- process (7699) crashed ***
> why: uncaught signal 6 (Abort trap)
> where: main thread, TID: -1, pthread ID: 0x11c490dc0
> Your binary is built in release mode. The following backtrace might be inaccurate.
> Please consider using a debug build for a more accurate backtrace.
> E.g. by running the binary using DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX=_debug
> C++ backtrace:
> QML backtrace:
0: expression for onWindowAboutToBeRemoved in file:///Users/egornemtsev/luxoft/build-neptune3-ui-Desktop_Qt_5_14_2_clang_64bit-Release/imports_system/system/models/application/ApplicationModel.qml:606
> the process will be aborted (core dumped)
18:20:27: The program has unexpectedly finished.