".\n" >~"Type \"apropos word\" to search for commands related to \"word\".\n" >1^done dPARSING VERSION: 1^done dSUPPORTED GDB VERSION GNU gdb (GDB) 8.1 dCopyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. dLicense GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later dThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. dThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" dand "show warranty" for details. dThis GDB was configured as "x86_64-w64-mingw32". dType "show configuration" for configuration details. dFor bug reporting instructions, please see: d. dFind the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at: d. dFor help, type "help". dType "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word". dGNU gdb (GDB) 8.1 dCopyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. dLicense GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later dThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. dThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" dand "show warranty" for details. dThis GDB was configured as "x86_64-w64-mingw32". dType "show configuration" for configuration details. dFor bug reporting instructions, please see: d. dFind the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at: d. dFor help, type "help". dType "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word". dUSING GDB VERSION: 80100, BUILD: 2018 <17-interpreter-exec console "set target-async off" >&"show debug-file-directory\n" >~"The directory where separate debug symbols are searched for is \"c:\\c\\mingw730\\x86_64-730-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev0\\mingw64\\lib\\debug\".\n" >2^done >&"set print object on\n" >=cmd-param-changed,param="print object",value="on" >3^done >&"set breakpoint pending on\n" >=cmd-param-changed,param="breakpoint pending",value="on" >4^done >&"set print elements 10000\n" >=cmd-param-changed,param="print elements",value="10000" >5^done >&"set unwindonsignal on\n" >=cmd-param-changed,param="unwindonsignal",value="on" >6^done >&"set width 0\n" >=cmd-param-changed,param="width",value="4294967295" >7^done >&"set height 0\n" >8^done >&"set substitute-path C:/work/build/qt5_workdir/w/s C:/Qt/5.12.1/mingw73_64/../Src\n" >9^done >&"set substitute-path Q:/qt5_workdir/w/s C:/Qt/5.12.1/mingw73_64/../Src\n" >10^done >&"set substitute-path c:/Users/qt/work/install C:/Qt/5.12.1/mingw73_64/../Src\n" >11^done >&"set substitute-path c:/users/qt/work/qt C:/Qt/5.12.1/mingw73_64/../Src\n" >12^done >&"python sys.path.insert(1, 'C:/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/share/qtcreator/debugger/')\n" >13^done >&"python sys.path.append('C:/Qt/Tools/mingw730_64/bin/data-directory/python')\n" >14^done >&"python from gdbbridge import *\n" >15^done >&"python theDumper.loadDumpers({\"token\":16})\n" >~"result={token=\"16\",dumpers=[{type=\"std____debug__unordered_set\"},{type=\"boost__variant\"},{type=\"QV4__InternalClass__Transition\"},{type=\"CPlusPlus__Identifier\"},{type=\"QtcDumperTest_PointerArray\"},{type=\"std__list\"},{type=\"QmakeProjectManager__QmakeProFileNode\"},{type=\"QtcDumperTest_FieldAccessByIndex\"},{type=\"std__multimap\",formats=\"17\"},{type=\"QUuid\"},{type=\"boost__optional\"},{type=\"QDir\"},{type=\"TNimNode\"},{type=\"QSharedData\"},{type=\"Debugger__Internal__GdbMi\"},{type=\"QV4__PropertyHash\"},{type=\"std__complex\"},{type=\"__m256\"},{type=\"boost__container__list\"},{type=\"CPlusPlus__Symbol\"},{type=\"std____debug__unordered_multimap\",formats=\"17\"},{type=\"std____1__complex\"},{type=\"std__deque\"},{type=\"std___Rb_tree_const_iterator\"},{type=\"QFixed\"},{type=\"uint8_t\"},