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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-24534

DropArea onEntered is triggered unnecessarily




      Run the following code, taken from examples/qtquick/draganddrop/views.

      If you do a very slight drag upwards on any item outside of the first column, other items in the view will quickly jump (as if you were moving that item to a space at the top of its column) and then jump back to their positions. This jump doesn't occur if you drag one of the items in the first column.

      See attached demo where the pink square, second along the bottom row, is dragged. This produces the following output that is triggered by DropArea.onEntered:

      move 13 13
      move 13 1
      move 1 1
      move 1 13

      Sample code as follows:

      import QtQuick 2.0
      GridView {
          id: root
          width: 360; height: 360
          cellWidth: 90; cellHeight: 90
          displaced: Transition {
              NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; easing.type: Easing.OutQuad }
          model: VisualDataModel {
              id: visualModel
              model: ListModel {
                  id: colorModel
                  ListElement { color: "blue" }
                  ListElement { color: "green" }
                  ListElement { color: "red" }
                  ListElement { color: "yellow" }
                  ListElement { color: "orange" }
                  ListElement { color: "purple" }
                  ListElement { color: "cyan" }
                  ListElement { color: "magenta" }
                  ListElement { color: "chartreuse" }
                  ListElement { color: "aquamarine" }
                  ListElement { color: "indigo" }
                  ListElement { color: "black" }
                  ListElement { color: "chartreuse" }
                  ListElement { color: "violet" }
                  ListElement { color: "grey" }
                  ListElement { color: "springgreen" }
              delegate: MouseArea {
                  id: delegateRoot
                  property int visualIndex: VisualDataModel.itemsIndex
                  width: 90; height: 90
                  drag.target: icon
                  Rectangle {
                      id: icon
                      width: 80; height: 80
                      anchors {
                          horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;
                          verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                      color: model.color
                      radius: 3
                      Drag.active: delegateRoot.drag.active
                      Drag.source: delegateRoot
                      Drag.hotSpot.x: 40
                      Drag.hotSpot.y: 40
                      states: [
                          State {
                              when: icon.Drag.active
                              ParentChange {
                                  target: icon
                                  parent: root
                              AnchorChanges {
                                  target: icon;
                                  anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined;
                                  anchors.verticalCenter: undefined
                  DropArea {
                      anchors { fill: parent; margins: 15 }
                      onEntered: {
                          console.log("move", drag.source.visualIndex, delegateRoot.visualIndex)
                          visualModel.items.move(drag.source.visualIndex, delegateRoot.visualIndex)


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            denexter Andrew den Exter (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
            bealam Bea Lam (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
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