➜ neptune3 ./neptune3-ui -r --verbose [WARN | am.deployment] For the installer to work correctly, the executable needs to be run either as root via sudo or SUID (preferred) [main.cpp:218] [WARN | am.deployment] (using fallback implementation - you might experience permission errors on installer operations) [main.cpp:218] [DBG | am.system] Registering runtimes: [runtimefactory.cpp:164] [DBG | am.system] * qml-inprocess [runtimefactory.cpp:167] [DBG | am.system] * qml [runtimefactory.cpp:167] [DBG | am.system] Registering applications: [main.cpp:461] [DBG | am.system] * com.luxoft.vehicle [at: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.luxoft.vehicle] [main.cpp:466] [DBG | am.system] * com.pelagicore.apps.settings [at: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.pelagicore.apps.settings] [main.cpp:466] [DBG | am.system] * com.pelagicore.calendar [at: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.pelagicore.calendar] [main.cpp:466] [DBG | am.system] * com.pelagicore.climate [at: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.pelagicore.climate] [main.cpp:466] [DBG | am.system] * com.pelagicore.downloads [at: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.pelagicore.downloads] [main.cpp:466] [DBG | am.system] * com.pelagicore.hud [at: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.pelagicore.hud] [main.cpp:466] [DBG | am.system] * com.pelagicore.map [at: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.pelagicore.map] [main.cpp:466] [DBG | am.system] * com.pelagicore.music [at: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.pelagicore.music] [main.cpp:466] [DBG | am.system] * com.pelagicore.phone [at: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.pelagicore.phone] [main.cpp:466] [DBG | am.system] * com.pelagicore.sheets [at: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.pelagicore.sheets] [main.cpp:466] [DBG | am.system] * com.pelagicore.tuner [at: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.pelagicore.tuner] [main.cpp:466] [DBG | am.system] * com.theqtcompany.cluster [at: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.theqtcompany.cluster] [main.cpp:466] [DBG | am.system] * com.pelagicore.samegame [at: /Users/vladimir/Library/Application Support/Luxoft Sweden AB/Neptune UI/neptune3-ui/apps/com.pelagicore.samegame] [main.cpp:466] [DBG | am.system] Not setting up the quick-launch pool (runtimesPerContainer is 0) [quicklauncher.cpp:84] [DBG | am.system] Registering intents: [main.cpp:482] [DBG | am.system] * activate-app [app: com.pelagicore.music] [intentaminterface.cpp:167] [DBG | am.system] * call-support [app: com.pelagicore.phone] [intentaminterface.cpp:167] [DBG | am.system] * activate-app [app: com.pelagicore.tuner] [intentaminterface.cpp:167] [WARN | am.graphics] Touch emulation cannot be enabled. Either it was disabled at build time or the platform does not support it. [main.cpp:714] [WARN | am.system] Disabling external D-Bus interfaces: could not start a dbus-daemon process (/usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon): execvp: No such file or directory [main.cpp:1040] [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source1 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:421 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:334:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source2 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:422 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:335:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source3 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:423 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:336:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source4 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:424 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:337:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source5 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:425 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:338:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source6 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:426 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:339:9 [INFO | qt.ivi.servicemanagement] Found the same plugin in two configurations. Using the 'release' configuration: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/plugins/qtivi/libmedia_qtro.dylib [INFO | qt.ivi.servicemanagement] Found the same plugin in two configurations. Using the 'release' configuration: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/plugins/qtivi/libmedia_simulator.dylib [INFO | qt.ivi.servicemanagement] Found the same plugin in two configurations. Using the 'release' configuration: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/plugins/qtivi/libtuner_simulator.dylib [INFO | qt.ivi.servicemanagement] Found the same plugin in two configurations. Using the 'release' configuration: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/plugins/qtivi/libvehiclefunction_qtro.dylib [INFO | qt.ivi.servicemanagement] Found the same plugin in two configurations. Using the 'release' configuration: /Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/plugins/qtivi/libvehiclefunction_simulator.dylib [INFO | shared.com.pelagicore.drivedata.instrumentclusterbackend.remoteobjects] Environment variable SERVER_CONF_PATH not defined, using "./server.conf" [INFO | shared.com.pelagicore.drivedata.instrumentclusterbackend.remoteobjects] Connecting to QUrl("tcp://") [INFO | qtivi.media.qivimediaplayerbackend.remoteobjects] Environment variable SERVER_CONF_PATH not defined, using "./server.conf" [INFO | qtivi.media.qivimediaplayerbackend.remoteobjects] Connecting to QUrl("tcp://") [INFO | shared.com.pelagicore.remotesettings.systemuibackend.remoteobjects] Environment variable SERVER_CONF_PATH not defined, using "./server.conf" [INFO | shared.com.pelagicore.remotesettings.systemuibackend.remoteobjects] Connecting to QUrl("tcp://") [INFO | shared.com.pelagicore.remotesettings.uisettingsbackend.remoteobjects] Environment variable SERVER_CONF_PATH not defined, using "./server.conf" [INFO | shared.com.pelagicore.remotesettings.uisettingsbackend.remoteobjects] Connecting to QUrl("tcp://") [INFO | am.graphics] WindowManager: running in single-process mode [forced at compile-time] [windowmanager.cpp:639] [DBG | am.qml.ipc] Registering new application interface extension: [applicationipcinterface.cpp:328] [DBG | am.qml.ipc] Name : "neptune.musicapprequests.interface" [applicationipcinterface.cpp:329] [DBG | am.qml.ipc] AppId filter : ("com.pelagicore.music", "com.pelagicore.tuner", "com.pelagicore.webradio") [applicationipcinterface.cpp:330] [DBG | am.qml.ipc] Category filter : () [applicationipcinterface.cpp:331] [DBG | am.qml.ipc] Capability filter: () [applicationipcinterface.cpp:332] [DBG | am.qml.ipc] [applicationipcinterface.cpp:333] [DBG | am.system] Starting application "com.pelagicore.climate" in container "" using runtime "qml" [applicationmanager.cpp:814] [DBG | am.system] Updated Qml import paths: ("/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3", "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/imports_shared", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/imports_system", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/sysui") [qmlinprocessruntime.cpp:131] [WARN | am.qml] QML NeptuneWindow: LayoutDirection attached property only works with Items and Windows [NeptuneWindow.qml:70] [WARN | am.qml] QML NeptuneWindow: LayoutDirection attached property only works with Items and Windows [NeptuneWindow.qml:70] [DBG | am.system] Starting application "com.pelagicore.hud" in container "" using runtime "qml" [applicationmanager.cpp:814] [DBG | am.system] Updated Qml import paths: ("/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3", "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/imports_shared", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/imports_system", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/sysui") [qmlinprocessruntime.cpp:131] [WARN | am.qml] QML NeptuneWindow: LayoutDirection attached property only works with Items and Windows [NeptuneWindow.qml:70] [DBG | am.system] Starting application "com.theqtcompany.cluster" in container "" using runtime "qml" [applicationmanager.cpp:814] [DBG | am.system] Updated Qml import paths: ("/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.theqtcompany.cluster", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3", "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/imports_shared", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/imports_system", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/sysui") [qmlinprocessruntime.cpp:131] [WARN | am.qml] QML NeptuneWindow: LayoutDirection attached property only works with Items and Windows [NeptuneWindow.qml:70] [INFO | qtivi.vehiclefunctions.qiviclimatecontrolbackend.remoteobjects] Environment variable SERVER_CONF_PATH not defined, using "./server.conf" [INFO | qtivi.vehiclefunctions.qiviclimatecontrolbackend.remoteobjects] Connecting to QUrl("local:qtivivehiclefunctions") [DBG | am.system] QmlInProcessApplicationManagerWindow componentComplete() this: ClimatePopup_QMLTYPE_122(0x7fc825b87cc0) [qmlinprocessapplicationmanagerwindow.cpp:185] [DBG | am.system] QmlInProcessApplicationManagerWindow componentComplete() this: NeptuneWindow_QMLTYPE_95(0x7fc82681a480) [qmlinprocessapplicationmanagerwindow.cpp:185] [DBG | am.system] QmlInProcessApplicationManagerWindow componentComplete() this: Main_QMLTYPE_124(0x7fc826855b20) [qmlinprocessapplicationmanagerwindow.cpp:185] [WARN | am.qml] module "QtStudio3D" is not installed [Qt3DStudioAvailable.qml:31] [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source1 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:421 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:334:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source2 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:422 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:335:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source3 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:423 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:336:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source4 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:424 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:337:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source5 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:425 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:338:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source6 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:426 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:339:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source1 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:421 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:334:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source2 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:422 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:335:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source3 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:423 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:336:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source4 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:424 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:337:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source5 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:425 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:338:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source6 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:426 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:339:9 [DBG | am.system] QmlInProcessApplicationManagerWindow componentComplete() this: NeptuneWindow_QMLTYPE_95(0x7fc826871360) [qmlinprocessapplicationmanagerwindow.cpp:185] [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [DBG | am.system] Starting application "com.pelagicore.calendar" in container "" using runtime "qml" [applicationmanager.cpp:814] [DBG | am.system] Updated Qml import paths: ("/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.theqtcompany.cluster", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3", "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/imports_shared", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/imports_system", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/sysui") [qmlinprocessruntime.cpp:131] [WARN | am.qml] QML NeptuneWindow: LayoutDirection attached property only works with Items and Windows [NeptuneWindow.qml:70] [DBG | am.system] Starting application "com.pelagicore.map" in container "" using runtime "qml" [applicationmanager.cpp:814] [DBG | am.system] Updated Qml import paths: ("/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.theqtcompany.cluster", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3", "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/imports_shared", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/imports_system", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/sysui") [qmlinprocessruntime.cpp:131] [WARN | am.qml] QML NeptuneWindow: LayoutDirection attached property only works with Items and Windows [NeptuneWindow.qml:70] [DBG | am.system] Starting application "com.pelagicore.phone" in container "" using runtime "qml" [applicationmanager.cpp:814] [DBG | am.system] Updated Qml import paths: ("/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.theqtcompany.cluster", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3", "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/imports_shared", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/imports_system", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/sysui") [qmlinprocessruntime.cpp:131] [WARN | am.qml] QML NeptuneWindow: LayoutDirection attached property only works with Items and Windows [NeptuneWindow.qml:70] [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source1 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:421 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:334:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source2 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:422 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:335:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source3 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:423 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:336:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source4 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:424 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:337:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source5 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:425 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:338:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source6 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:426 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:339:9 [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | am.qml] QML FrameTimer: It makes no sense to measure the FPS of an application's window in single-process mode. FrameTimer won't operate with the given window. [MonitorOverlay.qml:120] [DBG | am.system] QmlInProcessApplicationManagerWindow componentComplete() this: ApplicationCCWindow_QMLTYPE_170(0x7fc826a55430) [qmlinprocessapplicationmanagerwindow.cpp:185] [WARN | am.qml] QML RouteQuery: Invalid waypoint [MapStore.qml:222] [WARN | am.qml] QML RouteQuery: Invalid waypoint [MapStore.qml:249] [WARN | am.qml] QML RouteQuery: Invalid waypoint [MapStore.qml:266] [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source1 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:421 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:334:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source2 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:422 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:335:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source3 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:423 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:336:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source4 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:424 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:337:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source5 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:425 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:338:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source6 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:426 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:339:9 [WARN | am.qml] QML FrameTimer: It makes no sense to measure the FPS of an application's window in single-process mode. FrameTimer won't operate with the given window. [MonitorOverlay.qml:120] [DBG | default] No proxy parameter specified. [DBG | default] No proxy parameter specified. [DBG | am.system] QmlInProcessApplicationManagerWindow componentComplete() this: ApplicationCCWindow_QMLTYPE_170_QML_220(0x7fc826e497b0) [qmlinprocessapplicationmanagerwindow.cpp:185] [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on ApplicationCCWindow_QMLTYPE_170_QML_220::width at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/imports_shared/application/windows/ApplicationCCWindow.qml:164 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.pelagicore.map/Main.qml:53:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on ApplicationCCWindow_QMLTYPE_170_QML_220::height at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/imports_shared/application/windows/ApplicationCCWindow.qml:165 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.pelagicore.map/Main.qml:52:9 [INFO | qml] Supported map types: [MapStore.qml:126] [INFO | qml] mapbox://styles/qtauto/cjcm1by3q12dk2sqnquu0gju9 , description: User provided style , style: 100 , night mode: false [MapStore.qml:130] [INFO | qml] mapbox://styles/qtauto/cjcm1czb812co2sno1ypmp1r8 , description: User provided style , style: 100 , night mode: false [MapStore.qml:130] [INFO | qml] mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v10 , description: Streets , style: 1 , night mode: false [MapStore.qml:130] [INFO | qml] mapbox://styles/mapbox/basic-v9 , description: Basic , style: 1 , night mode: false [MapStore.qml:130] [INFO | qml] mapbox://styles/mapbox/bright-v9 , description: Bright , style: 1 , night mode: false [MapStore.qml:130] [INFO | qml] mapbox://styles/mapbox/outdoors-v10 , description: Outdoors , style: 4 , night mode: false [MapStore.qml:130] [INFO | qml] mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-v9 , description: Satellite , style: 2 , night mode: false [MapStore.qml:130] [INFO | qml] mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-streets-v10 , description: Satellite Streets , style: 5 , night mode: false [MapStore.qml:130] [INFO | qml] mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9 , description: Light , style: 7 , night mode: false [MapStore.qml:130] [INFO | qml] mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9 , description: Dark , style: 7 , night mode: false [MapStore.qml:130] [INFO | qml] mapbox://styles/mapbox/navigation-preview-day-v2 , description: Navigation Preview Day , style: 6 , night mode: false [MapStore.qml:130] [INFO | qml] mapbox://styles/mapbox/navigation-preview-night-v2 , description: Navigation Preview Night , style: 6 , night mode: true [MapStore.qml:130] [INFO | qml] mapbox://styles/mapbox/navigation-guidance-day-v2 , description: Navigation Guidance Day , style: 9 , night mode: false [MapStore.qml:130] [INFO | qml] mapbox://styles/mapbox/navigation-guidance-night-v2 , description: Navigation Guidance Night , style: 9 , night mode: true [MapStore.qml:130] [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source1 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:421 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:334:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source2 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:422 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:335:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source3 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:423 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:336:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source4 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:424 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:337:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source5 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:425 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:338:9 [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on QQuickShaderEffect_QML_43::source6 at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:426 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/FastBlur.qml:339:9 [WARN | am.qml] QML FrameTimer: It makes no sense to measure the FPS of an application's window in single-process mode. FrameTimer won't operate with the given window. [MonitorOverlay.qml:120] [DBG | am.intent] Client: Registering intent handler QtAM::IntentHandler(0x7fc826e9b810) for ("call-support") for application "com.pelagicore.phone" [intentclient.cpp:148] [DBG | am.system] QmlInProcessApplicationManagerWindow componentComplete() this: ApplicationCCWindow_QMLTYPE_170(0x7fc826e8d0b0) [qmlinprocessapplicationmanagerwindow.cpp:185] [WARN | qt.remoteobjects] connectionToSource is null [WARN | qt.remoteobjects] connectionToSource is null [INFO | am.system] Attempted automatic start of "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/bin/ivimedia-simulation-server" , pid: 72179 [CRIT | shared.com.pelagicore.drivedata.instrumentclusterbackend.remoteobjects] DriveData.InstrumentCluster wasn't initialized within the timeout period. Please make sure the server is running. [CRIT | shared.com.pelagicore.drivedata.instrumentclusterbackend.remoteobjects] DriveData.InstrumentCluster wasn't initialized within the timeout period. Please make sure the server is running. [CRIT | qtivi.media.qivimediaplayerbackend.remoteobjects] QtIviMedia.QIviMediaPlayer wasn't initialized within the timeout period. Please make sure the server is running. [CRIT | shared.com.pelagicore.remotesettings.systemuibackend.remoteobjects] RemoteSettings.SystemUI wasn't initialized within the timeout period. Please make sure the server is running. [CRIT | shared.com.pelagicore.remotesettings.uisettingsbackend.remoteobjects] RemoteSettings.UISettings wasn't initialized within the timeout period. Please make sure the server is running. [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 9 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.network.ssl] Error receiving trust for a CA certificate [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | default] [ INFO ] "{unknown}[General]: GPU Identifier: Intel Iris OpenGL Engine" [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 3 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | am.system] Attempted automatic start of "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/drivedata-simulation-server" , pid: 72180 [INFO | am.system] Attempted automatic start of "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/remotesettings-server" , pid: 72181 [INFO | am.system] Attempted automatic start of "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/bin/ivivehiclefunctions-simulation-server" , pid: 72178 [WARN | am.qml] QML Map: Plugin is a write-once property, and cannot be set again. [MapBoxPanel.qml:89] [WARN | qml] Route model error: 2 Operation canceled [MapStore.qml:242] [WARN | am.qml] QML RouteQuery: Invalid waypoint [MapStore.qml:222] [INFO | qt.qml.binding.removal] Overwriting binding on DialFramePanel_QMLTYPE_148::highLightAng at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.theqtcompany.cluster/panels/DialSpeedPanel.qml:252 that was initially bound at file:///Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.theqtcompany.cluster/panels/DialFramePanel.qml:47:5 [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 3 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | am.qml] QML NeptuneWindow: LayoutDirection attached property only works with Items and Windows [NeptuneWindow.qml:70] [WARN | am.qml] QML FrameTimer: It makes no sense to measure the FPS of an application's window