examples/scriptableapplication crashes on RHEL 7.9 with FIPS enabled, but does not crash on an identical RHEL 7.9 machine without FIPS enabled. The crash occurs here:
(gdb) bt #0 PyObject_SetAttrString (v=0x0, name=0x7ffff7ec1120 "Enum", w=0x0) at Objects/object.c:818 #1 0x00007ffff7e992cf in _init_enum () at /home/jp/Qt/pyside-setup-Qt-6.4.2-linux-g++-64-python39-pydebug-debug/sources /shiboken6/libshiboken/sbkenum.cpp:381
The problem is the import of "shiboken6.Shiboken" returns a null ptr, leading to the crash.
This crash does not occur when using Qt 6.2.4.
The crash appears identical to the crash in Bug PYSIDE-2218, making it possibly related.
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
PYSIDE-2218 Segfault on import
- Closed