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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-100002

QQuickListView: No layout update is triggered when a section delegate has its geometry changed.



    • All, Linux/X11
    • b994c7ffa (dev), f9efa3469 (6.5)


      I'm not quite sure if this is a bug, or by design.

      But if a delegate has its geometry (width, height or visibility) changed post-initialization,

      then the QQuickListViewPrivate::layoutVisibleItems function wont be called to properly lay out the delegates again.

      The first time that QQuickListViewPrivate::layoutVisibleItems is called, it will usually be from the window expose event.

      One way to reproduce the problem, would be to run the following code a few times:

      import QtQuick
      import QtQuick.Controls
      Window {
          width: 640
          height: 480
          visible: true
          Rectangle {
              id: rect
              property string sectionProperty: "section"
              property int sectionPositioning: ViewSection.InlineLabels
              anchors.fill: parent
              color: "#FFFFFF"
              resources: [
                  Component {
                      id: myDelegate
                      Text {
                          id: myDelegateText
                          objectName: model.title
                          width: parent.width
                          height: 40
                          text: "NormalDelegate: " + model.title
                          visible: model.isVisible
                          verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
              ListView {
                  id: list
                  objectName: "list"
                  anchors.fill: parent
                  clip: true
                  model: ListModel {
                      ListElement {
                          title: "element1"
                          isVisible: true
                          section: "section1"
                      ListElement {
                          title: "element2"
                          isVisible: true
                          section: "section1"
                      ListElement {
                          title: "element3"
                          isVisible: true
                          section: "section2"
                      ListElement {
                          title: "element4"
                          isVisible: true
                          section: "section2"
                  delegate: myDelegate
                  section.property: "section"
                  section.criteria: ViewSection.FullString
                  section.delegate: Component {
                      Text {
                          id: sectionDelegate
                          objectName: section
                          visible: false
                          onVisibleChanged: console.log("visible: " + visible)
                          width: parent.width
                          height: visible ? 48 : 0
                          text: "Section delegate: " + section
                          verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                          elide: Text.ElideMiddle
                          Component.onCompleted: function(){
                                  let newValue = true
                                  console.log("setting visibility " + newValue)
                                  sectionDelegate.visible = newValue

      You should notice that the delegates will overlap occasionally. Depending on whether the visibility for the section delegates are set to true before or after the window expose event causes layoutVisibleItems to be called.

      The potential bug can also be reproduced with this code:

      import QtQuick
      import QtQuick.Controls
      Window {
          width: 640
          height: 480
          visible: true
          Rectangle {
              id: rect
              property string sectionProperty: "section"
              property int sectionPositioning: ViewSection.InlineLabels
              anchors.fill: parent
              color: "#FFFFFF"
              resources: [
                  Component {
                      id: myDelegate
                      Text {
                          id: myDelegateText
                          objectName: model.title
                          width: parent.width
                          height: 40
                          text: "NormalDelegate: " + model.title
                          visible: model.isVisible
                          verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                          MouseArea {
                              anchors.fill: parent
                              onClicked: function(){
                                  parent.height = 60
              ListView {
                  id: list
                  objectName: "list"
                  anchors.fill: parent
                  clip: true
                  model: ListModel {
                      ListElement {
                          title: "element1"
                          isVisible: true
                          section: "section1"
                      ListElement {
                          title: "element2"
                          isVisible: true
                          section: "section1"
                      ListElement {
                          title: "element3"
                          isVisible: true
                          section: "section2"
                      ListElement {
                          title: "element4"
                          isVisible: true
                          section: "section2"
                  delegate: myDelegate
                  section.property: "section"
                  section.criteria: ViewSection.FullString
                  section.delegate: Component {
                      Text {
                          id: sectionDelegate
                          objectName: section
                          visible: true
                          width: parent.width
                          height: visible ? 48 : 0
                          text: "Section delegate: " + section
                          verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                          elide: Text.ElideMiddle
                          MouseArea {
                              anchors.fill: parent
                              onClicked: function(){
                                  parent.height = 68

      If you click on a delegate, the delegate will have its height increased by 20 pixels.
      Normal delegates will cause a layout update, while a section delegate won't.


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