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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-78202

QML ToolTip is closed unexpectedly



    • f4d5939ad613fda69aa750139ef929fac18b97ae (qt/qtquickcontrols2/5.14)


      QML ToolTip is closed unexpectedly if another QML Item with set attached ToolTip.text property is instantiated.


      Here in example green rectangle has ToolTip.visible property bound to mouseArea.containsMouse

      When Loader instantiates another item with ToolTip attached property, even if this another item has ToolTip.visible: false, something happens with bindings and shared instance of ToolTip is closed.


      import QtQuick 2.12
      import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
      import QtQuick.Window 2.12
      Window {
          visible: true
          width: 640
          height: 480
          title: qsTr("Hello World")
          Rectangle {
              color: "green"
              height: 100
              anchors {
                  top: parent.top
                  left: parent.left
                  right: parent.right
                  margins: 20
              MouseArea {
                  id: mouseArea
                  anchors.fill: parent
                  hoverEnabled: true
                  onClicked: loader.active = !loader.active
                  onContainsMouseChanged: console.log("Green hovered changed: " + containsMouse)
              Text {
                  anchors.centerIn: parent
                  text: "Click me!"
              ToolTip.text: "This tooltip should not disappear after click"
              ToolTip.visible: mouseArea.containsMouse
              ToolTip.onVisibleChanged: {
                  console.log("Green ToolTip.visible changed: " + ToolTip.visible)
                  if (ToolTip.visible !== mouseArea.containsMouse) {
          Rectangle {
              height: 100
              anchors {
                  verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                  left: parent.left
                  right: parent.right
                  margins: 20
              color: "blue"
              MouseArea {
                  anchors.fill: parent
                  hoverEnabled: true
                  ToolTip.text: "This tooltip doesn't matter"
                  ToolTip.visible: containsMouse
          Loader {
              id: loader
              active: false
              height: 100
              anchors {
                  bottom: parent.bottom
                  left: parent.left
                  right: parent.right
                  margins: 20
              sourceComponent: Rectangle {
                  color: "red"
                  ToolTip.text: "Oops"
                  ToolTip.visible: false
                  ToolTip.onVisibleChanged: console.log("Red ToolTip.visible changed: " + ToolTip.visible)
                  Text {
                      anchors.centerIn: parent
                      text: "Hi! I just closed your ToolTip for green rect :p"
          ToolTip.toolTip.onOpened: console.log("ToolTip opened with text: " + ToolTip.toolTip.text)
          ToolTip.toolTip.onClosed: console.log("ToolTip closed with text: " + ToolTip.toolTip.text)



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