# $Id$ # Maintainer: Jan de Groot # Maintainer: Andreas Radke pkgbase=mesa pkgname=('mesa') pkgdesc="An open-source implementation of the OpenGL specification" pkgver=19.2 pkgrel=3 arch=('x86_64') provides=('libgl' 'libglvnd' ) depends=('libdrm' 'wayland' 'libelf' 'llvm-libs' 'lm_sensors' ) makedepends=( 'gettext' 'patch' 'bison' 'flex' 'python-mako' 'libxml2' 'libdrm' 'libva' 'wayland' 'wayland-protocols' 'llvm' 'clang' 'meson') url="https://www.mesa3d.org/" license=('custom') source=(https://mesa.freedesktop.org/archive/mesa-${pkgver}.tar.xz) source=('https://github.com/mesa3d/mesa/archive/master.zip') sha512sums=('SKIP') prepare() { rm -rf *.zip arch-meson *mesa* build \ -D b_ndebug=true \ -D platforms=wayland,drm \ -D gallium-drivers=radeonsi \ -D dri-drivers=i965 \ -D vulkan-drivers=amd,intel \ -D dri2=true \ -D dri3=true \ -D egl=true \ -D opengl=true \ -D gallium-extra-hud=false \ -D gallium-nine=false \ -D gallium-omx=disabled \ -D gallium-va=false \ -D gallium-vdpau=false \ -D gallium-xa=false \ -D gallium-xvmc=false \ -D gallium-opencl=disabled \ -D gbm=true \ -D gles1=true \ -D gles2=true \ -D gles3=true \ -D glvnd=false \ -D glx=disabled \ -D libunwind=false \ -D llvm=true \ -D lmsensors=false \ -D osmesa=none \ -D shared-glapi=true \ -D valgrind=false # Print config meson configure build } build() { export CC=clang export CXX=clang++ ninja -C build } package_mesa() { DESTDIR="$pkgdir" ninja -C build install }