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  1. Qt for Python
  2. PYSIDE-1981

Ui files from QtDesigner not working if i use snake_case and true_property



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Not Evaluated
    • 6.4.2
    • 6.3.1
    • PySide
    • None
    • windows 10/11 python 3.8/3.10 pyside6 6.2/6.3
    • Windows


      In short if i use snake_case and true_property in pyDBManager.py i get this error:

      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\PyWare\pyDBManager\Bug\pyDBManager.py", line 161, in <module>
      window = MainWindow()
      File "C:\PyWare\pyDBManager\Bug\pyDBManager.py", line 56, in _init_
      File "C:\PyWare\pyDBManager\Bug\DBManagerMainWindowBad.py", line 132, in setupUi
      self.gridLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
      AttributeError: 'PySide6.QtWidgets.QGridLayout' object has no attribute 'setContentsMargins'. Did you mean: 'getContentsMargins'?


      I attached 7 files:

      DBManagerMainWindowGood.ui created with QtDesigner

      DBManagerMainWindowBad.ui same file with some extra widgets

      DBManagerMainWindowGood.py and DBManagerMainWindowBad.py are generated from pyside6-uic using the batch file.

      PyDBManager.py has an optional import line:

      #from DBManagerMainWindowGood import Ui_DBManagerMainWindow
      from DBManagerMainWindowBad import Ui_DBManagerMainWindow

      When i import the DBManagerMainWindowBad.py file i get the error shown. If i use the DBManagerMainWindowGood.py everithing works.

      BUT if i use the PyDBManagerB.py script both import works correctly. The only difference is that the PyDBManagerB.py is not using snake_case and true_property.


        1. pyside1981.zip
          2 kB
          Friedemann Kleint
        2. pyDBManagerB.py
          7 kB
          Paolo De Stefani
        3. pyDBManager.py
          7 kB
          Paolo De Stefani
        4. makeall.bat
          0.2 kB
          Paolo De Stefani
        5. DBManagerMainWindowGood.ui
          8 kB
          Paolo De Stefani
        6. DBManagerMainWindowGood.py
          13 kB
          Paolo De Stefani
        7. DBManagerMainWindowBad.ui
          10 kB
          Paolo De Stefani
        8. DBManagerMainWindowBad.py
          16 kB
          Paolo De Stefani
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            crmaurei Cristian Maureira-Fredes
            xpaolo Paolo De Stefani
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