{type=\"std____1__set__iterator\"},{type=\"std____debug__stack\"},{type=\"CPlusPlus__StringLiteral\"},{type=\"QPoint\"},{type=\"std____1__vector\",formats=\"16\"},{type=\"QMultiMap\",formats=\"17\"},{type=\"PyTypeObject\"},{type=\"std__byte\"},{type=\"QLocale\"},{type=\"QV4__CallContext\"},{type=\"QJsonPrivate__q_littleendian\"},{type=\"string\",editable=\"true\"},{type=\"std__set\"},{type=\"std___Tree_const_iterator\"},{type=\"__gnu_cxx__hash_set\"},{type=\"QFile\"},{type=\"wstring\",editable=\"true\"},{type=\"QByteArrayData\"},{type=\"CPlusPlus__Literal\"},{type=\"QSizeF\"},{type=\"CPlusPlus__Class\"},{type=\"NimStringDesc\"},{type=\"std__unordered_multimap\",formats=\"17\"},{type=\"QIPv6Address\"},{type=\"QV4__Heap__String\"},{type=\"Utils__ElfSection\"},{type=\"QGraphicsPolygonItem\"},{type=\"Debugger__Internal__DisassemblerLine\"},{type=\"QTypedArrayData\"},{type=\"QPointer\"},{type=\"QMap\",formats=\"17\"},{type=\"std____cxx11__string\",editable=\"true\",formats=\"5, 6, 7, 8\"},{type=\"std____1__stack\"},{type=\"QArrayData\"},{type=\"QV4__ScopedString\"},{type=\"QChar\"},{type=\"boost__posix_time__time_duration\"},{type=\"std__once_flag\"},{type=\"CPlusPlus__TemplateNameId\"},{type=\"QQmlRefCount\"},{type=\"std____debug__set\"},{type=\"QMetaObject\"},{type=\"QHostAddress\"},{type=\"QV4__Value\"},{type=\"QVariantList\"},{type=\"std__unordered_multiset\"},{type=\"QObjectPrivate__ConnectionList\"},{type=\"QJsonValue\"},{type=\"std____1__shared_ptr\"},{type=\"QV4__SimpleScriptFunction\"},{type=\"CPlusPlus__Internal__Value\"},{type=\"QFileInfo\"},{type=\"QHash__const_iterator\"},{type=\"qfloat16\"},{type=\"ProjectExplorer__FolderNode\"},{type=\"QTime\"},{type=\"QSqlField\"},{type=\"std___Tree_iterator\"},{type=\"QXmlStreamStringRef\"},{type=\"CPlusPlus__PointerType\"},{type=\"std____1__weak_ptr\"},{type=\"std____debug__unordered_multiset\"},{type=\"QTimeZone\"},{type=\"gsl__span\"},{type=\"boost__bimaps__bimap\"},{type=\"cv__Size_\"},{type=\"std____cxx1998__map\"},{type=\"std____1__map__const_iterator\"},{type=\"QV4__Heap__Base\"},{type=\"QHash\",formats=\"17\"},{type=\"QXmlAttributes\"},{type=\"QHash__iterator\"},{type=\"KDSoapValue1\"},{type=\"QMetaEnum\"},{type=\"QLinkedList\"},{type=\"Utils__FileName\"},{type=\"QVariantHash\"},{type=\"QStack\",formats=\"16\"},{type=\"QBitArray\"},{type=\"std__list__QNX\"},{type=\"Debugger__Internal__BreakpointModelId\"},{type=\"boost__unordered__unordered_set\"},{type=\"Qt__ItemDataRole\"},{type=\"QLazilyAllocated\"},{type=\"std____1__basic_string\"},{type=\"std____cxx11__basic_string\"},{type=\"std__set__const_iterator\"},{type=\"QQmlBinding\"},{type=\"std____1__unique_ptr\"},{type=\"std__map__iterator\"},{type=\"QDate\"},{type=\"std____1__set_const_iterator\"},{type=\"std__stack\"},{type=\"std____weak_ptr\"},{type=\"std__multiset\"},{type=\"std__unordered_map\",formats=\"17\"},{type=\"QJsonPrivate__qle_bitfield\"},{type=\"QV4__Identifier\"},{type=\"__m128\"},{type=\"__m128d\"},{type=\"QTextCodec\"},{type=\"std__shared_ptr\"},{type=\"std____1__wstring\"},{type=\"std__unordered_set\"},{type=\"QEvent\"},{type=\"std__string\",editable=\"true\",formats=\"5, 6, 7, 8\"},{type=\"QByteArray\",editable=\"true\",formats=\"5, 6, 7, 8\"},{type=\"QtcDumperTest_List__NodeX\"},{type=\"Utf8String\"},{type=\"__m512d\"},{type=\"std____cxx1998__set\"},{type=\"QPixmap\"},{type=\"ProjectExplorer__Node\"},{type=\"std____1__multimap\",formats=\"17\"},{type=\"QMetaClassInfo\"},{type=\"std__map\",formats=\"17\"},{type=\"boost__posix_time__ptime\"},{type=\"QPointF\"},{type=\"std____cxx11__wstring\",editable=\"true\",formats=\"2, 