in single-process mode. FrameTimer won't operate with the given window. [MonitorOverlay.qml:120] [DBG | am.system] QmlInProcessApplicationManagerWindow componentComplete() this: NeptuneWindow_QMLTYPE_95(0x7fc82791c220) [qmlinprocessapplicationmanagerwindow.cpp:185] [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 5 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 2 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 2 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [DBG | am.notify] Notify "com.pelagicore.map" 0 "" "Online map" "You are now using online map from Mapbox server" () QMap(("action-icons", QVariant(bool, false))("urgency", QVariant(int, 1))) 0 [notificationmanager.cpp:545] [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 2 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [DBG | am.notify] -> adding new notification with id 1 [notificationmanager.cpp:580] [DBG | am.notify] -> returning id 1 [notificationmanager.cpp:637] [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 2 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qml] Current location: 48° 8' 58.9" N, 11° 35' 6.0" E [MapStore.qml:115] [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 2 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 2 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 3 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 5 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.input.mouse] QEvent::Enter at QPointF(9.42188,197.988) with QFlags(NoButton) [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 10 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 4 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 3 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 2 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 2 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qml] Route model ready, results: 1 [MapStore.qml:231] [INFO | qml] Route distance (km): 1282 kilometers , time: 14 hours, 4 minutes [MapStore.qml:236] [INFO | qml] First coord: 48° 8' 58.5" N, 11° 35' 5.3" E [MapStore.qml:237] [INFO | qml] Home route distance (km): 1282 kilometers , time: 14 hours, 4 minutes [MapStore.qml:258] [INFO | qml] Work route distance (km): 1282 kilometers , time: 14 hours, 4 minutes [MapStore.qml:274] [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 2 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 3 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.input.mouse] QEvent::Leave [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 2 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 2 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 3 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 2 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 3 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 2 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 2 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.input.mouse] QEvent::Enter at QPointF(464.77,8.09375) with QFlags(NoButton) [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.input.mouse] QEvent::MouseButtonPress of Qt::LeftButton at QPointF(398.871,103.668) with QFlags(LeftButton) [INFO | qt.qpa.input.mouse] QEvent::MouseButtonRelease of Qt::LeftButton at QPointF(398.871,103.668) with QFlags(NoButton) [DBG | applicationmodel] activeAppId=com.pelagicore.apps.settings [ApplicationModel.qml:259] [DBG | am.system] Starting application "com.pelagicore.apps.settings" in container "" using runtime "qml" [applicationmanager.cpp:814] [DBG | am.system] Updated Qml import paths: ("/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/apps/com.theqtcompany.cluster", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3", "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/qml", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/imports_shared", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/imports_system", "/Users/vladimir/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/neptune3/sysui") [qmlinprocessruntime.cpp:131] [WARN | am.qml] QML NeptuneWindow: LayoutDirection attached property only works with Items and Windows [NeptuneWindow.qml:70] [WARN | am.qml] QML FrameTimer: It makes no sense to measure the FPS of an application's window in single-process mode. FrameTimer won't operate with the given window. [MonitorOverlay.qml:120] [DBG | am.system] QmlInProcessApplicationManagerWindow componentComplete() this: ApplicationCCWindow_QMLTYPE_170(0x7fc82be87ac0) [qmlinprocessapplicationmanagerwindow.cpp:185] [WARN | default] QQmlComponent: Created graphical object was not placed in the graphics scene. [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 8 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [WARN | qt.qpa.screen.updates] main thread missed 1 update(s) from display link during update request delivery [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.input.mouse] QEvent::MouseButtonPress of Qt::LeftButton at QPointF(212.836,493.477) with QFlags(LeftButton) [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.openglcontext] Set drawable for to [INFO | qt.qpa.input.mouse] QEvent::MouseButtonRelease of Qt::LeftButton at QPointF(212.836,493.477) with QFlags(NoButton) [DBG | com.pelagicore.apps.settings] updateLanguage: ar_MA [RootStore.qml:82] [DBG | am.notify] Notify "com.pelagicore.apps.settings" 0 "" "UI Language changed" "UI Language changed into العربية (ar_MA)" () QMap(("action-icons", QVariant(bool, false))("urgency", QVariant(int, 1))) 0 [notificationmanager.cpp:545] [DBG | com.pelagicore.apps.settings] update24HourTimeFormat: true [RootStore.qml:88] [DBG | am.notify] -> adding new notification with id 2 [notificationmanager.cpp:580] [WARN | am.qml] QML ListItemFlatButton: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight" [NotificationItem.qml:60] [DBG | am.notify] -> returning id 2 [notificationmanager.cpp:637] [WARN | am.qml] QML Map: Plugin is a write-once property, and cannot be set again. [ICMapView.qml:49] [WARN | am.qml] QML Map: Plugin is a write-once property, and cannot be set again. [ICMapView.qml:49] [1] 72177 segmentation fault ./neptune3-ui -r --verbose