Resolution: Fixed
P3: Somewhat important
ac001bef7 (dev), d2f663eeb (6.7)
/Users/torarne/build/qt/6.x/qtdeclarative/src/quick/Quick_autogen/include/moc_qquickwindow.cpp:764:17: error: too few arguments to function call, single argument 'arg' was not specified t->xChanged(); ~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ /Users/torarne/build/qt/6.x/qtbase/include/QtGui/../../../../../../dev/qt/qtbase/src/gui/kernel/qwindow.h:301:10: note: 'xChanged' declared here void xChanged(int arg); ^
Caused by code at end of Generator::generateCode() in moc:
if (!cdef->nonClassSignalList.isEmpty()) { fprintf(out, "// If you get a compile error in this function it can be because either\n"); fprintf(out, "// a) You are using a NOTIFY signal that does not exist. Fix it.\n"); fprintf(out, "// b) You are using a NOTIFY signal that does exist (in a parent class) but has a non-empty parameter list. This is a moc limitation.\n"); fprintf(out, "[[maybe_unused]] static void checkNotifySignalValidity_%s(%s *t) {\n", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData(), cdef->qualified.constData()); for (const QByteArray &nonClassSignal : std::as_const(cdef->nonClassSignalList)) fprintf(out, " t->%s();\n", nonClassSignal.constData()); fprintf(out, "}\n"); }