4\"},{type=\"Eigen__Matrix\"},{type=\"QImage\",formats=\"2, 4\"},{type=\"QSet\"},{type=\"std__valarray\",formats=\"16\"},{type=\"std__map__const_iterator\"},{type=\"QJsonArray\"},{type=\"CPlusPlus__QualifiedNameId\"},{type=\"std____1__deque\"},{type=\"QFiniteStack\",formats=\"16\"},{type=\"std__set__iterator\"},{type=\"QTextDocument\"},{type=\"QTJSC__JSValue\"},{type=\"QSqlResultPrivate\"},{type=\"NimGenericSequence__\"},{type=\"QRegion\"},{type=\"std__wstring\",editable=\"true\",formats=\"2, 4\"},{type=\"QV4_Object\"},{type=\"QBasicAtomicInt\"},{type=\"QScriptValue\"},{type=\"QMetaProperty\"},{type=\"QDateTime\"},{type=\"std____1__unordered_set\"},{type=\"std____1__map__iterator\"},{type=\"boost__gregorian__date\"},{type=\"CPlusPlus__Token\"},{type=\"std__pair\"},{type=\"std__set__QNX\"},{type=\"std____1__list\"},{type=\"std__deque__MSVC\"},{type=\"CPlusPlus__ByteArrayRef\"},{type=\"QProcEnvKey\"},{type=\"boost__shared_ptr\"},{type=\"QV__PropertyHash\"},{type=\"Core__Id\"},{type=\"std__basic_string\"},{type=\"std____debug__vector\",formats=\"16\"},{type=\"QRectF\"},{type=\"QAtomicInt\"},{type=\"__m256i\"},{type=\"QQmlSourceLocation\"},{type=\"QKeyEvent\"},{type=\"Debugger__Internal__WatchData\"},{type=\"__m256d\"},{type=\"KDSoapValue\"},{type=\"std____1__set\"},{type=\"PyVarObject\"},{type=\"gsl__byte\"},{type=\"QPolygonF\"},{type=\"QXmlStreamAttribute\"},{type=\"int8_t\"},{type=\"QStandardItemData\"},{type=\"QV4__SharedInternalClassData\"},{type=\"QQmlAccessorProperties__Properties\"},{type=\"QHashedString\"},{type=\"QtcDumperTest_String\"},{type=\"ProjectExplorer__Kit\"},{type=\"QV4__ExecutionContext\"},{type=\"ProKey\"},{type=\"WTF__String\"},{type=\"std__vector\",editable=\"true\",formats=\"16\"},{type=\"QV4__FunctionObject\"},{type=\"PyObject\"},{type=\"std____1__multiset\"},{type=\"std____1__unordered_map\",formats=\"17\"},{type=\"QV4__IdentifierTable\"},{type=\"__m512i\"},{type=\"QV4__InternalClassTransition\"},{type=\"__m128i\"},{type=\"QVariantMap\",formats=\"17\"},{type=\"QStringRef\"},{type=\"std____debug__map\"},{type=\"std____debug__list\"},{type=\"QStaticStringData\"},{type=\"QVariant (QVariantMap)\",formats=\"17\"},{type=\"QSize\"},{type=\"Debugger__Internal__WatchItem\"},{type=\"QPolygon\"},{type=\"std____1__string\"},{type=\"QSharedDataPointer\"},{type=\"QV__PropertyHashData\"},{type=\"QStringList\"},{type=\"std___Rb_tree_iterator\"},{type=\"QString\",editable=\"true\",formats=\"2, 4\"},{type=\"std__optional\"},{type=\"std__deque__QNX\"},{type=\"QRegExp\"},{type=\"QStringData\"},{type=\"QFlags\"},{type=\"QTextCursor\"},{type=\"std____debug__unordered_map\",formats=\"17\"},{type=\"QList\",formats=\"18, 19\"},{type=\"QJsonPrivate__qle_signedbitfield\"},{type=\"QSharedPointer\"},{type=\"QUrl\",formats=\"2, 4\"},{type=\"QmakeProjectManager__QmakePriFileNode\"},{type=\"cv__Mat\",formats=\"4\"},{type=\"QVarLengthArray\"},{type=\"QV4__Object\"},{type=\"std____debug__deque\"},{type=\"std__unique_ptr\"},{type=\"QScopedPointer\"},{type=\"__m512\"},{type=\"std____1__map\",formats=\"17\"},{type=\"QStandardItem\"},{type=\"QtcDumperTest_BufArray\"},{type=\"QMapNode\"},{type=\"Core__GeneratedFile\"},{type=\"QObjectConnectionList\"},{type=\"std____1__array\",formats=\"16\"},{type=\"std____1__valarray\",formats=\"16\"},{type=\"QVariant\"},{type=\"QV4__String\"},{type=\"QVector\",editable=\"true\",formats=\"16\"},{type=\"ProjectExplorer__ProjectNode\"},{type=\"CPlusPlus__Internal__PPToken\"},{type=\"Debugger__Internal__ThreadId\"},{type=\"std____1__once_flag\"},{type=\"QHashNode\",formats=\"17\"},{type=\"QV4__Scoped\"},{type=\"ProString\"},{type=\"_typeobject\"},{type=\"Utils__Port\"},{type=\"QV4__CompilationUnit\"},{type=\"ProjectExplorer__ToolChain\"},{type=\"std__experimental__optional\"},{type=\"QTemporaryFile\"},{type=\"QXmlAttributes__Attribute\"},{type=\"std__function\"},{type=\"QJsonObject\"},{type=\"QRect\"},{type=\"CPlusPlus__IntegerType\"},{type=\"std__array\",formats=\"16\"},{type=\"CMakeProjectManager__Internal__CMakeProjectNode\"},{type=\"QJSValue\"},{type=\"std____cxx11__list\"},{type=\"CPlusPlus__FullySpecifiedType\"},{type=\"__gnu_debug___Safe_iterator\"},{type=\"QV4__ScriptFunction\"},{type=\"QtcDumperTest_List\"},{type=\"QWeakPointer\"},{type=\"std__weak_ptr\"},{type=\"QMetaMethod\"},{type=\"QAtomicPointer\"},{type=\"CPlusPlus__NamedType\"},],python=\"20709\"}\n" >16^done dENGINE SUCCESSFULLY STARTED Setting breakpoints... dSetting breakpoints... dTAKING OWNERSHIP OF BREAKPOINT 1 dTaking notice of pid 12488 Going to attach to 12488 (8472) dRUNNING NEEDS-STOP COMMAND -break-insert -f "\"main.c\":128" dUNSAFE STATE FOR QUEUED COMMAND. EXECUTING IMMEDIATELY <18-break-insert -f "\"main.c\":128" >17^done >&"No symbol table is loaded. Use the \"file\" command.\n" >18^done,bkpt={number="1",type="breakpoint",disp="keep",enabled="y",addr="",pending="\"main.c\":128",times="0",original-location="\"main.c\":128"} dALL COMMANDS DONE; INVOKING CALLBACK dNOTE: ENGINE SETUP OK dState changed from EngineSetupRequested(1) to EngineSetupOk(3) dState changed from EngineSetupOk(3) to EngineRunRequested(4) dCALL: RUN ENGINE <19attach 12488 >&"attach 12488\n" >~"Attaching to process 12488\n" >=thread-group-started,id="i1",pid="12488" Thread group i1 created. >=thread-created,id="1",group-id="i1" Thread 1 created. >~"[New Thread 12488.0x2118]\n" [New Thread 12488.0x2118] >=thread-created,id="2",group-id="i1" Thread 2 created. >~"[New Thread 12488.0x2cb4]\n" [New Thread 12488.0x2cb4] >=thread-created,id="3",group-id="i1" Thread 3 created. >~"[New Thread 12488.0x306c]\n" [New Thread 12488.0x306c] >~"Reading symbols from D:\\DataStructure\\build-list-Desktop_Qt_5_12_1_MinGW_64_bit-Debug\\debug\\list.exe..." Reading D:\DataStructure\build-list-Desktop_Qt_5_12_1_MinGW_64_bit-Debug\debug\list.exe...... >~"done.\n" >=library-loaded,id="C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\ntdll.dll",target-name="C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\ntdll.dll",host-name="C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\ntdll.dll",symbols-loaded="0",thread-group="i1",ranges=[{from="0x00007ffcbf2b1000",to="0x00007ffcbf4904d8"}] Library C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll loaded. >=library-loaded,id="C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\kernel32.dll",target-name="C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\kernel32.dll",host-name="C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\kernel32.dll",symbols-loaded="0",thread-group="i1",ranges=[{from="0x00007ffcbec81000",to="0x00007ffcbed3124c"}] Library C:\WINDOWS\System32\kernel32.dll loaded. >=library-loaded,id="C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\KernelBase.dll",target-name="C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\KernelBase.dll",host-name="C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\KernelBase.dll",symbols-loaded="0",thread-group="i1",ranges=[{from="0x00007ffcbb681000",to="0x00007ffcbb8f2e3c"}] Library C:\WINDOWS\System32\KernelBase.dll loaded. >=library-loaded,id="C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\apphelp.dll",target-name="C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\apphelp.dll",host-name="C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\apphelp.dll",symbols-loaded="0",thread-group="i1",ranges=[{from="0x00007ffcb95a1000",to="0x00007ffcb962a6a0"}] Library