------- COIN API ENDPOINTS -------
GET /tasks
max: int # OPTIONAL, max count of responses to return. Default=100 (Maximum=1000)
repo: str/list[str] # OPTIONAL
branch: str/list[str] # OPTIONAL
type: str/list[str] # possible types [Integration, StatusCheck, EarlyWarning, CreateDebugVm, HealthCheck]
before: ISO 8601 datetime # OPTIONAL, Exclusive. Default=[current datetime]
after: ISO 8601 datetime # OPTIONAL, Inclusive. Default=[current datetime - 10days]
state: str/list[str] # OPTIONAL [Running, Passed, Failed, Cancelled, Insignificant]
more: bool # True if more results than the requested max count exist
next: str # OPTIONAL, URL-encoded query string to GET /tasks which auto-populates
'before' with the last returned task 'started_on' datetime. This effectively allows
iterative calling of the /tasks endpoint until one or less results are returned.
tasks: datetime-sorted list [
id: str # Unique Integration ID
repo: str # Repository targeted for this integration
branch: str # The branch that the task is operating on
type: str # possible types [Integration, StatusCheck, EarlyWarning, CreateDebugVm, HealthCheck]
started_on: ISO 8601 datetime datetime # Datetime the integration request was made
state: str # possible statuses [Running, Passed, Failed, Cancelled, Insignificant]
top_sha: str # OPTIONAL, present if type==integration. Sha COIN will place on top of
git history when integration merges
tested_shas: # list of tested shas (### Move to taskDetail only?)
self_url: str # The web UI url of this task, on the public testresults.qt.io/coin server if possible. Otherwise "coin/" intranet URL
is_public: bool # False if the change requires a user to be in TQTC Intranet to view.
GET /taskDetail
id: str # ID of the integration/status check to retrieve
Details about a single integration
id: str # Unique Integration ID (self)
state: str # possible statuses [Running, Passed, Failed, Cancelled, Insignificant]
verbose_status: str # OPTIONAL, present if COIN has additional detail about a non-pass status.
top_sha: str # OPTIONAL, present if type==integration. Sha COIN will place on top of git history when integration merges
tested_changes: # list[str/changeNumbers]
started_on: ISO 8601 datetime # Datetime the integration request was made
completed_on: ISO 8601 datetime # Datetime the integration finished/passed/failed/cancelled
type: str # possible types [Integration, StatusCheck, EarlyWarning, CreateDebugVm, HealthCheck]
work_items: list[str/WorkitemPath] # List of builds performed
GET /taskWorkItems
id: str # ID of the integration/status check to retrieve
type: str/list[str] # OPTIONAL, [Integration, StatusCheck, EarlyWarning, CreateDebugVm, HealthCheck]
work_items: list[WorkItemDetails] # List of work item objects.
GET /workItemDetails
build_key: str # Unique build key of the work item
WorkItemDetails object. See #WorkItemDetails
GET /taskTestedChanges
id: str # ID of the integration/status check to retrieve
Change, ... # List[Change] objects which were built/tested in the specified task.
------------- TYPES ---------------
# Provides information about a tested change in a task
sha: str # The sha of the change
repo: str # The repo in which the change exists
ref: str # The gerrit ref of the change, including patchset
subject: str # The Subject line of the commit message of the change
change_number: str # The numerical change number of the change
change_id: str # The fully-qualified change ID of the change
links: list[ChangeLinks] # A list of links relating to the change
# Provides useful links relating to a change in codereview
# Accessing some of these links may require authentication
web_url: str # The url of the change in the gerrit web UI
rest_url: str # The GET url of the change in the gerrit REST api.
see: https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#get-change
# Provides detailed information about a specific build or test run
task_action: str # possible types [build_only, build_and_test, dry_test_run]
build_key: str # longform unique identifier for this build
state: str # Possible states [waiting for hardware, running, done, error]
target_os: str # OS the build is targeting
target_os_version: str # Version of the target os
coin_features: list[str] # list of coin features for this build.
configure_arguments: list[str] # list of arguments passed to configure for this build
environment: list[str] # list of special environment variables for this build. Format "key=value"
started_on: datetime # Datetime this build was assigned an agent and began building
completed_on: datetime # Datetime this build was completed
storage_paths: BuildTestLinks # List of links to relevant files for this build
duration: int_s # duration this build ran for. Derivative, calculated from started_on and completed_on
# Path links to relevant build or test data
log_web: str # Path of log view on COIN/Testresults
log_raw: str # Path of the raw plaintext log in gzipped format
artifacts: str # OPTIONAL Path of the storage location for build logs and testreslts