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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-33444

Binding does not restore original property value if it was assigned as a constant



    • f38e071f5b353cbf9ce6c6c104bd82099ae0aa14


      The Binding type only restores a property's original value if was set to an expression, and not a constant value.

      Take the following example:

      import QtQuick 2.0
      Rectangle {
          id: root
          property int count
          property bool enableBinding: true
          width: 200; height: 200
          color: "blue"           // Doesn't work, this color won't be restored when enableBinding=true
          //color: true ? "blue" : "blue"  // Works, this color will be restored when enableBinding=true
          Timer {
              interval: 800
              running: true
              repeat: true
              onTriggered: root.count += 1
          Binding {
              id: binding
              target: root
              property: "color"
              value: count % 2 ? "green" : "yellow"
              when: enableBinding
          focus: true
          Keys.onSpacePressed: {
              enableBinding = !enableBinding

      The Rectangle's color is initially set to blue, but the Binding object causes the Rectangle's color to alternate between green and yellow.

      When enableBinding=false, this binding is disabled, and the original blue color should be restored. However, this only happens if the initial color property value was set as an expression (e.g. "if (1) "blue") and not if it was set as a constant (e.g. "blue").

      This makes the Binding type unusable in the case where a library component needs to temporarily modify a provided object, as there is no guarantee that the object's original property value will be restored.


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