System: Platform=win32 Executable=c:\dev\pyside\testenv514i\Scripts\python.exe Version=3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] API version=1013 ********* Start testing of shiboken2 ********* Config: Using win32 py3.7 qt5.14.1 64bit release py3 qt5 qt5.14 running ('C:\\opt\\CMake\\bin\\ctest.exe', '--output-log', 'C:\\dev\\pyside\\pyside-setup514i\\build_history\\2020-02-14_111655\\shiboken2.1.log') in C:\dev\pyside\pyside-setup514i\testenv514i3_build\py3.7-qt5.14.1-64bit-release\shiboken2 RUN 1: Test project C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/testenv514i3_build/py3.7-qt5.14.1-64bit-release/shiboken2 RUN 1: Start 1: testabstractmetaclass RUN 1: 1/176 Test #1: testabstractmetaclass .............................................. Passed 0.12 sec RUN 1: Start 2: testabstractmetatype RUN 1: 2/176 Test #2: testabstractmetatype ............................................... Passed 0.08 sec RUN 1: Start 3: testaddfunction RUN 1: 3/176 Test #3: testaddfunction .................................................... Passed 0.12 sec RUN 1: Start 4: testarrayargument RUN 1: 4/176 Test #4: testarrayargument .................................................. Passed 0.06 sec RUN 1: Start 5: testcodeinjection RUN 1: 5/176 Test #5: testcodeinjection .................................................. Passed 0.06 sec RUN 1: Start 6: testcontainer RUN 1: 6/176 Test #6: testcontainer ...................................................... Passed 0.05 sec RUN 1: Start 7: testconversionoperator RUN 1: 7/176 Test #7: testconversionoperator ............................................. Passed 0.07 sec RUN 1: Start 8: testconversionruletag RUN 1: 8/176 Test #8: testconversionruletag .............................................. Passed 0.07 sec RUN 1: Start 9: testctorinformation RUN 1: 9/176 Test #9: testctorinformation ................................................ Passed 0.06 sec RUN 1: Start 10: testdroptypeentries RUN 1: 10/176 Test #10: testdroptypeentries ................................................ Passed 0.06 sec RUN 1: Start 11: testdtorinformation RUN 1: 11/176 Test #11: testdtorinformation ................................................ Passed 0.06 sec RUN 1: Start 12: testenum RUN 1: 12/176 Test #12: testenum ........................................................... Passed 0.09 sec RUN 1: Start 13: testextrainclude RUN 1: 13/176 Test #13: testextrainclude ................................................... Passed 0.05 sec RUN 1: Start 14: testfunctiontag RUN 1: 14/176 Test #14: testfunctiontag .................................................... Passed 0.05 sec RUN 1: Start 15: testimplicitconversions RUN 1: 15/176 Test #15: testimplicitconversions ............................................ Passed 0.06 sec RUN 1: Start 16: testinserttemplate RUN 1: 16/176 Test #16: testinserttemplate ................................................. Passed 0.05 sec RUN 1: Start 17: testmodifyfunction RUN 1: 17/176 Test #17: testmodifyfunction ................................................. Passed 0.12 sec RUN 1: Start 18: testmultipleinheritance RUN 1: 18/176 Test #18: testmultipleinheritance ............................................ Passed 0.04 sec RUN 1: Start 19: testnamespace RUN 1: 19/176 Test #19: testnamespace ...................................................... Passed 0.05 sec RUN 1: Start 20: testnestedtypes RUN 1: 20/176 Test #20: testnestedtypes .................................................... Passed 0.05 sec RUN 1: Start 21: testnumericaltypedef RUN 1: 21/176 Test #21: testnumericaltypedef ............................................... Passed 0.05 sec RUN 1: Start 22: testprimitivetypetag RUN 1: 22/176 Test #22: testprimitivetypetag ............................................... Passed 0.04 sec RUN 1: Start 23: testrefcounttag RUN 1: 23/176 Test #23: testrefcounttag .................................................... Passed 0.05 sec RUN 1: Start 24: testreferencetopointer RUN 1: 24/176 Test #24: testreferencetopointer ............................................. Passed 0.04 sec RUN 1: Start 25: testremovefield RUN 1: 25/176 Test #25: testremovefield .................................................... Passed 0.04 sec RUN 1: Start 26: testremoveimplconv RUN 1: 26/176 Test #26: testremoveimplconv ................................................. Passed 0.04 sec RUN 1: Start 27: testremoveoperatormethod RUN 1: 27/176 Test #27: testremoveoperatormethod ........................................... Passed 0.05 sec RUN 1: Start 28: testresolvetype RUN 1: 28/176 Test #28: testresolvetype .................................................... Passed 0.04 sec RUN 1: Start 29: testreverseoperators RUN 1: 29/176 Test #29: testreverseoperators ............................................... Passed 0.05 sec RUN 1: Start 30: testtemplates RUN 1: 30/176 Test #30: testtemplates ...................................................... Passed 0.13 sec RUN 1: Start 31: testtoposort RUN 1: 31/176 Test #31: testtoposort ....................................................... Passed 0.02 sec RUN 1: Start 32: testvaluetypedefaultctortag RUN 1: 32/176 Test #32: testvaluetypedefaultctortag ........................................ Passed 0.05 sec RUN 1: Start 33: testvoidarg RUN 1: 33/176 Test #33: testvoidarg ........................................................ Passed 0.06 sec RUN 1: Start 34: testtyperevision RUN 1: 34/176 Test #34: testtyperevision ................................................... Passed 0.07 sec RUN 1: Start 35: testmodifydocumentation RUN 1: 35/176 Test #35: testmodifydocumentation ............................................ Passed 0.07 sec RUN 1: Start 36: minimal_brace_pattern RUN 1: 36/176 Test #36: minimal_brace_pattern .............................................. Passed 0.33 sec RUN 1: Start 37: minimal_listuser RUN 1: 37/176 Test #37: minimal_listuser ................................................... Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 38: minimal_minbool RUN 1: 38/176 Test #38: minimal_minbool .................................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 39: minimal_obj RUN 1: 39/176 Test #39: minimal_obj ........................................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 40: minimal_typedef RUN 1: 40/176 Test #40: minimal_typedef .................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 41: minimal_val RUN 1: 41/176 Test #41: minimal_val ........................................................ Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 42: other_collector_external_operator RUN 1: 42/176 Test #42: other_collector_external_operator .................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 43: other_conversion_operator_for_class_without_implicit_conversions RUN 1: 43/176 Test #43: other_conversion_operator_for_class_without_implicit_conversions ... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 44: other_extended_multiply_operator RUN 1: 44/176 Test #44: other_extended_multiply_operator ................................... Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 45: other_module_reload RUN 1: 45/176 Test #45: other_module_reload ................................................ Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 46: other_new_ctor_operator RUN 1: 46/176 Test #46: other_new_ctor_operator ............................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 47: other_objtypehashes RUN 1: 47/176 Test #47: other_objtypehashes ................................................ Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 48: other_otherderived RUN 1: 48/176 Test #48: other_otherderived ................................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 49: other_typediscovery RUN 1: 49/176 Test #49: other_typediscovery ................................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 50: other_usersprimitivefromothermodule RUN 1: 50/176 Test #50: other_usersprimitivefromothermodule ................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 51: other_wrongctor RUN 1: 51/176 Test #51: other_wrongctor .................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 52: sample___del__ RUN 1: 52/176 Test #52: sample___del__ ..................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 53: sample_abstract RUN 1: 53/176 Test #53: sample_abstract .................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 54: sample_addedfunction RUN 1: 54/176 Test #54: sample_addedfunction ............................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 55: sample_addedfunction_with_container_args RUN 1: 55/176 Test #55: sample_addedfunction_with_container_args ........................... Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 56: sample_argumentmodifications RUN 1: 56/176 Test #56: sample_argumentmodifications ....................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 57: sample_array_numpy RUN 1: 57/176 Test #57: sample_array_numpy ................................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 58: sample_array_sequence RUN 1: 58/176 Test #58: sample_array_sequence .............................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 59: sample_bug_554 RUN 1: 59/176 Test #59: sample_bug_554 ..................................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 60: sample_bug_704 RUN 1: 60/176 Test #60: sample_bug_704 ..................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 61: sample_bytearray RUN 1: 61/176 Test #61: sample_bytearray ................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 62: sample_child_return RUN 1: 62/176 Test #62: sample_child_return ................................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 63: sample_class_fields RUN 1: 63/176 Test #63: sample_class_fields ................................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 64: sample_collector RUN 1: 64/176 Test #64: sample_collector ................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 65: sample_complex RUN 1: 65/176 Test #65: sample_complex ..................................................... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 66: sample_conversion_operator RUN 1: 66/176 Test #66: sample_conversion_operator ......................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 67: sample_copy RUN 1: 67/176 Test #67: sample_copy ........................................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 68: sample_ctorconvrule RUN 1: 68/176 Test #68: sample_ctorconvrule ................................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 69: sample_cyclic RUN 1: 69/176 Test #69: sample_cyclic ...................................................... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 70: sample_date RUN 1: 70/176 Test #70: sample_date ........................................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 71: sample_decisor RUN 1: 71/176 Test #71: sample_decisor ..................................................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 72: sample_delete RUN 1: 72/176 Test #72: sample_delete ...................................................... Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 73: sample_deprecated RUN 1: 73/176 Test #73: sample_deprecated .................................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 74: sample_derived RUN 1: 74/176 Test #74: sample_derived ..................................................... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 75: sample_duck_punching RUN 1: 75/176 Test #75: sample_duck_punching ............................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 76: sample_echo RUN 1: 76/176 Test #76: sample_echo ........................................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 77: sample_enum RUN 1: 77/176 Test #77: sample_enum ........................................................ Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 78: sample_enumfromremovednamespace RUN 1: 78/176 Test #78: sample_enumfromremovednamespace .................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 79: sample_event_loop_call_virtual RUN 1: 79/176 Test #79: sample_event_loop_call_virtual ..................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 80: sample_event_loop_thread RUN 1: 80/176 Test #80: sample_event_loop_thread ........................................... Passed 0.39 sec RUN 1: Start 81: sample_exception RUN 1: 81/176 Test #81: sample_exception ................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 82: sample_filter RUN 1: 82/176 Test #82: sample_filter ...................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 83: sample_handleholder RUN 1: 83/176 Test #83: sample_handleholder ................................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 84: sample_hashabletype RUN 1: 84/176 Test #84: sample_hashabletype ................................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 85: sample_ignorederefop RUN 1: 85/176 Test #85: sample_ignorederefop ............................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 86: sample_implicitconv_numerical RUN 1: 86/176 Test #86: sample_implicitconv_numerical ...................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 87: sample_implicitconv RUN 1: 87/176 Test #87: sample_implicitconv ................................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 88: sample_inheritanceandscope RUN 1: 88/176 Test #88: sample_inheritanceandscope ......................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 89: sample_injectcode RUN 1: 89/176 Test #89: sample_injectcode .................................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 90: sample_innerclass RUN 1: 90/176 Test #90: sample_innerclass .................................................. Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 91: sample_intlist RUN 1: 91/176 Test #91: sample_intlist ..................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 92: sample_invalid_virtual_return RUN 1: 92/176 Test #92: sample_invalid_virtual_return ...................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 93: sample_keep_reference RUN 1: 93/176 Test #93: sample_keep_reference .............................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 94: sample_list RUN 1: 94/176 Test #94: sample_list ........................................................ Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 95: sample_lock RUN 1: 95/176 Test #95: sample_lock ........................................................ Passed 1.12 sec RUN 1: Start 96: sample_map RUN 1: 96/176 Test #96: sample_map ......................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 97: sample_metaclass RUN 1: 97/176 Test #97: sample_metaclass ................................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 98: sample_mi_virtual_methods RUN 1: 98/176 Test #98: sample_mi_virtual_methods .......................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 99: sample_mixed_mi RUN 1: 99/176 Test #99: sample_mixed_mi .................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 100: sample_modelindex RUN 1: 100/176 Test #100: sample_modelindex .................................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 101: sample_modelview RUN 1: 101/176 Test #101: sample_modelview ................................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 102: sample_modifications RUN 1: 102/176 Test #102: sample_modifications ............................................... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 103: sample_modified_constructor RUN 1: 103/176 Test #103: sample_modified_constructor ........................................ Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 104: sample_modifiedvirtualmethods RUN 1: 104/176 Test #104: sample_modifiedvirtualmethods ...................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 105: sample_multi_cpp_inheritance RUN 1: 105/176 Test #105: sample_multi_cpp_inheritance ....................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 106: sample_multiple_derived RUN 1: 106/176 Test #106: sample_multiple_derived ............................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 107: sample_namespace RUN 1: 107/176 Test #107: sample_namespace ................................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 108: sample_newdivision RUN 1: 108/176 Test #108: sample_newdivision ................................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 109: sample_nondefaultctor RUN 1: 109/176 Test #109: sample_nondefaultctor .............................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 110: sample_nontypetemplate RUN 1: 110/176 Test #110: sample_nontypetemplate ............................................. Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 111: sample_nonzero RUN 1: 111/176 Test #111: sample_nonzero ..................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 112: sample_numericaltypedef RUN 1: 112/176 Test #112: sample_numericaltypedef ............................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 113: sample_numpy RUN 1: 113/176 Test #113: sample_numpy ....................................................... Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 114: sample_objecttype RUN 1: 114/176 Test #114: sample_objecttype .................................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 115: sample_objecttype_with_named_args RUN 1: 115/176 Test #115: sample_objecttype_with_named_args .................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 116: sample_objecttypebyvalue RUN 1: 116/176 Test #116: sample_objecttypebyvalue ........................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 117: sample_objecttypelayout RUN 1: 117/176 Test #117: sample_objecttypelayout ............................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 118: sample_objecttypeoperators RUN 1: 118/176 Test #118: sample_objecttypeoperators ......................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 119: sample_objecttypereferenceasvirtualmethodargument RUN 1: 119/176 Test #119: sample_objecttypereferenceasvirtualmethodargument .................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 120: sample_oddbool RUN 1: 120/176 Test #120: sample_oddbool ..................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 121: sample_oldstyleclass_as_number RUN 1: 121/176 Test #121: sample_oldstyleclass_as_number ..................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 122: sample_onlycopyclass RUN 1: 122/176 Test #122: sample_onlycopyclass ............................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 123: sample_overflow RUN 1: 123/176 Test #123: sample_overflow .................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 124: sample_overload_sorting RUN 1: 124/176 Test #124: sample_overload_sorting ............................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 125: sample_overload RUN 1: 125/176 Test #125: sample_overload .................................................... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 126: sample_overloadwithdefault RUN 1: 126/176 Test #126: sample_overloadwithdefault ......................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 127: sample_ownership_argument_invalidation RUN 1: 127/176 Test #127: sample_ownership_argument_invalidation ............................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 128: sample_ownership_delete_child_in_cpp RUN 1: 128/176 Test #128: sample_ownership_delete_child_in_cpp ............................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 129: sample_ownership_delete_child_in_python RUN 1: 129/176 Test #129: sample_ownership_delete_child_in_python ............................ Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 130: sample_ownership_delete_parent RUN 1: 130/176 Test #130: sample_ownership_delete_parent ..................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 131: sample_ownership_invalidate_after_use RUN 1: 131/176 Test #131: sample_ownership_invalidate_after_use .............................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 132: sample_ownership_invalidate_child RUN 1: 132/176 Test #132: sample_ownership_invalidate_child .................................. Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 133: sample_ownership_invalidate_nonpolymorphic RUN 1: 133/176 Test #133: sample_ownership_invalidate_nonpolymorphic ......................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 134: sample_ownership_invalidate_parent RUN 1: 134/176 Test #134: sample_ownership_invalidate_parent ................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 135: sample_ownership_reparenting RUN 1: 135/176 Test #135: sample_ownership_reparenting ....................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 136: sample_ownership_transference RUN 1: 136/176 Test #136: sample_ownership_transference ...................