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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-63422

GridView.currentItemChanged and currentIndexChanged aren't emitted when changing to emtpy model



    • db321e74413ac088edaa209a57ad5147175df041 (qt/qtdeclarative/5.14)


      When changing a GridView's model to an empty one, currentIndex and currentItem are changed to -1 and null, but no currentItemChanged or currentIndexChanged signal is emitted.


      The following QML snippet demonstrates this:

      Column {
          Button {
              text: "Add"
              property int counter: 0
              onClicked: {
                  var list = gridView.model;
                  list.push( counter );
                  gridView.model = list;
                  counter += 1;
          Button {
              text: "Remove"
              enabled: gridView.currentItem !== null
              onClicked: {
                  var list = gridView.model
                  list.splice( gridView.currentIndex, 1 );
                  gridView.model = list;
          Button {
              text: "Remove 2"
              // NOTE This only works as gridView.count gets updated
              enabled: ( gridView.currentIndex >= 0 ) &&
                       ( gridView.currentIndex < gridView.count )
              onClicked: {
                  var list = gridView.model
                  list.splice( gridView.currentIndex, 1 );
                  gridView.model = list;
          GridView {
              id: gridView
              model: []
              clip: true
              width: 200
              height: 200
              onCountChanged: console.log("count changed", count)
              onCurrentIndexChanged: console.log("currentIndex changed", currentIndex)
              onCurrentItemChanged: console.log("currentItem changed", currentItem)
              cellWidth: 50
              cellHeight: 50
              delegate: Rectangle {
                  width: 45
                  height: 45
                  color: (index === gridView.currentIndex) ? "red" : "green"
                  MouseArea {
                      anchors.fill: parent
                      onClicked: gridView.currentIndex = index
                  Text {
                      anchors.centerIn: parent
                      text: modelData

      By pressing Add new items are added. When pressing Remove or Remove 2 items are removed again.

      The expected behavior would be that when the last item got removed both Remove and Remove 2 become disabled and the change of count (to 0), currentIndex (to -1) and currentItem (to null) is logged to the console.

      However currentIndex and currentItem don't signal their change and only Remove 2 gets disabled as it also binds to gridView.count.


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