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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-17318

Add a mechanism for sharing global objects between QML components



    • ae6c7a44394d4a5f943f1fc92f4de015ec7bcc96



      Currently there are two ways to share global objects between QML components: share the global object as a context property from C++ or create the global object in the application root component where every other component has access to it. Latter approach creates strong coupling between the root component and sub-components and the sub-components can no longer be constructed in isolation because they depend on the properties of the root component. Also, sharing properties through a shared parent isn't really a solution for components libraries, which have no control of the context they have been created in. Context property approach is not a viable solution either for QML component libraries as introducing new context property produces a potential namespace conflicts when existing QML applications have already reserved the name of the context property for it's own use.


      One possible solution would be to provide a mechanism for sharing global elements between QML components using a special import syntax that would have to be defined under a mandatory namespace. It should be possible to create the shared object on demand, i.e. only when it gets imported from QML.

      import libraryimportpath.globalobject versionnumber as Namespace
      Item {
          Component.onCompleted: console.log(Namespace.property)

      Use cases

      Sharing default font between text elements.

      import QtQuick.defaultFont 1.1 as DefaultFont
      Text {
          font.family: DefaultFont.name

      Sharing feedback object between button-like widgets.

      import QtMobility.feedback.themeEffect 1.1 as ThemeEffect
      Button {
          onPressed: ThemeEffect.play(ThemeEffect.Sensitive)

      Sharing screen orientation information between application views.

      import QtQuick.orientation 2.0 as Orientation
      Window {
          rotation: Orientation.orientation == Orientation.Portrait ? 0 : 90
          Behavior on rotation { NumberAnimation { .. } } 

      Sharing a model between different visual elements in the application, for example a clock model could be shared by the application status bar, alarm view and screen saver.

      import MyApp.clockModel 1.0 as Clock
      Statusbar {
          DigitalClock {
              minutes: Clock.minutes
              hours: Clock.hours


        For Gerrit Dashboard: QTBUG-17318
        # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



            aakenned Aaron Kennedy
            jpetrell Joona Petrell
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