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 137: sample_pair RUN 1: 137/176 Test #137: sample_pair ........................................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 138: sample_pen RUN 1: 138/176 Test #138: sample_pen ......................................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 139: sample_point RUN 1: 139/176 Test #139: sample_point ....................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 140: sample_pointerholder RUN 1: 140/176 Test #140: sample_pointerholder ............................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 141: sample_pointerprimitivetype RUN 1: 141/176 Test #141: sample_pointerprimitivetype ........................................ Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 142: sample_pointf RUN 1: 142/176 Test #142: sample_pointf ...................................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 143: sample_primitivereferenceargument RUN 1: 143/176 Test #143: sample_primitivereferenceargument .................................. Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 144: sample_privatector RUN 1: 144/176 Test #144: sample_privatector ................................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 145: sample_privatedtor RUN 1: 145/176 Test #145: sample_privatedtor ................................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 146: sample_protected RUN 1: 146/176 Test #146: sample_protected ................................................... Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 147: sample_pstrlist RUN 1: 147/176 Test #147: sample_pstrlist .................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 148: sample_pystr RUN 1: 148/176 Test #148: sample_pystr ....................................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 149: sample_python_thread RUN 1: 149/176 Test #149: sample_python_thread ............................................... Passed 0.38 sec RUN 1: Start 150: sample_receive_null_cstring RUN 1: 150/176 Test #150: sample_receive_null_cstring ........................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 151: sample_reference RUN 1: 151/176 Test #151: sample_reference ................................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 152: sample_referencetopointer RUN 1: 152/176 Test #152: sample_referencetopointer .......................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 153: sample_return_null RUN 1: 153/176 Test #153: sample_return_null ................................................. Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 154: sample_richcompare RUN 1: 154/176 Test #154: sample_richcompare ................................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 155: sample_sample RUN 1: 155/176 Test #155: sample_sample ...................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 156: sample_simplefile RUN 1: 156/176 Test #156: sample_simplefile .................................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 157: sample_size RUN 1: 157/176 Test #157: sample_size ........................................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 158: sample_static_nonstatic_methods RUN 1: 158/176 Test #158: sample_static_nonstatic_methods .................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 159: sample_str RUN 1: 159/176 Test #159: sample_str ......................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 160: sample_strlist RUN 1: 160/176 Test #160: sample_strlist ..................................................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 161: sample_templateinheritingclass RUN 1: 161/176 Test #161: sample_templateinheritingclass ..................................... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 162: sample_time RUN 1: 162/176 Test #162: sample_time ........................................................ Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 163: sample_transform RUN 1: 163/176 Test #163: sample_transform ................................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 164: sample_typeconverters RUN 1: 164/176 Test #164: sample_typeconverters .............................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 165: sample_typedealloc RUN 1: 165/176 Test #165: sample_typedealloc ................................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 166: sample_typedtordoublefree RUN 1: 166/176 Test #166: sample_typedtordoublefree .......................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 167: sample_unsafe_parent RUN 1: 167/176 Test #167: sample_unsafe_parent ............................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 168: sample_useraddedctor RUN 1: 168/176 Test #168: sample_useraddedctor ............................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 169: sample_virtualdtor RUN 1: 169/176 Test #169: sample_virtualdtor ................................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 170: sample_virtualmethods RUN 1: 170/176 Test #170: sample_virtualmethods .............................................. Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 171: sample_visibilitychange RUN 1: 171/176 Test #171: sample_visibilitychange ............................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 172: sample_voidholder RUN 1: 172/176 Test #172: sample_voidholder .................................................. Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 173: sample_weakref RUN 1: 173/176 Test #173: sample_weakref ..................................................... Passed 0.18 sec RUN 1: Start 174: sample_writableclassdict RUN 1: 174/176 Test #174: sample_writableclassdict ........................................... Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: Start 175: shiboken_module RUN 1: 175/176 Test #175: shiboken_module .................................................... Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 176: smart_smart_pointer RUN 1: 176/176 Test #176: smart_smart_pointer ................................................ Passed 0.19 sec RUN 1: RUN 1: 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 176 RUN 1: RUN 1: Total Test time (real) = 30.75 sec End of the test run RES 1: PASS testabstractmetaclass() RES 1: PASS testabstractmetatype() RES 1: PASS testaddfunction() RES 1: PASS testarrayargument() RES 1: PASS testcodeinjection() RES 1: PASS testcontainer() RES 1: PASS testconversionoperator() RES 1: PASS testconversionruletag() RES 1: PASS testctorinformation() RES 1: PASS testdroptypeentries() RES 1: PASS testdtorinformation() RES 1: PASS testenum() RES 1: PASS testextrainclude() RES 1: PASS testfunctiontag() RES 1: PASS testimplicitconversions() RES 1: PASS testinserttemplate() RES 1: PASS testmodifyfunction() RES 1: PASS testmultipleinheritance() RES 1: PASS testnamespace() RES 1: PASS testnestedtypes() RES 1: PASS testnumericaltypedef() RES 1: PASS testprimitivetypetag() RES 1: PASS testrefcounttag() RES 1: PASS testreferencetopointer() RES 1: PASS testremovefield() RES 1: PASS testremoveimplconv() RES 1: PASS testremoveoperatormethod() RES 1: PASS testresolvetype() RES 1: PASS testreverseoperators() RES 1: PASS testtemplates() RES 1: PASS testtoposort() RES 1: PASS testvaluetypedefaultctortag() RES 1: PASS testvoidarg() RES 1: PASS testtyperevision() RES 1: PASS testmodifydocumentation() RES 1: PASS minimal::brace_pattern() RES 1: PASS minimal::listuser() RES 1: PASS minimal::minbool() RES 1: PASS minimal::obj() RES 1: PASS minimal::typedef() RES 1: PASS minimal::val() RES 1: PASS other::collector_external_operator() RES 1: PASS other::conversion_operator_for_class_without_implicit_conversions() RES 1: PASS other::extended_multiply_operator() RES 1: PASS other::module_reload() RES 1: PASS other::new_ctor_operator() RES 1: PASS other::objtypehashes() RES 1: PASS other::otherderived() RES 1: PASS other::typediscovery() RES 1: PASS other::usersprimitivefromothermodule() RES 1: PASS other::wrongctor() RES 1: PASS sample::__del__() RES 1: PASS sample::abstract() RES 1: PASS sample::addedfunction() RES 1: PASS sample::addedfunction_with_container_args() RES 1: PASS sample::argumentmodifications() RES 1: PASS sample::array_numpy() RES 1: PASS sample::array_sequence() RES 1: PASS sample::bug_554() RES 1: PASS sample::bug_704() RES 1: PASS sample::bytearray() RES 1: PASS sample::child_return() RES 1: PASS sample::class_fields() RES 1: PASS sample::collector() RES 1: PASS sample::complex() RES 1: PASS sample::conversion_operator() RES 1: PASS sample::copy() RES 1: PASS sample::ctorconvrule() RES 1: PASS sample::cyclic() RES 1: PASS sample::date() RES 1: PASS sample::decisor() RES 1: PASS sample::delete() RES 1: PASS sample::deprecated() RES 1: PASS sample::derived() RES 1: PASS sample::duck_punching() RES 1: PASS sample::echo() RES 1: PASS sample::enum() RES 1: PASS sample::enumfromremovednamespace() RES 1: PASS sample::event_loop_call_virtual() RES 1: PASS sample::event_loop_thread() RES 1: PASS sample::exception() RES 1: PASS sample::filter() RES 1: PASS sample::handleholder() RES 1: PASS sample::hashabletype() RES 1: PASS sample::ignorederefop() RES 1: PASS sample::implicitconv_numerical() RES 1: PASS sample::implicitconv() RES 1: PASS sample::inheritanceandscope() RES 1: PASS sample::injectcode() RES 1: PASS sample::innerclass() RES 1: PASS sample::intlist() RES 1: PASS sample::invalid_virtual_return() RES 1: PASS sample::keep_reference() RES 1: PASS sample::list() RES 1: PASS sample::lock() RES 1: PASS sample::map() RES 1: PASS sample::metaclass() RES 1: PASS sample::mi_virtual_methods() RES 1: PASS sample::mixed_mi() RES 1: PASS sample::modelindex() RES 1: PASS sample::modelview() RES 1: PASS sample::modifications() RES 1: PASS sample::modified_constructor() RES 1: PASS sample::modifiedvirtualmethods() RES 1: PASS sample::multi_cpp_inheritance() RES 1: PASS sample::multiple_derived() RES 1: PASS sample::namespace() RES 1: PASS sample::newdivision() RES 1: PASS sample::nondefaultctor() RES 1: PASS sample::nontypetemplate() RES 1: PASS sample::nonzero() RES 1: PASS sample::numericaltypedef() RES 1: PASS sample::numpy() RES 1: PASS sample::objecttype() RES 1: PASS sample::objecttype_with_named_args() RES 1: PASS sample::objecttypebyvalue() RES 1: PASS sample::objecttypelayout() RES 1: PASS sample::objecttypeoperators() RES 1: PASS sample::objecttypereferenceasvirtualmethodargument() RES 1: PASS sample::oddbool() RES 1: PASS sample::oldstyleclass_as_number() RES 1: PASS sample::onlycopyclass() RES 1: PASS sample::overflow() RES 1: PASS sample::overload_sorting() RES 1: PASS sample::overload() RES 1: PASS sample::overloadwithdefault() RES 1: PASS sample::ownership_argument_invalidation() RES 1: PASS sample::ownership_delete_child_in_cpp() RES 1: PASS sample::ownership_delete_child_in_python() RES 1: PASS sample::ownership_delete_parent() RES 1: PASS sample::ownership_invalidate_after_use() RES 1: PASS sample::ownership_invalidate_child() RES 1: PASS sample::ownership_invalidate_nonpolymorphic() RES 1: PASS sample::ownership_invalidate_parent() RES 1: PASS sample::ownership_reparenting() RES 1: PASS sample::ownership_transference() RES 1: PASS sample::pair() RES 1: PASS sample::pen() RES 1: PASS sample::point() RES 1: PASS sample::pointerholder() RES 1: PASS sample::pointerprimitivetype() RES 1: PASS sample::pointf() RES 1: PASS sample::primitivereferenceargument() RES 1: PASS sample::privatector() RES 1: PASS sample::privatedtor() RES 1: PASS sample::protected() RES 1: PASS sample::pstrlist() RES 1: PASS sample::pystr() RES 1: PASS sample::python_thread() RES 1: PASS sample::receive_null_cstring() RES 1: PASS sample::reference() RES 1: PASS sample::referencetopointer() RES 1: PASS sample::return_null() RES 1: PASS sample::richcompare() RES 1: PASS sample::sample() RES 1: PASS sample::simplefile() RES 1: PASS sample::size() RES 1: PASS sample::static_nonstatic_methods() RES 1: PASS sample::str() RES 1: PASS sample::strlist() RES 1: PASS sample::templateinheritingclass() RES 1: PASS sample::time() RES 1: PASS sample::transform() RES 1: PASS sample::typeconverters() RES 1: PASS sample::typedealloc() RES 1: PASS sample::typedtordoublefree() RES 1: PASS sample::unsafe_parent() RES 1: PASS sample::useraddedctor() RES 1: PASS sample::virtualdtor() RES 1: PASS sample::virtualmethods() RES 1: PASS sample::visibilitychange() RES 1: PASS sample::voidholder() RES 1: PASS sample::weakref() RES 1: PASS sample::writableclassdict() RES 1: PASS shiboken::module() RES 1: PASS smart::smart_pointer() Totals: 176 tests. 176 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 0 bpassed. ********* Finished testing of shiboken2 ********* ********* Start testing of shiboken2 ********* Config: Using win32 py3.7 qt5.14.1 64bit release py3 qt5 qt5.14 --- no re-runs found, stopping before test 2 --- ********* Start testing of pyside2 ********* Config: Using win32 py3.7 qt5.14.1 64bit release py3 qt5 qt5.14 running ('C:\\opt\\CMake\\bin\\ctest.exe', '--output-log', 'C:\\dev\\pyside\\pyside-setup514i\\build_history\\2020-02-14_111655\\pyside2.1.log') in C:\dev\pyside\pyside-setup514i\testenv514i3_build\py3.7-qt5.14.1-64bit-release\pyside2 RUN 1: Test project C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/testenv514i3_build/py3.7-qt5.14.1-64bit-release/pyside2 RUN 1: Start 1: pysidetest_constructor_properties_test RUN 1: 1/456 Test #1: pysidetest_constructor_properties_test ..........Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.29 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 2: pysidetest_decoratedslot_test RUN 1: 2/456 Test #2: pysidetest_decoratedslot_test ................... Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 3: pysidetest_delegatecreateseditor_test RUN 1: 3/456 Test #3: pysidetest_delegatecreateseditor_test ...........Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 4: pysidetest_all_modules_load_test RUN 1: 4/456 Test #4: pysidetest_all_modules_load_test ................ Passed 0.39 sec RUN 1: Start 5: pysidetest_bug_1016 RUN 1: 5/456 Test #5: pysidetest_bug_1016 ............................. Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 6: pysidetest_embedding_test RUN 1: 6/456 Test #6: pysidetest_embedding_test ....................... Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 7: pysidetest_enum_test RUN 1: 7/456 Test #7: pysidetest_enum_test ............................ Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 8: pysidetest_homonymoussignalandmethod_test RUN 1: 8/456 Test #8: pysidetest_homonymoussignalandmethod_test ....... Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 9: pysidetest_iterable_test RUN 1: 9/456 Test #9: pysidetest_iterable_test ........................ Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 10: pysidetest_list_signal_test RUN 1: 10/456 Test #10: pysidetest_list_signal_test ..................... Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 11: pysidetest_mixin_signal_slots_test RUN 1: 11/456 Test #11: pysidetest_mixin_signal_slots_test .............. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 12: pysidetest_modelview_test RUN 1: 12/456 Test #12: pysidetest_modelview_test ....................... Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 13: pysidetest_new_inherited_functions_test RUN 1: 13/456 Test #13: pysidetest_new_inherited_functions_test .........Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.36 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 14: pysidetest_notify_id RUN 1: 14/456 Test #14: pysidetest_notify_id ............................ Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 15: pysidetest_qapp_like_a_macro_test RUN 1: 15/456 Test #15: pysidetest_qapp_like_a_macro_test ...............Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: .qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 16: pysidetest_qvariant_test RUN 1: 16/456 Test #16: pysidetest_qvariant_test ........................ Passed 0.27 sec RUN 1: Start 17: pysidetest_repr_test RUN 1: 17/456 Test #17: pysidetest_repr_test ............................ Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 18: pysidetest_signal_slot_warning RUN 1: 18/456 Test #18: pysidetest_signal_slot_warning .................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 19: pysidetest_signalandnamespace_test RUN 1: 19/456 Test #19: pysidetest_signalandnamespace_test .............. Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 20: pysidetest_signalemissionfrompython_test RUN 1: 20/456 Test #20: pysidetest_signalemissionfrompython_test ........ Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 21: pysidetest_signalwithdefaultvalue_test RUN 1: 21/456 Test #21: pysidetest_signalwithdefaultvalue_test .......... Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 22: pysidetest_typedef_signal_test RUN 1: 22/456 Test #22: pysidetest_typedef_signal_test .................. Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 23: pysidetest_version_test RUN 1: 23/456 Test #23: pysidetest_version_test ......................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 24: registry_existence_test RUN 1: 24/456 Test #24: registry_existence_test ......................... Passed 0.42 sec RUN 1: Start 25: signals_args_dont_match_test RUN 1: 25/456 Test #25: signals_args_dont_match_test .................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 26: signals_bug_79 RUN 1: 26/456 Test #26: signals_bug_79 ..................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 27: signals_bug_189 RUN 1: 27/456 Test #27: signals_bug_189 .................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 28: signals_bug_311 RUN 1: 28/456 Test #28: signals_bug_311 ................................. Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 29: signals_bug_312 RUN 1: 29/456 Test #29: signals_bug_312 ................................. Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 30: signals_bug_319 RUN 1: 30/456 Test #30: signals_bug_319 ................................. Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 31: signals_decorators_test RUN 1: 31/456 Test #31: signals_decorators_test ......................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 32: signals_disconnect_test RUN 1: 32/456 Test #32: signals_disconnect_test ......................... Passed 0.27 sec RUN 1: Start 33: signals_invalid_callback_test RUN 1: 33/456 Test #33: signals_invalid_callback_test ................... Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 34: signals_lambda_gui_test RUN 1: 34/456 Test #34: signals_lambda_gui_test .........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 35: signals_lambda_test RUN 1: 35/456 Test #35: signals_lambda_test ............................. Passed 0.35 sec RUN 1: Start 36: signals_leaking_signal_test RUN 1: 36/456 Test #36: signals_leaking_signal_test ..................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 37: signals_multiple_connections_gui_test RUN 1: 37/456 Test #37: signals_multiple_connections_gui_test ...........Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 38: signals_multiple_connections_test RUN 1: 38/456 Test #38: signals_multiple_connections_test ............... Passed 0.35 sec RUN 1: Start 39: signals_pysignal_test RUN 1: 39/456 Test #39: signals_pysignal_test ...........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 40: signals_qobject_destroyed_test RUN 1: 40/456 Test #40: signals_qobject_destroyed_test .................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 41: signals_qobject_receivers_test RUN 1: 41/456 Test #41: signals_qobject_receivers_test .................. Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 42: signals_qobject_sender_test RUN 1: 42/456 Test #42: signals_qobject_sender_test ..................... Passed 0.30 sec RUN 1: Start 43: signals_ref01_test RUN 1: 43/456 Test #43: signals_ref01_test .............................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 44: signals_ref02_test RUN 1: 44/456 Test #44: signals_ref02_test .............................. Passed 0.45 sec RUN 1: Start 45: signals_ref03_test RUN 1: 45/456 Test #45: signals_ref03_test .............................. Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 46: signals_ref04_test RUN 1: 46/456 Test #46: signals_ref04_test .............................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 47: signals_ref05_test RUN 1: 47/456 Test #47: signals_ref05_test .............................. Passed 0.35 sec RUN 1: Start 48: signals_ref06_test RUN 1: 48/456 Test #48: signals_ref06_test .............................. Passed 0.36 sec RUN 1: Start 49: signals_segfault_proxyparent_test RUN 1: 49/456 Test #49: signals_segfault_proxyparent_test ............... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 50: signals_self_connect_test RUN 1: 50/456 Test #50: signals_self_connect_test .......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 51: signals_short_circuit_test RUN 1: 51/456 Test #51: signals_short_circuit_test ...................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 52: signals_signal2signal_connect_test RUN 1: 52/456 Test #52: signals_signal2signal_connect_test .............. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 53: signals_signal_autoconnect_test RUN 1: 53/456 Test #53: signals_signal_autoconnect_test .................