C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll loaded. >=library-loaded,id="C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\msvcrt.dll",target-name="C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\msvcrt.dll",host-name="C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\msvcrt.dll",symbols-loaded="0",thread-group="i1",ranges=[{from="0x00007ffcbe571000",to="0x00007ffcbe60d4a4"}] Library C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll loaded. >=breakpoint-modified,bkpt={number="1",type="breakpoint",disp="keep",enabled="y",addr="0x00000000004018ec",func="main",file="..\\list\\main.c",fullname="D:\\DataStructure\\list\\main.c",line="128",thread-groups=["i1"],times="0",original-location="\"main.c\":128"} >*stopped IGNORING TERMINAL SIGTRAP >19^done Inferior attached, thread 8472 resumed dNOTE: ENGINE RUN AND INFERIOR STOP OK Stopped. dState changed from EngineRunRequested(4) to InferiorStopOk(11) dNOTE: INFERIOR RUN REQUESTED Run requested... dState changed from InferiorStopOk(11) to InferiorRunRequested(7) Running requested... <20-exec-continue >20^running dNOTE: INFERIOR RUN OK Running. dState changed from InferiorRunRequested(7) to InferiorRunOk(8) >*running,thread-id="all" >~"[Thread 12488.0x2cb4 exited with code 0]\n" [Thread 12488.0x2cb4 exited with code 0] >=thread-exited,id="2",group-id="i1" Thread 2 in group i1 exited. >=breakpoint-modified,bkpt={number="1",type="breakpoint",disp="keep",enabled="y",addr="0x00000000004018ec",func="main",file="..\\list\\main.c",fullname="D:\\DataStructure\\list\\main.c",line="128",thread-groups=["i1"],times="1",original-location="\"main.c\":128"} >~"[Switching to Thread 12488.0x2118]\n" >~"\n" >~"Thread 1 hit Breakpoint 1, main () at ..\\list\\main.c:131\n" >~"131\t Init(&list,10);\n" >*stopped,reason="breakpoint-hit",disp="keep",bkptno="1",frame={addr="0x00000000004018ec",func="main",args=[],file="..\\list\\main.c",fullname="D:\\DataStructure\\list\\main.c",line="131"},thread-id="1",stopped-threads="all" dNOTE: INFERIOR SPONTANEOUS STOP Stopped. dState changed from InferiorRunOk(8) to InferiorStopOk(11) <21importPlainDumpers off Stopped at breakpoint 1 in thread 1. >&"p 0\n" >~"$1 = 0" >~"\n" >^done <22-thread-info >&"importPlainDumpers off\n" >~"155 printers disabled\n" >~"0 of 155 printers enabled\n" >~"None\n" >21^done >22^done,threads=[{id="1",target-id="Thread 12488.0x2118",frame={level="0",addr="0x00000000004018ec",func="main",args=[],file="..\\list\\main.c",fullname="D:\\DataStructure\\list\\main.c",line="131"},state="stopped"},{id="3",target-id="Thread 12488.0x306c",frame={level="0",addr="0x00007ffcbf34e2f4",func="ntdll!ZwWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory",args=[],from="C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\ntdll.dll"},state="stopped"}],current-thread-id="1" <23python theDumper.fetchStack({"limit":20,"nativemixed":0,"token":23}) >&"python theDumper.fetchStack({\"limit\":20,\"nativemixed\":0,\"token\":23})\n" >~"result={token=\"0\",stack={frames=[frame={level=\"0\",address=\"0x4018ec\",function=\"main\",file=\"D:/DataStructure/list/main.c\",line=\"131\",module=\"D:/DataStructure/build-list-Desktop_Qt_5_12_1_MinGW_64_bit-Debug/debug/list.exe\",language=\"c\"}]}}\n" >23^done <24-stack-select-frame 0 <25python theDumper.fetchVariables({"autoderef":1,"context":"","displaystringlimit":"100","dyntype":1,"expanded":["inspect","local","watch","return"],"fancy":1,"formats":{},"nativemixed":0,"partialvar":"","passexceptions":0,"qobjectnames":1,"resultvarname":"","stringcutoff":"10000","token":25,"typeformats":{},"watchers":[]}) >24^done >&"python theDumper.fetchVariables({\"autoderef\":1,\"context\":\"\",\"displaystringlimit\":\"100\",\"dyntype\":1,\"expanded\":[\"inspect\",\"local\",\"watch\",\"return\"],\"fancy\":1,\"formats\":{},\"nativemixed\":0,\"partialvar\":\"\",\"passexceptions\":0,\"qobjectnames\":1,\"resultvarname\":\"\",\"stringcutoff\":\"10000\",\"token\":25,\"typeformats\":{},\"watchers\":[]})\n" >~"result={token=\"0\",data=[{iname=\"local.i\",name=\"i\",address=\"0x61fe4c\",numchild=\"0\",type=\"int\",value=\"0\",},{iname=\"local.list\",name=\"list\",address=\"0x61fe30\",numchild=\"1\",type=\"SeqList\",value=\"\",},{iname=\"local.x\",name=\"x\",address=\"0x61fe2c\",numchild=\"0\",type=\"ElementType\",value=\"0\",},],typeinfo=[],partial=\"0\",counts={},timings=[]}\n" >25^done Finished retrieving data. <26maintenance print raw-registers <27-data-list-register-values r >&"maintenance print raw-registers\n" >~" Name Nr Rel Offset Size Type Raw value\n" >~" rax 0 0 0 8 int64_t \n" >~" rbx 1 1 8 8 int64_t \n" >~" rcx 2 2 16 8 int64_t \n" >~" rdx 3 3 24 8 int64_t \n" >~" rsi 4 4 32 8 int64_t \n" >~" rdi 5 5 40 8 int64_t \n" >~" rbp 6 6 48 8 *1 0x000000000061fe50\n" >~" rsp 7 7 56 8 *1 \n" >~" r8 8 8 64 8 int64_t \n" >~" r9 9 9 72 8 int64_t \n" >~" r10 10 10 80 8 int64_t \n" >~" r11 11 11 88 8 int64_t \n" >~" r12 12 12 96 8 int64_t \n" >~" r13 13 13 104 8 int64_t \n" >~" r14 14 14 112 8 int64_t \n" >~" r15 15 15 120 8 int64_t \n" >~" rip 16 16 128 8 *1 0x00000000004018ec\n" >~" eflags 17 17 136 4 i386_eflags \n" >~" cs 18 18 140 4 int32_t \n" >~" ss 19 19 144 4 int32_t \n" >~" ds 20 20 148 4 int32_t \n" >~" es 21 21 152 4 int32_t \n" >~" fs 22 22 156 4 int32_t \n" >~" gs 23 23 160 4 int32_t \n" >~" st0 24 24 164 10 _i387_ext \n" >~" st1 25 25 174 10 _i387_ext \n" >~" st2 26 26 184 10 _i387_ext \n" >~" st3 27 27 194 10 _i387_ext \n" >~" st4 28 28 204 10 _i387_ext \n" >~" st5 29 29 214 10 _i387_ext \n" >~" st6 30 30 224 10 _i387_ext \n" >~" st7 31 31 234 10 _i387_ext \n" >~" fctrl 32 32 244 4 long \n" >~" fstat 33 33 248 4 long \n" >~" ftag 34 34 252 4 long \n" >~" fiseg 35 35 256 4 long \n" >~" fioff 36 36 260 4 long \n" >~" foseg 37 37 264 4 long \n" >~" fooff 38 38 268 4 long \n" >~" fop 39 39 272 4 long \n" >~" xmm0 40 40 276 16 vec128 \n" >~" xmm1 41 41 292 16 vec128 \n" >~" xmm2 42 42 308 16 vec128 \n" >~" xmm3 43 43 324 16 vec128 \n" >~" xmm4 44 44 340 16 vec128 \n" >~" xmm5 45 45 356 16 vec128 \n" >~" xmm6 46 46 372 16 vec128 \n" >~" xmm7 47 47 388 16 vec128 \n" >~" xmm8 48 48 404 16 vec128 \n" >~" xmm9 49 49 420 16 vec128 \n" >~" xmm10 50 50 436 16 vec128 \n" >~" xmm11 51 51 452 16 vec128 \n" >~" xmm12 52 52 468 16 vec128 \n" >~" xmm13 53 53 484 16 vec128 \n" >~" xmm14 54 54 500 16 vec128 \n" >~" xmm15 55 55 516 16 vec128 \n" >~" mxcsr 56 56 532 4 i386_mxcsr \n" >~" '' 57 57 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 58 58 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 59 59 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 60 60 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 61 61 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 62 62 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 63 63 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 64 64 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 65 65 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 66 66 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 67 67 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 68 68 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 69 69 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 70 