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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-58296

QVariant::isNull() must return true for nullptr_t



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P2: Important
    • 5.9.0 Beta 2
    • 5.8.0 RC
    • Core: Other
    • None
    • Qt 5.8.0 RC, any OS


      In Qt 5.8 we see many changes, and one of these is std::nullptr_t became registered type which is meant to be use for null values.

      So, for example, if in C++ we get QVariant value from QML, and this value was set to null in QML, then QVariant::isNull() returns false. And user has to write ugly code like this:

      if(value.isNull() || static_cast<QMetaType::Type>(value.type()) == QMetaType::Nullptr)
          // The value is null, or default object for a type
          // In this branch we can try convert value to C++ types

      instead of something like this:

          // The value is null, or default object for a type
          // In this branch we can try convert value to C++ types

      Other example is:

      int main() {
          QVariant v1 = QVariant::fromValue<void*>(nullptr);
          QVariant v2 = QVariant::fromValue(nullptr);
          qDebug() << v1.isNull() << v2.isNull() << (v1 == v2) << (v2 == v1);
          qDebug() << v2.canConvert<void*>() << v2.canConvert<QObject*>();
      // output:
      // "false false false false" 
      // "false false"

      I agree with the author of this example (Olivier) and I also think that it is wrong. Because it goes against of semantic of the isNull() method name.
      In the discussion there are some posts against Olivier, but I think it is better for future releases to fix it now.

      One of the possible solutions is based on the post:

      QVariant's only pointer constructor is the one for const char*, which will be
      null if the pointer is null too. That would support the proposition that
      QVariant(nullptr).isNull() because QVariant((const char*)nullptr).isNull().

      However, to create a VoidStar, you need to write:

      QVariant::fromValue<void *>(nullptr);

      which does

      return QVariant(qMetaTypeId<T>(), &t, QTypeInfo<T>::isPointer);

      That constructor always sets d.is_null = false. So the QVariant is not null,
      as it contains a valid VoidStar value. It just happens that the VoidStar
      itself is null. In other words, QVariant behaves like a non-null void**
      pointing to a null void*.

      So, maybe it should check the pointer value in QVariant(qMetaTypeId<T>(), &t, QTypeInfo<T>::isPointer) constructor and if isPointer and *t is null then set d.is_null = true

      P.S. You could read the discussion in these links:


      P.P.S. I think it must to be fixed before the final release of Qt 5.8.0, because later it will harder to change the behavior in public API, IMHO.


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