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 54: signals_signal_connectiontype_support_test RUN 1: 54/456 Test #54: signals_signal_connectiontype_support_test ...... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 55: signals_signal_emission_gui_test RUN 1: 55/456 Test #55: signals_signal_emission_gui_test ................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 56: signals_signal_emission_test RUN 1: 56/456 Test #56: signals_signal_emission_test .................... Passed 0.30 sec RUN 1: Start 57: signals_signal_func_test RUN 1: 57/456 Test #57: signals_signal_func_test ........................ Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 58: signals_signal_manager_refcount_test RUN 1: 58/456 Test #58: signals_signal_manager_refcount_test ............ Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 59: signals_signal_number_limit_test RUN 1: 59/456 Test #59: signals_signal_number_limit_test ................ Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 60: signals_signal_object_test RUN 1: 60/456 Test #60: signals_signal_object_test ...................... Passed 0.46 sec RUN 1: Start 61: signals_signal_signature_test RUN 1: 61/456 Test #61: signals_signal_signature_test ................... Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 62: signals_signal_with_primitive_type_test RUN 1: 62/456 Test #62: signals_signal_with_primitive_type_test ......... Passed 0.27 sec RUN 1: Start 63: signals_slot_reference_count_test RUN 1: 63/456 Test #63: signals_slot_reference_count_test ............... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 64: signals_static_metaobject_test RUN 1: 64/456 Test #64: signals_static_metaobject_test .................. Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 65: support_voidptr_test RUN 1: 65/456 Test #65: support_voidptr_test ............................ Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 66: QtCore_attr_cache_py3k RUN 1: 66/456 Test #66: QtCore_attr_cache_py3k .......................... Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 67: QtCore_bug_278_test RUN 1: 67/456 Test #67: QtCore_bug_278_test ............................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 68: QtCore_bug_332 RUN 1: 68/456 Test #68: QtCore_bug_332 .................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 69: QtCore_bug_408 RUN 1: 69/456 Test #69: QtCore_bug_408 .................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 70: QtCore_bug_428 RUN 1: 70/456 Test #70: QtCore_bug_428 .................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 71: QtCore_bug_462 RUN 1: 71/456 Test #71: QtCore_bug_462 .................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 72: QtCore_bug_505 RUN 1: 72/456 Test #72: QtCore_bug_505 .................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 73: QtCore_bug_515 RUN 1: 73/456 Test #73: QtCore_bug_515 .................................. Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 74: QtCore_bug_606 RUN 1: 74/456 Test #74: QtCore_bug_606 .................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 75: QtCore_bug_656 RUN 1: 75/456 Test #75: QtCore_bug_656 .................................. Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 76: QtCore_bug_686 RUN 1: 76/456 Test #76: QtCore_bug_686 .................................. Passed 0.26 sec RUN 1: Start 77: QtCore_bug_699 RUN 1: 77/456 Test #77: QtCore_bug_699 .................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 78: QtCore_bug_706 RUN 1: 78/456 Test #78: QtCore_bug_706 .................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 79: QtCore_bug_820 RUN 1: 79/456 Test #79: QtCore_bug_820 .................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 80: QtCore_bug_826 RUN 1: 80/456 Test #80: QtCore_bug_826 .................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 81: QtCore_bug_829 RUN 1: 81/456 Test #81: QtCore_bug_829 .................................. Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 82: QtCore_bug_835 RUN 1: 82/456 Test #82: QtCore_bug_835 .................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 83: QtCore_bug_920 RUN 1: 83/456 Test #83: QtCore_bug_920 .................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 84: QtCore_bug_927 RUN 1: 84/456 Test #84: QtCore_bug_927 .................................. Passed 4.22 sec RUN 1: Start 85: QtCore_bug_931 RUN 1: 85/456 Test #85: QtCore_bug_931 .................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 86: QtCore_bug_938 RUN 1: 86/456 Test #86: QtCore_bug_938 .................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 87: QtCore_bug_953 RUN 1: 87/456 Test #87: QtCore_bug_953 .................................. Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 88: QtCore_bug_987 RUN 1: 88/456 Test #88: QtCore_bug_987 .................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 89: QtCore_bug_994 RUN 1: 89/456 Test #89: QtCore_bug_994 .................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 90: QtCore_bug_1019 RUN 1: 90/456 Test #90: QtCore_bug_1019 ................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 91: QtCore_bug_1031 RUN 1: 91/456 Test #91: QtCore_bug_1031 ................................. Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 92: QtCore_bug_1063 RUN 1: 92/456 Test #92: QtCore_bug_1063 ................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 93: QtCore_bug_1069 RUN 1: 93/456 Test #93: QtCore_bug_1069 ................................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 94: QtCore_bug_PYSIDE-42 RUN 1: 94/456 Test #94: QtCore_bug_PYSIDE-42 ............................ Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 95: QtCore_bug_PYSIDE-164 RUN 1: 95/456 Test #95: QtCore_bug_PYSIDE-164 ........................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 96: QtCore_blocking_signals_test RUN 1: 96/456 Test #96: QtCore_blocking_signals_test .................... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 97: QtCore_classinfo_test RUN 1: 97/456 Test #97: QtCore_classinfo_test ........................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 98: QtCore_child_event_test RUN 1: 98/456 Test #98: QtCore_child_event_test ......................... Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 99: QtCore_deepcopy_test RUN 1: 99/456 Test #99: QtCore_deepcopy_test ............................ Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 100: QtCore_deletelater_test RUN 1: 100/456 Test #100: QtCore_deletelater_test ......................... Passed 0.37 sec RUN 1: Start 101: QtCore_destroysignal_test RUN 1: 101/456 Test #101: QtCore_destroysignal_test ....................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 102: QtCore_duck_punching_test RUN 1: 102/456 Test #102: QtCore_duck_punching_test ....................... Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 103: QtCore_emoji_string_test RUN 1: 103/456 Test #103: QtCore_emoji_string_test ........................ Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 104: QtCore_hash_test RUN 1: 104/456 Test #104: QtCore_hash_test ................................ Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 105: QtCore_inherits_test RUN 1: 105/456 Test #105: QtCore_inherits_test ............................ Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 106: QtCore_max_signals RUN 1: 106/456 Test #106: QtCore_max_signals .............................. Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 107: QtCore_missing_symbols_test RUN 1: 107/456 Test #107: QtCore_missing_symbols_test ..................... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 108: QtCore_mockclass_test RUN 1: 108/456 Test #108: QtCore_mockclass_test ........................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 109: QtCore_python_conversion RUN 1: 109/456 Test #109: QtCore_python_conversion ........................ Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 110: QtCore_qabs_test RUN 1: 110/456 Test #110: QtCore_qabs_test ................................ Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 111: QtCore_qabstractitemmodel_test RUN 1: 111/456 Test #111: QtCore_qabstractitemmodel_test .................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 112: QtCore_qabstracttransition_test RUN 1: 112/456 Test #112: QtCore_qabstracttransition_test ................. Passed 0.32 sec RUN 1: Start 113: QtCore_qanimationgroup_test RUN 1: 113/456 Test #113: QtCore_qanimationgroup_test ..................... Passed 0.30 sec RUN 1: Start 114: QtCore_qbitarray_test RUN 1: 114/456 Test #114: QtCore_qbitarray_test ........................... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 115: QtCore_qbytearray_buffer_protocol_test RUN 1: 115/456 Test #115: QtCore_qbytearray_buffer_protocol_test .......... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 116: QtCore_qbytearray_concatenation_operator_test RUN 1: 116/456 Test #116: QtCore_qbytearray_concatenation_operator_test ... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 117: QtCore_qbytearray_operator_iadd_test RUN 1: 117/456 Test #117: QtCore_qbytearray_operator_iadd_test ............ Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 118: QtCore_qbytearray_operator_test RUN 1: 118/456 Test #118: QtCore_qbytearray_operator_test ................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 119: QtCore_qbytearray_test RUN 1: 119/456 Test #119: QtCore_qbytearray_test .......................... Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 120: QtCore_qcalendar_test RUN 1: 120/456 Test #120: QtCore_qcalendar_test ........................... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 121: QtCore_qcbor_test RUN 1: 121/456 Test #121: QtCore_qcbor_test ............................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 122: QtCore_qcollator_test RUN 1: 122/456 Test #122: QtCore_qcollator_test ........................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 123: QtCore_qcommandlineparser_test RUN 1: 123/456 Test #123: QtCore_qcommandlineparser_test .................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 124: QtCore_qcoreapplication_instance_test RUN 1: 124/456 Test #124: QtCore_qcoreapplication_instance_test ........... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 125: QtCore_qcoreapplication_test RUN 1: 125/456 Test #125: QtCore_qcoreapplication_test .................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 126: QtCore_qdatastream_test RUN 1: 126/456 Test #126: QtCore_qdatastream_test ......................... Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 127: QtCore_qdatetime_test RUN 1: 127/456 Test #127: QtCore_qdatetime_test ........................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 128: QtCore_qdate_test RUN 1: 128/456 Test #128: QtCore_qdate_test ............................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 129: QtCore_qeasingcurve_test RUN 1: 129/456 Test #129: QtCore_qeasingcurve_test ........................ Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 130: QtCore_qenum_test RUN 1: 130/456 Test #130: QtCore_qenum_test ............................... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 131: QtCore_qevent_test RUN 1: 131/456 Test #131: QtCore_qevent_test .............................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 132: QtCore_qfileinfo_test RUN 1: 132/456 Test #132: QtCore_qfileinfo_test ........................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 133: QtCore_qfile_test RUN 1: 133/456 Test #133: QtCore_qfile_test ............................... Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 134: QtCore_qfileread_test RUN 1: 134/456 Test #134: QtCore_qfileread_test ........................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 135: QtCore_qflags_test RUN 1: 135/456 Test #135: QtCore_qflags_test ..............................***Failed 0.21 sec RUN 1: ..........E RUN 1: ====================================================================== RUN 1: ERROR: testWrongType (__main__.QFlagsWrongType) RUN 1: Wrong type passed to QFlags binary operators RUN 1: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 1: TypeError: an integer is required (got type str) RUN 1: RUN 1: The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: RUN 1: RUN 1: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 1: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtCore/", line 114, in testWrongType RUN 1: self.assertRaises(TypeError, Qt.NoItemFlags | '43') RUN 1: File "c:\python37\Lib\unittest\", line 754, in assertRaises RUN 1: context = _AssertRaisesContext(expected_exception, self) RUN 1: SystemError: returned a result with an error set RUN 1: RUN 1: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 1: Ran 11 tests in 0.002s RUN 1: RUN 1: FAILED (errors=1) RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 136: QtCore_qinstallmsghandler_test RUN 1: 136/456 Test #136: QtCore_qinstallmsghandler_test .................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 137: QtCore_qjsondocument_test RUN 1: 137/456 Test #137: QtCore_qjsondocument_test ....................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 138: QtCore_qlinef_test RUN 1: 138/456 Test #138: QtCore_qlinef_test .............................. Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 139: QtCore_qlocale_test RUN 1: 139/456 Test #139: QtCore_qlocale_test ............................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 140: QtCore_qlockfile_test RUN 1: 140/456 Test #140: QtCore_qlockfile_test ........................... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 141: QtCore_qmessageauthenticationcode_test RUN 1: 141/456 Test #141: QtCore_qmessageauthenticationcode_test .......... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 142: QtCore_qmetaobject_test RUN 1: 142/456 Test #142: QtCore_qmetaobject_test ......................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 143: QtCore_qmimedatabase_test RUN 1: 143/456 Test #143: QtCore_qmimedatabase_test ....................... Passed 0.28 sec RUN 1: Start 144: QtCore_qmodelindex_internalpointer_test RUN 1: 144/456 Test #144: QtCore_qmodelindex_internalpointer_test ......... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 145: QtCore_qobject_children_segfault_test RUN 1: 145/456 Test #145: QtCore_qobject_children_segfault_test ........... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 146: QtCore_qobject_connect_notify_test RUN 1: 146/456 Test #146: QtCore_qobject_connect_notify_test .............. Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 147: QtCore_qobject_destructor RUN 1: 147/456 Test #147: QtCore_qobject_destructor ....................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 148: QtCore_qobject_event_filter_test RUN 1: 148/456 Test #148: QtCore_qobject_event_filter_test ................ Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 149: QtCore_qobject_inherits_test RUN 1: 149/456 Test #149: QtCore_qobject_inherits_test ....................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: .qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 150: QtCore_qobject_objectproperty_test RUN 1: 150/456 Test #150: QtCore_qobject_objectproperty_test .............. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 151: QtCore_qobject_parent_test RUN 1: 151/456 Test #151: QtCore_qobject_parent_test ...................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 152: QtCore_qobject_property_test RUN 1: 152/456 Test #152: QtCore_qobject_property_test .................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 153: QtCore_qobject_protected_methods_test RUN 1: 153/456 Test #153: QtCore_qobject_protected_methods_test ........... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 154: QtCore_qobject_test RUN 1: 154/456 Test #154: QtCore_qobject_test ............................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 155: QtCore_qobject_timer_event_test RUN 1: 155/456 Test #155: QtCore_qobject_timer_event_test ................. Passed 1.29 sec RUN 1: Start 156: QtCore_qobject_tr_as_instance_test RUN 1: 156/456 Test #156: QtCore_qobject_tr_as_instance_test .............. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 157: QtCore_qoperatingsystemversion_test RUN 1: 157/456 Test #157: QtCore_qoperatingsystemversion_test ............. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 158: QtCore_qpoint_test RUN 1: 158/456 Test #158: QtCore_qpoint_test .............................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 159: QtCore_qprocess_test RUN 1: 159/456 Test #159: QtCore_qprocess_test ............................ Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 160: QtCore_qproperty_decorator RUN 1: 160/456 Test #160: QtCore_qproperty_decorator ...................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 161: QtCore_qrect_test RUN 1: 161/456 Test #161: QtCore_qrect_test ............................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 162: QtCore_qregexp_test RUN 1: 162/456 Test #162: QtCore_qregexp_test ............................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 163: QtCore_qregularexpression_test RUN 1: 163/456 Test #163: QtCore_qregularexpression_test .................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 164: QtCore_qresource_test RUN 1: 164/456 Test #164: QtCore_qresource_test ........................... Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 165: QtCore_qsettings_test RUN 1: 165/456 Test #165: QtCore_qsettings_test ........................... Passed 0.26 sec RUN 1: Start 166: QtCore_qsize_test RUN 1: 166/456 Test #166: QtCore_qsize_test ............................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 167: QtCore_qslot_object_test RUN 1: 167/456 Test #167: QtCore_qslot_object_test ........................ Passed 0.33 sec RUN 1: Start 168: QtCore_qsocketnotifier_test RUN 1: 168/456 Test #168: QtCore_qsocketnotifier_test .....................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 169: QtCore_qsrand_test RUN 1: 169/456 Test #169: QtCore_qsrand_test .............................. Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 170: QtCore_qstandardpaths_test RUN 1: 170/456 Test #170: QtCore_qstandardpaths_test ...................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 171: QtCore_qstatemachine_test RUN 1: 171/456 Test #171: QtCore_qstatemachine_test ....................... Passed 0.45 sec RUN 1: Start 172: QtCore_qstate_test RUN 1: 172/456 Test #172: QtCore_qstate_test .............................. Passed 0.35 sec RUN 1: Start 173: QtCore_qstorageinfo_test RUN 1: 173/456 Test #173: QtCore_qstorageinfo_test ........................ Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 174: QtCore_qstring_test RUN 1: 174/456 Test #174: QtCore_qstring_test ............................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 175: QtCore_qsysinfo_test RUN 1: 175/456 Test #175: QtCore_qsysinfo_test ............................ Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 176: QtCore_qtext_codec_test RUN 1: 176/456 Test #176: QtCore_qtext_codec_test ......................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 177: QtCore_qtextstream_test RUN 1: 177/456 Test #177: QtCore_qtextstream_test ......................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 178: QtCore_qthread_prod_cons_test RUN 1: 178/456 Test #178: QtCore_qthread_prod_cons_test ................... Passed 0.41 sec RUN 1: Start 179: QtCore_qthread_signal_test RUN 1: 179/456 Test #179: QtCore_qthread_signal_test ...................... Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 180: QtCore_qthread_test RUN 1: 180/456 Test #180: QtCore_qthread_test ............................. Passed 2.24 sec RUN 1: Start 181: QtCore_qtimer_singleshot_test RUN 1: 181/456 Test #181: QtCore_qtimer_singleshot_test ................... Passed 0.47 sec RUN 1: Start 182: QtCore_qtimer_timeout_test RUN 1: 182/456 Test #182: QtCore_qtimer_timeout_test ...................... Passed 0.46 sec RUN 1: Start 183: QtCore_qtimezone_test RUN 1: 183/456 Test #183: QtCore_qtimezone_test ........................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 184: QtCore_qtnamespace_test RUN 1: 184/456 Test #184: QtCore_qtnamespace_test ......................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 185: QtCore_qurl_test RUN 1: 185/456 Test #185: QtCore_qurl_test ................................ Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 186: QtCore_qurlquery_test RUN 1: 186/456 Test #186: QtCore_qurlquery_test ........................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 187: QtCore_quuid_test RUN 1: 187/456 Test #187: QtCore_quuid_test ............................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 188: QtCore_qversionnumber_test RUN 1: 188/456 Test #188: QtCore_qversionnumber_test ...................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 189: QtCore_repr_test RUN 1: 189/456 Test #189: QtCore_repr_test ................................ Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 190: QtCore_setprop_on_ctor_test RUN 1: 190/456 Test #190: QtCore_setprop_on_ctor_test ..................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 191: QtCore_staticMetaObject_test RUN 1: 191/456 Test #191: QtCore_staticMetaObject_test .................... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 192: QtCore_static_method_test RUN 1: 192/456 Test #192: QtCore_static_method_test ....................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 193: QtCore_thread_signals_test RUN 1: 193/456 Test #193: QtCore_thread_signals_test ...................... Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 194: QtCore_tr_noop_test RUN 1: 194/456 Test #194: QtCore_tr_noop_test ............................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 195: QtCore_translation_test RUN 1: 195/456 Test #195: QtCore_translation_test ......................... Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 196: QtCore_unaryoperator_test RUN 1: 196/456 Test #196: QtCore_unaryoperator_test ....................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 197: QtCore_unicode_test RUN 1: 197/456 Test #197: QtCore_unicode_test ............................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 198: QtCore_versioninfo_test RUN 1: 198/456 Test #198: QtCore_versioninfo_test ......................... Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 199: QtGui_bug_300_test RUN 1: 199/456 Test #199: QtGui_bug_300_test .............................. Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 200: QtGui_bug_367 RUN 1: 200/456 Test #200: QtGui_bug_367 ...................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 201: QtGui_bug_480 RUN 1: 201/456 Test #201: QtGui_bug_480 ...................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 202: QtGui_bug_606 RUN 1: 202/456 Test #202: QtGui_bug_606 ................................... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 203: QtGui_bug_617 RUN 1: 203/456 Test #203: QtGui_bug_617 ................................... Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 204: QtGui_bug_652 RUN 1: 204/456 Test #204: QtGui_bug_652 ................................... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 205: QtGui_bug_660 RUN 1: 205/456 Test #205: QtGui_bug_660 ................................... Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 206: QtGui_bug_716 RUN 1: 206/456 Test #206: QtGui_bug_716 ................................... Passed 0.20 sec RUN 1: Start 207: QtGui_bug_740 RUN 1: 207/456 Test #207: QtGui_bug_740 ...................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 208: QtGui_bug_743 RUN 1: 208/456 Test #208: QtGui_bug_743 ................................... Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 209: QtGui_bug_991 RUN 1: 209/456 Test #209: QtGui_bug_991 ................................... Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 210: QtGui_bug_1091 RUN 1: 210/456 Test #210: QtGui_bug_1091 .................................. Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 211: QtGui_bug_PYSIDE-41 RUN 1: 211/456 Test #211: QtGui_bug_PYSIDE-41 ............................. Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 212: QtGui_bug_PYSIDE-344 RUN 1: 212/456 Test #212: QtGui_bug_PYSIDE-344 ............................ Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 213: QtGui_deepcopy_test RUN 1: 213/456 Test #213: QtGui_deepcopy_test ............................. Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 214: QtGui_float_to_int_implicit_conversion_test RUN 1: 214/456 Test #214: QtGui_float_to_int_implicit_conversion_test .....Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 215: QtGui_pyside_reload_test RUN 1: 215/456 Test #215: QtGui_pyside_reload_test ........................ Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 216: QtGui_qcolor_test RUN 1: 216/456 Test #216: QtGui_qcolor_test ............................... Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 217: QtGui_qcolor_reduce_test RUN 1: 217/456 Test #217: QtGui_qcolor_reduce_test ........................ Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 218: QtGui_qcursor_test RUN 1: 218/456 Test #218: QtGui_qcursor_test ..............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 219: QtGui_qdatastream_gui_operators_test RUN 1: 219/456 Test #219: QtGui_qdatastream_gui_operators_test ............Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 220: QtGui_qdesktopservices_test RUN 1: 220/456 Test #220: QtGui_qdesktopservices_test ..................... Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 221: QtGui_qfontmetrics_test RUN 1: 221/456 Test #221: QtGui_qfontmetrics_test .........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 222: QtGui_qguiapplication_test RUN 1: 222/456 Test #222: QtGui_qguiapplication_test ......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.25 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 223: QtGui_qicon_test RUN 1: 223/456 Test #223: QtGui_qicon_test ................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 224: QtGui_qitemselection_test RUN 1: 224/456 Test #224: QtGui_qitemselection_test .......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 225: QtGui_qmatrix_test RUN 1: 225/456 Test #225: QtGui_qmatrix_test .............................. Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 226: QtGui_qopenglbuffer_test RUN 1: 226/456 Test #226: QtGui_qopenglbuffer_test ........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 227: QtGui_qpainter_test RUN 1: 227/456 Test #227: QtGui_qpainter_test ............................. Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 228: QtGui_qpdfwriter_test RUN 1: 228/456 Test #228: QtGui_qpdfwriter_test ...........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 229: QtGui_qpixelformat_test RUN 1: 229/456 Test #229: QtGui_qpixelformat_test .........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 230: QtGui_qpixmap_test RUN 1: 230/456 Test #230: QtGui_qpixmap_test ..............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 231: QtGui_qpixmapcache_test RUN 1: 231/456 Test #231: QtGui_qpixmapcache_test .........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 232: QtGui_qpolygonf_test RUN 1: 232/456 Test #232: QtGui_qpolygonf_test ............................ Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 233: QtGui_qkeysequence_test RUN 1: 233/456 Test #233: QtGui_qkeysequence_test .........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 234: QtGui_qradialgradient_test RUN 1: 234/456 Test #234: QtGui_qradialgradient_test ...................... Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 235: QtGui_qrasterwindow_test RUN 1: 235/456 Test #235: QtGui_qrasterwindow_test ........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 236: QtGui_qopenglwindow_test RUN 1: 236/456 Test #236: QtGui_qopenglwindow_test ........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.47 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 237: QtGui_qregion_test RUN 1: 237/456 Test #237: QtGui_qregion_test ..............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 238: QtGui_qstylehints_test RUN 1: 238/456 Test #238: QtGui_qstylehints_test ..........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 239: QtGui_qtextdocument_functions RUN 1: 239/456 Test #239: QtGui_qtextdocument_functions ................... Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 240: QtGui_qtextdocument_undoredo_test RUN 1: 240/456 Test #240: QtGui_qtextdocument_undoredo_test ............... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 241: QtGui_qtextdocumentwriter_test RUN 1: 241/456 Test #241: QtGui_qtextdocumentwriter_test .................. Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 242: QtGui_qtextline_test RUN 1: 242/456 Test #242: QtGui_qtextline_test ............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 243: QtGui_qtransform_test RUN 1: 243/456 Test #243: QtGui_qtransform_test ........................... Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 244: QtGui_repr_test RUN 1: 244/456 Test #244: QtGui_repr_test ................................. Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 245: QtGui_timed_app_and_patching_test RUN 1: 245/456 Test #245: QtGui_timed_app_and_patching_test ...............Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: .qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 246: QtWidgets_action_clear RUN 1: 246/456 Test #246: QtWidgets_action_clear ..........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 247: QtWidgets_add_action_test RUN 1: 247/456 Test #247: QtWidgets_add_action_test .......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 248: QtWidgets_api2_test RUN 1: 248/456 Test #248: QtWidgets_api2_test .............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 249: QtWidgets_application_test RUN 1: 249/456 Test #249: QtWidgets_application_test ...................... Passed 0.26 sec RUN 1: Start 250: QtWidgets_bug_172 RUN 1: 250/456 Test #250: QtWidgets_bug_172 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.25 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 251: QtWidgets_bug_243 RUN 1: 251/456 Test #251: QtWidgets_bug_243 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 252: QtWidgets_bug_307 RUN 1: 252/456 Test #252: QtWidgets_bug_307 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 253: QtWidgets_bug_324 RUN 1: 253/456 Test #253: QtWidgets_bug_324 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 254: QtWidgets_bug_338 RUN 1: 254/456 Test #254: QtWidgets_bug_338 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 255: QtWidgets_bug_363 RUN 1: 255/456 Test #255: QtWidgets_bug_363 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 256: QtWidgets_bug_389 RUN 1: 256/456 Test #256: QtWidgets_bug_389 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 257: QtWidgets_bug_400 RUN 1: 257/456 Test #257: QtWidgets_bug_400 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 258: QtWidgets_bug_416 RUN 1: 258/456 Test #258: QtWidgets_bug_416 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 259: QtWidgets_bug_429 RUN 1: 259/456 Test #259: QtWidgets_bug_429 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.25 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 260: QtWidgets_bug_430 RUN 1: 260/456 Test #260: QtWidgets_bug_430 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.24 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 261: QtWidgets_bug_433 RUN 1: 261/456 Test #261: QtWidgets_bug_433 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.25 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 262: QtWidgets_bug_467 RUN 1: 262/456 Test #262: QtWidgets_bug_467 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 263: QtWidgets_bug_493 RUN 1: 263/456 Test #263: QtWidgets_bug_493 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 264: QtWidgets_bug_512 RUN 1: 264/456 Test #264: QtWidgets_bug_512 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 265: QtWidgets_bug_525 RUN 1: 265/456 Test #265: QtWidgets_bug_525 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 266: QtWidgets_bug_546 RUN 1: 266/456 Test #266: QtWidgets_bug_546 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 267: QtWidgets_bug_547 RUN 1: 267/456 Test #267: QtWidgets_bug_547 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 268: QtWidgets_bug_549 RUN 1: 268/456 Test #268: QtWidgets_bug_549 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 269: QtWidgets_bug_569 RUN 1: 269/456 Test #269: QtWidgets_bug_569 ............................... Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 270: QtWidgets_bug_575 RUN 1: 270/456 Test #270: QtWidgets_bug_575 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 271: QtWidgets_bug_576 RUN 1: 271/456 Test #271: QtWidgets_bug_576 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 272: QtWidgets_bug_585 RUN 1: 272/456 Test #272: QtWidgets_bug_585 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 273: QtWidgets_bug_589 RUN 1: 273/456 Test #273: QtWidgets_bug_589 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 274: QtWidgets_bug_632 RUN 1: 274/456 Test #274: QtWidgets_bug_632 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 275: QtWidgets_bug_635 RUN 1: 275/456 Test #275: QtWidgets_bug_635 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 276: QtWidgets_bug_640 RUN 1: 276/456 Test #276: QtWidgets_bug_640 ............................... Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 277: QtWidgets_bug_653 RUN 1: 277/456 Test #277: QtWidgets_bug_653 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 278: QtWidgets_bug_662 RUN 1: 278/456 Test #278: QtWidgets_bug_662 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 279: QtWidgets_bug_667 RUN 1: 279/456 Test #279: QtWidgets_bug_667 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.25 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 280: QtWidgets_bug_668 RUN 1: 280/456 Test #280: QtWidgets_bug_668 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.25 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 281: QtWidgets_bug_674 RUN 1: 281/456 Test #281: QtWidgets_bug_674 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 282: QtWidgets_bug_675 RUN 1: 282/456 Test #282: QtWidgets_bug_675 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.25 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 283: QtWidgets_bug_688 RUN 1: 283/456 Test #283: QtWidgets_bug_688 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 284: QtWidgets_bug_693 RUN 1: 284/456 Test #284: QtWidgets_bug_693 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 285: QtWidgets_bug_696 RUN 1: 285/456 Test #285: QtWidgets_bug_696 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 286: QtWidgets_bug_711 RUN 1: 286/456 Test #286: QtWidgets_bug_711 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 287: QtWidgets_bug_714 RUN 1: 287/456 Test #287: QtWidgets_bug_714 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 288: QtWidgets_bug_722 RUN 1: 288/456 Test #288: QtWidgets_bug_722 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 289: QtWidgets_bug_728 RUN 1: 289/456 Test #289: QtWidgets_bug_728 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.25 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 290: QtWidgets_bug_736 RUN 1: 290/456 Test #290: QtWidgets_bug_736 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 291: QtWidgets_bug_750 RUN 1: 291/456 Test #291: QtWidgets_bug_750 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 292: QtWidgets_bug_778 RUN 1: 292/456 Test #292: QtWidgets_bug_778 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 293: QtWidgets_bug_785 RUN 1: 293/456 Test #293: QtWidgets_bug_785 ............................... Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 294: QtWidgets_bug_793 RUN 1: 294/456 Test #294: QtWidgets_bug_793 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 295: QtWidgets_bug_811 RUN 1: 295/456 Test #295: QtWidgets_bug_811 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 296: QtWidgets_bug_834 RUN 1: 296/456 Test #296: QtWidgets_bug_834 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.25 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 297: QtWidgets_bug_836 RUN 1: 297/456 Test #297: QtWidgets_bug_836 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.25 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 298: QtWidgets_bug_844 RUN 1: 298/456 Test #298: QtWidgets_bug_844 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 299: QtWidgets_bug_854 RUN 1: 299/456 Test #299: QtWidgets_bug_854 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 300: QtWidgets_bug_860 RUN 1: 300/456 Test #300: QtWidgets_bug_860 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 301: QtWidgets_bug_862 RUN 1: 301/456 Test #301: QtWidgets_bug_862 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 302: QtWidgets_bug_871 RUN 1: 302/456 Test #302: QtWidgets_bug_871 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 303: QtWidgets_bug_879 RUN 1: 303/456 Test #303: QtWidgets_bug_879 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 304: QtWidgets_bug_919 RUN 1: 304/456 Test #304: QtWidgets_bug_919 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 305: QtWidgets_bug_921 RUN 1: 305/456 Test #305: QtWidgets_bug_921 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 306: QtWidgets_bug_941 RUN 1: 306/456 Test #306: QtWidgets_bug_941 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 307: QtWidgets_bug_964 RUN 1: 307/456 Test #307: QtWidgets_bug_964 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 308: QtWidgets_bug_967 RUN 1: 308/456 Test #308: QtWidgets_bug_967 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 309: QtWidgets_bug_972 RUN 1: 309/456 Test #309: QtWidgets_bug_972 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 310: QtWidgets_bug_979 RUN 1: 310/456 Test #310: QtWidgets_bug_979 ............................... Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 311: QtWidgets_bug_988 RUN 1: 311/456 Test #311: QtWidgets_bug_988 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 312: QtWidgets_bug_998 RUN 1: 312/456 Test #312: QtWidgets_bug_998 ............................... Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 313: QtWidgets_bug_1002 RUN 1: 313/456 Test #313: QtWidgets_bug_1002 ..............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 314: QtWidgets_bug_1006 RUN 1: 314/456 Test #314: QtWidgets_bug_1006 ..............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 315: QtWidgets_bug_1048 RUN 1: 315/456 Test #315: QtWidgets_bug_1048 ..............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 316: QtWidgets_bug_1077 RUN 1: 316/456 Test #316: QtWidgets_bug_1077 ..............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 317: QtWidgets_customproxywidget_test RUN 1: 317/456 Test #317: QtWidgets_customproxywidget_test ................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 318: QtWidgets_event_filter_test RUN 1: 318/456 Test #318: QtWidgets_event_filter_test .....................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 319: QtWidgets_grandparent_method_test RUN 1: 319/456 Test #319: QtWidgets_grandparent_method_test ...............Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 320: QtWidgets_hashabletype_test RUN 1: 320/456 Test #320: QtWidgets_hashabletype_test .....................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 321: QtWidgets_keep_reference_test RUN 1: 321/456 Test #321: QtWidgets_keep_reference_test ...................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 322: QtWidgets_missing_symbols_test RUN 1: 322/456 Test #322: QtWidgets_missing_symbols_test .................. Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 323: QtWidgets_paint_event_test RUN 1: 323/456 Test #323: QtWidgets_paint_event_test ......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 324: QtWidgets_parent_method_test RUN 1: 324/456 Test #324: QtWidgets_parent_method_test ....................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 325: QtWidgets_private_mangle_test RUN 1: 325/456 Test #325: QtWidgets_private_mangle_test ...................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 326: QtWidgets_python_properties_test RUN 1: 326/456 Test #326: QtWidgets_python_properties_test ................ Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 327: QtWidgets_qabstracttextdocumentlayout_test RUN 1: 327/456 Test #327: QtWidgets_qabstracttextdocumentlayout_test ......Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 328: QtWidgets_qaction_test RUN 1: 328/456 Test #328: QtWidgets_qaction_test ..........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 329: QtWidgets_qapp_issue_585 RUN 1: 329/456 Test #329: QtWidgets_qapp_issue_585 ........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.25 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 330: QtWidgets_qapp_test RUN 1: 330/456 Test #330: QtWidgets_qapp_test .............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 331: QtWidgets_qapplication_test RUN 1: 331/456 Test #331: QtWidgets_qapplication_test .....................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 332: QtWidgets_qapplication_exit_segfault_test RUN 1: 332/456 Test #332: QtWidgets_qapplication_exit_segfault_test .......Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 333: QtWidgets_qapplication_singleton_test RUN 1: 333/456 Test #333: QtWidgets_qapplication_singleton_test ...........Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 334: QtWidgets_qbrush_test RUN 1: 334/456 Test #334: QtWidgets_qbrush_test ...........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 335: QtWidgets_qdynamic_signal RUN 1: 335/456 Test #335: QtWidgets_qdynamic_signal .......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 336: QtWidgets_qformlayout_test RUN 1: 336/456 Test #336: QtWidgets_qformlayout_test ......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 337: QtWidgets_qgraphicsitem_test RUN 1: 337/456 Test #337: QtWidgets_qgraphicsitem_test ....................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 338: QtWidgets_qgraphicsitem_isblocked_test RUN 1: 338/456 Test #338: QtWidgets_qgraphicsitem_isblocked_test ..........Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 339: QtWidgets_qgraphicsobjectreimpl_test RUN 1: 339/456 Test #339: QtWidgets_qgraphicsobjectreimpl_test ............Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 340: QtWidgets_qgraphicsproxywidget_test RUN 1: 340/456 Test #340: QtWidgets_qgraphicsproxywidget_test .............Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 341: QtWidgets_qgraphicsscene_test RUN 1: 341/456 Test #341: QtWidgets_qgraphicsscene_test ...................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 342: QtWidgets_qimage_test RUN 1: 342/456 Test #342: QtWidgets_qimage_test ...........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 343: QtWidgets_qinputdialog_get_test RUN 1: 343/456 Test #343: QtWidgets_qinputdialog_get_test .................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 344: QtWidgets_qkeysequenceedit_test RUN 1: 344/456 Test #344: QtWidgets_qkeysequenceedit_test .................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 345: QtWidgets_qlabel_test RUN 1: 345/456 Test #345: QtWidgets_qlabel_test ...........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 346: QtWidgets_qlayout_ref_test RUN 1: 346/456 Test #346: QtWidgets_qlayout_ref_test ......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 347: QtWidgets_qlayout_test RUN 1: 347/456 Test #347: QtWidgets_qlayout_test ..........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 348: QtWidgets_qlcdnumber_test RUN 1: 348/456 Test #348: QtWidgets_qlcdnumber_test .......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 349: QtWidgets_qlistwidget_test RUN 1: 349/456 Test #349: QtWidgets_qlistwidget_test ......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 350: QtWidgets_qlistwidgetitem_test RUN 1: 350/456 Test #350: QtWidgets_qlistwidgetitem_test ..................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 351: QtWidgets_qmainwindow_test RUN 1: 351/456 Test #351: QtWidgets_qmainwindow_test ......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 352: QtWidgets_qmenu_test RUN 1: 352/456 Test #352: QtWidgets_qmenu_test ............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 353: QtWidgets_qmenuadd_test RUN 1: 353/456 Test #353: QtWidgets_qmenuadd_test .........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 354: QtWidgets_qobject_mi_test RUN 1: 354/456 Test #354: QtWidgets_qobject_mi_test .......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 355: QtWidgets_qpen_test RUN 1: 355/456 Test #355: QtWidgets_qpen_test .............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 356: QtWidgets_qpicture_test RUN 1: 356/456 Test #356: QtWidgets_qpicture_test .........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 357: QtWidgets_qpixmap_constructor RUN 1: 357/456 Test #357: QtWidgets_qpixmap_constructor ...................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 358: QtWidgets_qpushbutton_test RUN 1: 358/456 Test #358: QtWidgets_qpushbutton_test ......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 359: QtWidgets_qshortcut_test RUN 1: 359/456 Test #359: QtWidgets_qshortcut_test ........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 360: QtWidgets_qsplitter_test RUN 1: 360/456 Test #360: QtWidgets_qsplitter_test ........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 361: QtWidgets_qstandarditemmodel_test RUN 1: 361/456 Test #361: QtWidgets_qstandarditemmodel_test ...............Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 362: QtWidgets_qstring_qkeysequence_test RUN 1: 362/456 Test #362: QtWidgets_qstring_qkeysequence_test .............Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 363: QtWidgets_qstyle_test RUN 1: 363/456 Test #363: QtWidgets_qstyle_test ...........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 364: QtWidgets_qtableview_test RUN 1: 364/456 Test #364: QtWidgets_qtableview_test .......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 365: QtWidgets_qtabwidget_test RUN 1: 365/456 Test #365: QtWidgets_qtabwidget_test .......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 366: QtWidgets_qtabwidgetclear_test RUN 1: 366/456 Test #366: QtWidgets_qtabwidgetclear_test ..................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 367: QtWidgets_qtextedit_test RUN 1: 367/456 Test #367: QtWidgets_qtextedit_test ........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 368: QtWidgets_qtextedit_signal_test RUN 1: 368/456 Test #368: QtWidgets_qtextedit_signal_test .................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 369: QtWidgets_qtreeview_test RUN 1: 369/456 Test #369: QtWidgets_qtreeview_test ........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 370: QtWidgets_qtreewidget_test RUN 1: 370/456 Test #370: QtWidgets_qtreewidget_test ......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 371: QtWidgets_qtoolbar_test RUN 1: 371/456 Test #371: QtWidgets_qtoolbar_test .........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 372: QtWidgets_qtoolbox_test RUN 1: 372/456 Test #372: QtWidgets_qtoolbox_test .........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 373: QtWidgets_qvariant_test RUN 1: 373/456 Test #373: QtWidgets_qvariant_test .........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 374: QtWidgets_qwidget_setlayout_test RUN 1: 374/456 Test #374: QtWidgets_qwidget_setlayout_test ................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 375: QtWidgets_qwidget_test RUN 1: 375/456 Test #375: QtWidgets_qwidget_test ..........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 376: QtWidgets_qcolormap_test RUN 1: 376/456 Test #376: QtWidgets_qcolormap_test ........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 377: QtWidgets_reference_count_test RUN 1: 377/456 Test #377: QtWidgets_reference_count_test ..................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 378: QtWidgets_signature_test RUN 1: 378/456 Test #378: QtWidgets_signature_test ........................ Passed 0.26 sec RUN 1: Start 379: QtWidgets_standardpixmap_test RUN 1: 379/456 Test #379: QtWidgets_standardpixmap_test ...................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 380: QtWidgets_test_module_template RUN 1: 380/456 Test #380: QtWidgets_test_module_template .................. Passed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Start 381: QtWidgets_virtual_protected_inheritance_test RUN 1: 381/456 Test #381: QtWidgets_virtual_protected_inheritance_test ....Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 382: QtWidgets_virtual_pure_override_test RUN 1: 382/456 Test #382: QtWidgets_virtual_pure_override_test ............Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 383: QtWidgets_wrong_return_test RUN 1: 383/456 Test #383: QtWidgets_wrong_return_test .....................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 384: QtPrintSupport_bug_500 RUN 1: 384/456 Test #384: QtPrintSupport_bug_500 ..........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 385: QtPrintSupport_returnquadruplesofnumbers_test RUN 1: 385/456 Test #385: QtPrintSupport_returnquadruplesofnumbers_test ...Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 386: QtSql_bug_1013 RUN 1: 386/456 Test #386: QtSql_bug_1013 ..................................***Failed 0.25 sec RUN 1: QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded RUN 1: QSqlDatabase: available drivers: RUN 1: QSqlQuery::exec: database not open RUN 1: F RUN 1: ====================================================================== RUN 1: FAIL: testIt (__main__.TestBug1013) RUN 1: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 1: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 1: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 55, in testIt RUN 1: self.assertEqual(, 0)), 2) RUN 1: AssertionError: None != 2 RUN 1: RUN 1: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 1: Ran 1 test in 0.003s RUN 1: RUN 1: FAILED (failures=1) RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 387: QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test RUN 1: 387/456 Test #387: QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test ...............***Failed 0.25 sec RUN 1: FFF RUN 1: ====================================================================== RUN 1: FAIL: testTableCreationAndDestruction (__main__.SqlDatabaseCreationDestructionAndQueries) RUN 1: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 1: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 1: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 50, in setUp RUN 1: self.assertFalse(not QtSql.QSqlDatabase.drivers(), "installed Qt has no DB drivers") RUN 1: AssertionError: True is not false : installed Qt has no DB drivers RUN 1: RUN 1: ====================================================================== RUN 1: FAIL: testTableInsertionAndRetrieval (__main__.SqlDatabaseCreationDestructionAndQueries) RUN 1: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 1: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 1: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 50, in setUp RUN 1: self.assertFalse(not QtSql.QSqlDatabase.drivers(), "installed Qt has no DB drivers") RUN 1: AssertionError: True is not false : installed Qt has no DB drivers RUN 1: RUN 1: ====================================================================== RUN 1: FAIL: testTableModelDeletion (__main__.SqlDatabaseCreationDestructionAndQueries) RUN 1: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 1: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 1: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 50, in setUp RUN 1: self.assertFalse(not QtSql.QSqlDatabase.drivers(), "installed Qt has no DB drivers") RUN 1: AssertionError: True is not false : installed Qt has no DB drivers RUN 1: RUN 1: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 1: Ran 3 tests in 0.001s RUN 1: RUN 1: FAILED (failures=3) RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 388: QtSql_qvarianttype_test RUN 1: 388/456 Test #388: QtSql_qvarianttype_test ......................... Passed 0.24 sec RUN 1: Start 389: QtNetwork_bug_446 RUN 1: 389/456 Test #389: QtNetwork_bug_446 ............................... Passed 0.27 sec RUN 1: Start 390: QtNetwork_bug_1084 RUN 1: 390/456 Test #390: QtNetwork_bug_1084 .............................. Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 391: QtNetwork_accessManager_test RUN 1: 391/456 Test #391: QtNetwork_accessManager_test .................... Passed 0.98 sec RUN 1: Start 392: QtNetwork_dnslookup_test RUN 1: 392/456 Test #392: QtNetwork_dnslookup_test ........................ Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 393: QtNetwork_qpassworddigestor_test RUN 1: 393/456 Test #393: QtNetwork_qpassworddigestor_test ................ Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 394: QtNetwork_tcpserver_test RUN 1: 394/456 Test #394: QtNetwork_tcpserver_test ........................ Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 395: QtNetwork_udpsocket_test RUN 1: 395/456 Test #395: QtNetwork_udpsocket_test ........................ Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 396: QtNetwork_qipv6address_test RUN 1: 396/456 Test #396: QtNetwork_qipv6address_test ..................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 397: QtTest_click_test RUN 1: 397/456 Test #397: QtTest_click_test ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 398: QtTest_eventfilter_test RUN 1: 398/456 Test #398: QtTest_eventfilter_test .........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 399: QtTest_qvalidator_test RUN 1: 399/456 Test #399: QtTest_qvalidator_test ..........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 400: QtXml_qdomdocument_test RUN 1: 400/456 Test #400: QtXml_qdomdocument_test ......................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 401: QtXml_qxmlsimplereader_test RUN 1: 401/456 Test #401: QtXml_qxmlsimplereader_test ..................... Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 402: QtXmlPatterns_import_test RUN 1: 402/456 Test #402: QtXmlPatterns_import_test ....................... Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 403: QtHelp_help_test RUN 1: 403/456 Test #403: QtHelp_help_test ................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 404: QtHelp_helpsearchengine_test RUN 1: 404/456 Test #404: QtHelp_helpsearchengine_test ....................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 405: QtMultimedia_audio_test RUN 1: 405/456 Test #405: QtMultimedia_audio_test .........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 406: QtMultimediaWidgets_qmultimediawidgets RUN 1: 406/456 Test #406: QtMultimediaWidgets_qmultimediawidgets ..........Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 407: QtOpenGL_qglbuffer_test RUN 1: 407/456 Test #407: QtOpenGL_qglbuffer_test .........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 408: QtOpenGL_qglwidget_test RUN 1: 408/456 Test #408: QtOpenGL_qglwidget_test .........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 409: QtPositioning_positioning RUN 1: 409/456 Test #409: QtPositioning_positioning .......................***Failed 0.22 sec RUN 1: F RUN 1: ====================================================================== RUN 1: FAIL: test (__main__.QPositioningTestCase) RUN 1: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 1: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 1: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtPositioning/", line 37, in test RUN 1: self.assertTrue(source is not None) RUN 1: AssertionError: False is not true RUN 1: RUN 1: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 1: Ran 1 test in 0.001s RUN 1: RUN 1: FAILED (failures=1) RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 410: QtLocation_location RUN 1: 410/456 Test #410: QtLocation_location ............................. Passed 0.22 sec RUN 1: Start 411: QtQml_bug_451 RUN 1: 411/456 Test #411: QtQml_bug_451 ...................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 412: QtQml_bug_456 RUN 1: 412/456 Test #412: QtQml_bug_456 ...................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 413: QtQml_bug_557 RUN 1: 413/456 Test #413: QtQml_bug_557 ...................................***Failed 0.06 sec RUN 1: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 1: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtQml/", line 30, in RUN 1: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 1: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 414: QtQml_bug_726 RUN 1: 414/456 Test #414: QtQml_bug_726 ...................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 415: QtQml_bug_814 RUN 1: 415/456 Test #415: QtQml_bug_814 ...................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 416: QtQml_bug_825 RUN 1: 416/456 Test #416: QtQml_bug_825 ...................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 417: QtQml_bug_847 RUN 1: 417/456 Test #417: QtQml_bug_847 ...................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 418: QtQml_bug_915 RUN 1: 418/456 Test #418: QtQml_bug_915 ...................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 419: QtQml_bug_926 RUN 1: 419/456 Test #419: QtQml_bug_926 ...................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 420: QtQml_bug_951 RUN 1: 420/456 Test #420: QtQml_bug_951 ...................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 421: QtQml_bug_995 RUN 1: 421/456 Test #421: QtQml_bug_995 ...................................***Failed 0.05 sec RUN 1: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 1: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtQml/", line 29, in RUN 1: from helper import adjust_filename, UsesQApplication RUN 1: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 422: QtQml_bug_997 RUN 1: 422/456 Test #422: QtQml_bug_997 ...................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 423: QtQml_bug_1029 RUN 1: 423/456 Test #423: QtQml_bug_1029 ..................................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.25 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 424: QtQml_qqmlnetwork_test RUN 1: 424/456 Test #424: QtQml_qqmlnetwork_test ..........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 425: QtQml_qquickview_test RUN 1: 425/456 Test #425: QtQml_qquickview_test ...........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 426: QtQml_connect_python_qml RUN 1: 426/456 Test #426: QtQml_connect_python_qml ........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 427: QtQml_registertype RUN 1: 427/456 Test #427: QtQml_registertype ..............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 428: QtQml_javascript_exceptions RUN 1: 428/456 Test #428: QtQml_javascript_exceptions .....................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 429: QtQml_qqmlincubator_incubateWhile RUN 1: 429/456 Test #429: QtQml_qqmlincubator_incubateWhile ...............Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 430: QtQml_qquickitem_grabToImage RUN 1: 430/456 Test #430: QtQml_qquickitem_grabToImage ....................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 431: QtQml_signal_arguments RUN 1: 431/456 Test #431: QtQml_signal_arguments ..........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 432: QtScxml_test_dynamic RUN 1: 432/456 Test #432: QtScxml_test_dynamic ............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 433: QtSensors_sensors RUN 1: 433/456 Test #433: QtSensors_sensors ............................... Passed 0.21 sec RUN 1: Start 434: QtTextToSpeech_qtexttospeech_test RUN 1: 434/456 Test #434: QtTextToSpeech_qtexttospeech_test ...............Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 435: QtCharts_qcharts_test RUN 1: 435/456 Test #435: QtCharts_qcharts_test ...........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 436: QtSvg_qsvggenerator_test RUN 1: 436/456 Test #436: QtSvg_qsvggenerator_test ........................ Passed 0.25 sec RUN 1: Start 437: QtSvg_qsvgrenderer_test RUN 1: 437/456 Test #437: QtSvg_qsvgrenderer_test .........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 438: QtSvg_qsvgwidget_test RUN 1: 438/456 Test #438: QtSvg_qsvgwidget_test ...........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 439: QtDataVisualization_datavisualization_test RUN 1: 439/456 Test #439: QtDataVisualization_datavisualization_test ......Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 440: QtUiTools_bug_360 RUN 1: 440/456 Test #440: QtUiTools_bug_360 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 441: QtUiTools_bug_376 RUN 1: 441/456 Test #441: QtUiTools_bug_376 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 442: QtUiTools_bug_392 RUN 1: 442/456 Test #442: QtUiTools_bug_392 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.29 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 443: QtUiTools_bug_426 RUN 1: 443/456 Test #443: QtUiTools_bug_426 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.25 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 444: QtUiTools_bug_552 RUN 1: 444/456 Test #444: QtUiTools_bug_552 ...............................***Failed 0.05 sec RUN 1: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 1: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtUiTools/", line 29, in RUN 1: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 1: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 445: QtUiTools_bug_797 RUN 1: 445/456 Test #445: QtUiTools_bug_797 ...............................***Failed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 1: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtUiTools/", line 32, in RUN 1: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 1: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 446: QtUiTools_bug_909 RUN 1: 446/456 Test #446: QtUiTools_bug_909 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 447: QtUiTools_bug_913 RUN 1: 447/456 Test #447: QtUiTools_bug_913 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 448: QtUiTools_bug_958 RUN 1: 448/456 Test #448: QtUiTools_bug_958 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 449: QtUiTools_bug_965 RUN 1: 449/456 Test #449: QtUiTools_bug_965 ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 450: QtUiTools_bug_1060 RUN 1: 450/456 Test #450: QtUiTools_bug_1060 ..............................***Failed 0.23 sec RUN 1: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 1: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtUiTools/", line 33, in RUN 1: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 1: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 451: QtUiTools_uiloader_test RUN 1: 451/456 Test #451: QtUiTools_uiloader_test .........................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 452: QtUiTools_ui_test RUN 1: 452/456 Test #452: QtUiTools_ui_test ...............................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.26 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 453: QtWebEngineCore_web_engine_custom_scheme RUN 1: 453/456 Test #453: QtWebEngineCore_web_engine_custom_scheme ........Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 454: QtWebEngine_web_engine_initialize RUN 1: 454/456 Test #454: QtWebEngine_web_engine_initialize ...............Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 455: QtWebEngineWidgets_pyside-474-qtwebengineview RUN 1: 455/456 Test #455: QtWebEngineWidgets_pyside-474-qtwebengineview ...Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: Start 456: Qt3DExtras_qt3dextras_test RUN 1: 456/456 Test #456: Qt3DExtras_qt3dextras_test ......................Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ***Exception: 0.27 sec RUN 1: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" RUN 1: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: RUN 1: 51% tests passed, 223 tests failed out of 456 RUN 1: RUN 1: Total Test time (real) = 121.01 sec RUN 1: RUN 1: The following tests FAILED: RUN 1: 1 - pysidetest_constructor_properties_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 3 - pysidetest_delegatecreateseditor_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 13 - pysidetest_new_inherited_functions_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 15 - pysidetest_qapp_like_a_macro_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 26 - signals_bug_79 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 27 - signals_bug_189 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 34 - signals_lambda_gui_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 37 - signals_multiple_connections_gui_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 39 - signals_pysignal_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 50 - signals_self_connect_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 53 - signals_signal_autoconnect_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 55 - signals_signal_emission_gui_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 135 - QtCore_qflags_test (Failed) RUN 1: 149 - QtCore_qobject_inherits_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 168 - QtCore_qsocketnotifier_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 200 - QtGui_bug_367 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 201 - QtGui_bug_480 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 207 - QtGui_bug_740 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 214 - QtGui_float_to_int_implicit_conversion_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 218 - QtGui_qcursor_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 219 - QtGui_qdatastream_gui_operators_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 221 - QtGui_qfontmetrics_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 222 - QtGui_qguiapplication_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 223 - QtGui_qicon_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 224 - QtGui_qitemselection_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 226 - QtGui_qopenglbuffer_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 228 - QtGui_qpdfwriter_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 229 - QtGui_qpixelformat_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 230 - QtGui_qpixmap_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 231 - QtGui_qpixmapcache_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 233 - QtGui_qkeysequence_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 235 - QtGui_qrasterwindow_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 236 - QtGui_qopenglwindow_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 237 - QtGui_qregion_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 238 - QtGui_qstylehints_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 242 - QtGui_qtextline_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 245 - QtGui_timed_app_and_patching_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 246 - QtWidgets_action_clear (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 247 - QtWidgets_add_action_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 248 - QtWidgets_api2_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 250 - QtWidgets_bug_172 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 251 - QtWidgets_bug_243 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 252 - QtWidgets_bug_307 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 253 - QtWidgets_bug_324 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 254 - QtWidgets_bug_338 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 255 - QtWidgets_bug_363 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 256 - QtWidgets_bug_389 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 257 - QtWidgets_bug_400 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 258 - QtWidgets_bug_416 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 259 - QtWidgets_bug_429 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 260 - QtWidgets_bug_430 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 261 - QtWidgets_bug_433 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 262 - QtWidgets_bug_467 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 263 - QtWidgets_bug_493 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 264 - QtWidgets_bug_512 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 265 - QtWidgets_bug_525 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 266 - QtWidgets_bug_546 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 267 - QtWidgets_bug_547 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 268 - QtWidgets_bug_549 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 270 - QtWidgets_bug_575 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 271 - QtWidgets_bug_576 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 272 - QtWidgets_bug_585 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 273 - QtWidgets_bug_589 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 274 - QtWidgets_bug_632 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 275 - QtWidgets_bug_635 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 277 - QtWidgets_bug_653 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 278 - QtWidgets_bug_662 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 279 - QtWidgets_bug_667 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 280 - QtWidgets_bug_668 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 281 - QtWidgets_bug_674 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 282 - QtWidgets_bug_675 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 283 - QtWidgets_bug_688 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 284 - QtWidgets_bug_693 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 285 - QtWidgets_bug_696 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 286 - QtWidgets_bug_711 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 287 - QtWidgets_bug_714 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 288 - QtWidgets_bug_722 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 289 - QtWidgets_bug_728 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 290 - QtWidgets_bug_736 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 291 - QtWidgets_bug_750 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 292 - QtWidgets_bug_778 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 294 - QtWidgets_bug_793 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 295 - QtWidgets_bug_811 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 296 - QtWidgets_bug_834 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 297 - QtWidgets_bug_836 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 298 - QtWidgets_bug_844 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 299 - QtWidgets_bug_854 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 300 - QtWidgets_bug_860 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 301 - QtWidgets_bug_862 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 302 - QtWidgets_bug_871 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 303 - QtWidgets_bug_879 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 304 - QtWidgets_bug_919 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 305 - QtWidgets_bug_921 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 306 - QtWidgets_bug_941 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 307 - QtWidgets_bug_964 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 308 - QtWidgets_bug_967 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 309 - QtWidgets_bug_972 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 311 - QtWidgets_bug_988 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 313 - QtWidgets_bug_1002 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 314 - QtWidgets_bug_1006 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 315 - QtWidgets_bug_1048 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 316 - QtWidgets_bug_1077 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 317 - QtWidgets_customproxywidget_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 318 - QtWidgets_event_filter_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 319 - QtWidgets_grandparent_method_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 320 - QtWidgets_hashabletype_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 321 - QtWidgets_keep_reference_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 323 - QtWidgets_paint_event_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 324 - QtWidgets_parent_method_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 325 - QtWidgets_private_mangle_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 327 - QtWidgets_qabstracttextdocumentlayout_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 328 - QtWidgets_qaction_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 329 - QtWidgets_qapp_issue_585 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 330 - QtWidgets_qapp_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 331 - QtWidgets_qapplication_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 332 - QtWidgets_qapplication_exit_segfault_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 333 - QtWidgets_qapplication_singleton_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 334 - QtWidgets_qbrush_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 335 - QtWidgets_qdynamic_signal (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 336 - QtWidgets_qformlayout_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 337 - QtWidgets_qgraphicsitem_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 338 - QtWidgets_qgraphicsitem_isblocked_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 339 - QtWidgets_qgraphicsobjectreimpl_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 340 - QtWidgets_qgraphicsproxywidget_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 341 - QtWidgets_qgraphicsscene_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 342 - QtWidgets_qimage_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 343 - QtWidgets_qinputdialog_get_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 344 - QtWidgets_qkeysequenceedit_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 345 - QtWidgets_qlabel_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 346 - QtWidgets_qlayout_ref_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 347 - QtWidgets_qlayout_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 348 - QtWidgets_qlcdnumber_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 349 - QtWidgets_qlistwidget_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 350 - QtWidgets_qlistwidgetitem_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 351 - QtWidgets_qmainwindow_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 352 - QtWidgets_qmenu_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 353 - QtWidgets_qmenuadd_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 354 - QtWidgets_qobject_mi_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 355 - QtWidgets_qpen_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 356 - QtWidgets_qpicture_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 357 - QtWidgets_qpixmap_constructor (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 358 - QtWidgets_qpushbutton_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 359 - QtWidgets_qshortcut_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 360 - QtWidgets_qsplitter_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 361 - QtWidgets_qstandarditemmodel_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 362 - QtWidgets_qstring_qkeysequence_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 363 - QtWidgets_qstyle_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 364 - QtWidgets_qtableview_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 365 - QtWidgets_qtabwidget_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 366 - QtWidgets_qtabwidgetclear_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 367 - QtWidgets_qtextedit_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 368 - QtWidgets_qtextedit_signal_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 369 - QtWidgets_qtreeview_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 370 - QtWidgets_qtreewidget_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 371 - QtWidgets_qtoolbar_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 372 - QtWidgets_qtoolbox_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 373 - QtWidgets_qvariant_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 374 - QtWidgets_qwidget_setlayout_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 375 - QtWidgets_qwidget_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 376 - QtWidgets_qcolormap_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 377 - QtWidgets_reference_count_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 379 - QtWidgets_standardpixmap_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 381 - QtWidgets_virtual_protected_inheritance_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 382 - QtWidgets_virtual_pure_override_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 383 - QtWidgets_wrong_return_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 384 - QtPrintSupport_bug_500 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 385 - QtPrintSupport_returnquadruplesofnumbers_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 386 - QtSql_bug_1013 (Failed) RUN 1: 387 - QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test (Failed) RUN 1: 397 - QtTest_click_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 398 - QtTest_eventfilter_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 399 - QtTest_qvalidator_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 403 - QtHelp_help_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 404 - QtHelp_helpsearchengine_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 405 - QtMultimedia_audio_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 406 - QtMultimediaWidgets_qmultimediawidgets (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 407 - QtOpenGL_qglbuffer_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 408 - QtOpenGL_qglwidget_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 409 - QtPositioning_positioning (Failed) RUN 1: 411 - QtQml_bug_451 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 412 - QtQml_bug_456 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 413 - QtQml_bug_557 (Failed) RUN 1: 414 - QtQml_bug_726 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 415 - QtQml_bug_814 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 416 - QtQml_bug_825 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 417 - QtQml_bug_847 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 418 - QtQml_bug_915 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 419 - QtQml_bug_926 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 420 - QtQml_bug_951 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 421 - QtQml_bug_995 (Failed) RUN 1: 422 - QtQml_bug_997 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 423 - QtQml_bug_1029 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 424 - QtQml_qqmlnetwork_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 425 - QtQml_qquickview_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 426 - QtQml_connect_python_qml (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 427 - QtQml_registertype (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 428 - QtQml_javascript_exceptions (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 429 - QtQml_qqmlincubator_incubateWhile (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 430 - QtQml_qquickitem_grabToImage (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 431 - QtQml_signal_arguments (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 432 - QtScxml_test_dynamic (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 434 - QtTextToSpeech_qtexttospeech_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 435 - QtCharts_qcharts_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 437 - QtSvg_qsvgrenderer_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 438 - QtSvg_qsvgwidget_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 439 - QtDataVisualization_datavisualization_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 440 - QtUiTools_bug_360 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 441 - QtUiTools_bug_376 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 442 - QtUiTools_bug_392 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 443 - QtUiTools_bug_426 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 444 - QtUiTools_bug_552 (Failed) RUN 1: 445 - QtUiTools_bug_797 (Failed) RUN 1: 446 - QtUiTools_bug_909 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 447 - QtUiTools_bug_913 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 448 - QtUiTools_bug_958 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 449 - QtUiTools_bug_965 (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 450 - QtUiTools_bug_1060 (Failed) RUN 1: 451 - QtUiTools_uiloader_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 452 - QtUiTools_ui_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 453 - QtWebEngineCore_web_engine_custom_scheme (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 454 - QtWebEngine_web_engine_initialize (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 455 - QtWebEngineWidgets_pyside-474-qtwebengineview (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: 456 - Qt3DExtras_qt3dextras_test (Exit code 0xc0000409 RUN 1: ) RUN 1: Errors while running CTest End of the test run RES 1: PASS pysidetest::decoratedslot_test() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::all_modules_load_test() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::bug_1016() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::embedding_test() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::enum_test() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::homonymoussignalandmethod_test() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::iterable_test() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::list_signal_test() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::mixin_signal_slots_test() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::modelview_test() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::notify_id() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::qvariant_test() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::repr_test() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::signal_slot_warning() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::signalandnamespace_test() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::signalemissionfrompython_test() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::signalwithdefaultvalue_test() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::typedef_signal_test() RES 1: PASS pysidetest::version_test() RES 1: PASS registry::existence_test() RES 1: PASS signals::args_dont_match_test() RES 1: PASS signals::bug_311() RES 1: PASS signals::bug_312() RES 1: PASS signals::bug_319() RES 1: PASS signals::decorators_test() RES 1: PASS signals::disconnect_test() RES 1: PASS signals::invalid_callback_test() RES 1: PASS signals::lambda_test() RES 1: PASS signals::leaking_signal_test() RES 1: PASS signals::multiple_connections_test() RES 1: PASS signals::qobject_destroyed_test() RES 1: PASS signals::qobject_receivers_test() RES 1: PASS signals::qobject_sender_test() RES 1: PASS signals::ref01_test() RES 1: PASS signals::ref02_test() RES 1: PASS signals::ref03_test() RES 1: PASS signals::ref04_test() RES 1: PASS signals::ref05_test() RES 1: PASS signals::ref06_test() RES 1: PASS signals::segfault_proxyparent_test() RES 1: PASS signals::short_circuit_test() RES 1: PASS signals::signal2signal_connect_test() RES 1: PASS signals::signal_connectiontype_support_test() RES 1: PASS signals::signal_emission_test() RES 1: PASS signals::signal_func_test() RES 1: PASS signals::signal_manager_refcount_test() RES 1: PASS signals::signal_number_limit_test() RES 1: PASS signals::signal_object_test() RES 1: BPASS signals::signal_signature_test() RES 1: PASS signals::signal_with_primitive_type_test() RES 1: PASS signals::slot_reference_count_test() RES 1: PASS signals::static_metaobject_test() RES 1: PASS