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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-43899

Qml Application crashes when building with QtQuickCompiler on Android



    • f558bc48585c69de36151248c969a484a969ebb4


      I have the same code running perfectly on iOS. But crashes on Android. I had to disable qtquickcompiler for Android.

      D/Qt      ( 8148): (null):0 ((null)): FT_New_Face failed with index 0 : 90
      F/libc    ( 8148): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1), thread 8180 (com.ble)
      I/DEBUG   (  182): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
      I/DEBUG   (  182): Build fingerprint: 'google/razorg/deb:4.4.4/KTU84P/1227136:user/release-keys'
      I/DEBUG   (  182): Revision: '0'
      I/DEBUG   (  182): pid: 8148, tid: 8180, name: com.ble  >>> com.ble <<<
      I/DEBUG   (  182): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     r0 76e4e664  r1 00000000  r2 00000000  r3 76f4d010
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     r4 76f4d008  r5 76f4d008  r6 76e4e718  r7 761161ac
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     r8 76f4d008  r9 756ac600  sl 00000006  fp 00000000
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     ip 76e4e718  sp 76e4e648  lr 760175fb  pc 7608d7bc  cpsr 60070030
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     d0  0000000000000000  d1  0000000000000000
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     d2  0072006f00700065  d3  006f007200500074
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     d4  0071002f006e006f  d5  0066002f006c006d
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     d6  0065006d00610072  d7  006b0072006f0077
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     d8  0000000000000000  d9  0000000000000000
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     d10 0000000000000000  d11 0000000000000000
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     d16 736e617274202235  d17 6f72223d6d726f66
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     d18 0000000000000000  d19 0000000000000000
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     d20 0000000000000000  d21 0002000200020002
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     d22 0010001000100010  d23 0000000000000000
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     d24 0003000000030000  d25 0003000000030000
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     d26 0707070703030303  d27 000000300000002f
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     d28 0001000000010000  d29 0001000000010000
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     d30 00b6800000b38000  d31 00bc800000b98000
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     scr 80000011
      I/DEBUG   (  182): 
      I/DEBUG   (  182): backtrace:
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     #00  pc 001447bc  /data/app-lib/com.ble-2/libQt5Qml.so (QV8Engine::toVariant(QV4::ValueRef, int, bool, QSet<QV4::Object*>*)+775)
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     #01  pc 0010eca5  /data/app-lib/com.ble-2/libQt5Qml.so (QQmlPropertyPrivate::writeBinding(QObject*, QQmlPropertyData const&, QQmlContextData*, QQmlJavaScriptExpression*, QV4::ValueRef, bool, QFlags<QQmlPropertyPrivate::WriteFlag>)+632)
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     #02  pc 0013b469  /data/app-lib/com.ble-2/libQt5Qml.so (QQmlBinding::update(QFlags<QQmlPropertyPrivate::WriteFlag>)+660)
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     #03  pc 0013efe7  /data/app-lib/com.ble-2/libQt5Qml.so
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     #04  pc 0010f471  /data/app-lib/com.ble-2/libQt5Qml.so (QQmlComponentPrivate::complete(QQmlEnginePrivate*, QQmlComponentPrivate::ConstructionState*)+36)
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     #05  pc 0010f4bf  /data/app-lib/com.ble-2/libQt5Qml.so (QQmlComponentPrivate::completeCreate()+18)
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     #06  pc 0010f421  /data/app-lib/com.ble-2/libQt5Qml.so (QQmlComponent::create(QQmlContext*)+68)
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     #07  pc 0013b9cb  /data/app-lib/com.ble-2/libQt5Qml.so (QQmlApplicationEnginePrivate::_q_finishLoad(QObject*)+194)
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     #08  pc 0013bf77  /data/app-lib/com.ble-2/libQt5Qml.so (QQmlApplicationEnginePrivate::startLoad(QUrl const&, QByteArray const&, bool)+74)
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     #09  pc 0013bfcd  /data/app-lib/com.ble-2/libQt5Qml.so (QQmlApplicationEngine::load(QUrl const&)+20)
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     #10  pc 000bfdbc  /data/app-lib/com.ble-2/libgmobilev2.so (main+768)
      I/DEBUG   (  182): 
      I/DEBUG   (  182): stack:
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e608  7910cf80  [anon:libc_malloc]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e60c  76e4e650  [stack:8180]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e610  00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e614  7fff8000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e618  76f4d068  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e61c  756ac738  [anon:libc_malloc]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e620  76f4d058  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e624  00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e628  00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e62c  7ffe4000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e630  00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e634  7602429f  /data/app-lib/com.ble-2/libQt5Qml.so
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e638  76e4e664  [stack:8180]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e63c  760175f3  /data/app-lib/com.ble-2/libQt5Qml.so
