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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-17739

1) missing icon in designer docs; 2) not very clear descr



    • 1575462bf90851fb134db4892e93c04b396543f1


      At the very end of the page http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/designer-widget-mode.html you can see text

      The broken layout icon ###ICON is displayed if there is something wrong with the layouts.

      This comes from qt-git/doc/src/development/designer-manual.qdoc, from section:

      > grep -n -C1 "The broken" qt-git/doc/src/development/designer-manual.qdoc

      696-        Since Qt 4.5, the \gui{Object Inspector} displays the layout state of
      697:        the containers. The broken layout icon ###ICON is displayed if there is
      698-        something wrong with the layouts.

      I would suggest replacing ###ICON by a ref to an image already used in the docs:

      \inlineimage rgbController-no-toplevel-layout.png

      in which case you would see not just the icon but also the name of the widget/form. I like this solution because then you will see in the text exactly what it looks like in object inspector (but note: this introduces dependency between different parts of the docs: if someone "corrects" the rgbController-no-toplevel-layout.png file for the sake of the designer quick-start page it might not match the description here...) . An alternative would be to copy qt-git/tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/images/mac/editbreaklayout.png to docs directories and use this one (this way you would see only the icon, without the name of the widget/form).

      A second remark is that "there is something wrong with the layouts" is not very clear, I think, esp. for new users. I think, the only situation when you see the icon is when there simply is no layout. The author probably tried to say that such situation is wrong and if a user can see this icon he/she should correct this container by adding a layout.

      Thus, I would suggest replacing above part of qt-git/doc/src/development/designer-manual.qdoc by:

      Since Qt 4.5, the \gui{Object Inspector} displays the layout state of
      the containers. The broken layout icon 
      \inlineimage rgbController-no-toplevel-layout.png
      is displayed if a container has no layout. Note that such situation is 
      wrong: you should make sure that all containers do have layouts, otherwise 
      size and position of their child widgets will not get updated correctly 
      e.g. when the dialog is resized.


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