support::voidptr_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::attr_cache_py3k() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_278_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_332() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_408() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_428() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_462() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_505() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_515() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_606() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_656() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_686() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_699() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_706() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_820() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_826() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_829() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_835() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_920() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_927() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_931() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_938() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_953() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_987() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_994() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_1019() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_1031() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_1063() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_1069() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_PYSIDE-42() RES 1: PASS QtCore::bug_PYSIDE-164() RES 1: PASS QtCore::blocking_signals_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::classinfo_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::child_event_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::deepcopy_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::deletelater_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::destroysignal_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::duck_punching_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::emoji_string_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::hash_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::inherits_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::max_signals() RES 1: PASS QtCore::missing_symbols_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::mockclass_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::python_conversion() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qabs_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qabstractitemmodel_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qabstracttransition_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qanimationgroup_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qbitarray_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qbytearray_buffer_protocol_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qbytearray_concatenation_operator_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qbytearray_operator_iadd_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qbytearray_operator_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qbytearray_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qcalendar_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qcbor_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qcollator_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qcommandlineparser_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qcoreapplication_instance_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qcoreapplication_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qdatastream_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qdatetime_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qdate_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qeasingcurve_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qenum_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qevent_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qfileinfo_test() RES 1: BPASS QtCore::qfile_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qfileread_test() RES 1: BFAIL QtCore::qflags_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qinstallmsghandler_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qjsondocument_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qlinef_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qlocale_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qlockfile_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qmessageauthenticationcode_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qmetaobject_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qmimedatabase_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qmodelindex_internalpointer_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qobject_children_segfault_test() RES 1: BPASS QtCore::qobject_connect_notify_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qobject_destructor() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qobject_event_filter_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qobject_objectproperty_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qobject_parent_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qobject_property_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qobject_protected_methods_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qobject_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qobject_timer_event_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qobject_tr_as_instance_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qoperatingsystemversion_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qpoint_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qprocess_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qproperty_decorator() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qrect_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qregexp_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qregularexpression_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qresource_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qsettings_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qsize_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qslot_object_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qsrand_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qstandardpaths_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qstatemachine_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qstate_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qstorageinfo_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qstring_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qsysinfo_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qtext_codec_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qtextstream_test() RES 1: BPASS QtCore::qthread_prod_cons_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qthread_signal_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qthread_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qtimer_singleshot_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qtimer_timeout_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qtimezone_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qtnamespace_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qurl_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qurlquery_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::quuid_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::qversionnumber_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::repr_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::setprop_on_ctor_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::staticMetaObject_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::static_method_test() RES 1: BPASS QtCore::thread_signals_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::tr_noop_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::translation_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::unaryoperator_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::unicode_test() RES 1: PASS QtCore::versioninfo_test() RES 1: PASS QtGui::bug_300_test() RES 1: PASS QtGui::bug_606() RES 1: PASS QtGui::bug_617() RES 1: PASS QtGui::bug_652() RES 1: PASS QtGui::bug_660() RES 1: PASS QtGui::bug_716() RES 1: PASS QtGui::bug_743() RES 1: PASS QtGui::bug_991() RES 1: PASS QtGui::bug_1091() RES 1: PASS QtGui::bug_PYSIDE-41() RES 1: PASS QtGui::bug_PYSIDE-344() RES 1: PASS QtGui::deepcopy_test() RES 1: PASS QtGui::pyside_reload_test() RES 1: PASS QtGui::qcolor_test() RES 1: PASS QtGui::qcolor_reduce_test() RES 1: PASS QtGui::qdesktopservices_test() RES 1: BPASS QtGui::qmatrix_test() RES 1: PASS QtGui::qpainter_test() RES 1: PASS QtGui::qpolygonf_test() RES 1: PASS QtGui::qradialgradient_test() RES 1: PASS QtGui::qtextdocument_functions() RES 1: PASS QtGui::qtextdocument_undoredo_test() RES 1: PASS QtGui::qtextdocumentwriter_test() RES 1: PASS QtGui::qtransform_test() RES 1: PASS QtGui::repr_test() RES 1: PASS QtWidgets::application_test() RES 1: PASS QtWidgets::bug_569() RES 1: PASS QtWidgets::bug_640() RES 1: PASS QtWidgets::bug_785() RES 1: PASS QtWidgets::bug_979() RES 1: PASS QtWidgets::bug_998() RES 1: PASS QtWidgets::missing_symbols_test() RES 1: PASS QtWidgets::python_properties_test() RES 1: PASS QtWidgets::signature_test() RES 1: PASS QtWidgets::test_module_template() RES 1: FAIL! QtSql::bug_1013() RES 1: FAIL! QtSql::qsqldatabaseandqueries_test() RES 1: PASS QtSql::qvarianttype_test() RES 1: PASS QtNetwork::bug_446() RES 1: PASS QtNetwork::bug_1084() RES 1: PASS QtNetwork::accessManager_test() RES 1: PASS QtNetwork::dnslookup_test() RES 1: PASS QtNetwork::qpassworddigestor_test() RES 1: PASS QtNetwork::tcpserver_test() RES 1: PASS QtNetwork::udpsocket_test() RES 1: PASS QtNetwork::qipv6address_test() RES 1: PASS QtXml::qdomdocument_test() RES 1: PASS QtXml::qxmlsimplereader_test() RES 1: PASS QtXmlPatterns::import_test() RES 1: BFAIL QtPositioning::positioning() RES 1: PASS QtLocation::location() RES 1: FAIL! QtQml::bug_557() RES 1: FAIL! QtQml::bug_995() RES 1: PASS QtSensors::sensors() RES 1: PASS QtSvg::qsvggenerator_test() RES 1: FAIL! QtUiTools::bug_552() RES 1: FAIL! QtUiTools::bug_797() RES 1: FAIL! QtUiTools::bug_1060() Totals: 242 tests. 227 passed, 7 failed, 0 skipped, 2 blacklisted, 6 bpassed. ********* Finished testing of pyside2 ********* ********* Start testing of pyside2 ********* Config: Using win32 py3.7 qt5.14.1 64bit release py3 qt5 qt5.14 running ('C:\\opt\\CMake\\bin\\ctest.exe', '--output-log', 'C:\\dev\\pyside\\pyside-setup514i\\build_history\\2020-02-14_111655\\pyside2.2.log', '--tests-regex', '^(QtCore_qflags_test|QtSql_bug_1013|QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test|QtPositioning_positioning|QtQml_bug_557|QtQml_bug_995|QtUiTools_bug_552|QtUiTools_bug_797|QtUiTools_bug_1060)$') in C:\dev\pyside\pyside-setup514i\testenv514i3_build\py3.7-qt5.14.1-64bit-release\pyside2 RUN 2: Test project C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/testenv514i3_build/py3.7-qt5.14.1-64bit-release/pyside2 RUN 2: Start 135: QtCore_qflags_test RUN 2: 1/9 Test #135: QtCore_qflags_test ..................***Failed 0.21 sec RUN 2: ..........E RUN 2: ====================================================================== RUN 2: ERROR: testWrongType (__main__.QFlagsWrongType) RUN 2: Wrong type passed to QFlags binary operators RUN 2: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 2: TypeError: an integer is required (got type str) RUN 2: RUN 2: The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: RUN 2: RUN 2: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 2: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtCore/", line 114, in testWrongType RUN 2: self.assertRaises(TypeError, Qt.NoItemFlags | '43') RUN 2: File "c:\python37\Lib\unittest\", line 754, in assertRaises RUN 2: context = _AssertRaisesContext(expected_exception, self) RUN 2: SystemError: returned a result with an error set RUN 2: RUN 2: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 2: Ran 11 tests in 0.002s RUN 2: RUN 2: FAILED (errors=1) RUN 2: RUN 2: Start 386: QtSql_bug_1013 RUN 2: 2/9 Test #386: QtSql_bug_1013 ......................***Failed 0.25 sec RUN 2: QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded RUN 2: QSqlDatabase: available drivers: RUN 2: QSqlQuery::exec: database not open RUN 2: F RUN 2: ====================================================================== RUN 2: FAIL: testIt (__main__.TestBug1013) RUN 2: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 2: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 2: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 55, in testIt RUN 2: self.assertEqual(, 0)), 2) RUN 2: AssertionError: None != 2 RUN 2: RUN 2: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 2: Ran 1 test in 0.003s RUN 2: RUN 2: FAILED (failures=1) RUN 2: RUN 2: Start 387: QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test RUN 2: 3/9 Test #387: QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test ...***Failed 0.24 sec RUN 2: FFF RUN 2: ====================================================================== RUN 2: FAIL: testTableCreationAndDestruction (__main__.SqlDatabaseCreationDestructionAndQueries) RUN 2: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 2: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 2: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 50, in setUp RUN 2: self.assertFalse(not QtSql.QSqlDatabase.drivers(), "installed Qt has no DB drivers") RUN 2: AssertionError: True is not false : installed Qt has no DB drivers RUN 2: RUN 2: ====================================================================== RUN 2: FAIL: testTableInsertionAndRetrieval (__main__.SqlDatabaseCreationDestructionAndQueries) RUN 2: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 2: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 2: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 50, in setUp RUN 2: self.assertFalse(not QtSql.QSqlDatabase.drivers(), "installed Qt has no DB drivers") RUN 2: AssertionError: True is not false : installed Qt has no DB drivers RUN 2: RUN 2: ====================================================================== RUN 2: FAIL: testTableModelDeletion (__main__.SqlDatabaseCreationDestructionAndQueries) RUN 2: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 2: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 2: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 50, in setUp RUN 2: self.assertFalse(not QtSql.QSqlDatabase.drivers(), "installed Qt has no DB drivers") RUN 2: AssertionError: True is not false : installed Qt has no DB drivers RUN 2: RUN 2: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 2: Ran 3 tests in 0.001s RUN 2: RUN 2: FAILED (failures=3) RUN 2: RUN 2: Start 409: QtPositioning_positioning RUN 2: 4/9 Test #409: QtPositioning_positioning ...........***Failed 0.21 sec RUN 2: F RUN 2: ====================================================================== RUN 2: FAIL: test (__main__.QPositioningTestCase) RUN 2: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 2: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 2: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtPositioning/", line 37, in test RUN 2: self.assertTrue(source is not None) RUN 2: AssertionError: False is not true RUN 2: RUN 2: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 2: Ran 1 test in 0.001s RUN 2: RUN 2: FAILED (failures=1) RUN 2: RUN 2: Start 413: QtQml_bug_557 RUN 2: 5/9 Test #413: QtQml_bug_557 .......................***Failed 0.05 sec RUN 2: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 2: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtQml/", line 30, in RUN 2: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 2: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 2: RUN 2: Start 421: QtQml_bug_995 RUN 2: 6/9 Test #421: QtQml_bug_995 .......................***Failed 0.05 sec RUN 2: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 2: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtQml/", line 29, in RUN 2: from helper import adjust_filename, UsesQApplication RUN 2: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 2: RUN 2: Start 444: QtUiTools_bug_552 RUN 2: 7/9 Test #444: QtUiTools_bug_552 ...................***Failed 0.05 sec RUN 2: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 2: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtUiTools/", line 29, in RUN 2: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 2: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 2: RUN 2: Start 445: QtUiTools_bug_797 RUN 2: 8/9 Test #445: QtUiTools_bug_797 ...................***Failed 0.23 sec RUN 2: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 2: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtUiTools/", line 32, in RUN 2: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 2: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 2: RUN 2: Start 450: QtUiTools_bug_1060 RUN 2: 9/9 Test #450: QtUiTools_bug_1060 ..................***Failed 0.23 sec RUN 2: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 2: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtUiTools/", line 33, in RUN 2: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 2: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 2: RUN 2: RUN 2: 0% tests passed, 9 tests failed out of 9 RUN 2: RUN 2: Total Test time (real) = 1.61 sec RUN 2: RUN 2: The following tests FAILED: RUN 2: 135 - QtCore_qflags_test (Failed) RUN 2: 386 - QtSql_bug_1013 (Failed) RUN 2: 387 - QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test (Failed) RUN 2: 409 - QtPositioning_positioning (Failed) RUN 2: 413 - QtQml_bug_557 (Failed) RUN 2: 421 - QtQml_bug_995 (Failed) RUN 2: 444 - QtUiTools_bug_552 (Failed) RUN 2: 445 - QtUiTools_bug_797 (Failed) RUN 2: 450 - QtUiTools_bug_1060 (Failed) RUN 2: Errors while running CTest End of the test run RES 2: BFAIL QtCore::qflags_test() RES 2: FAIL! QtSql::bug_1013() RES 2: FAIL! QtSql::qsqldatabaseandqueries_test() RES 2: BFAIL QtPositioning::positioning() RES 2: FAIL! QtQml::bug_557() RES 2: FAIL! QtQml::bug_995() RES 2: FAIL! QtUiTools::bug_552() RES 2: FAIL! QtUiTools::bug_797() RES 2: FAIL! QtUiTools::bug_1060() Totals: 9 tests. 0 passed, 7 failed, 0 skipped, 2 blacklisted, 0 bpassed. ********* Finished testing of pyside2 ********* ********* Start testing of pyside2 ********* Config: Using win32 py3.7 qt5.14.1 64bit release py3 qt5 qt5.14 running ('C:\\opt\\CMake\\bin\\ctest.exe', '--output-log', 'C:\\dev\\pyside\\pyside-setup514i\\build_history\\2020-02-14_111655\\pyside2.3.log', '--tests-regex', '^(QtCore_qflags_test|QtSql_bug_1013|QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test|QtPositioning_positioning|QtQml_bug_557|QtQml_bug_995|QtUiTools_bug_552|QtUiTools_bug_797|QtUiTools_bug_1060)$') in C:\dev\pyside\pyside-setup514i\testenv514i3_build\py3.7-qt5.14.1-64bit-release\pyside2 RUN 3: Test project C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/testenv514i3_build/py3.7-qt5.14.1-64bit-release/pyside2 RUN 3: Start 135: QtCore_qflags_test RUN 3: 1/9 Test #135: QtCore_qflags_test ..................***Failed 0.22 sec RUN 3: ..........E RUN 3: ====================================================================== RUN 3: ERROR: testWrongType (__main__.QFlagsWrongType) RUN 3: Wrong type passed to QFlags binary operators RUN 3: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 3: TypeError: an integer is required (got type str) RUN 3: RUN 3: The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: RUN 3: RUN 3: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 3: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtCore/", line 114, in testWrongType RUN 3: self.assertRaises(TypeError, Qt.NoItemFlags | '43') RUN 3: File "c:\python37\Lib\unittest\", line 754, in assertRaises RUN 3: context = _AssertRaisesContext(expected_exception, self) RUN 3: SystemError: returned a result with an error set RUN 3: RUN 3: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 3: Ran 11 tests in 0.002s RUN 3: RUN 3: FAILED (errors=1) RUN 3: RUN 3: Start 386: QtSql_bug_1013 RUN 3: 2/9 Test #386: QtSql_bug_1013 ......................***Failed 0.25 sec RUN 3: QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded RUN 3: QSqlDatabase: available drivers: RUN 3: QSqlQuery::exec: database not open RUN 3: F RUN 3: ====================================================================== RUN 3: FAIL: testIt (__main__.TestBug1013) RUN 3: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 3: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 3: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 55, in testIt RUN 3: self.assertEqual(, 0)), 2) RUN 3: AssertionError: None != 2 RUN 3: RUN 3: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 3: Ran 1 test in 0.003s RUN 3: RUN 3: FAILED (failures=1) RUN 3: RUN 3: Start 387: QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test RUN 3: 3/9 Test #387: QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test ...***Failed 0.24 sec RUN 3: FFF RUN 3: ====================================================================== RUN 3: FAIL: testTableCreationAndDestruction (__main__.SqlDatabaseCreationDestructionAndQueries) RUN 3: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 3: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 3: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 50, in setUp RUN 3: self.assertFalse(not QtSql.QSqlDatabase.drivers(), "installed Qt has no DB drivers") RUN 3: AssertionError: True is not false : installed Qt has no DB drivers RUN 3: RUN 3: ====================================================================== RUN 3: FAIL: testTableInsertionAndRetrieval (__main__.SqlDatabaseCreationDestructionAndQueries) RUN 3: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 3: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 3: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 50, in setUp RUN 3: self.assertFalse(not QtSql.QSqlDatabase.drivers(), "installed Qt has no DB drivers") RUN 3: AssertionError: True is not false : installed Qt has no DB drivers RUN 3: RUN 3: ====================================================================== RUN 3: FAIL: testTableModelDeletion (__main__.SqlDatabaseCreationDestructionAndQueries) RUN 3: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 3: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 3: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 50, in setUp RUN 3: self.assertFalse(not QtSql.QSqlDatabase.drivers(), "installed Qt has no DB drivers") RUN 3: AssertionError: True is not false : installed Qt has no DB drivers RUN 3: RUN 3: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 3: Ran 3 tests in 0.001s RUN 3: RUN 3: FAILED (failures=3) RUN 3: RUN 3: Start 409: QtPositioning_positioning RUN 3: 4/9 Test #409: QtPositioning_positioning ...........