Resolution: Done
P3: Somewhat important
de5f162a70 (pyside/pyside-setup/dev) 4eb0c8147b (pyside/pyside-setup/6.3) 4eb0c8147b (pyside/pyside-setup/wip/6.3_pypy) 4eb0c8147b (pyside/tqtc-pyside-setup/6.3) de5f162a70 (pyside/tqtc-pyside-setup/dev), d9f3fb812 (dev), ceae763ac (6.6)
Similar to what's been reported in PYSIDE-220, this snippet:
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QCommonStyle, QStyle, QStyleFactory, QPushButton class Style(QCommonStyle): def drawControl(self, element, option, painter, widget=None): print(option) print(type(option)) print(option.text) app = QApplication([]) style = Style() w = QPushButton() w.setText("Hello World") w.setStyle(style) app.exec()
results in:
<PySide6.QtWidgets. at 0x7f96b7d50100> # huh, that __repr__ seems like another bug? <class 'PySide6.QtWidgets.QStyleOption'> Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/florian/proj/qutebrowser/git/", line 9, in drawControl print(option.text) AttributeError: 'PySide6.QtWidgets.QStyleOption' object has no attribute 'text'
but with PyQt6:
<PyQt6.QtWidgets.QStyleOptionButton object at 0x7ff0d24ce6c0>
<class 'PyQt6.QtWidgets.QStyleOptionButton'>
Hello World
I tried making it work by "casting" myself via:
option = shiboken6.wrapInstance(shiboken6.getCppPointer(option), QStyleOptionButton)
but that gives me:
NameError: Error evaluating `Shiboken.wrapInstance`: name 'Shiboken' is not defined
which I have no idea how to interpret (I didn't use capitalized Shiboken at all?!). Will report this separately, however.
As noted in PYSIDE-220, in C++ there would be qstyleoption_cast for this (docs), but I'd expect PySide to give me the properly cast object directly.