************************************* Invoked: Fri Jun 12 14:40:47 2020 [0] Arguments: C:\Users\Thomas.Hall\installer-framework\examples\tutorial\Installer.exe [6] Operations sanity check succeeded. [10008] Connecting the dynamic page entered signal. [10010] Setting the widgets label text. [62896] Tmp and install directories are on the same volume. Volume mount point: "C:\\" Free space available: "321.63 GiB" [62896] Installation space required: "111.00 bytes" Temporary space required: "0.00 bytes" Local repository size: "0.00 bytes" [64196] backup operation: Mkdir [64196] - arguments: C:/Program Files/InstallerTest [64196] Done [64196] perform operation: Mkdir [64196] - arguments: C:/Program Files/InstallerTest [64197] Done [64197] Starting elevated process "C:\\Users\\Thomas.Hall\\installer-framework\\examples\\tutorial\\Installer.exe" with arguments " --startserver PRODUCTION,{1311c899-643e-4137-8a55-946c57fddc64},{81256482-a558-4213-a0fc-92621f309fc8}" [65553] Finished starting elevated process. [65567] perform operation: Mkdir [65567] - arguments: C:/Program Files/InstallerTest [65569] Done [65570] Install size: 1 components [65573] backup com.vendor.product operation: Extract [65573] - arguments: installer://com.vendor.product/0.1.0-1content.7z, C:\Program Files\InstallerTest [65573] Done [65573] perform com.vendor.product operation: Extract [65573] - arguments: installer://com.vendor.product/0.1.0-1content.7z, C:\Program Files\InstallerTest [65577] Done [65577] backup com.vendor.product operation: License [65577] - arguments: [65577] Done [65577] perform com.vendor.product operation: License [65577] - arguments: [65580] Done [65593] Writing maintenance tool: "C:\\Program Files\\InstallerTest/maintenancetool.exe.new" [65800] Created critical message box "installationError": "Error", "Cannot write maintenance tool to \"C:\\Program Files\\InstallerTest/maintenancetool.exe.new\": Cannot create C:\\Program Files\\InstallerTest/maintenancetool.exe.new for output" [67170] ROLLING BACK operations= 4 [67171] undo com.vendor.product operation: License [67171] - arguments: C:\Program Files\InstallerTest\Licenses [67171] Done [67175] undo com.vendor.product operation: Extract [67175] - arguments: installer://com.vendor.product/0.1.0-1content.7z, C:\Program Files\InstallerTest [67177] Done [67179] undo operation: Mkdir [67179] - arguments: C:/Program Files/InstallerTest [67181] Done