70 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 71 71 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 72 72 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 73 73 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 74 74 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 75 75 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 76 76 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 77 77 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 78 78 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 79 79 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 80 80 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 81 81 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 82 82 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 83 83 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 84 84 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 85 85 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 86 86 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 87 87 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 88 88 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 89 89 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 90 90 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 91 91 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 92 92 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 93 93 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 94 94 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 95 95 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 96 96 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 97 97 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 98 98 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 99 99 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 100 100 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 101 101 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 102 102 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 103 103 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 104 104 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 105 105 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 106 106 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 107 107 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 108 108 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 109 109 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 110 110 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 111 111 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 112 112 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 113 113 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 114 114 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 115 115 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 116 116 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 117 117 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 118 118 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 119 119 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 120 120 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 121 121 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 122 122 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 123 123 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 124 124 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 125 125 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 126 126 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 127 127 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 128 128 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 129 129 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 130 130 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 131 131 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 132 132 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 133 133 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 134 134 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 135 135 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 136 136 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 137 137 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 138 138 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 139 139 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 140 140 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 141 141 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 142 142 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 143 143 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 144 144 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 145 145 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 146 146 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 147 147 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 148 148 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 149 149 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 150 150 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" '' 151 151 536 0 int0_t \n" >~" fs_base 152 152 536 8 long long \n" >~" gs_base 153 153 544 8 long long \n" >~" al 154 0 552 1 int8_t \n" >~" bl 155 1 553 1 int8_t \n" >~" cl 156 2 554 1 int8_t \n" >~" dl 157 3 555 1 int8_t \n" >~" sil 158 4 556 1 int8_t \n" >~" dil 159 5 557 1 int8_t \n" >~" bpl 160 6 558 1 int8_t \n" >~" spl 161 7 559 1 int8_t \n" >~" r8l 162 8 560 1 int8_t \n" >~" r9l 163 9 561 1 int8_t \n" >~" r10l 164 10 562 1 int8_t \n" >~" r11l 165 11 563 1 int8_t \n" >~" r12l 166 12 564 1 int8_t \n" >~" r13l 167 13 565 1 int8_t \n" >~" r14l 168 14 566 1 int8_t \n" >~" r15l 169 15 567 1 int8_t \n" >~" ah 170 16 568 1 int8_t \n" >~" bh 171 17 569 1 int8_t \n" >~" ch 172 18 570 1 int8_t \n" >~" dh 173 19 571 1 int8_t \n" >~" ax 174 20 572 2 int16_t \n" >~" bx 175 21 574 2 int16_t \n" >~" cx 176 22 576 2 int16_t \n" >~" dx 177 23 578 2 int16_t \n" >~" si 178 24 580 2 int16_t \n" >~" di 179 25 582 2 int16_t \n" >~" bp 180 26 584 2 int16_t \n" >~" '' 181 27 586 2 int16_t \n" >~" r8w 182 28 588 2 int16_t \n" >~" r9w 183 29 590 2 int16_t \n" >~" r10w 184 30 592 2 int16_t \n" >~" r11w 185 31 594 2 int16_t \n" >~" r12w 186 32 596 2 int16_t \n" >~" r13w 187 33 598 2 int16_t \n" >~" r14w 188 34 600 2 int16_t \n" >~" r15w 189 35 602 2 int16_t \n" >~" eax 190 36 604 4 int32_t \n" >~" ebx 191 37 608 4 int32_t \n" >~" ecx 192 38 612 4 int32_t \n" >~" edx 193 39 616 4 int32_t \n" >~" esi 194 40 620 4 int32_t \n" >~" edi 195 41 624 4 int32_t \n" >~" ebp 196 42 628 4 int32_t \n" >~" esp 197 43 632 4 int32_t \n" >~" r8d 198 44 636 4 int32_t \n" >~" r9d 199 45 640 4 int32_t \n" >~" r10d 200 46 644 4 int32_t \n" >~" r11d 201 47 648 4 int32_t \n" >~" r12d 202 48 652 4 int32_t \n" >~" r13d 203 49 656 4 int32_t \n" >~" r14d 204 50 660 4 int32_t \n" >~" r15d 205 51 664 4 int32_t \n" >~"*1: Register type's name NULL.\n" >26^done d27: -data-list-register-values r dTIMED OUT WAITING FOR GDB REPLY. COMMANDS STILL IN PROGRESS: "-data-list-register-values r" dKILLING DEBUGGER AS REQUESTED BY USER dNOTE: ENGINE SHUTDOWN FINISHED dState changed from InferiorStopOk(11) to EngineShutdownFinished(16) Debugger finished. dState changed from EngineShutdownFinished(16) to DebuggerFinished(17) dHANDLE GDB ERROR: The process was ended forcefully. dProcess crashed dGDB PROCESS FINISHED, status 1, exit code 62097