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e640  76f4d008  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e644  7608d7b9  /data/app-lib/com.ble-2/libQt5Qml.so (QV8Engine::toVariant(QV4::ValueRef, int, bool, QSet<QV4::Object*>*)+772)
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     #00  76e4e648  756ac738  [anon:libc_malloc]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e64c  76f4d058  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e650  75663668  [anon:libc_malloc]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e654  76f4d008  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e658  00000004  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e65c  7910ce00  [anon:libc_malloc]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e660  76f4d008  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e664  76f4d010  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e668  756ac738  [anon:libc_malloc]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e66c  76f4d010  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e670  00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e674  78e4cb58  [anon:libc_malloc]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e678  00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e67c  00000077  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e680  00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e684  76f4d008  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          ........  ........
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     #01  76e4e6a0  00000001  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e6a4  00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e6a8  76f4d008  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e6ac  00000006  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e6b0  76e4e718  [stack:8180]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e6b4  790b4dd0  [anon:libc_malloc]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e6b8  756ac600  [anon:libc_malloc]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e6bc  76e4e94c  [stack:8180]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e6c0  76e4e6d0  [stack:8180]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e6c4  00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e6c8  00000010  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e6cc  00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e6d0  790b53b0  [anon:libc_malloc]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e6d4  76e4e6d8  [stack:8180]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e6d8  790b59c8  [anon:libc_malloc]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e6dc  0000003d  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          ........  ........
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     #02  76e4e750  76f4d008  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e754  00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e758  00000003  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e75c  78d7df74  [anon:libc_malloc]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e760  76e4e77c  [stack:8180]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e764  76e4e774  [stack:8180]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e768  00000008  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e76c  00000003  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e770  00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e774  7910cb58  [anon:libc_malloc]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e778  00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e77c  00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e780  76f4d008  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e784  756ac738  [anon:libc_malloc]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e788  76f4d000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          76e4e78c  790b4dd0  [anon:libc_malloc]
      I/DEBUG   (  182):          ........  ........
      I/DEBUG   (  182): 
      I/DEBUG   (  182): memory near r0:
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e644 7608d7b9 756ac738 76f4d058 75663668  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e654 76f4d008 00000004 7910ce00 76f4d008  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e664 76f4d010 756ac738 76f4d010 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e674 78e4cb58 00000000 00000077 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e684 76f4d008 76e4e6f8 790b53b0 790b59e4  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e694 790b59c8 00000006 76057ca9 00000001  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e6a4 00000000 76f4d008 00000006 76e4e718  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e6b4 790b4dd0 756ac600 76e4e94c 76e4e6d0  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e6c4 00000000 00000010 00000000 790b53b0  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e6d4 76e4e6d8 790b59c8 0000003d 7910cb58  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e6e4 40085e6b 0000008a 790b53b0 76e4e6f4  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e6f4 790b59c8 00000000 76e4e6d0 80000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e704 00000000 00000000 00000000 76f4d000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e714 76f4d008 756ac738 00000000 76e4e798  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e724 756ab880 00000077 790b59c8 790b53b0  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e734 790b59b8 76e4e798 756ab880 00000077  
      I/DEBUG   (  182): 
      I/DEBUG   (  182): memory near r3:
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4cff0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d000 79011080 7ffe0000 00000000 7fff8000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d010 00000000 7ffe4000 00000000 7fffc000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d020 79011f80 7ffe0000 79006400 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d030 790064a0 7ffe0000 79006500 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d040 79006560 7ffe0000 00000000 7fff8000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d050 79010fe0 7ffe0000 00000000 7fff8000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d060 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d070 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d080 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d090 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0a0 00000000 00000000 7566c280 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0b0 756752a0 7ffe0000 790146a0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0c0 78ffb800 7ffe0000 777657c0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0d0 790152c0 7ffe0000 777657c0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0e0 790152c0 7ffe0000 790152a0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182): 
      I/DEBUG   (  182): memory near r4:
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4cfe8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4cff8 00000000 00000000 79011080 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d008 00000000 7fff8000 00000000 7ffe4000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d018 00000000 7fffc000 79011f80 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d028 79006400 7ffe0000 790064a0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d038 79006500 7ffe0000 79006560 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d048 00000000 7fff8000 79010fe0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d058 00000000 7fff8000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d068 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d078 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d088 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d098 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0a8 7566c280 7ffe0000 756752a0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0b8 790146a0 7ffe0000 78ffb800 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0c8 777657c0 7ffe0000 790152c0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0d8 777657c0 7ffe0000 790152c0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182): 
      I/DEBUG   (  182): memory near r5:
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4cfe8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4cff8 00000000 00000000 79011080 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d008 00000000 7fff8000 00000000 7ffe4000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d018 00000000 7fffc000 79011f80 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d028 79006400 7ffe0000 790064a0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d038 79006500 7ffe0000 79006560 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d048 00000000 7fff8000 79010fe0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d058 00000000 7fff8000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d068 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d078 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d088 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d098 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0a8 7566c280 7ffe0000 756752a0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0b8 790146a0 7ffe0000 78ffb800 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0c8 777657c0 7ffe0000 790152c0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0d8 777657c0 7ffe0000 790152c0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182): 
      I/DEBUG   (  182): memory near r6:
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e6f8 00000000 76e4e6d0 80000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e708 00000000 00000000 76f4d000 76f4d008  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e718 756ac738 00000000 76e4e798 756ab880  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e728 00000077 790b59c8 790b53b0 790b59b8  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e738 76e4e798 756ab880 00000077 00000008  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e748 76f4d000 7608446d 76f4d008 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e758 00000003 78d7df74 76e4e77c 76e4e774  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e768 00000008 00000003 00000000 7910cb58  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e778 00000000 00000000 76f4d008 756ac738  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e788 76f4d000 790b4dd0 76e4e794 790b59b8  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e798 00000000 7fff8000 78f95560 40086257  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e7a8 78fa7800 78fbeb68 756ac738 78fa7808  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e7b8 78f95560 78a47978 790b59d4 76118ea0  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e7c8 756ab880 76e4e830 76e4e7f0 790b53d8  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e7d8 76e4e964 76087fe9 78fa7848 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e7e8 00000006 00000000 78fa7650 78fa7650  
      I/DEBUG   (  182): 
      I/DEBUG   (  182): memory near r7:
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7611618c 760b6831 760b6925 7611a788 760b6cf5  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7611619c 760b6d09 760b6d1d 760b6d31 760b6d45  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     761161ac 00000000 00000000 00000000 4009d6a5  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     761161bc 4009d799 758ce9e9 40097f85 7584c415  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     761161cc 758cec35 75801971 758cfe6d 758018cd  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     761161dc 40096fcd 758b1b85 400970dc 4009828c  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     761161ec 756f9ab4 756fc03c 759616b9 7582f151  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     761161fc 75963971 7593d1a1 75946565 759620c5  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7611620c 75963965 75963931 75964419 75942f59  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7611621c 7582f0dd 75964505 7582f121 75964545  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7611622c 75964575 75964681 7596463d 7582f055  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7611623c 7582f1cd 75964695 75964519 759634d9  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7611624c 7596182d 75961869 75963d51 759650ed  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7611625c 758d02d5 759564d9 759048bd 75954c65  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7611626c 40097138 7584cbc1 75908829 40096b70  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7611627c 75965561 75904811 758459c5 7582f1d5  
      I/DEBUG   (  182): 
      I/DEBUG   (  182): memory near r8:
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4cfe8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4cff8 00000000 00000000 79011080 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d008 00000000 7fff8000 00000000 7ffe4000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d018 00000000 7fffc000 79011f80 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d028 79006400 7ffe0000 790064a0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d038 79006500 7ffe0000 79006560 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d048 00000000 7fff8000 79010fe0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d058 00000000 7fff8000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d068 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d078 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d088 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d098 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0a8 7566c280 7ffe0000 756752a0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0b8 790146a0 7ffe0000 78ffb800 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0c8 777657c0 7ffe0000 790152c0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76f4d0d8 777657c0 7ffe0000 790152c0 7ffe0000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182): 
      I/DEBUG   (  182): memory near r9:
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     756ac5e0 00000000 00000000 759e39f4 759e39f4  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     756ac5f0 759e39f4 759e39f4 00000000 0000004b  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     756ac600 76113320 76e4e94c 76e4e94c 756ac738  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     756ac610 77c54448 77847568 759e2f50 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     756ac620 77847b88 00000017 00000000 80000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     756ac630 00000000 80000000 759e39f4 759e39f4  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     756ac640 6c622e6d 00000033 00000002 00000007  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     756ac650 00000008 00000010 00740051 00750051  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     756ac660 00630069 0000006b 75b4e2a8 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     756ac670 00000030 00000023 00000001 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     756ac680 00000001 00000010 756aafc8 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     756ac690 00000000 0000001b 76112708 78ff52b0  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     756ac6a0 76063d49 00000000 78a471b0 0000005b  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     756ac6b0 00000000 41400000 3f800000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     756ac6c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     756ac6d0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182): 
      I/DEBUG   (  182): memory near ip:
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e6f8 00000000 76e4e6d0 80000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e708 00000000 00000000 76f4d000 76f4d008  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e718 756ac738 00000000 76e4e798 756ab880  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e728 00000077 790b59c8 790b53b0 790b59b8  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e738 76e4e798 756ab880 00000077 00000008  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e748 76f4d000 7608446d 76f4d008 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e758 00000003 78d7df74 76e4e77c 76e4e774  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e768 00000008 00000003 00000000 7910cb58  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e778 00000000 00000000 76f4d008 756ac738  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e788 76f4d000 790b4dd0 76e4e794 790b59b8  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e798 00000000 7fff8000 78f95560 40086257  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e7a8 78fa7800 78fbeb68 756ac738 78fa7808  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e7b8 78f95560 78a47978 790b59d4 76118ea0  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e7c8 756ab880 76e4e830 76e4e7f0 790b53d8  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e7d8 76e4e964 76087fe9 78fa7848 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e7e8 00000006 00000000 78fa7650 78fa7650  
      I/DEBUG   (  182): 
      I/DEBUG   (  182): memory near sp:
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e628 00000000 7ffe4000 00000000 7602429f  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e638 76e4e664 760175f3 76f4d008 7608d7b9  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e648 756ac738 76f4d058 75663668 76f4d008  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e658 00000004 7910ce00 76f4d008 76f4d010  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e668 756ac738 76f4d010 00000000 78e4cb58  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e678 00000000 00000077 00000000 76f4d008  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e688 76e4e6f8 790b53b0 790b59e4 790b59c8  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e698 00000006 76057ca9 00000001 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e6a8 76f4d008 00000006 76e4e718 790b4dd0  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e6b8 756ac600 76e4e94c 76e4e6d0 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e6c8 00000010 00000000 790b53b0 76e4e6d8  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e6d8 790b59c8 0000003d 7910cb58 40085e6b  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e6e8 0000008a 790b53b0 76e4e6f4 790b59c8  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e6f8 00000000 76e4e6d0 80000000 00000000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e708 00000000 00000000 76f4d000 76f4d008  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76e4e718 756ac738 00000000 76e4e798 756ab880  
      I/DEBUG   (  182): 
      I/DEBUG   (  182): code around pc:
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7608d79c f000429a 463080a5 2300e9d4 e802f724  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7608d7ac aa03e0f1 a908a807 ff12f789 681a9b07  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7608d7bc 689b6813 f0402b00 f89d80c6 2b003058  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7608d7cc 80d7f000 f04f4610 f7860900 4604f9b1  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7608d7dc 460d2038 ee86f722 462b4622 9000f8cd  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7608d7ec f8cdac0a 46809004 f918f787 46414b70  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7608d7fc 58fb4620 9028f8c8 f8c83308 f8d83000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7608d80c f3693030 f8c8031d f3c33030 f0436305  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7608d81c f8880380 f7643033 f727f9f1 4622fd3f  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7608d82c 4601464b f7224630 4620eee8 fa95f764  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7608d83c 682de0a9 f7fe4628 b158f8f1 f72b3014  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7608d84c aa0efd9f 23012127 0d10f842 f7224630  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7608d85c e098eed4 689b682b b142461a 58794956  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7608d86c d001428a e7f86812 f47f2d00 461aaf66  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7608d87c 4952e004 428a5879 6812d003 d1f82a00  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     7608d88c b90de000 e009461a 46294630 f9def7f9  
      I/DEBUG   (  182): 
      I/DEBUG   (  182): code around lr:
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     760175d8 fffffd31 4604b510 684b6809 0008f103  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     760175e8 60236048 f7da6810 4601f9d0 f7a14620  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     760175f8 4620fc6b 0000bd10 4ff0e92d 6843b08d  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76017608 91034610 f10d4690 f10d0b10 681d0928  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76017618 930a696b 930b685b fbd2f7ff aa034649  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76017628 46584606 ffd6f7ff f8d39b04 f1baa000  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76017638 d0030f00 f0401c72 e0908083 9f031c73  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76017648 4638d02e ff6cf7af d0292800 b33c683c  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76017658 4621ad09 f7da4628 9b09f97f 685f4628  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76017668 fc67f79d d21942be 4628af08 f7da4621  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76017678 4629f973 46322301 f7994638 4628ea8a  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76017688 fc57f79d 4639980a f7fa4d4d 4b4dfa8f  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     76017698 28004604 461dbf08 e03e4638 e04d4654  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     760176a8 4b49687a 4a474013 d1394293 2620ac07  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     760176b8 0918f10d 0706eb0d 46204b44 f10d4641  
      I/DEBUG   (  182):     760176c8 447b0824 f02d9306 4622fdc3 f8ad2300  

      ---- Update ----

      bercik I can now confirm that it was the problem.

      But only when you write a javascript context that results other than integer value for an integer property.

      For example:

      import QtQuick 2.4
      import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
      ApplicationWindow {
          property int crashCausedVar: 71 / 2
          title: qsTr("Hello World")
          width: 640
          height: 480
          visible: true

      This crashes for Android when you compile the code with QtQuick Compiler.

      import QtQuick 2.4
      import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
      ApplicationWindow {
          property int crashCausedVar: 35.5
          title: qsTr("Hello World")
          width: 640
          height: 480
          visible: true

      This assignment just gives an error like below and goes dark.

      qrc:/main.qml:5 Invalid property assignment: int expected

      This code works perfectly.

      import QtQuick 2.4
      import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
      ApplicationWindow {
          property int crashCausedVar: 35
          title: qsTr("Hello World")
          width: 640
          height: 480
          visible: true
          Rectangle {
              color: '#FFF'
              anchors.fill: parent

      I 've also provided a project. It describes and simulates crash for android.

      shausman This is a blocker for using QtQuickCompiler. Thanks for your interest.


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