
    • Technical task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P2: Important
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    • PySide
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      sample_mixed_mi ....................................................***Exception: SegFault  0.25 sec 
      sample_sample ......................................................***Failed    0.47 sec
      ERROR: testStringFunctions (__main__.ModuleTest)
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/Users/tismer/src/QtC/pyside-setup/sources/shiboken6/tests/samplebinding/", line 92, in testStringFunctions
          self.assertEqual(sample.addStdWStrings(t1, t1), expected)
      ValueError: character U+90000000 is not in range [U+0000; U+10ffff]
      sample_str .........................................................***Failed    0.14 
         testSequenceOperators:77 self.assertEqual(s1[-1], "f");
             TypeError: bad argument type for built-in operation
      sample_typedealloc .................................................***Failed    0.16 sec
          79, in testDeleteType AssertionError: False is not true
          71, in testScopeEnd AssertionError: False is not true
      pysidetest_homonymoussignalandmethod_test .......***Exception: SegFault  0.37 sec
      pysidetest_mixin_signal_slots_test ..............***Exception: SegFault  0.29 sec
      signals_qobject_sender_test .....................***Failed    0.25 sec
           130, in testSenderCppSignalWithPythonExtendedClass self.assertEqual(sender, recv.the_sender) 
                AssertionError: <__main__.ExtQTimer(0xffa370) at 0x16a9320> != None
            95, in testSenderCppSignal self.assertEqual(sender, recv.the_sender)
                AssertionError: <PySide6.QtCore.QTimer(0x1a1a190, name = "foo") at 0x16b9060> != None
           101, in testSenderCppSignalSingleShotTimer self.assertTrue(isinstance(recv.the_sender, QObject))
                  AssertionError: False is not true
           109, in testSenderCppSignalWithPythonExtendedClass self.assertEqual(sender, recv.the_sender)
                   AssertionError: <__main__.ExtQTimer(0x1a1d790) at 0x1005780> != None
      QtCore_classinfo_test ...........................***Failed    0.20 se
            in test_dictionary @ClassInfo({'author':'pyside', 'author company':'The Qt Company'})
             TypeError: ClassInfo() takes either keyword argument(s) or a single dictionary argument
      QtCore_qbytearray_test ..........................***Failed    0.25 sec
           283, in testBufferProtocol actual_bytes = bytes(byte_array)
                TypeError: 'bytes' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
      QtWidgets_bug_836 ...............................***Exception: SegFault  0.39 sec
      QtQml_bug_825 (SEGFAULT)
      QtQml_javascript_exceptions .....................***Exception: SegFault  1.27 sec
      Error in cpyext, CPython compatibility layer:
      The function PyErr_Print was not supposed to fail
      Fatal error in cpyext, CPython compatibility layer, calling PyErr_Print
      Either report a bug or consider not using this particular extension
      <SystemError object at 0x111062140>
      RPython traceback:
        File "pypy_module_cpyext.c", line 12261, in wrapper_second_level__star_0_1
        File "pypy_module_cpyext_1.c", line 38331, in not_supposed_to_fail


        Issue Links

          For Gerrit Dashboard: PYSIDE-1843
          # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



              ctismer Christian Tismer
              kleint Friedemann Kleint
              2 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

