Technical task
Resolution: Fixed
P2: Important
First I do a GET /tasks, and I get among others these three tasks in this order:
- nightly1679472131
- 1679472123
- 1679469983
Later I do GET /tasks, and I get after the task nightly1679472131 a bunch of new tasks that hadn't appeared before, like:
- 1679469458
- 1679469602
- 1679471838
- 1679472126
(you can check this is true by doing GET /tasks now).
These appear correctly after the nightly, because their started_on time is before the nightly and the tasks appear in reverse chronological order. But the question here is:
If these tasks started_on before the nightly, then why did they not appear in the first request?
The problem is that if new tasks appear in the middle of the tasks list, I might miss them completely. I must know up to what point I should check the tasks list.
Issue Links
- resulted in
QTQAINFRA-5292 Implement workaround for GET /tasks possibility of returning new unseen tasks in the middle of the list
- Closed