***Failed 0.21 sec RUN 3: F RUN 3: ====================================================================== RUN 3: FAIL: test (__main__.QPositioningTestCase) RUN 3: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 3: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 3: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtPositioning/", line 37, in test RUN 3: self.assertTrue(source is not None) RUN 3: AssertionError: False is not true RUN 3: RUN 3: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 3: Ran 1 test in 0.001s RUN 3: RUN 3: FAILED (failures=1) RUN 3: RUN 3: Start 413: QtQml_bug_557 RUN 3: 5/9 Test #413: QtQml_bug_557 .......................***Failed 0.05 sec RUN 3: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 3: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtQml/", line 30, in RUN 3: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 3: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 3: RUN 3: Start 421: QtQml_bug_995 RUN 3: 6/9 Test #421: QtQml_bug_995 .......................***Failed 0.05 sec RUN 3: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 3: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtQml/", line 29, in RUN 3: from helper import adjust_filename, UsesQApplication RUN 3: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 3: RUN 3: Start 444: QtUiTools_bug_552 RUN 3: 7/9 Test #444: QtUiTools_bug_552 ...................***Failed 0.05 sec RUN 3: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 3: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtUiTools/", line 29, in RUN 3: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 3: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 3: RUN 3: Start 445: QtUiTools_bug_797 RUN 3: 8/9 Test #445: QtUiTools_bug_797 ...................***Failed 0.23 sec RUN 3: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 3: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtUiTools/", line 32, in RUN 3: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 3: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 3: RUN 3: Start 450: QtUiTools_bug_1060 RUN 3: 9/9 Test #450: QtUiTools_bug_1060 ..................***Failed 0.23 sec RUN 3: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 3: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtUiTools/", line 33, in RUN 3: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 3: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 3: RUN 3: RUN 3: 0% tests passed, 9 tests failed out of 9 RUN 3: RUN 3: Total Test time (real) = 1.61 sec RUN 3: RUN 3: The following tests FAILED: RUN 3: 135 - QtCore_qflags_test (Failed) RUN 3: 386 - QtSql_bug_1013 (Failed) RUN 3: 387 - QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test (Failed) RUN 3: 409 - QtPositioning_positioning (Failed) RUN 3: 413 - QtQml_bug_557 (Failed) RUN 3: 421 - QtQml_bug_995 (Failed) RUN 3: 444 - QtUiTools_bug_552 (Failed) RUN 3: 445 - QtUiTools_bug_797 (Failed) RUN 3: 450 - QtUiTools_bug_1060 (Failed) RUN 3: Errors while running CTest End of the test run RES 3: BFAIL QtCore::qflags_test() RES 3: FAIL! QtSql::bug_1013() RES 3: FAIL! QtSql::qsqldatabaseandqueries_test() RES 3: BFAIL QtPositioning::positioning() RES 3: FAIL! QtQml::bug_557() RES 3: FAIL! QtQml::bug_995() RES 3: FAIL! QtUiTools::bug_552() RES 3: FAIL! QtUiTools::bug_797() RES 3: FAIL! QtUiTools::bug_1060() Totals: 9 tests. 0 passed, 7 failed, 0 skipped, 2 blacklisted, 0 bpassed. ********* Finished testing of pyside2 ********* ********* Start testing of pyside2 ********* Config: Using win32 py3.7 qt5.14.1 64bit release py3 qt5 qt5.14 running ('C:\\opt\\CMake\\bin\\ctest.exe', '--output-log', 'C:\\dev\\pyside\\pyside-setup514i\\build_history\\2020-02-14_111655\\pyside2.4.log', '--tests-regex', '^(QtCore_qflags_test|QtSql_bug_1013|QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test|QtPositioning_positioning|QtQml_bug_557|QtQml_bug_995|QtUiTools_bug_552|QtUiTools_bug_797|QtUiTools_bug_1060)$') in C:\dev\pyside\pyside-setup514i\testenv514i3_build\py3.7-qt5.14.1-64bit-release\pyside2 RUN 4: Test project C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/testenv514i3_build/py3.7-qt5.14.1-64bit-release/pyside2 RUN 4: Start 135: QtCore_qflags_test RUN 4: 1/9 Test #135: QtCore_qflags_test ..................***Failed 0.22 sec RUN 4: ..........E RUN 4: ====================================================================== RUN 4: ERROR: testWrongType (__main__.QFlagsWrongType) RUN 4: Wrong type passed to QFlags binary operators RUN 4: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 4: TypeError: an integer is required (got type str) RUN 4: RUN 4: The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: RUN 4: RUN 4: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 4: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtCore/", line 114, in testWrongType RUN 4: self.assertRaises(TypeError, Qt.NoItemFlags | '43') RUN 4: File "c:\python37\Lib\unittest\", line 754, in assertRaises RUN 4: context = _AssertRaisesContext(expected_exception, self) RUN 4: SystemError: returned a result with an error set RUN 4: RUN 4: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 4: Ran 11 tests in 0.002s RUN 4: RUN 4: FAILED (errors=1) RUN 4: RUN 4: Start 386: QtSql_bug_1013 RUN 4: 2/9 Test #386: QtSql_bug_1013 ......................***Failed 0.25 sec RUN 4: QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded RUN 4: QSqlDatabase: available drivers: RUN 4: QSqlQuery::exec: database not open RUN 4: F RUN 4: ====================================================================== RUN 4: FAIL: testIt (__main__.TestBug1013) RUN 4: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 4: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 4: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 55, in testIt RUN 4: self.assertEqual(, 0)), 2) RUN 4: AssertionError: None != 2 RUN 4: RUN 4: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 4: Ran 1 test in 0.004s RUN 4: RUN 4: FAILED (failures=1) RUN 4: RUN 4: Start 387: QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test RUN 4: 3/9 Test #387: QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test ...***Failed 0.24 sec RUN 4: FFF RUN 4: ====================================================================== RUN 4: FAIL: testTableCreationAndDestruction (__main__.SqlDatabaseCreationDestructionAndQueries) RUN 4: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 4: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 4: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 50, in setUp RUN 4: self.assertFalse(not QtSql.QSqlDatabase.drivers(), "installed Qt has no DB drivers") RUN 4: AssertionError: True is not false : installed Qt has no DB drivers RUN 4: RUN 4: ====================================================================== RUN 4: FAIL: testTableInsertionAndRetrieval (__main__.SqlDatabaseCreationDestructionAndQueries) RUN 4: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 4: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 4: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 50, in setUp RUN 4: self.assertFalse(not QtSql.QSqlDatabase.drivers(), "installed Qt has no DB drivers") RUN 4: AssertionError: True is not false : installed Qt has no DB drivers RUN 4: RUN 4: ====================================================================== RUN 4: FAIL: testTableModelDeletion (__main__.SqlDatabaseCreationDestructionAndQueries) RUN 4: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 4: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 4: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 50, in setUp RUN 4: self.assertFalse(not QtSql.QSqlDatabase.drivers(), "installed Qt has no DB drivers") RUN 4: AssertionError: True is not false : installed Qt has no DB drivers RUN 4: RUN 4: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 4: Ran 3 tests in 0.001s RUN 4: RUN 4: FAILED (failures=3) RUN 4: RUN 4: Start 409: QtPositioning_positioning RUN 4: 4/9 Test #409: QtPositioning_positioning ...........***Failed 0.21 sec RUN 4: F RUN 4: ====================================================================== RUN 4: FAIL: test (__main__.QPositioningTestCase) RUN 4: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 4: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 4: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtPositioning/", line 37, in test RUN 4: self.assertTrue(source is not None) RUN 4: AssertionError: False is not true RUN 4: RUN 4: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 4: Ran 1 test in 0.001s RUN 4: RUN 4: FAILED (failures=1) RUN 4: RUN 4: Start 413: QtQml_bug_557 RUN 4: 5/9 Test #413: QtQml_bug_557 .......................***Failed 0.05 sec RUN 4: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 4: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtQml/", line 30, in RUN 4: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 4: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 4: RUN 4: Start 421: QtQml_bug_995 RUN 4: 6/9 Test #421: QtQml_bug_995 .......................***Failed 0.05 sec RUN 4: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 4: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtQml/", line 29, in RUN 4: from helper import adjust_filename, UsesQApplication RUN 4: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 4: RUN 4: Start 444: QtUiTools_bug_552 RUN 4: 7/9 Test #444: QtUiTools_bug_552 ...................***Failed 0.05 sec RUN 4: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 4: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtUiTools/", line 29, in RUN 4: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 4: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 4: RUN 4: Start 445: QtUiTools_bug_797 RUN 4: 8/9 Test #445: QtUiTools_bug_797 ...................***Failed 0.23 sec RUN 4: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 4: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtUiTools/", line 32, in RUN 4: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 4: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 4: RUN 4: Start 450: QtUiTools_bug_1060 RUN 4: 9/9 Test #450: QtUiTools_bug_1060 ..................***Failed 0.23 sec RUN 4: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 4: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtUiTools/", line 33, in RUN 4: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 4: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 4: RUN 4: RUN 4: 0% tests passed, 9 tests failed out of 9 RUN 4: RUN 4: Total Test time (real) = 1.62 sec RUN 4: RUN 4: The following tests FAILED: RUN 4: 135 - QtCore_qflags_test (Failed) RUN 4: 386 - QtSql_bug_1013 (Failed) RUN 4: 387 - QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test (Failed) RUN 4: 409 - QtPositioning_positioning (Failed) RUN 4: 413 - QtQml_bug_557 (Failed) RUN 4: 421 - QtQml_bug_995 (Failed) RUN 4: 444 - QtUiTools_bug_552 (Failed) RUN 4: 445 - QtUiTools_bug_797 (Failed) RUN 4: 450 - QtUiTools_bug_1060 (Failed) RUN 4: Errors while running CTest End of the test run RES 4: BFAIL QtCore::qflags_test() RES 4: FAIL! QtSql::bug_1013() RES 4: FAIL! QtSql::qsqldatabaseandqueries_test() RES 4: BFAIL QtPositioning::positioning() RES 4: FAIL! QtQml::bug_557() RES 4: FAIL! QtQml::bug_995() RES 4: FAIL! QtUiTools::bug_552() RES 4: FAIL! QtUiTools::bug_797() RES 4: FAIL! QtUiTools::bug_1060() Totals: 9 tests. 0 passed, 7 failed, 0 skipped, 2 blacklisted, 0 bpassed. ********* Finished testing of pyside2 ********* ********* Start testing of pyside2 ********* Config: Using win32 py3.7 qt5.14.1 64bit release py3 qt5 qt5.14 running ('C:\\opt\\CMake\\bin\\ctest.exe', '--output-log', 'C:\\dev\\pyside\\pyside-setup514i\\build_history\\2020-02-14_111655\\pyside2.5.log', '--tests-regex', '^(QtCore_qflags_test|QtSql_bug_1013|QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test|QtPositioning_positioning|QtQml_bug_557|QtQml_bug_995|QtUiTools_bug_552|QtUiTools_bug_797|QtUiTools_bug_1060)$') in C:\dev\pyside\pyside-setup514i\testenv514i3_build\py3.7-qt5.14.1-64bit-release\pyside2 RUN 5: Test project C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/testenv514i3_build/py3.7-qt5.14.1-64bit-release/pyside2 RUN 5: Start 135: QtCore_qflags_test RUN 5: 1/9 Test #135: QtCore_qflags_test ..................***Failed 0.22 sec RUN 5: ..........E RUN 5: ====================================================================== RUN 5: ERROR: testWrongType (__main__.QFlagsWrongType) RUN 5: Wrong type passed to QFlags binary operators RUN 5: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 5: TypeError: an integer is required (got type str) RUN 5: RUN 5: The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: RUN 5: RUN 5: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 5: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtCore/", line 114, in testWrongType RUN 5: self.assertRaises(TypeError, Qt.NoItemFlags | '43') RUN 5: File "c:\python37\Lib\unittest\", line 754, in assertRaises RUN 5: context = _AssertRaisesContext(expected_exception, self) RUN 5: SystemError: returned a result with an error set RUN 5: RUN 5: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 5: Ran 11 tests in 0.002s RUN 5: RUN 5: FAILED (errors=1) RUN 5: RUN 5: Start 386: QtSql_bug_1013 RUN 5: 2/9 Test #386: QtSql_bug_1013 ......................***Failed 0.25 sec RUN 5: QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded RUN 5: QSqlDatabase: available drivers: RUN 5: QSqlQuery::exec: database not open RUN 5: F RUN 5: ====================================================================== RUN 5: FAIL: testIt (__main__.TestBug1013) RUN 5: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 5: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 5: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 55, in testIt RUN 5: self.assertEqual(, 0)), 2) RUN 5: AssertionError: None != 2 RUN 5: RUN 5: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 5: Ran 1 test in 0.003s RUN 5: RUN 5: FAILED (failures=1) RUN 5: RUN 5: Start 387: QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test RUN 5: 3/9 Test #387: QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test ...***Failed 0.25 sec RUN 5: FFF RUN 5: ====================================================================== RUN 5: FAIL: testTableCreationAndDestruction (__main__.SqlDatabaseCreationDestructionAndQueries) RUN 5: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 5: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 5: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 50, in setUp RUN 5: self.assertFalse(not QtSql.QSqlDatabase.drivers(), "installed Qt has no DB drivers") RUN 5: AssertionError: True is not false : installed Qt has no DB drivers RUN 5: RUN 5: ====================================================================== RUN 5: FAIL: testTableInsertionAndRetrieval (__main__.SqlDatabaseCreationDestructionAndQueries) RUN 5: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 5: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 5: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 50, in setUp RUN 5: self.assertFalse(not QtSql.QSqlDatabase.drivers(), "installed Qt has no DB drivers") RUN 5: AssertionError: True is not false : installed Qt has no DB drivers RUN 5: RUN 5: ====================================================================== RUN 5: FAIL: testTableModelDeletion (__main__.SqlDatabaseCreationDestructionAndQueries) RUN 5: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 5: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 5: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtSql/", line 50, in setUp RUN 5: self.assertFalse(not QtSql.QSqlDatabase.drivers(), "installed Qt has no DB drivers") RUN 5: AssertionError: True is not false : installed Qt has no DB drivers RUN 5: RUN 5: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 5: Ran 3 tests in 0.001s RUN 5: RUN 5: FAILED (failures=3) RUN 5: RUN 5: Start 409: QtPositioning_positioning RUN 5: 4/9 Test #409: QtPositioning_positioning ...........***Failed 0.21 sec RUN 5: F RUN 5: ====================================================================== RUN 5: FAIL: test (__main__.QPositioningTestCase) RUN 5: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 5: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 5: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtPositioning/", line 37, in test RUN 5: self.assertTrue(source is not None) RUN 5: AssertionError: False is not true RUN 5: RUN 5: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN 5: Ran 1 test in 0.001s RUN 5: RUN 5: FAILED (failures=1) RUN 5: RUN 5: Start 413: QtQml_bug_557 RUN 5: 5/9 Test #413: QtQml_bug_557 .......................***Failed 0.05 sec RUN 5: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 5: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtQml/", line 30, in RUN 5: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 5: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 5: RUN 5: Start 421: QtQml_bug_995 RUN 5: 6/9 Test #421: QtQml_bug_995 .......................***Failed 0.05 sec RUN 5: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 5: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtQml/", line 29, in RUN 5: from helper import adjust_filename, UsesQApplication RUN 5: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 5: RUN 5: Start 444: QtUiTools_bug_552 RUN 5: 7/9 Test #444: QtUiTools_bug_552 ...................***Failed 0.05 sec RUN 5: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 5: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtUiTools/", line 29, in RUN 5: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 5: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 5: RUN 5: Start 445: QtUiTools_bug_797 RUN 5: 8/9 Test #445: QtUiTools_bug_797 ...................***Failed 0.23 sec RUN 5: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 5: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtUiTools/", line 32, in RUN 5: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 5: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 5: RUN 5: Start 450: QtUiTools_bug_1060 RUN 5: 9/9 Test #450: QtUiTools_bug_1060 ..................***Failed 0.23 sec RUN 5: Traceback (most recent call last): RUN 5: File "C:/dev/pyside/pyside-setup514i/sources/pyside2/tests/QtUiTools/", line 33, in RUN 5: from helper import adjust_filename RUN 5: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper' RUN 5: RUN 5: RUN 5: 0% tests passed, 9 tests failed out of 9 RUN 5: RUN 5: Total Test time (real) = 1.62 sec RUN 5: RUN 5: The following tests FAILED: RUN 5: 135 - QtCore_qflags_test (Failed) RUN 5: 386 - QtSql_bug_1013 (Failed) RUN 5: 387 - QtSql_qsqldatabaseandqueries_test (Failed) RUN 5: 409 - QtPositioning_positioning (Failed) RUN 5: 413 - QtQml_bug_557 (Failed) RUN 5: 421 - QtQml_bug_995 (Failed) RUN 5: 444 - QtUiTools_bug_552 (Failed) RUN 5: 445 - QtUiTools_bug_797 (Failed) RUN 5: 450 - QtUiTools_bug_1060 (Failed) RUN 5: Errors while running CTest End of the test run RES 5: BFAIL QtCore::qflags_test() RES 5: FAIL! QtSql::bug_1013() RES 5: FAIL! QtSql::qsqldatabaseandqueries_test() RES 5: BFAIL QtPositioning::positioning() RES 5: FAIL! QtQml::bug_557() RES 5: FAIL! QtQml::bug_995() RES 5: FAIL! QtUiTools::bug_552() RES 5: FAIL! QtUiTools::bug_797() RES 5: FAIL! QtUiTools::bug_1060() Totals: 9 tests. 0 passed, 7 failed, 0 skipped, 2 blacklisted, 0 bpassed. ********* Finished testing of pyside2 ********* All above projects: 454 tests. 403 passed, 35 failed, 0 skipped, 10 blacklisted, 6 bpassed. ******************************************************************************* ** * Summary Of All Tests * BFAIL BFAIL BFAIL BFAIL BFAIL pyside2:QtCore::qflags_test Keep blacklisting ;-( FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! pyside2:QtSql::bug_1013 Newly detected Real test failure! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! pyside2:QtSql::qsqldatabaseandqueries_test Newly detected Real test failure! BFAIL BFAIL BFAIL BFAIL BFAIL pyside2:QtPositioning::positioning Keep blacklisting ;-( FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! pyside2:QtQml::bug_557 Newly detected Real test failure! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! pyside2:QtQml::bug_995 Newly detected Real test failure! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! pyside2:QtUiTools::bug_552 Newly detected Real test failure! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! pyside2:QtUiTools::bug_797 Newly detected Real test failure! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! pyside2:QtUiTools::bug_1060 Newly detected Real test failure! * ** ******************************************************************************* Total flaky tests: errors but not always = 0 +++++ Note: please support pyside2-tools +++++ Total time of whole Python script = 158.48 sec