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  1. Qt Automotive Suite
  2. AUTOSUITE-1148

NUC(pelux): default recording device points to empty in QAudioDeviceInfo



    • Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Not Evaluated
    • 5.13.1
    • 5.13
    • Device Images
    • None
    • Linux/Wayland


      For new Alexa use of microphone is required.

      QAudioDeviceInfo reports default device as empty with empty capabilities.

      Output of included sample app (also has binaries for pelux):


       root@localhost:~# /tmp/test-recording 
      PulseAudioService: pa_context_connect() failed
      QtMicrophoneWrapper available devices:
       device name: "default"
       supported codecs: ()
       supported byte orders: ()
       supported sample rates: ()
       supported channel counts: ()
       supported sample sizes: ()
       device name: "sysdefault:CARD=PCH"
       supported codecs: ("audio/pcm")
       supported byte orders: (LittleEndian, BigEndian)
       supported sample rates: (8000, 11025, 22050, 44100, 48000)
       supported channel counts: (1, 2)
       supported sample sizes: (8, 16, 32)
       device name: "front:CARD=PCH,DEV=0"
       supported codecs: ("audio/pcm")
       supported byte orders: (LittleEndian, BigEndian)
       supported sample rates: (8000, 11025, 22050, 44100, 48000)
       supported channel counts: (1, 2)
       supported sample sizes: (8, 16, 32)
       device name: ""
       supported codecs: ()
       supported byte orders: ()
       supported sample rates: ()
       supported channel counts: ()
       supported sample sizes: ()
      QtMicrophoneWrapper: selected device "front:CARD=PCH,DEV=0"
      QtMicrophoneWrapper: Requested format QAudioFormat(16000Hz, 16bit, channelCount=1, sampleType=SignedInt, byteOrder=LittleEndian, codec="audio/pcm")


      Same app on boot2qt:

      root@b2qt-intel-corei7-64:~# /tmp/test-recording 
      QtMicrophoneWrapper available devices:
           device name:  "default"
           supported codecs:  ("audio/pcm")
           supported byte orders:  (LittleEndian, BigEndian)
           supported sample rates:  (8000, 11025, 22050, 44100, 48000)
           supported channel counts:  (1, 2)
           supported sample sizes:  (8, 16, 32)
           device name:  "default:CARD=PCH"
           supported codecs:  ("audio/pcm")
           supported byte orders:  (LittleEndian, BigEndian)
           supported sample rates:  (8000, 11025, 22050, 44100, 48000)
           supported channel counts:  (1, 2)
           supported sample sizes:  (8, 16, 32)
           device name:  "sysdefault:CARD=PCH"
           supported codecs:  ("audio/pcm")
           supported byte orders:  (LittleEndian, BigEndian)
           supported sample rates:  (8000, 11025, 22050, 44100, 48000)
           supported channel counts:  (1, 2)
           supported sample sizes:  (8, 16, 32)
           device name:  "front:CARD=PCH,DEV=0"
           supported codecs:  ()
           supported byte orders:  ()
           supported sample rates:  ()
           supported channel counts:  ()
           supported sample sizes:  ()
      QtMicrophoneWrapper: selected device "sysdefault:CARD=PCH"
      QtMicrophoneWrapper: Requested format QAudioFormat(16000Hz, 16bit, channelCount=1, sampleType=SignedInt, byteOrder=LittleEndian, codec="audio/pcm")
      QtMicrophoneWrapper: Default format not supported, trying to use the nearest.
      QtMicrophoneWrapper: Nearest format QAudioFormat(48000Hz, 16bit, channelCount=2, sampleType=SignedInt, byteOrder=LittleEndian, codec="audio/pcm")



        1. test-recording.tar.gz
          283 kB
          Egor Nemtsev
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            n.z. Nikolay Zamotaev
            e.nemtsev Egor Nemtsev
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